*MAFIA* Forums

Miscellaneous => Media => Topic started by: *MAFIA* Balthazar on April 08, 2009, 08:18:40 AM

Title: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Balthazar on April 08, 2009, 08:18:40 AM
Picture from a 70's childrens book. Sorry MG, this was too funny not to post.

(http://f.imagehost.org/t/0465/small_from_1970s_childrens_book.jpg) (http://f.imagehost.org/view/0465/small_from_1970s_childrens_book)
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: Mean Green on April 08, 2009, 08:25:54 AM
LOL...laugh all you want.  But it is MY signature on the paychecks around here.  :)

I can do all that and more.  Can you?
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Manowar on April 08, 2009, 08:43:29 AM

I can do all that and more.   Can you?

Oh you can can you?
OK, in order of the boys categories:

I need you to fly over here
make an executive decision
to play doctor with me
bring your hand cuffs
and some chocolate syrup
build me a fun room
invent a kinky toy
and fix me before so there are no suprises later

Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: Mean Green on April 08, 2009, 09:54:49 AM
If I werent SO FREAKING busy making executive taxation decisions and being paid for my opinion, I would respond to your request for a fix.  Instead, Im going back to work..........

oh, and fixing you before would be required...
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: LAAZ on April 08, 2009, 02:22:16 PM
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Dune Surfer on April 08, 2009, 02:30:32 PM

Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on April 08, 2009, 05:15:26 PM
LOL...laugh all you want.  But it is MY signature on the paychecks around here.  :)

I can do all that and more.  Can you?

the funny thing is, men sign your paychecks :)
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on April 08, 2009, 05:19:16 PM
the funny thing is, men sign your paychecks :)
  I have a feeling the outcome of this statement is not going to be good..
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: Mean Green on April 08, 2009, 07:07:55 PM
the funny thing is, men sign your paychecks :)

That's funny...becaus e I dont take a paycheck.  I own the company and make the decisions around here.  My first order of business after tax season is to set an appointment with the IT client who works for Microsoft.  He is going to fix the server config to the way it was supposed to be.  Oh, and he is in the real army and is the ONLY representative of Microsoft able to go behind enemy lines (Baghdad) on behalf of the company.  No, he ISNT a sniper..btw. 

So yeah...Im just sorry I didnt find a way to insert a pink pantied pooch reference in the paragraph above. 

Carry on...
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on April 08, 2009, 08:14:38 PM
I was right. 
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* MAGGOT on April 08, 2009, 08:15:12 PM
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on April 08, 2009, 08:31:36 PM
good one mg, i loves it. but you would not be where you are without a mans monies "as you people call it" you may own it but you still get paid by men :) face it, when money goes south, you wont know what to do without servants, and your lifestyle.

best of luck killing your food :) oh wait you can have kyle and maggot be your servants.
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: LAAZ on April 09, 2009, 06:57:10 PM
GOOO BUNHEAD TELL THIS PIECE OF MEAT (MEAN GANGRENE) WHATS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on April 09, 2009, 07:14:54 PM
she forgot woman was the first sinners :)
Title: Re: Women, know your place.
Post by: *MAFIA* Manowar on April 10, 2009, 07:10:07 AM
A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day....
30,000 to a man's 15,000.
The wife replied, "The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men...
The husband then turned to his wife and asked, "What?

A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up & down the aisles.
The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him.
He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife.
She directs him down the correct aisle.
A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter.
She says, confused, "Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife?
He answers, "You see, it's like this, yesterday, I sent my wife to the store
to get me a carton of cigarettes, and she came back with a tin of tobacco
and some rolling papers; cause it's sooo-ooo--oo-ooo much cheaper.
So, I figure if I have to roll my own .......... so does she.

While attending a Marriage Seminar dealing with communication,
Tom and his wife Grace listened to the instructor,
"It is essential that husbands and wives know each other's likes and dislikes."
He addressed the man,
"Can you name your wife's favorite flower?"
Tom leaned over, touched his wife's arm gently and whispered, "It's Pillsbury, isn't it?