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News / Re: No More Twinkies?
« on: November 17, 2012, 08:23:41 PM »
Buy stock in McKee Foods.

That is easier said then done, their not on the market.

BF 1942 / Re: [b]Must Read[/b]
« on: November 11, 2012, 06:56:56 PM »
What is this? There's no file at that link.

I see it,  Their (foxes) bunker.

General / Re: Are You A Psychopath?
« on: November 10, 2012, 04:57:13 PM »
Your Psychopath Challenge score is low 7 out of a possible 33

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: November 10, 2012, 04:44:39 PM »
Well, you misinterpreted that pretty good.

I didn't say "what free stuff is Romney going to give you because i'm a socialist."

I'm simply asking, in what way does Romney's "great plan for the future" come to benefit you at all? How will Romney's policies help you, or do they offer anything for you and your family? The point I was trying to make is that his vague plan of action to fix America seems to benefit mainly rich business men, not everyday middle class Americans, so why are you interested in electing him? Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but I want to make my point clear because you really took the ball and ran with it in the complete opposite direction I was going for with this.

Quoting democrats now, are we?

So where did I mention religion at all in my post?

So where did I mention religion at all in my post?
I'm glad we didn't end up with the stormin mormon as a president

Quoting democrats now, are we?
Sure why not, its the words and meaning I am quoting, not the political party.

And for the rest of it... I never said one word who I voted for. In any case, you typed what you did (you can try to reword it all you want), in my opinion from your own words you are a socialist, again this is only "my" opinion, as this point.

BO making it back to the WH should make things really interesting in the coming months... Even more so that half the most powerful people at his side are bailing out on him and their country.

Time will tell if 50%+ of the country was correct (I just wish I could remove the 10% that weren't true citizens that voted)...

Race & Ethnicity...      
Black... Obama: 93% (talk about discrimination, toward "whites")   
Hispanic... Obama: 71%      
Asian... Obama: 73%

18-29... Obama: 60%

No college degree... Obama: 51%

Under $30,000... Obama: 63%
$30,000 - $49,999... Obama: 57%

Size of Place...
Big cities... Obama: 69%
Mid-sized cities... Obama: 58%

Liberal... Obama: 86%
Moderate... Obama: 56%

Unmarried... Obama: 62%

Do You Think the Nation’s Economy Is...
Excellent or good... Obama: 90%  (this one I just have to say, are you kidding me?)

Are You Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual...?
Yes... Obama: 76%

Obama’s Job Performance...
Approve... Obama: 89% (ok this one too... Must be because of those "Fat" Bankers that were bailed out, sure can't be because of anything else, because this Economy sucks and if you don't see that, well mommy and daddy are taking way to much care of you).

So in closing... BO was re elected by Inner city, minority, gay, unmarried, uneducated, baby killing, living at home, part time workers at McDonald's, socialist, that have no clue because they are getting stoned, government owes me, free loading pieces of shit that wont do this country a damn world of good... In short, 30 and younger because their parents were to afraid to give them a kick in the ass every once in awhile because they could go to jail for child abuse.

Again... Good luck finding that job to pay those loans off. I heard Solyndra was hiring, oh wait, my mistake, they aren't... Just look to see where all those solar panels came from on government buildings, I am sure they are hiring, but you will have to move to China.

I am sure you will reply and I understand, but I am done with this subject.

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: November 07, 2012, 05:41:17 PM »
On tv its just a show.

On one side you've got:

Then on the other side you've got Obama going round giving free pizzas to victims of Sandy.

Free pizzas, cool... The boxes should work out just fine for warmth.

It isn't the job of the government (or BO from his own pocket) to take care of people of time of need that the "government" had nothing to do with, its the communities job. Before the late 1970s, that is how it was done and it worked just fine, communities, churches and so on took care of their own when bad things happened.

I had a flood here this summer... I have 10ac and 7 of it was under water, I didn't ask for help fixing/picking up the mess, it was my family and I with my back neighbor that took care of it, no insurance help, no FEMA help... BUT my next door neighbor (1/4 mile away), waited on FEMA, filled out the apps just to wait 2 weeks to hear "sorry can't help you". We offered to get her up and running as soon as the rain stopped (she was down stream from me, worse then what I was dealing with), but she said "I deserve help from FEMA", that help she "deserved" never came, we did.

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: November 07, 2012, 03:11:02 PM »
I still don't understand what you think Romney could have offered you that would have given you a leg up, would you care to share what that would be?

Not that it really matters I guess since he lost.

"Romney could have offered you that would have given you a leg up"

I think can reply to this for him (because I truly believe he wont reply to you)... He is not looking for a "Leg Up", I would bet that Manowar believes no "leg up" should be given by the government, work for what you need or want.

In other words Wasser, you are a socialist (if for any reason, just by your quote to him above).

Some words to live by,

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
...but I would think it's to late for you and most other younger folks to follow such a simple sentence.

Look at the exit polls... Romney lost because just over half of this population "Wants free stuff" and Romney made it perfectly clear that the free stuff would end if he went to the WH.

So much more I would like to say on this but, no way to make anyone hear another point of view on politics when they are set in their own views. Politics and religion, no winner in a conversation.. . You hit both in 1 post. Good luck finding that job to live on and pay those "student loans" off.

Yeah, Roseanne Barr 2012!! I laughed my ass off when I saw her name on the Ballot.

I'm glad we didn't end up with the stormin mormon as a president, here's to hoping that the next 4 years see a stabilized economy and more green energy jobs. Graduating is a little over a month away for me, and i'm definitely worrying about repayment on those federal loans I took out for school.

Were Roshan and I the only ones who voted for Obama?

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: November 07, 2012, 05:10:02 AM »
Don't worry, in the next few months the House is going to make BO wish he moved out.

General / Re: Happy Birthday Wasserfaller
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:48:35 PM »
Happy birthday.

Media / Re: U.S. Ambassador killed?
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:12:17 PM »
EDIT... It was requested of me to remove all info I have given to this subject.

Media / Re: U.S. Ambassador killed?
« on: October 24, 2012, 07:11:56 AM »
More info on the way... I was told I would hear some news today because of the leak e-mails on the day of the attack (before, during and after the attack). The bit I have so far is even hard for me to believe... I'll post as soon as I know more info "today".

EDIT... It was requested of me to remove all info I have given to this subject.

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: October 19, 2012, 07:06:12 AM »
All I got out of that page is that every graph/table was saying each candidate is 50% + or - 2%.
That's because you haven't been following polls. Just a bit more then a month or so ago, BO was up in the polls so much it "was said" it was pointless for MR to keep going on.

News / Re: Election 2012
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:24:19 PM »

Media / Re: U.S. Ambassador killed?
« on: October 17, 2012, 04:01:38 PM »
EDIT... It was requested of me to remove all info I have given to this subject.

General / Re: Happy Birthday Dune Surfer
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:22:02 PM »
Happy Birthday... Dude you still with us?

General / Re: Happy Birthday Malbert
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:43:16 AM »
happy birthday

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