*MAFIA* Forums

Miscellaneous => Battlefield => BF 1942 => Topic started by: ThorsHamburger on September 29, 2005, 07:45:45 PM

Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: ThorsHamburger on September 29, 2005, 07:45:45 PM
I picked up BF1942 tonight, when I go to install it keeps telling me im putting the wrong CD key in. I have tried entering the key like 5 or 6 time.. Anyone have any ideas?

Maybe I should just exchange this copy..
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: g00deye on September 29, 2005, 08:12:17 PM
Quote from: ThorsHamburger
I picked up BF1942 tonight, when I go to install it keeps telling me im putting the wrong CD key in. I have tried entering the key like 5 or 6 time.. Anyone have any ideas?

Maybe I should just exchange this copy..

New or Pre-Used?
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on September 29, 2005, 09:18:39 PM
you are entering the key wrong or you are short.
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: ThorsHamburger on September 29, 2005, 10:17:01 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
you are entering the key wrong or you are short.

I just picked it up from walmart brand new the EA box seals were un-broken.

The last time i entered the CD key i took a pen and checked off each numbered as I typed the key in haha so there is no was i'm typing it in wrong.

I'm wandering if someone had generated the key that came with my game :P

I think ill try the key once more and make sure i'm doing everything the way I should be. If this does not work ill try to exchange it and try a new CD key..
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on September 29, 2005, 10:39:55 PM
Best of luck lol your gonna need it ;)
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: ThorsHamburger on September 30, 2005, 12:13:36 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
Best of luck lol your gonna need it ;)

Haha thanks man, I hear you guys saying how good it is so i wanted to check it out. I've known of bfv and bf1942 just never got into it.

was always into CS, DOD, and some TFC :P also MMORPGs.

EA those bastids!
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: g00deye on September 30, 2005, 04:39:47 AM
Quote from: ThorsHamburger
Haha thanks man, I hear you guys saying how good it is so i wanted to check it out. I've known of bfv and bf1942 just never got into it.

was always into CS, DOD, and some TFC :P also MMORPGs.

EA those bastids!

Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: ThorsHamburger on September 30, 2005, 09:54:57 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* g00deye

Bastards, EA is a bunch of bastards. Lol, I say this for many reasons. If anyone would like to know those reasons please PM me.
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: ThorsHamburger on September 30, 2005, 02:28:28 PM
Took my copy back to walmart and got a new copy. Just got home put the new CD key in the first time and it worked.

So I'll see you chumps in game
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on September 30, 2005, 05:08:35 PM
Well ok seeya in the meat wagon...
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on November 13, 2005, 08:32:43 PM
Wow ,that happened to me too!
Title: wtf... CD key prob...
Post by: *MAFIA* Phantom on November 13, 2005, 10:42:01 PM
Walmart is for beans!