*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => Flame => Topic started by: shooter04 on July 06, 2005, 09:48:37 PM

Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 06, 2005, 09:48:37 PM
GWAR has consistantly made posts that have been insulting, rude, offensive, and CRAP!  case in point:

- Beetlejuice is a crying bitch
  *MAFIA* GWAR 3:16

- half of the [DOA] suspends my posting rights (  1 2 )
                   *MAFIA* Beetlejuice

- gameplay

simply read the first two or experience the third for yourself and you will see what i mean.  i encourage you to.  his reputation is pretty low.  he is extremely defensive with a short fuse.  every post is angry.  how can he insult and offend MAFIA members and get away with it?  Bonehead, DO SOMETHING!  he hasn't even made that many posts!  the posts he has made have been... well... see for yourself.

Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 06, 2005, 09:49:44 PM
i hope i am not offending any1, because i intend not to, but feel there needs to be change!
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Carnage on July 06, 2005, 10:13:52 PM
Press the damn edit button!
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 06, 2005, 11:06:59 PM
Carnage, i have only said the truth.  ask beetlejuice or tolerbone.  in fact, go to the DOA thread and see what i am talking about
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Carnage on July 07, 2005, 02:05:25 AM
Ok, give me the link.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2005, 04:30:03 AM
Quote from: shooter04
i hope i am not offending any1, because i intend not to, but feel there needs to be change!

Good luck after your post. When it is seen by the right people you ass is going to hurt BAD. To start I would change your game name because there are going to be few MAFIA that are going to own your ass all over the server.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on July 07, 2005, 11:02:12 AM
Here are the threads he is talking about.  To those of us who come here on a frequent basis, they are old news.  But I guess to the new guys its something fun to read.







Bonehead and I have talked about the matter on Ventrilo and its been resolved.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2005, 12:43:43 PM
Then why place the thread links beetle and start more shit?
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Ins4n3 on July 07, 2005, 12:53:50 PM
Want me to ban him paw paw?
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2005, 01:57:22 PM
Ban everyone, but You and I... Then when Bone comes back he can let them back in.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on July 07, 2005, 02:37:23 PM
Carnage asked for the links so I hooked him up.  I won't start anything, its over.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2005, 03:15:30 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
Carnage asked for the links so I hooked him up.  I won't start anything, its over.

It looked to me he was asking for the links on DOA, not here.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 07, 2005, 04:12:32 PM
the DOA thing is just a thread.  a few might want to own me.  however, i know that some MAFIA agree with me.  did you see what Tolerbone wrote on the end of the DOA thread?
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2005, 04:37:38 PM
Quote from: shooter04
the DOA thing is just a thread.  a few might want to own me.  however, i know that some MAFIA agree with me.  did you see what Tolerbone wrote on the end of the DOA thread?

No I didn't go to the tread, different place then here... I really don't give a fuck what is said over there.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 07, 2005, 04:40:23 PM
if you don't know the facts, then how can you judge my comment?
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2005, 05:01:47 PM
Quote from: shooter04
if you don't know the facts, then how can you judge my comment?

My point is this... It is not here so I don't care.

Also when did I judge your comment? I didn't.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 07, 2005, 06:29:55 PM
why do you not care what is said on your website.

i interpreted your first comment as a threat, expressing your own feelings about my flame about GWAR.  i guess i misinterpreted and appologize.  

however, GWAR has been causing trouble with MAFIA members.  so how can you guys allow it?  on the game, u kick ppl for tking MAFIA members, so how is this any different?
Title: No Problems here
Post by: Rat on July 07, 2005, 06:53:18 PM
Was on 1.61 tonight with Gwar and had a blast. Was killed alot but it was all good.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2005, 07:02:01 PM
Quote from: shooter04
why do you not care what is said on your website.

i interpreted your first comment as a threat, expressing your own feelings about my flame about GWAR.  i guess i misinterpreted and appologize.  

however, GWAR has been causing trouble with MAFIA members.  so how can you guys allow it?  on the game, u kick ppl for tking MAFIA members, so how is this any different?

OMG what are you missing here... LOOK AGIAN. I do not care what is said on OTHER web sites, I never said this web site.

Also coming just from me... STFU about GWAR he is a member here and you are NOT. SO before I would ever be on your side no matter what I would be on GWARs side, even if he was talking about me.

EDIT... By the way, don't let me see you EVER using the MAFIA tag without being a member. *MAFIA* OwN_YoU
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: *MAFIA* Phantom on July 08, 2005, 12:43:51 AM
I want to be just like you when I grow up paw paw. I love you (not in a sexual way tho..ok maybe a little sexually)
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: *MAFIA* masebot1 on July 08, 2005, 08:46:07 AM
Shooter you newblet. wolves are smarter than. We should just CLOSED this thread for the love of loaded before he gets pissed off. At you or maybe me. :) ANYTHING FOR THE masters.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Swifty on July 08, 2005, 11:21:17 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Loaded
Good luck after your post. When it is seen by the right people you ass is going to hurt BAD. To start I would change your game name because there are going to be few MAFIA that are going to own your ass all over the server.

Listen up "pawpaw" I have been here long enough to know when bullshit should not go on any longer?  What difference does it make if a non-member brings it to our attension?  Gwar is a fucking idiot its fact not just some insult.  Noone is going to own him for saying shit because quite honestly I dont think to many people give a shit about Gwar with his highly negitive and inactive attitude.  So I definatly dont think he would have to worry about that and I think you need to take a fucking chill pill and not talk down to pubbers who could be future members?  He is brining a problem to our attension.  If your idea was applied in everyday life, if somone accused a police man of doing somthing illegal the accuser would be punished for bringing a problem to the police's attension?  But noooo just because hes a member he can do no wrong through his job.  Life doesnt work like that and neither should mafia.  And members sure as hell arent exempt from the rules (I know personally).  Ive never seen this kind of utter intolerance for other members and other people and it shouldnt have to be delt with by me, bone, yourself paw paw or beatle or anyone else gwar chooses to talk shit about.  Read through the threads beatle posted and then come here and tell the kid (Or slight chance adult) hes wrong about GWAR.  We all know it but noone says it.  And the short fuse statment is the best way Ive ever heard it put.  So Paw paw you must learn to take the take sugestions seriously because if  we did'nt revise some we would have no members (Thank god for uber clan leader bonehead).  So why shouldnt we even look into somones accusations.  No harm done if we did, especially when they are this trueor completely untrue.  And I definatly wouldnt think I would see a post as utterly stupid comming from an admin less a responsible adult with a family.  

Quote from: *MAFIA* Loaded
Also coming just from me... STFU about GWAR he is a member here and you are NOT. SO before I would ever be on your side no matter what I would be on GWARs side, even if he was talking about me.

Well I am a member and I say Gwar's a dick! Im sure a few people would agree with me and just because hes a member doesnt place him abone anyone else loaded.  If that was the case we wouldnt have a few members such as Brick who came to us after the whole [UG] ordeal.  Hell would we have any members if the publics opinions meant jack shit.  This isnt the same thing as some fucking idiot posting a flame about us hackers but when the public who play on our server complain about somthing it should atleast be read and not met with threats.

Also I Just noticed the guys name is shooter I hope its not the one from Tiny tots but even if it is his complaints have some bearing.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: MeZmoriZe on July 08, 2005, 11:23:49 AM
OH SNAP!  Did he just talk back to Paw Paw?!  Someone is about to get owned!
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Carnage on July 08, 2005, 12:09:04 PM
I have to agree with Swifty, just because Gwar is a mafia doesn't mean he can do eveything...
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Ins4n3 on July 08, 2005, 12:15:29 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Swifty
So Paw paw you must learn to take the take sugestions seriously because if  we did'nt revise some we would have no members (Thank god for uber clan leader bonehead).  


I handle all the new members....

Hell I handle all the current members for that matter...

Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Swifty on July 08, 2005, 01:47:58 PM
Quote from: Death.Wish
OH SNAP!  Did he just talk back to Paw Paw?!  Someone is about to get owned!

Sure as hell wont be me.  Considering pawpaw is never on vent to never know what goes on I dont know how he has such an upstanding reputation, heck even I like him and I dont talk to him.  But that post was lame.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Swifty on July 08, 2005, 01:48:53 PM
And this is not a flame so put it in the correct forum this is a reasonable complaint not a flame.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Loaded on July 08, 2005, 03:32:30 PM
Swifty I am not going to start with you, I am just letting you know I have seen your post.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 08, 2005, 03:58:19 PM
first of all, thank you to Swifty for his comment.  i couldn't agree with you more and it is good to have someone of influence on my side.  you made a very good point using the police example.  LA WOULD GET OFF SCOT FREE, I TELLS YA!  thanks to Carnage as well.  perhaps we can get a change.  and, Loaded, i hope that you do read those links, SINCE THEY ARE ON YOUR SITE.  

hopefully Bonehead will come back and chime in with his opinions.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Swifty on July 08, 2005, 06:48:09 PM
By the way I dont have anything personally against you! We all love paw paw!
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 08, 2005, 09:11:35 PM
Swifty, how does one move this thread to the Members forum?  i dont know if i can, but i am sure that one of you can.  

again, sry to here about your leaving MAFIA, Loaded.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Swifty on July 08, 2005, 09:36:55 PM
You cant and its fine here.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: shooter04 on July 09, 2005, 04:00:50 PM
when does Bonehead get back so he can clear all this up for us?  i'm obviously not the only one that has a problem with GWAR.  Swifty, Carnage, Tolerbone, Beetle... how many more are needed?  the time for action is SOON!
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on July 09, 2005, 05:58:13 PM
Dude stop calling for action, you've said it once, thats enough...
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Swifty on July 09, 2005, 06:38:56 PM
Im with Beetle on that one
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on July 12, 2005, 11:19:44 PM
If mafia members have problems with others members they know they can contact me for a painless bullshit free fix if a pubber has a grip about a member I do listen and have fixed many problems before if mafia members contact me and ask for action I will do so but I will not punish/go after a mafia member from one pubber complaint even thou I do listen and will keep this in my memory and act if needed thanks for your complaint and it will be looked into.
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Swifty on July 19, 2005, 03:51:55 PM
Sieg HeiL!
Title: GWAR needs an attitude adjustment!
Post by: Ins4n3 on July 20, 2005, 12:45:41 AM
Don't make me cock slap you Swifty.