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Author Topic: It is time.  (Read 29354 times)

Elliott Smith

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It is time.
« Reply #60 on: May 13, 2005, 12:28:48 PM »

Quote from: '[DOA
Yukk']wow ur IQ is 156???
im smarter than you hhahahahahhaha ha

my IQ is 162 hahhahahahahha hahahaha


You've taken from me my only glory.  Damn.

And by the way, IQ means different things based on the test you take.  100 is average, and 70 is retarded, yes.  But gifted, genius and high genius are variable.  6 points is a highly negligible difference.  But cream your pants if you want - it's more a compliment than an insult.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
I highly doubt that. Oh and those bullshit internet IQ tests don't count.

Yeah, I took the eMode IQ test, and I aced it.  My IQ was purported to be 142.  I know that's not the highest, so I know that test is bogus.  But for the record, I was tested by a psychiatrist and by MENSA as well.  That's where I get 156 from.  IQ tests are kind of b.s. anyhow.  All they measure is potential, when potential doesn't mean shit.  Performance is the real way to measure someone's value in the workplace, school, etc.  I could be the smartest guy in the world, but if I'm not doing anything with my brain, I am as good as retarded.  So, I shouldn't have even brought up IQ, but it carries a little weight - so I did.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 12:35:39 PM by Elliott Smith »


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« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2005, 01:51:06 PM »

My IQ is 2, so there... By the way, I tested myself, but I didn't cheat.

Evil Moose of Doom

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« Reply #62 on: May 13, 2005, 06:05:45 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
I go to a private college on a scholarship.  Mommy and Daddy didn't have a hand in my acceptance.  My dad went to Harvard.  If I wanted an easy ticket to a great school, I would've applied to Harvard and gone.  So fuck off.  
            The reason I know you are dumber than I am, is your inability to read.  I never once said I cannot play without cheats.  I said I chose not to.  Doing A does not mean you cannot do B; rather, doing A means you aren't doing B.  It's really simple logic, and if it's over your head, I'll stop now.
            I was talking about myself, regarding the acting.  I act like a jerk because I think it's funny to watch the 11 year olds squirm, not because I have inferiority issues and find that the only people I can boss around are people in a server.  But what a great piece for your argument if I had!  (Ah, you just make things up anyway.)
            My IQ is 156.  Does that make you stupid?  No.  Does that make my clanmates stupid?  No.  It makes you/them sub-156 (in theory).  I could never KNOW they are so, only assume based on the rarity of a 156 or higher.  
            Regarding the President, you obviously don't believe me, and that's fine.  I never said he visited my school.  You made that part up.  I said he flew down.  Reading between the lines is a valuable skill, but only if you know how to do it.
            I'm going to Nicaragua soon, so you better wrap this up.  You'll never beat me, if that helps quell you.

1. Can you explain this to me? You school is supposedly rated #7, but only gets a workload rating of #10? Interesting use of numbers....

2. "I do use hacks in lieu of exhibiting skill......"....Sounds like a skill cop-out to me....why don't you try turning the hacks off for 5 minutes, or visit a public server, to see how long you last....

3. "There's a reason President Bush flies down to watch me (and others) deliver speeches to distinguished members of Academia".....That definitely sounds like he visited you...at your school. Where else would he go? To a McDonald's? A Napa auto parts store? I never said I didn't believe you, what I said, was that he only does this shit for public relations reasons. Otherwise, he could give a flying fuck about giving some loser clan member a hard-on by listening to the clan member give a speech. Quit thinking you are God's gift to public speaking...shi t, if I have to, I will bring up the time I spoke AND acted in front of two US senators....

4. "You're not smart. Well, not as smart as I am...and you never will be"....."My IQ is 156.  Does that make you stupid?  No.  Does that make my clanmates stupid?"..."The reason I know you are dumber than I am, is your inability to read"....Could you please elaborate on what you really mean? According to you, Either I am stupid, and your clan mates dumber than I am....or we are all intellectual equals here. Make up your fucking mind. I personally think you are backtracking to cover your ass, so your idiot friends don't discover what you REALLY think of them, and they cast you out....

5. "I was talking about myself, regarding the acting.  I act like a jerk because I think it's funny to watch the 11 year olds squirm, not because I have inferiority issues and find that the only people I can boss around are people in a server"....Yes, just like a prison guard, Smelliott Smith. You can only boss people around in an environment that YOU and your CRONIES control, just like prison guards in a prison. Why don't you try your wannabe "acting" skills in someone else's server? Because those prison guards would kick your ass out, since you can't control their server. Sir, you are not acting, you ARE who you act like. Why go to all the trouble to act like a prison guard, if you are not one in real life? Why not act like a bumbling retard, babbling misspelling 5-year-old, a southern preacher, or antiquated 90-year old? I know EXACTLY why. IF you are only acting, as you so intensively state you are, you gravitate towards that kind of "persona" that you are most familiar with..in this case, a prison guard/control freak. You AREN'T acting, this is the real you. Since this is the real you, (I know acting, and you sir, are no actor...althou gh you are doing rather well in BS'ing your fellow clan members into thinking that you are actually interested in what they say....) why don't you also give up the bullshit facade that you are God's gift to public servants...the truth is, is that you only do the extracurricula r activities (working with school kids, boo-hoo) to pad your resume, you lying bitch. While your overinflated sense of self-worth might intimidate the other clan members into not saying anything against you, you are probably the easiest guy I have ever verbally owned

I hope you can take my Pwnage of you as onboard luggage to Nicaragua....a nd I also hope my size-13 bootprint in your ass doesn't cause too much discomfort....

God, I love private school students with out-of-control egos...it makes blowing their asses out of the water so much more fun....

Evil Moose of Doom

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« Reply #63 on: May 13, 2005, 06:09:26 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
You've taken from me my only glory.  Damn.

And by the way, IQ means different things based on the test you take.  100 is average, and 70 is retarded, yes.  But gifted, genius and high genius are variable.  6 points is a highly negligible difference.  But cream your pants if you want - it's more a compliment than an insult.

Yeah, I took the eMode IQ test, and I aced it.  My IQ was purported to be 142.  I know that's not the highest, so I know that test is bogus.  But for the record, I was tested by a psychiatrist and by MENSA as well.  That's where I get 156 from.  IQ tests are kind of b.s. anyhow.  All they measure is potential, when potential doesn't mean shit.  Performance is the real way to measure someone's value in the workplace, school, etc.  I could be the smartest guy in the world, but if I'm not doing anything with my brain, I am as good as retarded.  So, I shouldn't have even brought up IQ, but it carries a little weight - so I did.

Yes, your IQ carries a little extra weight...in this case, an extra 156 pounds worth of weight, as your ass sinks.....

Elliott Smith

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« Reply #64 on: May 13, 2005, 06:51:27 PM »

Quote from: Evil Moose of Doom
1. Can you explain this to me? You school is supposedly rated #7, but only gets a workload rating of #10? Interesting use of numbers....

2. "I do use hacks in lieu of exhibiting skill......"....Sounds like a skill cop-out to me....why don't you try turning the hacks off for 5 minutes, or visit a public server, to see how long you last....

3. "There's a reason President Bush flies down to watch me (and others) deliver speeches to distinguished members of Academia".....That definitely sounds like he visited you...at your school. Where else would he go? To a McDonald's? A Napa auto parts store? I never said I didn't believe you, what I said, was that he only does this shit for public relations reasons. Otherwise, he could give a flying fuck about giving some loser clan member a hard-on by listening to the clan member give a speech. Quit thinking you are God's gift to public speaking...shi t, if I have to, I will bring up the time I spoke AND acted in front of two US senators....

4. "You're not smart. Well, not as smart as I am...and you never will be"....."My IQ is 156.  Does that make you stupid?  No.  Does that make my clanmates stupid?"..."The reason I know you are dumber than I am, is your inability to read"....Could you please elaborate on what you really mean? According to you, Either I am stupid, and your clan mates dumber than I am....or we are all intellectual equals here. Make up your fucking mind. I personally think you are backtracking to cover your ass, so your idiot friends don't discover what you REALLY think of them, and they cast you out....

5. "I was talking about myself, regarding the acting.  I act like a jerk because I think it's funny to watch the 11 year olds squirm, not because I have inferiority issues and find that the only people I can boss around are people in a server"....Yes, just like a prison guard, Smelliott Smith. You can only boss people around in an environment that YOU and your CRONIES control, just like prison guards in a prison. Why don't you try your wannabe "acting" skills in someone else's server? Because those prison guards would kick your ass out, since you can't control their server. Sir, you are not acting, you ARE who you act like. Why go to all the trouble to act like a prison guard, if you are not one in real life? Why not act like a bumbling retard, babbling misspelling 5-year-old, a southern preacher, or antiquated 90-year old? I know EXACTLY why. IF you are only acting, as you so intensively state you are, you gravitate towards that kind of "persona" that you are most familiar with..in this case, a prison guard/control freak. You AREN'T acting, this is the real you. Since this is the real you, (I know acting, and you sir, are no actor...althou gh you are doing rather well in BS'ing your fellow clan members into thinking that you are actually interested in what they say....) why don't you also give up the bullshit facade that you are God's gift to public servants...the truth is, is that you only do the extracurricula r activities (working with school kids, boo-hoo) to pad your resume, you lying bitch. While your overinflated sense of self-worth might intimidate the other clan members into not saying anything against you, you are probably the easiest guy I have ever verbally owned

I hope you can take my Pwnage of you as onboard luggage to Nicaragua....a nd I also hope my size-13 bootprint in your ass doesn't cause too much discomfort....

God, I love private school students with out-of-control egos...it makes blowing their asses out of the water so much more fun....

Yes, I do pad my resume...  What about it?  That makes me ... what?  Disingenuous?  Slimy?  No, unfortunately, such tactics are necessary in this society; rather than combat them, I succumb to their absolute heaviness in order to get what I am working towards.

What does my ego have to do with anything?  Does it make me less credible?  Does it make me an unworthy opponent?  Welcome to the real world, bud.  Egos rule the scene, so toughen up or be leashed.  I'm done with this conversation forever.  You're too hard to talk to.  Anything I say you purposefully misunderstand and twist in such a way that makes me out to be an enemy of my allies.  You're a slimeball, and I don't play this game.  I... fight fairly.   :)  Take that.

p.s. Nice rep.  You're really winning the crowd over.


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« Reply #65 on: May 13, 2005, 07:00:41 PM »

Keep going Elliott you are getting to him, he is starting to have a "Poo Poo" mouth.

*MAFIA* Bonehead

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« Reply #66 on: May 13, 2005, 08:46:19 PM »

poo poo I like seeing the fine arts created by phantom and his poo poo his momma never tought him how to wipe so he just makes works of art with it kinda like a big crayon :D

Evil Moose of Doom

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« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2005, 12:41:03 AM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
Yes, I do pad my resume...  What about it?  That makes me ... what?  Disingenuous?  Slimy?  No, unfortunately, such tactics are necessary in this society; rather than combat them, I succumb to their absolute heaviness in order to get what I am working towards.

What does my ego have to do with anything?  Does it make me less credible?  Does it make me an unworthy opponent?  Welcome to the real world, bud.  Egos rule the scene, so toughen up or be leashed.  I'm done with this conversation forever.  You're too hard to talk to.  Anything I say you purposefully misunderstand and twist in such a way that makes me out to be an enemy of my allies.  You're a slimeball, and I don't play this game.  I... fight fairly.   :)  Take that.

p.s. Nice rep.  You're really winning the crowd over.

Wow, what a chickenshit... ..run away.....

Smelliot, or whatever your true name is....You will never admit that I own you, and that I am your true Lord and Master, which is okay, because everyone needs a little denial in their life, especially in dealing with an opponent who knows you better than you know yourself.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch....Smell iott, you are really quite the pile of walking refuse. First, you throw out how great and wonderful you are, by volunteering/assisting gradeschool kids with whatever ( you take care of their fondling needs?) to show how big a slimeball that I supposedly am....I point out that you are only doing a scam to pad the ole' resume...and then you verify in front of God and everyone here that you ARE pulling a scam at the expense of kids...and that you also state that you are quite proud of it. I am not twisting anything around, I am merely pointing out one of your many trip-ups, where you shoot yourself in the foot, and then try to weasle your way out of it, by changing the subject. What you have done, for almost 4 pages of material, is show everyone here how big a greaseball YOU are, by demonstrating that you can't tell a straight story, even to save your life. I have picked you apart, piece by piece, and since you have nowhere left to hide, you run like the little pussy you are.

1. "No, unfortunately, such tactics are necessary in this society; rather than combat them, I succumb to their absolute heaviness in order to get what I am working towards." Padding the resume at the expense of children? Giving them the impression that you 'really care', when you are actually just hoping to get the fucking volunteer gig over with as fast as possible so you can get that great job that's going to end up swallowing up over half your income anyway? Yeah, that's real honorable. Get some children of your own, and see just how stupid that your choice to use kids for your own personal gain is...Wow, sounds like you had a real loving mother and father...what, did they dump your sorry ass in daycare every day, so they could both pursue their lives? Did they just buy you off, instead of reading you bedtime stories, because they didn't want to be bothered? It must suck to be you.

2. "What does my ego have to do with anything?  Does it make me less credible?  Does it make me an unworthy opponent?  Welcome to the real world, bud.  Egos rule the scene, so toughen up or be leashed.  I'm done with this conversation forever.  You're too hard to talk to.  Anything I say you purposefully misunderstand and twist in such a way that makes me out to be an enemy of my allies.  You're a slimeball, and I don't play this game.  I... fight fairly.   :)  Take that."

My Ego knows no bounds. How else do I walk into the Lion's den, kick everyone in the nuts, AND hang around for the aftermath, even raiding the twinkie bin? Smitty, I have blown your ass out of the water, and your inability to nail me on ANYTHING is a glaring example of just how big a loser you really are. You stepped on your pee-pee, and have wasted at least two hours of your life trying to reply with something remotely resembling a comeback...you have failed. I have exposed you for the fraud you are, in which you are using Mafia like you use school children, and the only thing saving you right now is your shrinking supply of diversion tactics(Nicaragua? That was a good one...well, you had to come up with a good reason to run from me, didn't you?), which these guys are apparently stupid enough to fall for.

Yes, you ARE finished...now run off, Smitty, and go play junior ambassador(or is it the "peace corps" you are using this time?) to the nation of Nicaragua...oh, and don't wander too far off the beaten path there, some of the locals have REAL guns, and don't take lightly to gringos copping an attitude...
« Last Edit: May 14, 2005, 12:48:40 AM by Evil Moose of Doom »


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« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2005, 05:40:22 AM »

Wow, why are you saying Smelliott everytime..... .It's like a first grade remark........ ....Is that the only thing you can think of now?.....because you have just been quoting old posts......


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« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2005, 05:45:40 AM »

Does Elliot actually say any that shit you just posted?

Elliott Smith

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« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2005, 06:09:28 PM »

What am I doing at the "expense" of the children?  I DO care about them and their success.  However, while helping them, I am helping myself.  How does that hurt the kids?  My parents didn't shirk their responsibiliti es.  Again, a nice stab at a convenient analysis.  You really do your homework.  I do love how you, the advocate for the children, are quick to crucify teenagers who turn out a certain way due to poor parenting (read: your fantasy of me).  Very honorable.  See, I, unlike you, recognize that not every kid is given the same opportunity for success, and not all kids have parents who give a damn.  That's why I take time out of my day to tutor them.  Do you really think tutoring looks that good on a resume?  Please.  It doesn't.  It's a meager effort.  That cannot be denied.  But I do it for pure reasons.  Does it qualify as "padding?"  You bet it does, and no one could give it any other title.

Yes, I am going to Nicaragua on a Peace Corps-related visit.  My sister is in the Peace Corps, and I haven't seen her in a year, so I'm going to visit her.  Then I'm going to work in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska immediately afterwards.  So, despite your best efforts to paint me a coward, I truly must depart from this conversation.

My true name is David.

Sweet life; congrats on all the success.  I hope your kids are loving life under your reign.  You're really secure; I can tell.

p.s. Because, in this conversation, nothing of mine is at stake, you can't claim to have taken it.  (Haha.)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2005, 06:18:13 PM by Elliott Smith »

Evil Moose of Doom

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« Reply #71 on: May 14, 2005, 11:33:41 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
What am I doing at the "expense" of the children?  I DO care about them and their success.  However, while helping them, I am helping myself.  How does that hurt the kids?  My parents didn't shirk their responsibiliti es.  Again, a nice stab at a convenient analysis.  You really do your homework.  I do love how you, the advocate for the children, are quick to crucify teenagers who turn out a certain way due to poor parenting (read: your fantasy of me).  Very honorable.  See, I, unlike you, recognize that not every kid is given the same opportunity for success, and not all kids have parents who give a damn.  That's why I take time out of my day to tutor them.  Do you really think tutoring looks that good on a resume?  Please.  It doesn't.  It's a meager effort.  That cannot be denied.  But I do it for pure reasons.  Does it qualify as "padding?"  You bet it does, and no one could give it any other title.

Yes, I am going to Nicaragua on a Peace Corps-related visit.  My sister is in the Peace Corps, and I haven't seen her in a year, so I'm going to visit her.  Then I'm going to work in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska immediately afterwards.  So, despite your best efforts to paint me a coward, I truly must depart from this conversation.

My true name is David.

Sweet life; congrats on all the success.  I hope your kids are loving life under your reign.  You're really secure; I can tell.

p.s. Because, in this conversation, nothing of mine is at stake, you can't claim to have taken it.  (Haha.)

What, do you think I don't know where Alaska is? I hope the mosquitos carry you off....

Dave, Smelliott, whatever your name is...you can't have it both ways. You tell us how you are using your volunteer time just to pad your resume, because the world is a cruel place, and well, you just have to do greasy things like that to get rich and famous....then on the other side of your mouth, you tell us that you only do it for the poor and destitute children, and well, padding your resume really doesn't count for much. This doublespeak once again proves that nothing you say can be trusted. In addition, the soft, slimy way you try to nicely run away is a total joke...I can hold your spot in line here until you return, so I can continue owning your idiotic liberal socialist ass, after the very moment you return....oh, that's right, IF you return. I have reduced you to a blabbering, soft-speaking loser, with you hoping I will release the clamp I have on you....since your direct frontal attack has failed, failed miserably. Even your 'buddies' here have abandoned you.....

But that's all just peachy to you, as you will try to resurrect yourself with a warm and fuzzy comeback, with you softly stating how you don't understand why I am so mean and nasty. You shot yourself in the foot yet again...first you tell us how you enjoy being mean and nasty to 11-year-olds on the server, but you berate me because I call you on it, and point out that you spoke out of both sides of your ass again...you just love "helping" gradeschool kids learn how to read, but you also love to run down that same age bracket of kids on the server, because it gets you off....I can point out your missteps all day, if you would like...

I also notice you didn't name your school that you attend....firs t of all, I don't really care, like I am going to hunt down some guy named "dave"....but what I know I wil  find is that you are attending a liberal private school....and that you also have liberal parents....goo d intentions have ruled your entire life, nevermind you are pissing your life away on stupid causes(or are you? You haven't really given a good explanation on whether or not volunteering is good for the resume...).
At the expense of sounding mean and cruel, let me point out just how stupid you and your sister are(this seems to run in the family, now that you mention it):
1. Volunteering to teach kids how to read: Why are you doing this? Don't we have a wonderful public school system? Or are these kids here illegally, so they can't attend public schools? Your mode of thought, that these kids are too stupid for you, and the parents are also too stupid...well, become a parent, and try thinking that way again. Being a parent, with kids in the public school system...you know what I find? Liberal idiots more concerned with politics and agendas, and the kids suffer. These idiots are more concerned with indoctrinating than teaching the ABC's...If I hadn't taught all 4 of my kids how to read, my oldest son would be in high school, clueless as to what he was doing, because he was not taught how to read in school. The majority of what is taught, is liberal garbage that does not apply to the outside world...kind of like what you are going to school for. This all ties together....mo re to follow....
2. The Peace Corps. Why the hell is your sister working in a backwater Central American country? I know why: Becoming a martyr for the "cause", once again, padding the resume for her public sector job later on down the road. How do you fix problems in any country, which opresses its inhabitants? You change it from the top down. Make it damned uncomfortable for the leadership to continue to stifle growth...and educate the citizens to be able to keep limited government when they get it. This still ties in with above....
And here is where it all ties together.
What you are doing, 'Dave', which is typical of liberal idiots who have a lot of Daddy's money, but didn't have to earn it, is attacking a problem with a very meaningless, but intention-fullfilling solution. You aren't solving the problem, you are just doing something that makes you feel good about yourself (like the BS policy of liberals who think they can instill positive self esteem from without), and gives the appearance to your other idiot liberal friends that you care. The liberal idiots create a problem (bad schools); Blame the parents(bad schools do not prepare students for life after school); and the ride in with a solution...get idiot volunteers like yourself to come help out and join in all the fun. You know that you are only doing this volunteer gig so this will help you get a better public sector job later on (or are you? You haven't really given an honest reply about that), but since you are doing it, you can throw it in people's faces, should the opportunity arise....
The Peace Corps? Hey, if there is a gigantic natural disaster, fine, go help. But to go to countries that don't give a rat's ass about their inhabitants (hey, go watch the movie 'blackhawk down', and see where being 'well-intentioned' gets you), and waste valuable lifespan 'helping' people who will never be free anyway because of the country's leadership problems, why bother? Do you think you are going to "good intention" these people to freedom? No, you won't. You are simply making them comfortable, dulling them from doing anything about their own problems. Once again, great intentions, ZERO results. I am seeing a lot of inconsistencie s a with you, Dave...you talk out of both sides of your derrierre', circle away from conflicts, thinking you can hide among your vanished buddies...and are suckered into helping the very same people who are the CAUSE of the problems you are trying to fix...lol...wh at an idiot.

Am I rambling? No, these are just the final coffin nails. But hey, go have a fun time in wonderful, war-torn Nicaragua! And after that, have fun in the  Mosquito-Ravaged North Country! I will be waiting for your return!!!

Elliott Smith

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« Reply #72 on: May 15, 2005, 12:34:46 AM »

Inconsistency #1:  I volunteer to make a difference; I volunteer to pad my resume.  How are they mutually exclusive?  Answer that, and maybe I'll get why it's an inconsistency.

Inconsistency #2:  I am passionate about helping gradeschoolers; I act unfairly towards them in the game.  Well, I feel my ingame attitude doesn't affect their ability to succeed and feel good about themselves.  My extragame attitude and efforts in the classroom do.  Is it nice to be haughty ingame?  No.  It's part of the competitive atmosphere.  Emmit Smith smacks people to the ground and taunts them by day.  Does this mean he smacks his kids and wife into the ground and laughs?  Hardly.  Is he setting a good example for his kids?  Not exactly.  But it's excusable.

I don't go to a "liberal private school."  I go to a Liberal Arts school called Davidson College.  In other words, my school isn't an Aerotechnology school (like FloridaIT) or a Mathematics school (like MIT), etc.  I get an across-the-board education.  That's all that means.  My school is 50/50 Conservative/Liberal - odd to find on a college campus, so I forgive you jumping to conclusions.  My parents aren't liberal.  Good guess though.  When have I acted Socialisticall y?  (Note: Please look up 'socialism' before answering that question.)

Some kids can't stay on track with only a school day's worth of lessons.  That's where tutors come in.  It's extra help.  But you're right; tutors alone cannot solve the problem.  Many of "my students" were transferred to a professional after-school program called Ada Jenkins.  I don't know if it's a national organization, but if you're familiar with it, you should know that this is a very good cause.  You cannot make a blanket statement about the nation's schools after experiencing only your children's.  Maybe your district is off-track, but not all are.

You should look up the word "martyr" before you throw it around.  My sister isn't a martyr.  Sure, she suffers alongside some Nicas (in a relatively minute way), but she isn't giving her life for the cause.  Did I say I am in favor of the Peace Corps?  No, but I support my sister in her choices.  Though, her cause isn't all for naught.  My sister is involved with Health Education down there.  She instructs her community about contraceptives, STDs, teenage pregnancy, hygeine, etc.  You're telling me her community can do without this education?  We should abandon this until the government is stable?  Idiot, please.  Regardless, I'm going to visit Nicaragua.  Then I'm going to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

What is wrong with good intentions?   Don't be so cynical.  No one got anything accomplished by being cynical.  [Insert that one instance in which, yes, someone got something accomplished by being cynical here.]  Altruism is the answer.  There is such a thing as indirect effect.  My sister, along with other PC Vols, could instill in those community members a sense of self-motivation and confidence - and they can take over from there and help themselves.  Furthermore, when America looks like it gives a damn about other countries, people like us.  When people like us, they don't fly planes into our buildings.  They don't strap bombs to themselves and go ride buses.  Not many people like us at the moment, but maybe that's all fine to you.  You seem addicted to conflict.

By the way, the map wasn't intended to inform you of where Alaska is.  If you were at all intuitive, you'd know the map is of Alaska alone and therefore cannot show WHERE Alaska is.  There is no point of reference.  Rather, the map was intended to show you where Prudhoe Bay is, you dolt.

Current Music - Kindling For The Master by Stephen Malkmus.  How fitting.

p.s. Derrierre isn't a word, but derriere is.  Maybe you should've used a simpler word like "ass."  You lame ass.

p.p.s.  What is your occupation?  I'm only curious.  My guess: You sell cell phones in the mall, or you drive a truck for UPS.  Tell me I'm arrogant for saying that.  Do it.  I want you to.

p.p.p.s.  I find it hard to believe you are a pillar of morals when you come into message boards to pick fights.  Stop trying so hard to be one.  Be yourself.  Are you honestly telling me that NOBODY likes the true you?  Aw, honey.  Come'ere.  Have a good cry.  Let it all out.  I'm here.  Nobody's gonna hurt you.  Just rest.

p.p.p.p.s.  Your idea of winning is proving to me that I'm scum.  Here's a little insight into the future: you never will.  I know that I am too awesome to be scum.  You're fighting to prove something that cannot be proven.

p.p.p.p.p.s.  You say you have a kid in high school.  That makes him, oh, 16.  That means you had a kid at 16.  Smart thinking.  You're a real winner.  As I said before: sweet life, and congrats on all the success.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 01:01:22 AM by Elliott Smith »


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« Reply #73 on: May 15, 2005, 06:49:06 AM »

BlackHawkDown is a MOVIE! I don't care if it's based on a true story....It's still a MOVIE! Is everything in movies real....Elliot t is trying to help people by tutoring and the PeaceCorps and your trying to make him look like scum for doing so.....I know I surely have not abandoned Elliott because how can helping people, giving them an education, be bad? Answer that..


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It is time.
« Reply #74 on: May 15, 2005, 07:03:37 AM »

Quote from: Evil Moose of Doom
If I hadn't taught all 4 of my kids how to read, my oldest son would be in high school, clueless as to what he was doing, because he was not taught how to read in school.!

So you are saying your son was not taught to read or to read well? So Elliott would be helping kids like him read and learn?  Oh and also, I respect him for being in the PeaceCorps.... ..
 Oh and also Moose, volunteering does't pad your resume that much....

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