*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => Help => Topic started by: Boemann (nl) on July 06, 2005, 03:08:08 AM

Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Boemann (nl) on July 06, 2005, 03:08:08 AM
ok, it started a few days ago, and its really pissing me off!

i noticed that no1 could hear me. i could hear myself breating, but i couldn't talk :s.
i knew that my mic wasn't broken, because i could hear myself breating. then it tried the local testing mode on Ts, and i could hear myself fine and I could talk.
then i uninstalled ventrilo, deleted everything of ventrilo, and redownloaded +reinstalled it.  And it worked again.
Then, something like 10 min. later, i noticed that i was talking, but that the other mafias weren't responding, and guess what, it didn't work again.
its still not working.

1 thing that you should know, is that i didn't change anything on my settings, it just suddently stoped working.

thats why i need your help, i hope that some1 can help me, because i want to talk again!

the crazy dutch basterd
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Loaded on July 06, 2005, 04:23:00 AM
Are you sure they just aren't messing with you? I mean they could be hearing you but just playing a joke on you and acking like they can't hear you.
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Boemann (nl) on July 06, 2005, 05:21:36 AM
yes, i tested it aswell, and i couldn't hear myself, so it wasn't a joke.
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Devil on July 06, 2005, 05:42:24 AM
it isnt a joke i coudn't hear him on ventrilo. Carnage coudn't hear him also.
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Gaffney on July 06, 2005, 04:53:31 PM
im goign to get ventrilo soon... a lot of things ive downloaded have come with a lot of popups? does ventrilo?
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Ins4n3 on July 06, 2005, 05:02:08 PM
If by popups you mean spyware, then no ventrilo has none.
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Gaffney on July 06, 2005, 05:03:20 PM
sweet, thats good. last time i downloaded a free program someone made, it had tons of spyware.
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: ICEMAN on July 06, 2005, 07:27:30 PM
well it's not exactly free...  mafia has to rent the server from then, so somebody is still paying for the use of vent.
Post by: Boemann (nl) on July 07, 2005, 01:47:12 AM
tnx to missa, it works again :), tnx a lot missa
Title: my ventrilo is acting weird
Post by: Missa on July 07, 2005, 02:51:53 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* BoEmAnN (nl)
tnx to missa, it works again :), tnx a lot missa

anytime hun!!  :)