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Miscellaneous => Media => Topic started by: Loaded on September 13, 2008, 06:34:18 AM

Title: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on September 13, 2008, 06:34:18 AM
In December I thought I would try my hand at Barn building, before this the biggest thing I ever built was a 12x16 shed, this barn is 36x48. Being here in Florida we really didn't need a barn, we have shelters for the horses/cows, so really this was started to give me something to do, that is why it has taking this long to get this far.

Mind you I have never done this before and I did the complete build alone, I had no help, so with that said, I think doing it alone it didn't come out half bad and I didn't hurt my old self once  :-\ . I still have the inside to do, I am farther along then the last pic, I just haven't taken new photos yet.

I hope you don't get bored looking at the photos, but what else did you have to do for  this 5 minutes of your life ;) .

Where the barn will go


20 holes for post (yes I did use a power post hole digger to dig them)

All post up

Walls up


Ready for roofing

Roof half done

More or less closed in, time for trim and stain (ok some help, the wife did the stain)

Outside done. Doors were built by me, nothing in this barn was pre-built.
This is the wash rack area for horses, water line.

Storage room started (Tac, feed and so on). Also Electric started, water in.

This room is complete, I just haven't taken photos yet.

Clay down for the floor on one side

When I take some more updated photos, I'll post them.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Rat on September 13, 2008, 06:38:57 AM
I'm impressed!!! 
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on September 13, 2008, 07:02:41 AM
That is some pretty cool shit there.  Looks great!
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* MAGGOT on September 13, 2008, 08:55:43 AM
That is some pro building.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: ßlackOut on September 13, 2008, 09:01:44 AM
That is some pro building.

i agree, gj
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Head Hunter on September 13, 2008, 09:09:02 AM
Very nice, did you have to have plans made and accepted or no since its not exactly a living space?
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on September 13, 2008, 09:38:46 AM

No plans were made or submitted, I just started with a measurement of 36x48 and went from there. Well ok, I did some drawing here and there on paper to make sure what I had in my head to do would work, well to make sure it looked good on paper anyhow.

A building permit isn't needed here unless the Barn gets a concrete floor (permanent floor), that is why I used clay. The "center" floor (not the stalls) sooner or later will have brick pavers, as in something like this...


Using Brick still isn't treated as a permanent floor, so still no permit. I have never done pavers so I'm not sure how that will come out, we will see.

Now if we talk about the Electric, there I could a permit problem. But I have done many Electric jobs with a Electrician by my side so I do know what I am doing there. Worse that will happen is that...

1... I will be inspected by the county, then

2... I could need a Electrician to sign off on the my connections to Breaker box. Inspectors could care less about connection to lights, outlets and so on, just the Box, go figure.

Water... No problem there, I am on a Deep Well, so the county can care less what you do with your own water.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Head Hunter on September 13, 2008, 09:47:37 AM
Very nice.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* The Cp on September 13, 2008, 01:03:56 PM
great job !
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on September 13, 2008, 03:34:47 PM
If you have horses and cows and shit walking over the floors, pavers aren't the way to go.  They will chip easiley and sooner or later they will look like shit.  I would use just mulch or something like that.  Hell, keep the clay floor. 
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on September 13, 2008, 03:51:26 PM
some barns use hard rubber savers. good job pawpaw looks damn nice.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Head Hunter on September 13, 2008, 03:52:15 PM
Hellraiser's got a point.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* OUTLAW on September 13, 2008, 03:55:21 PM
Dang...Nice work Loaded.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on September 13, 2008, 06:48:37 PM
Thanks again.

If you have horses and cows and shit walking over the floors, pavers aren't the way to go.  They will chip easiley and sooner or later they will look like shit.  I would use just mulch or something like that.  Hell, keep the clay floor. 

I understand your point, but... The pavers I will be using are made for driveways, they are 3/4 brick, they will stand up just fine. Remember in the old days, horses walked on this type of paver before roads were made as we know them now. And Yes, as Bone has said, Rubber pavers are an option as well.


Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on September 19, 2008, 05:05:18 PM
Some more work completed...

Tac room, still inside work needs to be done


Elec box in and main power wired, no wiring has been made to the box yet to feed the barn

2 stalls completed

2 photos of the lights that I installed, right now they are just running off of a cord from my shed.


Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Meeester on September 19, 2008, 05:11:02 PM
The stalls look so clean :D
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* MisfiT on September 19, 2008, 06:42:38 PM
LMAO..People, IT'S A FUCKING BARN! What is so damn special about that. He probably wont even live to see it finished that old fuck.

Most of you who got all on Loaded nuts about this lame ass topic all are going to grow up to be dick suckers.

Good lord why do I even read these post.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on October 05, 2008, 06:56:18 PM
Well one side all done, the floor is level (dirt, 20 DAMN yards of dirt I should add), outlets and full power is hooked upped. Also take notice that the top header has been cleaned (bleached), that is what happens when it take so long to finish a wood project down here in Florida.



EDIT... here is another, just somewhat of a close up of one of the stalls.


Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on October 05, 2008, 07:12:44 PM
how many Mexicans did you have help?  I know you didn't do it all by yourself, and just your wife either. 
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: LAAZ on October 05, 2008, 08:51:10 PM
Looks good man, and hellraiser like always youre a waste of ur queer fathers sperm
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on October 06, 2008, 02:51:11 AM
I have no reason to bullshit that I did the barn alone. You thinking I did have help can only make me think I did a hell of a job and it looks good, with that I will thank you for the the comment.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* ExcoWear on October 06, 2008, 03:05:52 AM
realy cool loaded, i mean ReLoaded. :)
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Dune Surfer on October 06, 2008, 09:04:33 AM
Did you follow set instructions or just make it up as you went along? Alot of the stuff looks pre-fabricated is it like a kit? Good job it looks great, do you have any horses to put in it or do they come later?
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on October 06, 2008, 09:58:21 AM
Just made it up as I went along, nothing was pre made, nothing was in writing. The stall bars are nothing but cut Elec. tubing (that you put wire in) and they are held in place by 2x2s that I drilled 1" holes in to hold the bars, then all that is just screwed onto the front of the stall/doors.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Dune Surfer on October 06, 2008, 04:04:42 PM
Good stuff. If your using them as stables though, you should split the doors with 2 lots of hinges so you can feed horses over the top without them walking out. Or you could just cut the tops off the doors so they can stick their heads over whenever they want which makes for happier horses. Depends on what your planning on keeping in there though, if its Tigers, keep the full door and bars LOL
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Loaded on October 06, 2008, 05:51:58 PM
Having split doors (dutch doors) can be a danger to people and other horses that could be walking by if they were open or it is even possible that a horse could try and jump out. When feeding a horse, they are only worried on the food they are getting, they wont try to walk out or get in your way.

If you look back on the 1st page, I do have dutch doors, but they are on the outside where the horse wont be a problem to others, if they do something dumb... I have fenced this area in, I have to get a pic to show that. Below is the pic from the 1st page.

Outside dutch doors.

EDIT... Pic of outside that I was talking about above.


Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: IronMan on October 07, 2008, 03:50:00 AM
Dutch doors lol.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* MisfiT on November 29, 2008, 08:05:09 AM
The near future of your POS barn....

Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: ßlackOut on November 29, 2008, 08:14:10 AM
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on November 29, 2008, 08:28:55 AM
The near future of your POS barn....

  ROFLMAO!!!  That is freaking funny as hell!
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* ExcoWear on November 29, 2008, 09:23:24 AM
ha ha ha what hell said
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: IronMan on November 29, 2008, 12:41:18 PM
Well photoshopping there Missyboy  :D
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* MAGGOT on November 29, 2008, 02:03:41 PM
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 29, 2008, 03:12:24 PM
ahha good one missy.
Title: Re: My Barn Building Project.
Post by: Rat on November 29, 2008, 03:29:13 PM
damn thats screwed up lol