*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => General => Topic started by: Tim_@916 on May 29, 2010, 04:46:40 AM

Title: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: Tim_@916 on May 29, 2010, 04:46:40 AM
Americans have been hit. Fuck the world opinion. Who says we should get out?

Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on May 29, 2010, 05:40:01 AM
I think we can handle it.
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Meeester on May 29, 2010, 07:31:36 AM
Who the hell cares?
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on May 29, 2010, 02:19:24 PM
And yet another drunken retarded thread.  Yeah, let's pull out so they can plan to do it again.  I can see if you did more then sit in your basement drink beer and smoke crack, then maybe you might have a say, however, you haven't been over there.  Your opionion matters when it comes time to vote.  Did you vote?  Probably not.  You probably just sit back and bitch about whatever anyone in power says or does just because you are to much of a coward to do anything yourself.  But god bless you Tim for speaking up.  That is your right.  That is your freedom.  That is what people put their lives on the line for.  However, those people that fly the planes into the tower, they want to take those rights and freedoms away, so what side are you on?
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on May 30, 2010, 12:02:46 AM
Yeah, let's pull out so they can plan to do it again. 
Iraq didn't plan WTC, pilots were Saudi's.
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on May 30, 2010, 07:57:42 AM
Iraq didn't plan WTC, pilots were Saudi's.

It's all the same.  (not really)
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: Tim_@916 on June 06, 2010, 12:12:09 AM
Easy to say Hellraiser if you got nothing' to lose. Leave the big decisions to the adults. Five years after The Tower bombings, tampon teabaggers like you said, "they" should do something. We found Saddam in a fucking hole and he was hanged in the Baghdad town square in 2006. Why sooooooo long?  Gazelle nut suckers like you wasted eight yrs on Clinton. Seventeen years later from The Tower bombings , Pakistan tries to bomb Times Square. You, or I, are not you in country, and you have forgotten, and you are worried about your girlfriends STDs. It is on my 18 year old son's generation that are going to say Fuck 'em, not your vote for Obama or your picketing for peace. 9/11 is now my son's issue... what have you got to lose? Happy B-Day H.
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Dempy on June 06, 2010, 02:46:15 AM
tim a quote from you at the top      2973 Americans dead   2995 people died and 70 of those were from other country's and 1 died for a lung disease from the dust afterward

i know im not American but my country was there to support the us through this bad time and still is today
i.e we went to Iraq with you and afghanistan to get the the people who were behind the attacks and Saddam
but still you rant and rave every-time you come in vent and now on the forums about respect and honor
but what have you done to help?  other than site in your basement getting drunk all damn day.
and playing racist music and being a making a complete tit out of yourself
Tim just give it a rest. let it go!
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on June 06, 2010, 06:32:17 PM
Tim, what does saddam have to do with 9/11? There must be a secret league of Islamic nations meeting every year.
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on June 07, 2010, 04:01:57 AM
Easy to say Hellraiser if you got nothing' to lose. Leave the big decisions to the adults. Five years after The Tower bombings, tampon teabaggers like you said, "they" should do something. We found Saddam in a fucking hole and he was hanged in the Baghdad town square in 2006. Why sooooooo long?  Gazelle nut suckers like you wasted eight yrs on Clinton. Seventeen years later from The Tower bombings , Pakistan tries to bomb Times Square. You, or I, are not you in country, and you have forgotten, and you are worried about your girlfriends STDs. It is on my 18 year old son's generation that are going to say Fuck 'em, not your vote for Obama or your picketing for peace. 9/11 is now my son's issue... what have you got to lose? Happy B-Day H.
  You are pretty funny Tim you know that?  Your drunken babble makes me laugh.  How is it not my issue?  Last time I checked, I put on a uniform almost everyday that has U.S. Army on the left side of my chest.  What do you do?  You sit in your basement getting shit faced everyday complaining about the people that actually do something for this country.  I can picture you now, sitting there at your computer with the smell of must and mold, you have a tin foil hat on to prevent the "bad guys" from reading your brain waves, which are probably lacking due to the alcohol and drug abuse.  You probably have many different aliases on many different forums to help validate your worthless life by you posting on the same topic and responding under all those other aliases.  You have the right to free speech, so I won't slam you for what you said.  I and a few others on these forums have helped to protect that freedom, and there are more getting ready to join.  How have you served your country?  I mean sitting in your basement "bomb shelter", as I am sure you call it, getting ready for the big one, is not serving your country.  Here is what I think happen, correct me if I am wrong. 

Your son came to you one day and said, "Dad, can I talk to you?  Do you think you will remember this because of the alcohol indused state you are in.  I hope you aren't in one of your many blackout.  Anyway, to get to the point Dad, I am joining the service.  I don't want to end up like you.  I don't want to waste my life by being drunk all day, selling insurance, and sit in a musty basement with no direction in life." 

Hey, it is cool that your son thinks you are a loser.  I mean, if it wasn't for you being the drunk prick, loser you are, your son may have turned out bad.  However, he saw and recognized a failure in life and wants to go the opposite direction.  You should pat yourself on the back as you pop the top on another 40 and toast yourself!  However, if that is not what happen, then I hope I didn't offend you, and I hope your son doesn't turn out like you.  Have a nice day, and I am sure you probably forgot about this thread.  Now leave your freedom in my hands as well as all the other men and women who have served or is serving in any branch of the Armed forces.  You will be protected!
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Dempy on June 07, 2010, 05:47:35 AM
amen hellraiser
wow i miss putting my uniform on :(
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Tin_man_© on June 07, 2010, 08:39:23 PM
tampon teabaggers like you... Gazelle nut suckers like you... you are worried about your girlfriends STDs.[/quote]

lmao self PWN thank you tim
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* Capsloc on June 08, 2010, 10:09:26 AM
The Illuminati.

Nuff said.
Title: Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
Post by: *MAFIA* BassSlappa on June 08, 2010, 03:00:41 PM
fuck the illuminati