*MAFIA* Forums

Miscellaneous => Battlefield => BF 1942 => Topic started by: Unregistered on August 11, 2005, 06:06:16 AM

Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Unregistered on August 11, 2005, 06:06:16 AM
hey guys...

Yes.. it is here.. the race track of El Alamein is finally here.  Alot of mafia really liked it from what i heard on your Ventrillo last night.  So if you want the patch for it... either get it from a mafia person or let us know and we will give you the link to it.


Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: ICEMAN on August 11, 2005, 09:15:00 PM
and yes, it kicks total ass!
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: [DOA] Programmer_One on August 11, 2005, 11:14:08 PM
It seems that by popular demand I am going to have to make another one...maybe bigger.

Gazala, I have my eye on you.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on August 12, 2005, 12:15:54 AM
Quote from: '[DOA
Programmer_One']It seems that by popular demand I am going to have to make another one...maybe bigger.

Gazala, I have my eye on you.

lol coo i cant wait for that one
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: phil on August 12, 2005, 02:35:05 AM
make a jet race
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Brick on August 12, 2005, 03:19:21 AM
Why is DOA such pussys? everytime i go in there server i get kicked for such childish reasons!
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: MeZmoriZe on August 12, 2005, 04:04:09 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Brick
Why is DOA such pussys? everytime i go in there server i get kicked for such childish reasons!

Dude, this isn't the time or thread to start talking about that...
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Ins4n3 on August 12, 2005, 04:54:44 AM
Nigger please, this is spam we can talk about what we want.

And on that note, my foot itches.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on August 12, 2005, 06:04:07 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
Nigger please, this is spam we can talk about what we want.

And on that note, my foot itches.

lol that is some funny shit right there
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: [DOA] Programmer_One on August 12, 2005, 11:00:58 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Brick
Why is DOA such pussys? everytime i go in there server i get kicked for such childish reasons!

Because you smell.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on August 12, 2005, 07:26:11 PM
Your mom smells.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: ICEMAN on August 13, 2005, 12:43:11 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
Your mom smells.

ho snap... it's been brought...
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Blacksheep_1 on August 13, 2005, 10:06:48 PM

there is only a few ways for you to get kicked....

1.  using the word "nigger" or many other alternative ways of spelling it.
2.  a negative (-6) score or worse.
3.  excesive TK'g.

which one of these are you doing?
From what i have seen about you...   I think it is #2.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Raven on August 13, 2005, 11:29:16 PM
What she smell like Beetle..In heat ?....LETS GO!!!!! lol
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Ins4n3 on August 14, 2005, 04:03:18 AM
Quote from: Blacksheep_1

there is only a few ways for you to get kicked....

1.  using the word "nigger" or many other alternative ways of spelling it.
2.  a negative (-6) score or worse.
3.  excesive TK'g.

which one of these are you doing?
From what i have seen about you...   I think it is #2.

I'm sorry but thats not the only way to get kicked from your server and you know that. Have a look at your server log sometime when you're bored and you'll see.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Crumpet on August 14, 2005, 04:44:19 PM
looks like sheep is the popular 1 in this forum.... *cough cough*
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Ins4n3 on August 14, 2005, 05:46:21 PM
Also Blacksheep, if you don't want people TKing you might want to think of changing your server name from "No Rules" to "No Teamkilling".
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Crumpet on August 15, 2005, 06:45:00 AM
hhahahahahahah a! ^^ OWNED ^^
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: [DOA] Programmer_One on August 15, 2005, 10:13:34 PM
Quote from: Crumpet
hhahahahahahaha! ^^ OWNED ^^

You're a retard. Nobody was talking to you.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx on August 15, 2005, 11:42:59 PM
Quote from: '[DOA
Programmer_One']You're a retard. Nobody was talking to you.

u dont even have to tell him, he doesnt understand anyway... as you said hes a retard
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Crumpet on August 16, 2005, 02:00:47 PM
^^ your both retards, both of your mums are retards
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: [DOA] Programmer_One on August 17, 2005, 01:37:25 AM
Quote from: Crumpet
^^ your both retards, both of your mums are retards

Dude. Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Crumpet on August 17, 2005, 11:36:55 AM
hitler commited suicide because he found out you were his son
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: MeZmoriZe on August 17, 2005, 12:43:03 PM
Quote from: Crumpet
hitler commited suicide because he found out you were his son

That was one of the gayest comebacks ever...but to get back on topic.  Yes, the track does indeed kick major anus.
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: Zeppelin on August 19, 2005, 04:40:32 PM
whats the doa website
Title: DOA's Race Track in the Sky....
Post by: shooter04 on August 19, 2005, 04:51:32 PM
scenitists at Cambrigde hvae dicsovred taht no mtater how msesed up the wrod is, as lnog as the frsit and lsat lteter are in the rgiht plcae, the mnid can sitll unerdsatnd the wrod. prtety aewsmoe, huh?

thought that was pretty cool...