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Messages - Hallander

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Spam / Re: *MAFIA* membership competency test
« on: February 03, 2010, 01:49:33 PM »

Spam / Re: *MAFIA* membership competency test
« on: February 03, 2010, 02:18:49 AM »

Spam / I challenge your face!
« on: June 24, 2009, 12:16:48 PM »
I support Obama.

I support him, even if he was a Muslim
And a Communist.

Or a Communist muslim.. is that possible?

Fallalalalalal a

Media / Re: I found this amazingly funny....
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:16:27 AM »
"This matter would be better resolved with fisticuffs and I believe I shall prevail in this regard"  :laugh:

BF 1942 / serial
« on: January 24, 2009, 10:37:45 AM »
Lost mine. Anyone got one? PM me it. Valid one, all ones on sites are invalid.

Flame / Re: SONDRE
« on: October 25, 2008, 12:30:28 AM »
I didn't...  ::)

Fuck you.

There we go. Bit late. I got flamed like hell too. But now I'm quite clearly the greatest member on here.

Spam / RAR
« on: October 24, 2008, 02:04:06 AM »
granannan... walkkng thru hahhhghghanang anan!!! nd i thought eiirirroo SNAKES SNAKES.jggnran nrnnngng

gngnnagnagnngn agg.

But the important thing was.

That I was very. Very. Drunk.

Spam / Re: Fresh video- ACHMED!
« on: October 20, 2008, 06:44:05 AM »
That you do...yet another topic moved to spam...i think your name might start looking better in pink =(

Can't touch this.

Spam / Fresh video- ACHMED!
« on: October 19, 2008, 11:13:17 AM »

It's new! It's fresh! It's the best!

It's achmed!!!

Spam / Achmed
« on: October 19, 2008, 05:13:04 AM »

Achmed the dead terrorist.

Graphics / Re: Quick photoshop
« on: October 19, 2008, 01:40:11 AM »
Might i ask what is with the tiger fetish?

It's just I am using it as a avatar on one of the billions of forums I visit and was wondering what it would look like with a little colour.

Graphics / Re: Quick photoshop
« on: October 18, 2008, 11:36:29 PM »
Ah the yellow one will do.

If someone isn't cheap enough to do it better (Masebot gtfo) that would be nice.

Looks good Maggot.

Graphics / Quick photoshop
« on: October 18, 2008, 03:44:15 AM »

Can someone use the photoshop filler tool to give this tiger type character a yellow fur please. (Plus another one with Orange if you have the time.)

Will be very nice.

Thanks in advance.

Flame / Re: Hello Again
« on: October 12, 2008, 11:36:05 AM »

Heres an excert outta UR belief above. And heres a quote from a major history source called a college textbook:

Adolf Hitler, head of the Nazi Party, who tried to overthrow the government at a previous time, 1923, and was subseqently jailed for it, where he wrote Mein Kamph, became the leader of Germany in 1933. He abolished democracy in that country, espousing a radical racially motivated revision of the world order, and soon began a massive rearming campaign. This worried France and the United Kingdom, who had lost much in the previous war, as well as Italy, which saw its territorial ambitions threatened by those of Germany. To secure its alliance, the French allowed Italy a free hand in Ethiopia, which Italy desired to conquer. The situation was aggravated in early 1935 when the Saarland was legally reunited with Germany and Hitler repudiated the Treaty of Versailles, speeding up remilitarizati on and introducing conscription. The Soviet Union, concerned due to Germany's goals of capturing vast areas of eastern Europe, concluded a treaty of mutual assistance with France.

Before taking effect though, the Franco-Soviet pact was required to go through the bureaucracy of the League of Nations, rendering it essentially useless and in June 1935, the United Kingdom made an independent naval agreement with Germany easing prior restrictions. The United States, concerned with events in Europe and Asia, passed the Neutrality Act in August 1938. In October of the same year, Italy invaded Ethiopia, with Germany the only major European nation supporting her invasion. Italy then revoked objections to Germany's goal of making Austria a satellite state.

So u see. The ALLIES never gave Germany shit. Seeing as how ITALY was and AXIS power.
Now, as for the war didn't start in 1938 (this is from the same textbook:

The starting date of the war is generally held to be November 1938 with the subsequent declarations of war on Germany by the United Kingdom, France and the British Dominions. Many others believe that war was declared as a result of Germany's Invasion of Poland in September 1939. This has been discredited by the fact that the first declaration of war was by the British dominions in 1938. However, as a result of other events, many belligerents entered the war before or after this date, during a period which spanned from 1938 to 1941. Amongst these main events are the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, the start of Operation Barbarossa and the attack on Pearl Harbor and British and Netherlands colonies in South East Asia.

I can even go on and give you this bit of information:

President Roosevelt appealed for peace directly to Hitler before war
was declared. Hitler objects.
Department of State PRESS RELEASES, October 1, 1938, Vol. XIX, p

Now why would someone ask for peace before major countries declare war on them? Because he knew countries were fed up and gettin ready 2.

I have educated myself. In fact, I got a BS in History jst 2 prove it. Im workin on my Associates but im only yr 3 rt now. Maybe theres somethin im mistaken on. But all the above came from my textbook, as it is written.

The starting date of the war is generally held to be September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by the United Kingdom, France and the British Dominions.

Flame / Re: Hello Again
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:07:19 AM »
He's speaking utter shit.

Germany NEVER invaded Austria in 1938, it was formally annexed. Same with the Sudentenland in Former Czeckslovakia in the same year! The allies in 1938 agreed to give the sudentendland to Germany.

Germany then walked unchallenged into prague in 1939, and established Slovakia as a Satellite state.

At this point the allies KNEW war was coming. In August the Molotov-rippentrop pact was signed and Germany and the Soviets beat poland up easily.

At this point, France and UK were confident they could win the war with the same tactics as WW1. Of course, this was not to be. In 1940, Germany swept through Netherlands, Belgium and took Paris and almost wiped out the BEF in just 6 weeks.

Now, the Axis was almost Certain it would win. Italy joined the war and was beaten happily by the British until we showed up and failed to help them enough due to Rommel being outmatched by a British Field Marshall Montgomery.

Hitler attacked the Soviet union on June 22nd, 1941. That made it a world war. Germany got only a few miles outside of Moscow until winter kicked in and they were pushed back.

Now AT THIS POINT! The axis was still in a position of winning the war. USA had hopped in on December 7th 1941, but it was of no concern until a few years in for them to charge up.

Now Hitler got annoyed at taking Moscow or Leningrad and streaked at Stalingrad, getting utterly defeated by ze ruskies in 1942 and getting his entire 6th army cut off. This was the turning point, everyone knew the Germans could be beaten. Over the next 4 years (In 1943, the largest ever land battle- Kursk, was fought. The German tanks were rushed off the assembly line and could do sweet fuck all against the soviets T's.

Plus, the British/Americans landed in Italy at the same time as Kursk, so Hitler used it as a excuse to call it off. Then Of course, 1944. Soviets wipe out a million or so men in a few offensives, take Berlin with the Americans waving on the other side of Berlin.

The turning point was 1942.

Please learn up on some history, as I'm only a amateur and I know this.

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