*MAFIA* Forums

Miscellaneous => Battlefield => BF 3 => Topic started by: Destroyer3366 on February 04, 2012, 11:24:47 AM

Title: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: Destroyer3366 on February 04, 2012, 11:24:47 AM
What are we a one man army trying to be a fail team, or a team that will live through a war if we go? We need to become a tight team. Guys KDR doesn't matter this is what matters you play the game, you have fun, you own, and you make a tight team.  Not a loose team set on KDR and fighting each other we need to tighten the team the Mafia team we need to start fighting like a whole not just be one man armies, lets make this team tight just as if we were in vietnam or where ever fighting in a war together, lets do this and preserve our reign forever, lets stop this and start bringing the team together.  If you say no then you don't deserve to be in Mafia, if you agree with me then you would probably live through a war and would help preserver Mafia and its reign.

For all the Mafia people out here and everyone else.  If you don't want me fine, I can leave easily, but it just leaves you the only guy that wants to preserve Mafia and make it a good team, but Beatlejuice is the founder i know, but too much fooling around being one man armies and harrassing people Beatlejuice won't always be here we need to prepare ourselves or we could face the breaking up of Mafia and everything we worked for gone forever, so think about it lets start getting ready for the future, tighten the team, and Not allow Mafia to die, you could ban me I know, but its one thing i know very well, without a strong, tight team, the team all dies at one point or another, if you hate me or think I am blaming you or anything like that, I am not, its just me trying to explain, and so on.  I know you think we may already be tight, but were not were loose and we could kill the Mafia Team at anytime, just be aware, and I know you hate me, and want to ban me or whatever, you can tell me to leave and never see me again, or you could do something else, but yeah just tell me here and I am gone.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* MAGGOT on February 04, 2012, 11:34:36 AM
Holy fuck, I am going to +rep you for the entertainment value of the post.

However I am going to -rep you for being utterly fucktarded; the ying to the yang.

Oh and you fail, horribly, nigger.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Balthazar on February 04, 2012, 11:41:36 AM
What are we a one man army trying to be a fail team, or a team that will live through a war if we go? We need to become a tight team. Guys KDR doesn't matter this is what matters you play the game, you have fun, you own, and you make a tight team.  Not a loose team set on KDR and fighting each other we need to tighten the team the Mafia team we need to start fighting like a whole not just be one man armies, lets make this team tight just as if we were in vietnam or where ever fighting in a war together, lets do this and preserve our reign forever, lets stop this and start bringing the team together.  If you say no then you don't deserve to be in Mafia, if you agree with me then you would probably live through a war and would help preserver Mafia and its reign.

For all the Mafia people out here and everyone else.  If you don't want me fine, I can leave easily, but it just leaves you the only guy that wants to preserve Mafia and make it a good team, but Beatlejuice is the founder i know, but too much fooling around being one man armies and harrassing people Beatlejuice won't always be here we need to prepare ourselves or we could face the breaking up of Mafia and everything we worked for gone forever, so think about it lets start getting ready for the future, tighten the team, and Not allow Mafia to die, you could ban me I know, but its one thing i know very well, without a strong, tight team, the team all dies at one point or another, if you hate me or think I am blaming you or anything like that, I am not, its just me trying to explain, and so on.  I know you think we may already be tight, but were not were loose and we could kill the Mafia Team at anytime, just be aware, and I know you hate me, and want to ban me or whatever, you can tell me to leave and never see me again, or you could do something else, but yeah just tell me here and I am gone.

You want a Haiku dammit? Here's one...

If you were going for inspirational, you failed.

If you were going for some semblance of intelligence, you failed.

If you were going for a plea of understanding of your childish mindset, you failed.

If you were going for truth, you failed.

You succeed only in revealing your jaded nature and recanting of your many lies.

Admit your age, here and now and maybe, just maybe... we won't ban you.

Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on February 04, 2012, 11:59:10 AM
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: Destroyer3366 on February 04, 2012, 12:24:57 PM
i was talking about what teams in war would really do and comparing to how we act and saying we need to be more like them.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: Destroyer3366 on February 04, 2012, 12:26:20 PM
if you actually took the time to read and understand and know about war you would have understood.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on February 04, 2012, 12:46:44 PM
if you actually took the time to read and understand and know about war you would have understood.

I know about war. Who do you think was part of Bonehead's sniper team as we traversed the mountains of Afghanistan? Do not dishonor the legacy of the snipers in this clan that have fought for you on the Battlefield.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* MAGGOT on February 04, 2012, 01:42:40 PM
I know about war. Who do you think was part of Bonehead's sniper team as we traversed the mountains of Afghanistan? Do not dishonor the legacy of the snipers in this clan that have fought for you on the Battlefield.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on February 04, 2012, 02:01:31 PM
I know about war. Who do you think was part of Bonehead's sniper team as we traversed the mountains of Afghanistan? Do not dishonor the legacy of the snipers in this clan that have fought for you on the Battlefield.
  As I am sure you have "traversed the mountains of Afghanistan"  it wasn't with Bonehead's sniper team, it was with Taliban.  He was in Iraq!!!!!! 
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: Loaded on February 04, 2012, 02:41:51 PM
if you actually took the time to read and understand and know about war you would have understood.

Yea kind of like reading and understanding the "Modify" Icon... So to edit the 1st post instead of making another right after it.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on February 04, 2012, 03:02:13 PM
Yea kind of like reading and understanding the "Modify" Icon... So to edit the 1st post instead of making another right after it.
  I wish this was like Facebook.  I would like this comment!!!!  So I will +rep it!!!!
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Malbert on February 04, 2012, 03:22:33 PM
We are asking for your true age in this post, how old are you Destroyer?
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: Head Hunter on February 04, 2012, 05:07:29 PM
You're going to get ripped to shit after a post like that, one that could only be made by a 13yo douche. Survive in Vietnam? Did you cut your Ritalin with cocaine this morning?
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Meeester on February 04, 2012, 06:19:35 PM
kill yourself destroyer. you take this game far to seriously past the usual "PTFO" argument

you don't belong on this forum. take a fucking hint
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on February 04, 2012, 06:33:09 PM
If you say no then you don't deserve to be in Mafia, if you agree with me then you would probably live through a war and would help preserver Mafia and its reign.

 Funny thing is I have lived, knock on wood, 2 times through war you fuck!!!!  I really feel like reaching through the internet and ripping out your throat while your parents and your "retarded" sister sit there and watch!  I honestly feel like banning you right now, however, I can see you are pretty much on your way without me doing a thing.  Beatle won't ban you just because you are a joke and he can pull your strings.  You have already turned one Head against you and that is Balth, keep going and you will have everyone hate you!  Don't post anymore because you are making yourself look like a douche.  The only reason you have stayed around this long is because you are a novelty and everyone makes fun of you!  Now do yourself a favor and FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

 but Beatlejuice is the founder i know, 
  Actually Bonehead is the founder!!!  Please make sure you know what you are talking about before you speak!!!!

won't always be here we need to prepare ourselves or we could face the breaking up of Mafia and everything we worked for gone forever, so think about it lets start getting ready for the future, tighten the team, and Not allow Mafia to die, you could ban me I know, but its one thing i know very well, without a strong, tight team, the team all dies at one point or another, if you hate me or think I am blaming you or anything like that, I am not, its just me trying to explain, and so on.  I know you think we may already be tight, but were not were loose and we could kill the Mafia Team at anytime, just be aware, and I know you hate me, and want to ban me or whatever, you can tell me to leave and never see me again, or you could do something else, but yeah just tell me here and I am gone.
  what is this "we" shit???  You are not Mafia!!!!!  You know what is funny, I think you know Bonehead!  Are you his son?  You seem to act like you are entitled or something.  Plus, you have the same lies as Bonehead saying you have been in the Army and all!  You will never get in Mafia! 

Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Manowar on February 04, 2012, 10:14:18 PM
My wetback's comment "Let me try" when I told him my wood chipper might not start as it has been idle for about two years was more inspirational then this peace of shit speech.  My God you are pathetic. Here I am trying to teach my kid to goto the bathroom on time and I almost pee'd myself reading your failure at life.  Do us all a favors next deer season.  Wear an antler hat and don't wear orange.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* KaMiKaZe JaP on February 04, 2012, 11:30:11 PM
What are we a one man army trying to be a fail team, or a team that will live through a war if we go? We need to become a tight team. Guys KDR doesn't matter this is what matters you play the game, you have fun, you own, and you make a tight team.  Not a loose team set on KDR and fighting each other we need to tighten the team the Mafia team we need to start fighting like a whole not just be one man armies, lets make this team tight just as if we were in vietnam or where ever fighting in a war together, lets do this and preserve our reign forever, lets stop this and start bringing the team together.  If you say no then you don't deserve to be in Mafia, if you agree with me then you would probably live through a war and would help preserver Mafia and its reign.

For all the Mafia people out here and everyone else.  If you don't want me fine, I can leave easily, but it just leaves you the only guy that wants to preserve Mafia and make it a good team, but Beatlejuice is the founder i know, but too much fooling around being one man armies and harrassing people Beatlejuice won't always be here we need to prepare ourselves or we could face the breaking up of Mafia and everything we worked for gone forever, so think about it lets start getting ready for the future, tighten the team, and Not allow Mafia to die, you could ban me I know, but its one thing i know very well, without a strong, tight team, the team all dies at one point or another, if you hate me or think I am blaming you or anything like that, I am not, its just me trying to explain, and so on.  I know you think we may already be tight, but were not were loose and we could kill the Mafia Team at anytime, just be aware, and I know you hate me, and want to ban me or whatever, you can tell me to leave and never see me again, or you could do something else, but yeah just tell me here and I am gone.
Mafia has been around a lot longer than you think, and we are tight, tight as the assholes of the 4 year olds that Balth keeps in his basement  :danceroll:
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* masebot1 on February 05, 2012, 11:41:32 AM
kill yourself destroyer. you take this game far to seriously past the usual "PTFO" argument

you don't belong on this forum. take a fucking hint

I didn't belong on this forum when I first started coming here.

I was all stupid and herp fucking derp furfag.
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on February 05, 2012, 10:50:58 PM
Beatlejuice is the founder i know
You spelled "Angel of Hell" wrong
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on July 28, 2014, 06:52:47 AM
So what about *MAFIA*, guys?
Title: Re: What about *MAFIA*?
Post by: *MAFIA* Ricardo on July 28, 2014, 10:32:20 AM
Promote me as Head.