*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => General => Topic started by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on February 02, 2009, 08:26:44 PM

Title: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on February 02, 2009, 08:26:44 PM
what if you was being chased by zombies? what would you do? its your fantasy...

no crap or junk post, they will be deleted.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Capsloc on February 02, 2009, 08:32:39 PM
you give up, and see what it's like after life.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on February 02, 2009, 08:48:54 PM
I'd run, since its a well known fact that zombies are wicked slow.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: Head Hunter on February 02, 2009, 09:45:52 PM
I'd run, since its a well known fact that zombies are wicked slow.
Unless they are the 28 Days later \ 28 Weeks later style zombies. Course, they weren't really zombies... Getting back to the point:

Plan 1 Move on
Necessities from A-H

A: Pack your shit and move for less populated areas that could maintain food sources(mountains, forests, etc. places with high grounds, trees, and not flat areas)

B: make sure you include renewable food sources. Fast growing foods would be more desireable. Hunting could always be a source for meat, as long as you pick the right area. Small, quick reproducing animals suck as rabbits would be ideal, along with chickens for meat and eggs.

C: Quiet weapons suck as compound bows and crossbows would be desireable for hunting. silenced weapons would be hard to come by, but would be perfect for not alerting local zombies.

D: make sure whatever you bring with you can be easily transported, you never know when you could be overrun.

E: if you live in the city, or in an apartment, revert to Plan 2

F: Beware of other ALIVE people. they can be more dangerous than zombies. urban pirates would roam the land, living off of feeble, weak, and scared people. they would not think twice about slitting your throat in your sleep, leaving you drowning in your own blood as they moved on to the next group of fickle survivors.

G: Keep medical kits for everyday wounds and breaks. Remember, do not try to heal an infected friend, if you want to heal them: do them a favor, Put one in their head...

H:Above all, make sure that you move between several different self established safe areas. never stay in the same place too long, never become too comfortable, and never think that you are safe. Nowhere is safe, only safer than other areas.

Plan 2 Stay put
Necessities from A-I

If you live in an apartment, chances are you will be one of the first to die. i have no suggestions for a situation like this.

A: Buy plywood. Two sheets on each window, one on the outside and one on the in. Zombies do not have super strength, but a determined survivor would do anything to get into your house.

B: fill every bathtub, shower, sink, and even toilet to the brim with water. you never know when the grid is going to go out.

C: stockpile weapons such as: Firearms, Bladed weapons, and even common pocket knives. you never know...

D: Plant as many vegtables as possible in the yard. Also, make an outhouse. your plumbing is not going to work when the grid goes out. (make sure to keep the outhouse away from the growing foods, the ecoli may kill you before any zombie.

E: Never get comfortable. that will lead to death quicker than anything. always stay alert.

F: As stated in Plan 1, always beware of the uninfected as well.

G: Do not contact family. Pray that their death was quick, for they are now a thing of the past. there is no family, there are no relationships. There is survival, and survival only.

H: If you live in a highly populated area, buy EARPLUGS. the sound of wailing zombies, the shriek of survivors being torn appart, and the banging of undead fists against your walls will make you go insane. Block it out as much as possible.

I: Make sure that you always have an escape route no matter where you are. No matter how many slugs you have, no matter how many bolts are on the door, you are never safe, and they will get you.


There is no surviving, there is only prolonging DEATH.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Manowar on February 02, 2009, 09:52:36 PM
Gather me a pack of some 200 pound rottweiler , at least 10.  They would be immune and and do all my dirty work for me.  The attack would go something like this.  "It's feeding time boys.......Smo rgasbord."
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Dune Surfer on February 02, 2009, 11:10:26 PM
Stockpile guns, ammo and beer and call Bone  ;D
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on February 02, 2009, 11:20:27 PM
Stockpile guns, ammo and beer and call Bone  ;D
  What about me you prick? 

Anyway, I would just get into the Bradley tank that I am signed for at work and run over as many as I could.  Oh, but first I would stock pile the back with beer and food. 
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: MeZmoriZe on February 03, 2009, 05:19:39 AM
Go upstairs, take a door off its hinges and nail it to the steps.  Zombies can't climb steep slopes.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: anyKey on February 03, 2009, 05:29:33 AM
I would let them chase me for couple of minutes and then I would just wake up...
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: IronMan on February 03, 2009, 01:24:26 PM
I would put a TV and a DVD player far far in the wood with the zombies and let them watch a ABBA Live DVD.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on February 03, 2009, 03:35:41 PM
good copy paste head hunter ;) "the survivors guide to zombie encounters"

i would sit on the roof with a case of beer my 30/06 and a few thousand rnds and have a good ol time.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: Head Hunter on February 03, 2009, 03:55:00 PM
good copy paste head hunter ;) "the survivors guide to zombie encounters"

i would sit on the roof with a case of beer my 30/06 and a few thousand rnds and have a good ol time.

Sorry, I don't copy paste  ;). But I did read that book lol
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* NiTrO on February 03, 2009, 08:05:32 PM
lol yeah a tank sounds funner and loads of fuel everywhere especially down on ft hood...lol
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* OUTLAW on February 04, 2009, 06:33:28 AM
I would hire this guy...

Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on February 04, 2009, 01:43:58 PM
its your fantasy...

More like a nightmare?

I would send them to the basement with Mean Green.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: Head Hunter on February 04, 2009, 01:51:15 PM
  What about me you prick? 

Anyway, I would just get into the Bradley tank that I am signed for at work and run over as many as I could.  Oh, but first I would stock pile the back with beer and food. 
lol yeah a tank sounds funner and loads of fuel everywhere especially down on ft hood...lol

So it's settled, Hellraiser is driving, Nitro's on the main cannon, and I'm using the .50.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* MAGGOT on February 04, 2009, 02:40:25 PM
I would hire this guy...

That guy runs my state.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: MeZmoriZe on February 04, 2009, 03:57:14 PM
New idea.  Domesticate them like Shawn does with his friend at the end of "Shawn of the Dead."  As long as they have a muzzle, they'll be just like animals.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on February 04, 2009, 05:23:16 PM
Here you go!!!

Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on February 04, 2009, 08:31:56 PM
Move to Antarctica so their blood freezes and die.
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: *MAFIA* Dune Surfer on February 04, 2009, 11:13:56 PM
Move to Antarctica so their blood freezes and die.
Yeah but your blood will freeze and you'll die. Plus the zombies might have better thermals than you do.  :D
Title: Re: what if?
Post by: MeZmoriZe on February 05, 2009, 03:21:46 PM
Yeah but your blood will freeze and you'll die. Plus the zombies might have better thermals than you do.  :D
Nope, the safest place to hide from zombies is on mountain peaks.  Zombies suck at freezing temperatures.