*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => Flame => Topic started by: -=3v0=- Adolf_1938 on May 07, 2007, 04:46:58 PM

Title: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: -=3v0=- Adolf_1938 on May 07, 2007, 04:46:58 PM
I was on ur server today, and an admin came on. Yes, he was pwnin the shit outta me. But thts 2 b exspected from someone who does nothing but spawn camp w/ and aa gun. that is not my complaint though. My complaint is this. In the letter I recived a year and a half ago, this sentence is in it:

"One of *MAFIA*'s rules is that *MAFIA* does not kill *MAFIA*. *MAFIA*
members are to help each other even if on oposing teams. You are to wear
your clan tag *MAFIA* whenever playing on a *MAFIA* server. If you wish to
play as another player that is fine, just let all other *MAFIA* members
know who you are."

IDK if the rules have changed since i quit, but I have noticed alot of members (*MAFIA*) comming in, talking shit under an assumed name, and pwnin as usual. but is this rule still in effect? Cause u'all dont enforce it.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on May 07, 2007, 05:12:48 PM
You kind of answered your own question - "If you wish to play as another player that is fine, just let all other *MAFIA* members know who you are."  That means that the *MAFIA* member playing under a different name only has to let fellow members know who he/she is, not the entire server.  I hope that clears it up.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on May 07, 2007, 05:23:19 PM
lol, someone's butthurt about a bad case of pwning...jk.

actually me and ransom drove out some tards from DOA the other day, i owned one of them 8 times in a row and he just kept saying "stop that!" as if it wasn't the point of the game. Finally he just said "FUCK YOU and this server! It's gay!" or something to that affect and left. His bitch stayed back a bit defending him, but then took the same route and said "this server sucks" and left.

The coolest part was we were under different names and all the little niblets were defending out server saying it's the coolest modded one out there, and they said they love how it's full a lot.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on May 07, 2007, 06:07:51 PM
1.  How do you know it was *MAFIA* member?
2.  How do you know it was an admin?

You can not keep making posts like this everytime you get owned on a server.  To assure you, it was not me because I hardly play on that server.  If you're in Ventrilo, you can simply just go ask if anyone is playing there and see for yourself.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on May 07, 2007, 06:33:32 PM
Well it seems mafia is finally coming to an end, it makes me sad but it was inevitable. All good things must come to an end.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: -=3v0=- Adolf_1938 on May 07, 2007, 06:38:44 PM
I will not say who I think it was. I made it very clear in game who I thught it was. In reply to you BeatleJuice, he didn't follow the last part of that rule. I went into ur vent, asked if the *MAFIA* members in the public channels if they knew who "me" was and they said they had not a clue. I dont mind gettin pwned Roshan, just have the balls to let me know whos doing the pwnin. To me, this is just a game. Not to be taken as seriously as some ppl take it. Again, not to offend anyone. If I have a bad day playing BF, all I have to do is smoke a joint and i'll b straight.  I know it was an admin because once he left the game they went into Remote and started talking the exact same shit tht they were talking in game.
As for the other half of my complaint, the admin tht was logged in was abusing his admin. The reason I say this is because he decided he was gonna flex his BANNING muscles. he told me that if I didn't stop chatting with everybody altogether, I would be banned. then he tried to cover that up by saying I wasn't respecting the admins wishes cause I wasn't, as he put it "Shutting the Fuck up!"
I hope this clears up what was left out of my earlier post.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on May 07, 2007, 06:46:37 PM
Yeah that's fine, thanks for letting us know.  Maybe that'll answer the question of giving out more admin...

Bonehead - you think *MAFIA* is ending over this?  NEVER!  (although I do agree with you that it will end at some point)
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: -=3v0=- Adolf_1938 on May 07, 2007, 07:09:54 PM
i sure hope *MAFIA* doesn't end over this little thing. I was just doing wht I was supposed to be doing in this section of the forum.
F lamming. But they seriously are abusing admin. Theres a player, Dutches tht comes on. Yesterday, Prodigy and 1 other admin was on and they threatened that if she didn't stop killing them both, cause she was pwnin them prretty bad, that they were gonna ban her from the server. She only plays this game for fun. She doesn't make it an everyday thing like us. Or at least almost everyday. I'm only suggesting, but mabe the person responsable for all this should b punished. He's getting a little carried away. Like I said, only a suggestion.
Thx again guys (Bonehead and BeatleJuice).
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on May 07, 2007, 08:01:52 PM
do you honestly care so much that a *MAFIA* member was under a random name? why dont you stop whining like a bitch and complaining about everything. stop trying to be a little policeman and get people in trouble
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Pr0d1gY on May 07, 2007, 08:30:01 PM
i sure hope *MAFIA* doesn't end over this little thing. I was just doing wht I was supposed to be doing in this section of the forum.
F lamming. But they seriously are abusing admin. Theres a player, Dutches tht comes on. Yesterday, Prodigy and 1 other admin was on and they threatened that if she didn't stop killing them both, cause she was pwnin them prretty bad, that they were gonna ban her from the server. She only plays this game for fun. She doesn't make it an everyday thing like us. Or at least almost everyday. I'm only suggesting, but mabe the person responsable for all this should b punished. He's getting a little carried away. Like I said, only a suggestion.
Thx again guys (Bonehead and BeatleJuice).

Rofl... Every post so far I have seen by you, is you bitching and complaining. Also, funny that you say MY name... I do NOT have admin, idiot. And for Duchess, I know who you are talking about, I play with her daily, we are very cool with each other, assuring that I would never do such a thing, like a ban or kick, to her. And, no offense to her, but she isn't the best player in the game, thus, how could she pwn us? Seriously, none of your speech is accurate. It's obvious that you just try hard to get people into trouble and create problems. If anything, everyone could've gone without you starting this up. People on the servers get pwned and owned and fucked with all the time, and I still see them come back and play with us without ever talking about it or bitching about it. I rests my case.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: HaVoK on May 07, 2007, 09:08:12 PM
Boring.  It's not easy to pwn you.  Bitch, bitch, bitch.

I kicked Duchess just the other day because she can sometimes be a bitch and not decide to listen when someone asks her something nicely multiple times.  Maybe she was continuing to be a little dyke or something like that later and someone decided to kick her again?  In this case that he talks about it wasn't me who kicked her.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Boemann (nl) on May 07, 2007, 10:11:58 PM
Ok wait a minute, are you now trying to tell us what we can and can't do on OUR server?

I'm in the 1.6 a lot undercover, because there are quite a few people that act way different with a *MAFIA* near then when noone is arround. Though I always tell who I am.

Seriously adolf, if you don't like playing on our servers, then just don't, instead of comming here and making posts like these
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: -=3v0=- Adolf_1938 on May 07, 2007, 10:34:35 PM
I'm only suggesting, but mabe the person responsable for all this should b punished. He's getting a little carried away. Like I said, only a suggestion.

Ok wait a minute, are you now trying to tell us what we can and can't do on OUR server?

READ the damn post b4 u make a post kid!

As for the rest of ya, I'm not whinnin. I said and I quote:

I dont mind gettin pwned Roshan, just have the balls to let me know whos doing the pwnin. To me, this is just a game. Not to be taken as seriously as some ppl take it. Again, not to offend anyone. If I have a bad day playing BF, all I have to do is smoke a joint and i'll b straight.

That doesn't only apply to Roshan. Like I said, i could give a fuck less about this game. As for getting ppl in trouble. Well, they shouldn't be ass holes, then I wouldn't b posting on these forum boards at all, now would I! Yes, I am fucking complaining, but THERE the ones who decided to break the rules, not me! So u'all can fuck off! At least Bonehead and Beatle Juice realize that this is a problem and there not worried about insulting someone, like the rest of you.
I have come on this message board in peace and I intend on leaving it that way. Cause Bone did 3v0 a favor and I respect him for doing it. I have treated all of you with respect in all the posts I have made. I haven't given names. For example, if Bonehead wasn't worried or gave a fuck about that last Flame topic I created, he wouldn't of posted what he did. And he sure of hell wouldn't of taken the time to go look at the server logs to find out who it was. I dont know if he did that exactly, but point is, he took the time to be a responsible adult and take shit seriously. *MAFIA* is a great clan and Bonehead should be proud, but he should also be made aware of the ppl who take advantage of him. Now, can I pls get some damn respect?!
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on May 08, 2007, 01:00:02 AM
im not gonna bother reading your post.. so if someone can sum it up for me TY. but im pretty sure it says blah blah blah im a whiney little bitch
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on May 08, 2007, 05:23:18 AM
READ the damn post b4 u make a post kid!

Yes, I am fucking complaining, but THERE the ones who decided to break the rules, not me!

So u'all can fuck off!

Good luck getting respect now!
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Boemann (nl) on May 08, 2007, 05:49:26 AM
I know there are problems, but I just don't like the fact that some guy comes in here to talk shit and question what we can do on our server...

"IDK if the rules have changed since i quit, but I have noticed alot of members (*MAFIA*) comming in, talking shit under an assumed name, and pwnin as usual. but is this rule still in effect? Cause u'all dont enforce it."

Damn man, since when are you running our server? We can do what we want, whenever we want as long as it is in the rules. Maby the rules have changed, maby not, but thats *MAFIA*'s business and not yours...

Your asking about rules that apply to *MAFIA* members, and you as a non *MAFIA* shouldn't even worry about them...

So quit whining little kid and stop kissing ass ;)...

Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Swampfox on May 08, 2007, 06:53:08 AM
I am a firm believer in MAFIA rules for the clan....I do not like the fact that our members play under different names( even though I had done it in the past, I do not do it now)...I wear my tags proudly....I do not believe this is the end of MAFIA...I do believe however that it is time for the true members of our clan to step up and be counted.....I have contributed regularly to this clan since I have joined...I have watched the petty fights between members try and pull us apart to no avail...I have watched people join just to get the goodies and then leave and pass them out to non members...Well I believe all that has hurt us....We need to regroup, we need to refocus, we need to all contribute something to make this a strong clan....Those that cannot contribute monetarily need to find a way to make us stronger by using their coding skills or computer skills....I for one appreciate all that BONE has done for this clan and will not stand by and watch us fall apart....
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Boemann (nl) on May 08, 2007, 07:03:30 AM
I am a firm believer in MAFIA rules for the clan....I do not like the fact that our members play under different names( even though I had done it in the past, I do not do it now)...I wear my tags proudly....I do not believe this is the end of MAFIA...I do believe however that it is time for the true members of our clan to step up and be counted.....I have contributed regularly to this clan since I have joined...I have watched the petty fights between members try and pull us apart to no avail...I have watched people join just to get the goodies and then leave and pass them out to non members...Well I believe all that has hurt us....We need to regroup, we need to refocus, we need to all contribute something to make this a strong clan....Those that cannot contribute monetarily need to find a way to make us stronger by using their coding skills or computer skills....I for one appreciate all that BONE has done for this clan and will not stand by and watch us fall apart....
*MAFIA* used to be much more of a group back in the old days then nowadays. Though back in the old days we all played one game, and not multiple like we do now. I agree though, *MAFIA* needs to regroup.
I wear my tags proudly too, but I don't wear them all the time, but if that makes a big difference then I will leave my undercover names behind me (mostly movie characters by the way;)) and start wearing tags constantly.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* The Cp on May 08, 2007, 11:18:48 AM
Well it seems mafia is finally coming to an end, it makes me sad but it was inevitable. All good things must come to an end.

Are you really meaning that ? we are not quitting that easy

*MAFIA* better than the rest !!
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on May 09, 2007, 04:22:36 AM
maybe we should just reban him..
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Rat on May 09, 2007, 05:16:34 AM
Remember the last time a 3VO complained about how you ran your games? They went and got outside help  to crah the game. Take care. MAFIA FOREVER!!!
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Boemann (nl) on May 09, 2007, 08:00:14 AM
Remember the last time a 3VO complained about how you ran your games? They went and got outside help  to crah the game. Take care. MAFIA FOREVER!!!
Rejoin, we want you back
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: -=3v0=- Adolf_1938 on May 09, 2007, 09:52:56 AM
maybe we should just reban him..

Fro wht reason, im not breaking any rules? I'm being respectful, and if this isn't a big problem, all u guys have to do is close the topic or just ignore me completely. I'm not telling you what to do with your server, as I have previously stated. I'm just letting Bonehead know a major problem on ur server. IDK if u guys realize this or not, but BF 42 is 5 years old, not to mention theres better games out there. I just pay it cause its fun, and im good at it. And ppl abusing admin, doesn;t help make the game more popular.
Every time a admin comes on, starts gettin kick happy, every one leaves. Yes, they come back. But some dont. And thts where the problem is. I'm not trying to be an ass. just trying to inform. 
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* The Cp on May 09, 2007, 10:00:48 AM
Fro wht reason, im not breaking any rules? I'm being respectful, and if this isn't a big problem, all u guys have to do is close the topic or just ignore me completely. I'm not telling you what to do with your server, as I have previously stated. I'm just letting Bonehead know a major problem on ur server. IDK if u guys realize this or not, but BF 42 is 5 years old, not to mention theres better games out there. I just pay it cause its fun, and im good at it. And ppl abusing admin, doesn;t help make the game more popular.
Every time a admin comes on, starts gettin kick happy, every one leaves. Yes, they come back. But some dont. And thts where the problem is. I'm not trying to be an ass. just trying to inform. 

i think it is time to shut up and close this topic what do u think about that ?
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: -=3v0=- Adolf_1938 on May 09, 2007, 11:04:35 AM
i think it is time to shut up and close this topic what do u think about that ?

Fro wht reason, im not breaking any rules? I'm being respectful, and if this isn't a big problem, all u guys have to do is close the topic or just ignore me completely. I'm not telling you what to do with your server, as I have previously stated. I'm just letting Bonehead know a major problem on ur server. IDK if u guys realize this or not, but BF 42 is 5 years old, not to mention theres better games out there. I just pay it cause its fun, and im good at it. And ppl abusing admin, doesn;t help make the game more popular.
Every time a admin comes on, starts gettin kick happy, every one leaves. Yes, they come back. But some dont. And thts where the problem is. I'm not trying to be an ass. just trying to inform. 
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: HaVoK on May 09, 2007, 04:12:04 PM
Okay let me put down a few things and then I think it would be appropriate to close this.

1. There is no rule against MAFIA members going under different names and then kicking someone.  You can ask who it was, but they don't HAVE to tell you who it is.
2. This is MAFIA's server.  We are the ones who make the rules and we will govern the way that we are set out to do.  You are an 3v0lution member and have your own server.  You are also a previous member who got kicked out because no one likes you.  You're not trying to "respectful", but you come in here and say that someone should be punished because someone on our server got kicked and you don't like it?
3. This is a stupid topic that would have been brought up and talked about on ventrilo.  This game is 5 years old as you say, and also "it's just a game" and shouldn't be taken seriously like you said also, so why are you complaining if you really don't care?

Well I'm done and I think this sums it up pretty well?  I'm positive you will see MAFIA in the future.  As long as you are in a server being a NOOB like usual because you suck, a MAFIA member will be there to give it to you like Bubba from jail.

Edit: Lol, Looks like someone already closed it too......
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on May 09, 2007, 07:07:28 PM
Yes it was a joke what I said lol.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: Boemann (nl) on May 09, 2007, 10:06:43 PM
Fro wht reason, im not breaking any rules? I'm being respectful, and if this isn't a big problem, all u guys have to do is close the topic or just ignore me completely. I'm not telling you what to do with your server, as I have previously stated. I'm just letting Bonehead know a major problem on ur server. IDK if u guys realize this or not, but BF 42 is 5 years old, not to mention theres better games out there. I just pay it cause its fun, and im good at it. And ppl abusing admin, doesn;t help make the game more popular.
Every time a admin comes on, starts gettin kick happy, every one leaves. Yes, they come back. But some dont. And thts where the problem is. I'm not trying to be an ass. just trying to inform. 
Then why don't you just ask brick to get your 1.6 server up and stop playing on our servers so you don't have to bitch anymore?
Ah wait, since you are not able to reply, because it is closed, I will remove the question mark ;)
Just ask Brick to get your 1.6 server up and stop playing on our servers so you don't have to BITCH all the time.
Title: Re: *MAFIA* members comming in without Tags
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on May 09, 2007, 10:30:36 PM
brick is a busy man eating them steak and tators all the time.