*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => Flame => Topic started by: Billy Rubin on September 28, 2006, 10:28:14 PM

Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Billy Rubin on September 28, 2006, 10:28:14 PM
Hey guys...I got a funny story...
I was playing on the 1.6 server tonight under a different name...'Eddy'. And the wonderful pizza boy was in there yelling OWNED as usual. I killed him once with the aa and typed 'OWNED', he tried to kick me but hit the comma instead of the period. Then I killed him again a few seconds later with a sniper rifle and once again typed 'OWNED', but this time he managed to hit the period and I got kicked. I'm not mad, I expected it, but I wanted to bring the abuse to your attention, whether or not you do anything about it :)
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Capsloc on September 28, 2006, 11:10:45 PM
ay that patty cakes
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on September 28, 2006, 11:41:39 PM
yup i played against this guy. any shot to any1 and he says "owned"   And then he kicked me from the server. how is that possible, or is it mafia member playing under disguise? eh it could be but i am also kinda mad.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on September 29, 2006, 12:04:52 AM
Hey billy you have some new members who do almost the same thing in your clan.....excep t for typing the owned part.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Rat on September 29, 2006, 06:04:15 AM
Since something happened to 3VO's servers alot of them have been coming to ours. Some of them have been cool, the majority have been jerks. I try to be nice to them,  but usually end up on the wrong end of the deal.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Boemann (nl) on September 29, 2006, 06:27:19 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rat-Man USN
Since something happened to 3VO's servers alot of them have been coming to ours. Some of them have been cool, the majority have been jerks. I try to be nice to them,  but usually end up on the wrong end of the deal.

I have seen gear a couple of times, and maxtor, but thats it, no more. But I haven't had any problems with them
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on September 29, 2006, 07:06:44 AM
Ban em all! :p
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Rat on September 29, 2006, 07:38:44 AM
I'll drink to that.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on September 29, 2006, 08:14:56 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
Ban em all! :p

When i do you get mad :(
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Billy Rubin on September 29, 2006, 08:50:57 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* |LÁÁZ|
Hey billy you have some new members who do almost the same thing in your clan.....excep t for typing the owned part.

Well once our server is back up, if anyone ever does that to you, let us know. We don't tolerate stuff like that, and if members are abusing their admin in that way, it gets taken away.
Which ones have you had problems with Rat Man?
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on September 29, 2006, 09:09:38 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* |LÁÁZ|
When i do you get mad :(

He's joking you NUB.

The only 3v0lution players I've seen on our server are Gear and Lil' John and Gear is cool and Lil' John didn't say a word or act in an unusual manner.  But I have seen flame posts on their forum talking about admins doing the same thing.  Their server is back so I guess they're done.  As for Pattycakes, well only he can answer that...
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Billy Rubin on September 29, 2006, 09:39:29 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
He's joking you NUB.

The only 3v0lution players I've seen on our server are Gear and Lil' John and Gear is cool and Lil' John didn't say a word or act in an unusual manner.  But I have seen flame posts on their forum talking about admins doing the same thing.  Their server is back so I guess they're done.  As for Pattycakes, well only he can answer that...

I do believe there's only one or two flames about admin abuse in the server...one was warpig, and his admin was taken away as a result. The rest were either temporary bans or ventrilo bans, and the 'unfair' ones were taken care of in the members only section. But our server isn't back up yet, probably won't be for another week and a half or so.
The reason I ask who you've had problems with is because I don't think its right for our members to go play on your server and disrespect your members (unless of course its a 2-way street). When your servers were down, the few mafia members that did come play on our server were respectful, unless of course our members provoked them.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Boemann (nl) on September 29, 2006, 11:03:14 AM
Kinda hard for me to make a flame post about it since I'm still banned. But hey, no 3v0 member/admin ever did something wrong with me, so no need for me to 'post' that. :p
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on September 29, 2006, 11:14:25 AM
I think its wicked funny Boemann got banned for no apparent reason other than leaving.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: HaVoK on September 29, 2006, 11:45:35 AM
Didn't Brick get banned from everything of their's also?
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Billy Rubin on September 29, 2006, 12:21:41 PM
I don't know the details, but they must have stepped on some toes on their way out because Laaz for example isn't banned. And I saw Brick on the forum today, and he was in vent not that long ago.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Rat on September 29, 2006, 02:02:50 PM
Thanks Billy,
 I guess it's just a boy thing. You know "mines bigger than yours".  I have a good idea who wants to play that game. Only one of them was someone I thought was a friend, so I''ll just deal with it appropriately when it happens like any other player who comes in.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on September 29, 2006, 05:12:30 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rat-Man USN
Thanks Billy,
 I guess it's just a boy thing. You know "mines bigger than yours".  I have a good idea who wants to play that game. Only one of them was someone I thought was a friend, so I''ll just deal with it appropriately when it happens like any other player who comes in.

mines bigger then yours ratman...
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Swampfox on September 29, 2006, 05:19:09 PM
i see the 3vo guys all the time and have no problem with them...They all seem to play cool when in our server....Hey Billy...Miss you
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on September 29, 2006, 09:44:32 PM
Quote from: Billy Rubin
I don't know the details, but they must have stepped on some toes on their way out because Laaz for example isn't banned. And I saw Brick on the forum today, and he was in vent not that long ago.

Yeah i made it clear in the private area that i would rape your grandmas if u were to ban me ;). GO ahead take a look.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on September 29, 2006, 10:18:11 PM
I am god, and what I say goes! "snikers; beetle probaly has a cow" but seriously I let mafia run as much as posible from the members.

You can ask anyone, except lazlo he thinks I am mean to him :| I love you all and hope the best for everyone.

Some changes are fixing to go on in mafia some good some bad...
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Capsloc on September 29, 2006, 11:19:08 PM
when will we see these changes?
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Billy Rubin on September 29, 2006, 11:40:40 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* |LÁÁZ|
Yeah i made it clear in the private area that i would rape your grandmas if u were to ban me ;). GO ahead take a look.

Wow I don't even remember that I had to go look this is what I found:
Quote from: LAAZT1K420
Ok guys I'm quitting. I want to join mafia, I need to be with Phantom because I love him. I love you all. Plz don't ban me. I'll do anything you ask, just don't ban me. I'll even take pictures of me taking Phantom's lightsaber up my ass. Plz plz plz don't ban me. I'm so emo, I can't help it.

Hahaha jk.
Miss you too swampy! *hugs*
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on September 30, 2006, 03:42:22 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
I am god, and what I say goes! "snikers; beetle probaly has a cow" but seriously I let mafia run as much as posible from the members.

You can ask anyone, except lazlo he thinks I am mean to him :| I love you all and hope the best for everyone.

Some changes are fixing to go on in mafia some good some bad...

BONE???????? No i dont, you've been cool with me :p. If you dont mind.. Is there anyway you can pm what the new changes are going to be?? Thanks. :)


Billy WTF LOL...
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Boemann (nl) on September 30, 2006, 04:16:41 AM
Quote from: Billy Rubin
I don't know the details, but they must have stepped on some toes on their way out because Laaz for example isn't banned. And I saw Brick on the forum today, and he was in vent not that long ago.

Well ya, brick and insane had some problems, but I never had any problems with insane. I just told him on msn that I was going back to mafia, and he just said "k cya" then he banned me. I wonder what the changes will be.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: -=3v0=- Maxter on October 04, 2006, 02:37:48 AM
Title: So is this where we are to continue this shit?
Post by: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . ) on October 06, 2006, 11:33:23 PM
First of all, your little cute attacks on my living at home and smoking the crack pipe are classic line of attack for a fat stinky whore gutter slut like yourself!  Because I openly told people as to what I am and who I am because I believe people should know who I am and what I am unlike your two faced ass.  So you even trying to use this stuff against me like your letting some big secret out of the bag just shows your true fucking stupidity!

And to further point out your sheer fucking stupidity you could at least get the fucking facts straight you fucking moron! I do not smoke the meth pipe you keep symbolizing as my GOD! I am a hype(IV) user you ignorant COW! And to help also clear some more of your stupidity? Oh yes you better believe there are fat meth users. Even fatter than you which I find very hard to believe. And now my one last thing to clear up with your fucked up memory...

I most certainly never called my daughter a whore you dumb cunt! I called her a fucking tramp, and a fucking cunt from hell! And if you even spent 1 year raising her which I am sure your fat ass she would have just rolled you into a closet and proceeded to do as she willed! So you don't tell me what the fuck I can say and can't say about my daughter you ignorant slut! Oh by the way Pat thanks for the support there bro greatly appreciate your support. So I hope I have managed somehow to clear up your stupidity some.

OH wait one last thing I think you will get a great kick out of! Laaz never said a fucking word I just heard about you and snake breaking up and you were pregnant! I just ran with it from there and you coming out telling me that you left snake to go down and visit Laaz in LA... Sure just a visit! Snake you are even more retarded and pussy whipped then I could have ever imagined. What a classic skanky bitch move on your part BILLY! So thank you for that awsome piece of information and trust me when I say; I wouldn't trade places with you for anything because you truely disgust me with your false faces, and dumb cunt ways! I almost feel sorry for your pathetic ass. But I don't because you deserve yourself NIGGER! TaTa
Post by: *MAFIA* PROHELIM@NKIE on October 06, 2006, 11:49:09 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . )
First of all your little cute attacks on my living at home and smoking the crack pipe are classic line of attack for a fat stinky whore gutter slut like yourself! Because I openly told people as to what I am and who I am because I believe people should know who I am and what I am unlike your two faced ass. So you even trying to use this stuff against me like your letting some big secret out of the bag just shows your true fucking stupidity! And to further point out your sheer fucking stupidity you could at least get the fucking facts straight you fucking moron! I do not smoke the meth pipe you keep symbolizing as my GOD! I am a hype(IV) user you ignorant COW! And to help also clear some more of your stupidity? Oh yes you better believe there are fat meth users. Even fatter than you which I find very hard to believe. And now my one last thing to clear up with your fucked up memory... I most certainly never called my daughter a whore you dumb cunt! I called her a fucking tramp, and a fucking cunt from hell! And if you even spent 1 year raising her which I am sure your fat ass she would have just rolled you into a closet and proceeded to do as she willed! So you don't tell me what the fuck I can say and can't say about my daughter you ignorant slut! Oh by the way Pat thanks for the support there bro greatly appreciate your support. So I hope I have managed somehow to clear up your stupidity some. OH wait one last thing I think you will get a great kick out of! Laaz never said a fucking word I just heard about you and snake breaking up and you were pregnant! I just ran with it from there and you coming out telling me that you left snake to go down and visit Laaz in LA... Sure just a visit! Snake you are even more retarded and pussy whipped then I could have ever imagined. What a classic skanky bitch move on your part BILLY! So thank you for that awsome piece of information and trust me when I say; I wouldn't trade places with you for anything because you truely disgust me with your false faces, and dumb cunt ways! I almost feel sorry for your pathetic ass. But I don't because you deserve yourself NIGGER! TaTa
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on October 07, 2006, 12:08:11 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . )
First of all your little cute attacks on my living at home and smoking the crack pipe are classic line of attack for a fat stinky whore gutter slut like yourself! Because I openly told people as to what I am and who I am because I believe people should know who I am and what I am unlike your two faced ass. So you even trying to use this stuff against me like your letting some big secret out of the bag just shows your true fucking stupidity! And to further point out your sheer fucking stupidity you could at least get the fucking facts straight you fucking moron! I do not smoke the meth pipe you keep symbolizing as my GOD! I am a hype(IV) user you ignorant COW! And to help also clear some more of your stupidity? Oh yes you better believe there are fat meth users. Even fatter than you which I find very hard to believe. And now my one last thing to clear up with your fucked up memory... I most certainly never called my daughter a whore you dumb cunt! I called her a fucking tramp, and a fucking cunt from hell! And if you even spent 1 year raising her which I am sure your fat ass she would have just rolled you into a closet and proceeded to do as she willed! So you don't tell me what the fuck I can say and can't say about my daughter you ignorant slut! Oh by the way Pat thanks for the support there bro greatly appreciate your support. So I hope I have managed somehow to clear up your stupidity some. OH wait one last thing I think you will get a great kick out of! Laaz never said a fucking word I just heard about you and snake breaking up and you were pregnant! I just ran with it from there and you coming out telling me that you left snake to go down and visit Laaz in LA... Sure just a visit! Snake you are even more retarded and pussy whipped then I could have ever imagined. What a classic skanky bitch move on your part BILLY! So thank you for that awsome piece of information and trust me when I say; I wouldn't trade places with you for anything because you truely disgust me with your false faces, and dumb cunt ways! I almost feel sorry for your pathetic ass. But I don't because you deserve yourself NIGGER! TaTa

Can you put indents so I can read it?
Title: No Kraut!
Post by: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . ) on October 07, 2006, 01:02:53 AM
NO Kraut if you wish to correct it for me? Feel free!
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on October 07, 2006, 02:09:12 PM
dont shoot the messanger.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on October 08, 2006, 02:18:02 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . )
First of all, your little cute attacks on my living at home and smoking the crack pipe are classic line of attack for a fat stinky whore gutter slut like yourself!  Because I openly told people as to what I am and who I am because I believe people should know who I am and what I am unlike your two faced ass.  So you even trying to use this stuff against me like your letting some big secret out of the bag just shows your true fucking stupidity!

And to further point out your sheer fucking stupidity you could at least get the fucking facts straight you fucking moron! I do not smoke the meth pipe you keep symbolizing as my GOD! I am a hype(IV) user you ignorant COW! And to help also clear some more of your stupidity? Oh yes you better believe there are fat meth users. Even fatter than you which I find very hard to believe. And now my one last thing to clear up with your fucked up memory...

I most certainly never called my daughter a whore you dumb cunt! I called her a fucking tramp, and a fucking cunt from hell! And if you even spent 1 year raising her which I am sure your fat ass she would have just rolled you into a closet and proceeded to do as she willed! So you don't tell me what the fuck I can say and can't say about my daughter you ignorant slut! Oh by the way Pat thanks for the support there bro greatly appreciate your support. So I hope I have managed somehow to clear up your stupidity some.

OH wait one last thing I think you will get a great kick out of! Laaz never said a fucking word I just heard about you and snake breaking up and you were pregnant! I just ran with it from there and you coming out telling me that you left snake to go down and visit Laaz in LA... Sure just a visit! Snake you are even more retarded and pussy whipped then I could have ever imagined. What a classic skanky bitch move on your part BILLY! So thank you for that awsome piece of information and trust me when I say; I wouldn't trade places with you for anything because you truely disgust me with your false faces, and dumb cunt ways! I almost feel sorry for your pathetic ass. But I don't because you deserve yourself NIGGER! TaTa

ROFL good sex and great BLOWJOBS btw.......
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: -=3v0=- Maxter on October 08, 2006, 04:11:49 AM
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on October 08, 2006, 05:44:25 AM
Quote from: -=3v0=- Maxter

I do.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Boemann (nl) on October 08, 2006, 06:31:49 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
I do.

Thats why I call you jesusjuice :)
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: MeZmoriZe on October 08, 2006, 07:35:02 AM
Forget it, the 60's are gone.  There's no such thing as love and peace anymore.

By the way, excellent sig Maxter, who made it?
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Boemann (nl) on October 08, 2006, 09:49:23 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* MeZmoriZe
By the way, excellent sig Maxter, who made it?

 Ya I was wondering that too, who made your sig Maxter? Its fucking sweet.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: -=3v0=- Maxter on October 08, 2006, 03:45:42 PM
LOL. Well, the person who made it for me is VERY skilled. But, he told me not to pass his name about b/c then ppl may start to continualy ask him. I only wish I could do that type of thing on my comp.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on October 08, 2006, 03:58:35 PM
A friend or a person from a service (random guy)?
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: -=3v0=- Maxter on October 08, 2006, 06:03:35 PM
No, just another Clan member.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Gear on October 08, 2006, 07:49:48 PM
Hey, hard target was baned from your server, he says for no reason. all he said that he is leaving then he got baned. well any ways can some one unban him? i like to snipe the crap out of him when he plays but i cant cus he is baned.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx on October 08, 2006, 07:52:49 PM
Quote from: Gear
Hey, hard target was baned from your server, he says for no reason. all he said that he is leaving then he got baned. well any ways can some one unban him? i like to snipe the crap out of him when he plays but i cant cus he is baned.

everyone gets banned for a reason, now that swifty is gone that is.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Capsloc on October 08, 2006, 09:22:01 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
everyone gets banned for a reason, now that swifty is gone that is.

Post by: *MAFIA* PROHELIM@NKIE on October 08, 2006, 11:37:16 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
everyone gets banned for a reason, now that swifty is gone that is.

Correcto Mundo ! ! !  He was banned alright for a reason, untill RATMAN and Me feel it's ok too unban his ass it will remain a ban !!!  for now ask him too think real hard if he can; right before he got his ban what he did wrong while playing in our server, that little fucker? and he sit's there  "what did i do wrong" he know's the prob's he gives too the *MAFIA* MEMBERS!!! PEACE OUT MY NIGGA
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: -=3v0=- Maxter on October 09, 2006, 03:23:51 AM
Let me guess. You were Owning Bitches then he got lippy :P
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on October 09, 2006, 04:59:34 AM
Why dont you kids shut the fuck up, stop bitching, and go away. This is not 3v0 now fuck off.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Darkcritter on October 09, 2006, 07:13:05 AM
Hell yeah tear them up.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: -=3v0=- Maxter on October 09, 2006, 07:43:14 AM
lol Laaz your so cute. I'd love to pinch your cheeks and tickle your belly.Kochee Kochee koo.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on October 09, 2006, 11:31:36 AM
What kind of flame is this.  And yes, I purpose put a period on the end of that sentence instead of a question mark.  Why?  You'll never know.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Hard Target on October 09, 2006, 11:52:11 AM
Correcto Mundo ! ! !  He was banned alright for a reason, untill RATMAN and Me feel it's ok too unban his ass it will remain a ban !!!  for now ask him too think real hard if he can; right before he got his ban what he did wrong while playing in our server, that little fucker? and he sit's there  "what did i do wrong" he know's the prob's he gives too the *MAFIA* MEMBERS!!! PEACE OUT MY NIGGA

okay...here it is...i appologize if i caused you trouble. i was on the MAFIA server gettin owned as usual.... Gear had posted a thread in 3v0 talking about showing more respect to mafia members...ok i humbly agree with that... and i'll agree to disagree, why should i show respect to those who do not return the favor. i was lipping off a while ago and since gears thread i laid off a bit and tried to show comradery with the symbols dude( Taker) (pro heli) or whoever the hell you are and still he showed no respect so fuck that. i was getting owned by a couple members with hacks and glitches. Dont get me wrong i have no problem with that... its when you relentlessly spawn camp.... like look at the fuckin log i was killed like 15 times before i could take 5 steps from spawning. Believe me it wasnt fun. i kept my mouth shut for the most part untill i was like 3 kills and 33 deaths.
 I simply said "fuck this im out of here...im going to a server where they appreciate skill, not fucking hacks and mods." then i got banned.....
ok, so maybe i shouldnt have said that. im sorry if i hurt your feelings please take me off the bann list so i can play.... dont you guys like owning me anyways....
i have no problem taking a good owning but for fuck sakes show some god damb respect if you expect me to show you any...
and laaz, fuck You dude. i wont not bitche here i know it's not 3v0 but you do have a forum to bitch in
so piss on you
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* [StimPH] on October 09, 2006, 12:02:01 PM
Quote from: Hard Target
I simply said "fuck this im out of here...im going to a server where they appreciate skill, not fucking hacks and mods." then i got banned.....

I guess you better didnt say that, i know its fucked up getting owned and spawnkilled but that is how it works on our servers.

i cant unban you, sorry
but a guess u will be unbanned soon.

Title: Somethings never change
Post by: HaVoK on October 09, 2006, 12:09:04 PM
What ever happened to NO RULES.  Sometimes you have to actually let there be No Rules and suck it up.  If you're going to ban/kick people when all they're doing is talkign smack and stuff, YOU'RE A FUCKING PUSSY.  I'm getting tired myself playing on the *MAFIA* server under different names and getting kicked just for killing some of you guys.  Come on and try to follow your own god damn rules.  I'd have to side with the guys from 3v0 on this one.
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Swifty on October 09, 2006, 12:15:34 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
everyone gets banned for a reason, now that swifty is gone that is.

Wow your a little shit talker, keep talking your shit, I tried to leave on possitive terms but looks like theres always some dumb kid to stir up shit.  If you have a statment to make about me do it to my face you little pussy.  And Don't even reply to this thread to build back your Ego you little coward, if you have anything other then an appology to say to me feel free to drop by MDK's vent when it is back up.  Funny, I don't even play BF1942 and I get a reputation for banning people in it?
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on October 09, 2006, 06:01:17 PM
Quote from: *MAFIA* |LÁÁZ|
Why dont you kids shut the fuck up, stop bitching, and go away. This is not 3v0 now fuck off.

white power!
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Billy Rubin on October 10, 2006, 10:47:31 AM
ZOMG this thread is still going? I only have one more thing to say...

Quote from: *MAFIA* |LÁÁZ|
ROFL good sex and great BLOWJOBS btw.......

Only in your dreams beaner boy, I choke on small bones!
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* LAAZ on October 10, 2006, 12:48:00 PM
Quote from: Billy Rubin
ZOMG this thread is still going? I only have one more thing to say...

Only in your dreams beaner boy, I choke on small bones!

LOL its okie billy i got mine ask tits he knows ;)
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . ) on October 17, 2006, 03:27:56 AM
that would explain all the choking noises i used to hear in the background while talking with snake! HaHa
Title: Somethings never change
Post by: Snake Pliskin on October 17, 2006, 08:34:34 AM
Quote from: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . )
that would explain all the choking noises i used to hear in the background while talking with snake! HaHa

Yup that would have been me choking on that shitty water bong I had. :D