*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => Flame => Topic started by: *MAFIA* Tin_man_© on October 06, 2010, 06:44:30 PM

Title: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Tin_man_© on October 06, 2010, 06:44:30 PM
I cant exactly remember, but i believe i've seen foxes tags in front of your name in BF. I think the reason u posted in my other flame section was because u want to defend your little friends.

QUOTE "Even if so, Is there anything wrong with beein' gay?
I mean, it's legal these days. Isn't the character TinMan of Oz a kind of a symbol of the whole gay community? I saw that on family guy, it can't be sci-fi then.

Did you ever visit a therapist concernin' yer slight Tourette's syndrome?"

The fact that u bring The Wizard of Oz into the flame topic i posted is just flat out silly. The next time u have something to say that's actually offensive, then say it. Please dont spam my post with ur stupidness. Family guy is absolutly awsome, however i think u should dedicate more time into getting laid or other activities besides watching politically funny cartoons all day.

You're an idiot. thanks for your post though we here at Mafia greatly appreciate different inputs.

Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on October 07, 2010, 08:17:56 AM
Actually Pedron is one of the cooler Foxes.  Him, Captin, Dion, Helly, Hawaii(even though it creeps me out about all those pictures of kids he has), and maybe one or two more.  However, if this was a topic about Ricardo or Cheero, then I would be all for a little bit of flame.  However, I just let that shit die just like the frogs do after Cheero pulls his tiny french penis from them and then inserts them into Ricardo's butthole. 

 :danceroll: :whip:
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: MaNiX on October 07, 2010, 09:38:33 AM
Von Fellen or whatever his name is, he will kick or ban ( possibly due to a small case of butthurt) for no reason. He banned my father on my old cd key just for having foxes as a tag, which was about 2 years ago.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: Pedron on October 09, 2010, 12:12:28 AM
No, Mr Tinman. I have no intention of being offensive in any way. Where did u get that from? I was jus' replyin' to yer post filled with random words such as "cum", "gay" , "penis" or whatever.
"Gay" yes, since u didn't like 'em...I was jus' wonderin' why you had the "tinMan" as your personalized alter-ego. If you can't add stuff and realize the meaning of them you have no real proof of my stupidity, actually proving yours. No offense, but I thought I made myself very clear.

* I am not here to defend anything or anyone
* I am not here lookin' to start issues with ex-cons or asylum escapers
* I am not wasting my time. In fact, I got many activities in life.
* I am gettin' laid whenever I wish, since I have a whoman in my life.

Isn't that kinda old and lame tellin' someone "u gotta get laid or somethin'"? I mean, I'm not 13 or 14 or 78. Your (again) lame and lo-Iq try to upset me by startin' a topic to offend me with calling me "stupid" or "Wanker" or whatever only proves your lack of brain activity. Or maybe, too much activity and not knowing what do to with it?

If I was that pityful, wouldn't I like come on yer server with aliases such as : "TinMan is sooo gay", "TinMan suxxxx" "Mafia TinMan eats broccoli on a saturday nite"??? Or even start a topic on my own forum named "Mafia TinMan can go to hell, if he wishes"??

I thought that since you was a member of the Mafia Clan you could actually deal with stuff, and also havin' something constructive to say. Genitalian words, or even basic ones such as "moron" , "Idiot", "Stupid", or perhaps even "Brown Starfish Chaser" aren't that hip anymore. They might have caused some fuzz during the 80's or 90's, but not now. I want you to put everything you see and hear into a different perspective. Life will get easier then.

Thanks for your time readin' this useless reply.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on October 09, 2010, 04:34:57 AM
start a topic on my own forum named "Mafia TinMan can go to hell, if he wishes"??

I dare you.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: MaNiX on October 09, 2010, 12:30:48 PM
I dare you.
I second that.    :lolz:
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: Loaded on October 09, 2010, 03:48:43 PM
"* I am gettin' laid whenever I wish, since I have a whoman in my life."

Is that the same thing as a He/She?
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: Pedron on October 10, 2010, 12:16:47 AM
No topic will be created elsewhere for therapy-needs for people to reply with such things as:
"Agreed", "LOL", "LOL", & "LOL" What does that even mean? I've even heard people In real life sayin' LOL...How do you pronounce this -> :) ??

I would like to add that it's a SHE. Also a member on a forum elsewhere, but not (yet) playin' Battlefield 1942.
And yes TinMan, I do suck. I'm not very good at this game. I tend to walk tall into fire like they did back in the day they waved the flag and had freakin' trumpets on the battlefield yellin' "CHAAAAARGE!".
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: offline on October 10, 2010, 08:33:37 AM
"Agreed", "LOL", "LOL", & "LOL" What does that even mean? I've even heard people In real life sayin' LOL...How do you pronounce this -> :) ??
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Tin_man_© on October 13, 2010, 06:37:17 PM
lol Just for everyones information, i have no issue with the foxes clan IN GENERAL, only surtain members who have been given admin rights and abuse the shit out of them. I especially like the fact that foxes members i wont name names try to target me in game while im trying to mind my own buisness and they still get OWNED.  O0

Id like to challange foxes clan to a infantry war in there server following there rules, but only with a few of my mafia pals.

PS It just wont happen havent we tried this already????
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on October 14, 2010, 03:24:41 AM
I asked Ricardo for a clan war but he said we hack too much.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: Loaded on October 14, 2010, 05:01:49 AM
I asked Ricardo for a clan war but he said we hack too much.

That's funny... We couldn't play them anyhow, if you aren't banned now you will be at the time of winning (1 or so minutes into the game). I could see the screen shot now of "their" win, Foxes on one team and not a player on the other.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: MaNiX on October 14, 2010, 06:43:18 AM
That's funny... We couldn't play them anyhow, if you aren't banned now you will be at the time of winning (1 or so minutes into the game). I could see the screen shot now of "their" win, Foxes on one team and not a player on the other.
Its a trap Robin, retreat to the bat cave!
I asked Ricardo for a clan war but he said we hack too much.
How can you hack too much on a hacking server?
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on October 14, 2010, 07:03:36 AM
I asked Ricardo for a clan war but he said we hack too much.
  HAHAHAHA.  That is the funniest cop out I have ever heard.  How can you hack to much?  They have the same hacks we do, they just aren't as skilled.  When you own them on their server, they run to get the "Foxes only" stuff and still fail!  I will be on their server in about an hour or 2.

 :danceroll: :ky: :shoot:
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: MaNiX on October 14, 2010, 07:54:20 AM
  HAHAHAHA.  That is the funniest cop out I have ever heard.  How can you hack to much?  They have the same hacks we do, they just aren't as skilled.  When you own them on their server, they run to get the "Foxes only" stuff and still fail!  I will be on their server in about an hour or 2.

 :danceroll: :ky: :shoot:
I could be mistaking but I think Verm made the Foxes hack/s.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on October 14, 2010, 10:29:15 AM
I could be mistaking but I think Verm made the Foxes hack/s.

Verm = spy
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on October 14, 2010, 10:38:52 AM
I could be mistaking but I think Verm made the Foxes hack/s.
  I think Verm made it for another clan he was in but Ricardo stole it as he does everything. 

 :ky: :danceroll:
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Ricardo on October 15, 2010, 07:48:36 AM
I didn't stole anything ( Verms has just made it for us). Don't worry. We just don't want a clan war cause you have no rules though.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Meeester on October 15, 2010, 03:24:29 PM
We just don't want a clan war cause you have no rules though.

no rules applies to language and attitude. Both your father's server and our own allow the same level of hacking. You all just have no clue how to use them to their full potential. :danceroll:
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on October 15, 2010, 03:47:10 PM
the only thing that they are good at is flying.  Take them out of the sky and most of them suck.  Ricardo is refering to us allowing people to kill planes before they take off. 

 :shoot: :danceroll: :ky:
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Meeester on October 15, 2010, 03:59:54 PM
the only thing that they are good at is flying. 

Could have fooled me.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* BassSlappa on October 15, 2010, 05:56:19 PM
I LOL at this topic. Pedron you're pretty cool in my book. Your "ex-con and asylum escapees" comment fits mafia to a T.
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: MaNiX on October 17, 2010, 10:00:46 AM
Ricardo is refering to us allowing people to kill planes before they take off. 

Auto takeoff mod....problem solved?
Title: Re: Pedron
Post by: *MAFIA* Malbert on October 17, 2010, 09:01:22 PM
^I think so, I think the new mods have cut down potential of spawn rape if that's what they're afraid of. The mods are our rules; that's how I like to think about it.