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Messages - Deus

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Media / I AM INS4N3'S BITCH!
« on: July 17, 2005, 12:13:37 AM »
Two words...fuckin g Photoshop.

What the hell'd you take that with, one of those Crackerjack box cameras? Definitely not Canon material! Fuck Nikon for life!

Graphics / He's Hot
« on: July 01, 2005, 11:20:45 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Killed U Wit A
what if it stay there? he'll have a ferret in his colon. then what???

You name the furry little animal "Lemmiwinks", write a song about it, and make it the funniest fucking skit ever devised.

BF 1942 / I dont mean to sound cocky....
« on: June 30, 2005, 09:03:02 PM »
Quote from: -=USAF=- sgt. Bluedevil
Well, You might not think USAF is any good but you know ill PWN your ass, i PWNED your ass many times before and after MAFIA. I only "bashed" on Kraut because hes getting a lil big headed. Respect to all *MAFIA* .............. .............. but u know it

Can't spell cocky without cock.

BF 1942 / I dont mean to sound cocky....
« on: June 29, 2005, 10:28:00 PM »
Quote from: -=USAF=- sgt. Bluedevil
Well, You might not think USAF is any good but you know ill PWN your ass, i PWNED your ass many times before and after MAFIA. I only "bashed" on Kraut because hes getting a lil big headed. Respect to all *MAFIA* .............. .............. but u know it

You're a disgrace to the USAF name. I'd take that tag off.

General / The little ATI that could
« on: June 23, 2005, 09:25:41 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
No, its not a waste, Bone just thinks anything he wouldn't pay for is a waste. Should have gotten the 7800 GTX instead of that ATI garbage tho. And pc2700? Thats so old school. The sad part is its Intel, I feel bad for you, really I do. Wasting all that money for an Intel, you poor misguided soul.

PC2700 just happens to be what I have at the moment, yes it is old school. It's not something that can't be upgraded with the new board. ATI and garbage is an oxymoron, NVidia sucks the proverbial cock. :D But I will admit that Intel bows down to AMD. The only reason I'm going Intel is because I'm much more familiar with the technology. I'd hate to fry a $3-400 chip because I have no idea what I'm doing. That won't happen with Intel. Plus, I've had my P4 2.66GHz Socket 478 for 2 years and it's done me wonderfully. ATI has never given me a problem, but every NVidia-based system I've worked with has bugged out on me. ATI is better for graphics-based work as well, which is also what I use my PC for.

General / The little ATI that could
« on: June 23, 2005, 08:14:26 PM »
Whatcha guys think of my BF2 machine-in-progress?

I have everything for it except the power supply and chip. It's a sick little piece of work.

Spam / Yahoo is spamming the hell out of me!
« on: June 22, 2005, 08:56:53 PM »
Quote from: masebot1
AAA crap viruse lots of them ahhh need to run all my tracers

The best virus scanner is an old dos based one. Just open up the command prompt and type in "Format C:"

That should solve your virus problem for a little while.

Flame / ExploitedNoobs.com
« on: June 17, 2005, 09:59:56 PM »
*Sigh* And here we go again.

     To the douchebag with the makeshift pre-pubescent designed website:  Alright you goddamned fucktard. "Security Clearance" means absolutely nothing to me. You could be the goddamn President, or some fuck at the local newspaper with a magnetic badge. The McDonalds comment at the end leads me to believe you're a sad 16-19 year old kid with a job at a McDonalds and/or local fast food competitor, possibly in the "management" sector (go shift leader!). Don't tell me about your "job" if you spend most of your time browsing the internet looking for people who cheat in games. Just take a step back and look at that from and normal person's POV.

     I don't need your blessings to cheat, or play my game. If I didn't want to cheat, I wouldn't play on the MAFIA server. (ON THAT NOTE, HERE'S A PINCH OF LOGIC FOR YOU FUCKTARDS. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE SENSELESSLY, DON'T PLAY ON THE SERVER! IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE!)

     What I also happen to find amusing is the fact that you say you don't "have the time" to fix the "rough edges" on your front page, and also the fact that you knew we found it funny.

1. I didn't so much as let out a giggle
2. You sat there and told me you had all the time in the world to play around on the internet. I call that one of two things: either unemployed, or working the most asinine piece of shit position available.
3. They're far more than just rough edges...

    So unless you find someway to repeatedly uncontradict yourself (I had to make that one up because there's no term available; wouldn't matter either way, half the flamers here can't speak or type fluent English) just stop here, go find a job, and stay off my fucking server. Have a nice day :)

Nemesis:     I refuse to insult anyone who served in the armed forces. The fact you went AWOL makes me giggle a little, but that's not for me to frown upon. I will however call you a goddamned jarhead and leave it at that.

BF 2 / BF2 demo Tweak Guide…
« on: June 16, 2005, 09:25:46 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
Kill yourself first, and then maybe we will tell you. Or if you took 2 seconds to look maybe you could find it yourself.

I've got some major nigger-box (new term for my PC) upgrades to perform before I can even so much as attempt to play BF2. New chipset for AGP support (laugh all you want!), new video card with AGP interface and more RAM (Leaning towards 6800 GT OC or ATI Radeon 9800 Pro/X800? Let me know if there's something cheaper or better.) For a MoBo I'm leaning on the Abit ATX Motherboard 800/533MHz (Socket 775) setup, which has plenty of PCI slots (one thing I REALLY need now) and an AGP 8x slot. I'd love to go AMD 64-bit, but I just don't have that kind of money right now. I'm sticking with my pitiful Intel 2.66GHz

Graphics / For missa
« on: June 16, 2005, 09:20:27 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
It took 6 weeks to create this work and it was made for missa with missa in mind :)
 freehand then scaned.
 Missa embraces:

That girl is bangin! Nice work daddy, major props.

Flame / Spawn exp pack
« on: June 16, 2005, 12:36:45 AM »
You get an official Deus "Hell YEAH" for the FFVII: Advent Children avatar and sig. Hell YEAH...

Media / Re: -=tt=- Crumpets picture
« on: June 15, 2005, 09:15:32 AM »
You know what though? If I ever had to imagine what that little fucker looked like, that would be about as close as I could come. It reminds me of a cross between and ugly Irishman and Michael Jackson.

Flame / ExploitedNoobs.com
« on: June 14, 2005, 09:03:37 PM »
Quote from: masebot1
K to much Info for the wolf. don't want to see no human penis shooting semon out or male wolf penis ill. Gross hopefuly your not gay.

No, no, no my kind wolf. I just wanted to show how easy it is to get him on his knees.

Flame / ExploitedNoobs.com
« on: June 14, 2005, 12:26:16 AM »
Quote from: Unregistered
Look Mafia Members, this penis loves you guys so much he cared to pose for a picture with his shirt off for you!

When I was a kid and I had a crush on them, I'd tease them too.....

He loves you all.

I'll gladly take my pants off and get a picture of my dick in your mouth too :)

Flame / ExploitedNoobs.com
« on: June 13, 2005, 12:46:00 AM »
No, the entire community does know who MAFIA is because they fucking hate us. Now I only get maybe a few hours a week to play BF and post in this forum, because I and everyone else here WORKS for a living. You should try it sometime. Comebacks were NOT shut down because you're a fucking asshat with absolutely no credit here or anywhere else.

You spend all of your time on a profitless site, browsing forums, and making posts to a crowd that just doesn't want to listen.

Congratulation s, you're like a black man running for president.


And again, will you get a goddamn job, get some money, and go buy a graphics program for the sake of everyone online? As wonderful as your MS Paint and Notepad work is, it just isn't cutting it. I love the glowing text effect...must have taken hours.

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