*MAFIA* Forums

Miscellaneous => Games => Topic started by: Snipester on January 07, 2006, 03:19:34 PM

Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Snipester on January 07, 2006, 03:19:34 PM
A couple of days ago i got pb hardware banned cuz i was using an aimbot on americas army.. Does any1 know of an fixes out there for it that i can get.

Title: Hardware bann
Post by: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx on January 07, 2006, 03:23:17 PM
Quote from: Snipester
A couple of days ago i got pb hardware banned cuz i was using an aimbot on americas army.. Does any1 know of an fixes out there for it that i can get.


ya buy a new computer
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on January 07, 2006, 03:42:41 PM
And don't use aimbots, they are illegal.
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx on January 07, 2006, 03:44:44 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
And don't use aimbots, they are illegal.

ya you can go to prison just for thinking about using them!
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Snipester on January 07, 2006, 07:00:03 PM
zomg no way.. lol. I had never used an aimbot before. i found it got boring after a while. it serves me right for it.. other then Buy a new computer, is there anything i can do
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Loaded on January 07, 2006, 07:12:40 PM
Quote from: Snipester
zomg no way.. lol. I had never used an aimbot before. i found it got boring after a while. it serves me right for it.. other then Buy a new computer, is there anything i can do

Um yes... New hard drive/drives, new sound card, new video card, so on take your pick or replace all of them OR just deal with the hardware ban. Just a bit of info, you do know you are fucked for ANY and ALL PB games now right? I bet you wished you never used that aimbot ona PB server, why in the hell would you do that anyhow I have no clue.
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Snipester on January 07, 2006, 10:32:15 PM
YES I GET IT NEW SHIT THANKS TIPS. THERE are fixes i know that. P1 made one but he is "on leave" or so he says. I know it got brick unbanned. Man Im so fucked can someone help me out. O and for the aimbot. I wanted to get my honour, which is like ur rank, up quick so i could use special features like gun mods. And it did claim to be absolutley pb proof.
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on January 08, 2006, 01:57:49 AM
Did you know pb putes out hacks to? they need to keep the banning going to show the game makers they are still needed so a fat report of cheaters banned makes them keep their worthless jobs.
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Snipester on January 08, 2006, 06:42:39 AM
thats actaully pretty funny
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Koekiemonster on January 08, 2006, 09:17:36 AM
Quote from: Snipester
thats actaully pretty funny

No really, that is not funny at all man!!
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: saW on January 08, 2006, 10:46:03 AM
lol where do you find Aimbots at?
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Toblerone on January 08, 2006, 01:23:45 PM
Quote from: Thats How I Roll
lol where do you find Aimbots at?


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Title: Hardware bann
Post by: Snipester on January 08, 2006, 04:32:28 PM
hey it worked thanks. im gonna reccomend it to all my friends. But for the hell of it.. does any1 have anything else
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on January 08, 2006, 11:15:31 PM
Quote from: Snipester
YES I GET IT NEW SHIT THANKS TIPS. THERE are fixes i know that. P1 made one but he is "on leave" or so he says. I know it got brick unbanned. Man Im so fucked can someone help me out. O and for the aimbot. I wanted to get my honour, which is like ur rank, up quick so i could use special features like gun mods. And it did claim to be absolutley pb proof.

I dont think it got brick unbanned brick told me on vent he bought a new HD and network card.....so ya...
Title: Hardware bann
Post by: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx on January 09, 2006, 01:26:00 PM
Quote from: LAAZT1K420
I dont think it got brick unbanned brick told me on vent he bought a new HD and network card.....so ya...

Rick got banned because he was using that hack that was put on mpcforums.com lol, poor rick i told him not to do it, i got banned because PB screenshots, my conclusion, fuck EA