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*MAFIA* => Help => Topic started by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 11, 2007, 01:26:13 AM

Title: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 11, 2007, 01:26:13 AM
My one drive that i have does not write anything. It reads CD/DVD perfectly fine, but won't write. I tried just using the "windows writer" thing, and i was just trying to copy a word document. I wasn't using any fancy CD/DVD burning program, just trying to write a .doc onto a blank CD, didn't work.

I did a lot of research on it, and apparently i'm not the only one who's had this problem, but in all my searching i wasn't able to find any sort of fix for it.

The brand is an LG "GSA-H45N" Super Multi Layer DVD+- Drive Recorder.

It didn't come with any drivers, i was thinking maybe i need those, but then i remembered i was able to just write word documents onto a blank disc on my other computer without any problems, and i didn't install drivers for that one either. Anyone please, i have no idea what i'm doing!
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on November 11, 2007, 03:34:29 AM
I should just flame you, like you flame me after every post i make..
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 11, 2007, 05:56:02 AM
Ok 1st I can't find that part number on LG... How old is it, is that the right model number, did it come or do you have any other software to burn with besides MS "stuff" (MS burning sucks by the way) and is it a USA drive or different country?

Drivers shouldn't be the problem in XP sp2 and above (but good new ::) vista could have a problem I guess just like it dose with most things).

Firmware is most likely the problem in more then one way... Most People don't understand just because a CD says it is a "CD-R" (for example) the CD is or could be in a different formate that the CD player/burning can't understand without a firmware upgrade. So with that said, we have to make sure your firmware is up to date to read/burn to the newest CDs/DVDs.

If you don't have a "good" burning program we have to get you one so you don't use that shit MS program.


To start after giving the info above, lets make sure the drive is seen correctly in MS. Go to "Device Manager" and make sure the drive is named correctly under the "DVD/CD-Rom Drives" tab.

Possible to solve this problem right away if you can find (if not using) the same CDs you used before when it did burn.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 11, 2007, 03:42:01 PM
I also tried to search that model number on LG's website with no success, but i did find one that has a similar parts number and it looks EXACTLY like mine does, the model is "GSA-H22L"
That model looks exactly like mine and it writes at the same speed.
Oh yeah, it NEVER did write a CD successfully. It always acted like there wasn't a disc in the drive, i've never copied anything with it before.

It is not very old, and it's still being offered from the site i got it from, "Cyberpowerpc.c om"
It's from around 7/07, and surprisingly it's "on sale" and everyone else who buys it has the same problem...it won't write anything.

Unfortunately cyberpowerpc.c om doesn't give any information about the drive, not even who makes it.


Here's a few more people who have had problems with it, but they don't really offer a solution when they "fixed it" they just say "okay, i fixed it, thanks!" and that's it.



@Krautkiller, i don't flame you whenever you post a problem, i criticize or respond with a witty comment. And if you're so high and mighty, feel free to tell me what's wrong with this burner, or do you not have a clue how to fix it either?
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 11, 2007, 04:32:56 PM
Well I guess I'll look into it, but if others are having a problem I am not sure if i can help.

I have to ask to start, what are th 2 scsi cdrom devices that are being shown in the screen shot? Why is there 2?

How is this CD/DVD connected? I would have to assume by IDE/SATA (long wide ribbon cable flat wide connector on both ends or round cable with a long flat wide connector on both ends)
and if so, do you have it as a slave to your hard drive/drives? Also if it is a slave do you have the jumper on the CD drive set correctly to be a slave?
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 11, 2007, 04:48:53 PM
don't worry, those other two drives are virtual drives i have with daemon tools.

Well, it's connected with the first pictured cable, the wide flat ribbon, and it goes from my burner and connects to the motherboard.

I don't know much about it because i myself didn't install it, i ordered this computer from cyberpowerpc and they built it and sent it to me already assembled. Haven't had any problems with their assembly so far except when they put my graphics card on the bottom PCIE slot instead of the top one, making it overhead a lot.

How do i know if it's a slave to my HD? I didn't mess with any of the settings, so if the guys at cyberpowerpc set it as a slave, then i guess it is. How can i check it?

I gotta go to work, be back in 6 hours.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* KrautKiller on November 11, 2007, 04:57:17 PM
I know abit considering im not educated in computers, just let me get into college then i can start replying with some witty responses too.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 11, 2007, 05:18:36 PM
Open up the case and look to see where the ribbon is connected to the cd/dvd drive. In the middle it is a slave at the end it is a master. While your looking, there should be a line of color on that ribbon, make sure that colored line is in the #1 pin, pic below. Also I have circled where the jumpers "could" be.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 12, 2007, 02:55:46 AM
I don't really know what you mean by "middle" and "end" because the ribbon is really wide, it looks like there is only one place where the ribbon would fit. Anyway, the ribbon is in the middle i suppose, i don't really understand how it could be on the end, it doesn't look like it will fit.

That spot where you circled labeled as jumpers, there is nothing there. There's a power plug (i'm guessing) on the far right side, it's pretty small, and then there's the huge flat ribbon in the center of the drive, and nothing where the jumpers are, just empty slots.

I don't really know the lingo or how to show you it, tomorrow i could take a picture of it if this explanation is too vague, let me know.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 12, 2007, 04:47:49 AM
Yes kind of hard to understand on both you and me. There has to be jumpers, maybe just not in the spot I am showing you because drives are different so the jumpers could be somewhere else. Also if you took the drive out there should be writing on it showing what the different jumper positions do. Just in case when I say middle or end I am speaking about the black plugs, as in, is the drive plugged in with the end connector or the middle.

If you look at the left picture above that ribbon is folded, if you look from the left that 2nd "black" connector is the "middle" connector plug.

Also here is a pic of a jumper, maybe you have no jumpers installed? (could be different colors then the one you see here)

If you have no jumpers, now we have to find out if the drive is slaved or not and if no jumpers makes it correct for that position in the drive chain.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 12, 2007, 03:55:16 PM
okay, well i can't take a picture because my sister has the camera somewhere, have to ask her when she gets back tonight. But, i did open up the case and noticed there are only two cables going into the burner, one is the power cable, the other is that flat ribbon


The small color band on the flat ribbon is not in the #1 pin, it is right next to the power cable hole. In your picture above you circled the #1 pin being on the far left, mine is on the far right. I unplugged it and checked if it could be rotated around so the color band could be moved to the far left like in your picture, but it can't be.....the pins would not line up right if i did.

I can see the jumper holes on the back, and there is nothing in them. Is there a way that  i could find out if it is a slave or master drive, maybe some program or utility that would tell me, maybe something in BIOS?

If you look online for my model number, you'll notice all the first links on google are people asking questions about my burner, saying "it only reads discs, it won't burn at all" so i guess this model must be notorious for not working.

Either it can be fixed, or i could just pick up another one at Frys Electronics for 40 bucks, and it would come with lightscribe.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 12, 2007, 05:35:51 PM
I am so sorry you are right where number one could be, my burner is where I said it should be above, BUT looking that pic above again, well damn it says right on the DVD #1 is where yours is.

I guess it isn't easy to say or tell if you are set up as a master or slave, bios wont say or device manager. You would have to pull the drive out if you can't read the back to see what each jumper dose, that is if it even says.

Like I said I few post back, if this is a known problem, not sure what I can do. Maybe a new drive is the way to go. If you are thinking about going light-scribe, remember you are going need the cd/dvds for light-scribe, meaning you have cut your options down allot when it comes to picking the media to use in your drive.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 12, 2007, 07:13:52 PM
Bios will say to lol, basic drive info. Some lg drives are picky on the software used. Try nero.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 12, 2007, 11:43:13 PM
Bios will say to lol, basic drive info. Some lg drives are picky on the software used. Try nero.
that was one of the suggested solutions on the cdfreaks.com forum when someone else posted a problem with that same burner, perhaps some help could be had "showing" me on the secrets board where i could acquire nero?

I was looking at newegg.com today, and found a burner that's faster than the one i have, it does dual layer, DVD+-RW, -R, +R, CDR, -R, +R, and everything in between, for 33 bucks with free shipping. BUT, it had a different looking hole in the back of the drive...

Since mine is IDE, that flat ribbon with the little pins, and the one i found on new egg is SATA (i think)....would there be any problems slapping it in my system?


There's the link, look in the pictures section where it shows the backside of the burner, would there be any troubles putting it in my comp or would i need an extra cable, would it come with a SATA  cable.....?

I'll try nero once some "help" is posted on secrets, but even if mine does end up working, we'll still get this burner for the other computer we have, such a good deal. But would there be any troubles getting it to work?
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 13, 2007, 04:16:44 AM
Well my computer and the last 10 I have built do not tell you if you have a DVD/CD set up as a slave or master in the bios, yes it tells you if you have it hooked up to IDE1,IDE2 or SATA, but not what position (slave or master).

To use a SATA drive you must have the connectors in the pic below on your mother board.

then you have to have the power plug for it, pic 2

or get pig tail for your 4 pin, pic 3
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 13, 2007, 01:24:37 PM
wow, even my bios limited dell shows

primary: blah
secondary: blah
primary: blah
secondary: blah

And some will only shit it on the bios boot screen, turn fast boot off and have the system check all on boot.

when you see the info you want press pause on the keyboard. but pawpaw knew that :D
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 13, 2007, 11:56:26 PM
i guess i'll be in the market for an IDE compatible burner then, I'd like a dual layer one, relatively cheap. Probably newegg has the best prices, right?
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 14, 2007, 04:52:57 AM
Yes... Newegg is the best bet. Try to see if you can find something with a burning program included, like NERO (retail, NOT oem). If you want LightScripe, then is one IMO can't be beat Lite-On 20x LH-20A1H (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106045), it dose have black and white faces if you are worried about color.

Lite-On WebSite (http://us.liteonit.com/us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=204&Itemid=67) for above.

Also there has been a misunderstandi ng about the bios. What I was trying to say is that the bios will not let you know if you have your DVD/CD setup as a "slave" (secondary), meaning YES you could have it as a slave (secondary) and the bios will let you know that postion, but if you do not have the jumpers on the drive in the right place for the DVD to work correctly, bios will NOT tell you.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 14, 2007, 04:05:23 PM
Gotcha, i sort of understood your explanation about the whole BIOS thing, but since i lack jumpers, i didn't bother trying (also i didn't know how to do it in the first place).

That one you posted looked like a pretty sweet deal, but is that brand very reputable? I've never heard of it, which doesn't mean much, but just wondering if it's a good brand to settle on since i'm going to be doing DVD burning pretty often (burning legal legit copies of movies we own of course).

Didn't you say you can only use light scribe burners with light scribe discs? Or does it allow non-LightScribe discs to be burned also?

I read some of the user comments, and i'm not too confident about actually installing the drive. Is it relatively simple? If not, i can always take it to my asian friend's house, he installs shit loads of this kind of stuff.

Once you reply to this i'll hit up newegg and send off the funds for a drive.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 14, 2007, 04:22:04 PM
I feel lite-on is pretty good, I have a Ben-Q drive in my computer and lite-on makes (now if lite-on is made by someone else I'm not sure) that drive. You could go with a Sony, Phillips, HP (makers of LightScripe) and so on, its up to you. The only thing that had me wonder about my drive is that the green light was always on, well unknown to me at the time, the green light means there is a disk in the drive when on all the time,,, green light flashes when reading, red light flashes when burning.

What I was saying about LightScripe is, IF you want a LightScripe ready disk then your options are limited, meaning if you want to label the disk. You can still use "most" other disks out there, but no LightScripe label... Good old marker will do ya  ;) .

Putting in a drive is a simple task. Another reason (plus getting NERO) why I wanted you to get "retail" and not OEM, retail comes with instructions, OEM dose not. Once you open the case and see how the old drive is installed, just remove that one and install the new. Just make SURE to check that the drive is in SLAVE if the cable also goes to your hard drive... Don't worry the instructions will give you all that info.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 14, 2007, 04:38:20 PM
okay, sounds good. I just spoke to the asian friend, just to make sure, i'll have him do it. I'm going with the one you linked, couldn't find any other brands that were IDE and had DL capabilities. Thanks for the info, hopefully i'll be burning in no time.

btw, the nero that it comes with is a trial, not full version.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 14, 2007, 05:07:21 PM
My Nero "6" was trial as well, but I was able to hit the update in "smartstart" and it made it full, this was over a year ago. Point, update it when you 1st get it and maybe yours will be full as well. Possible I got full from the update because 7 was coming out, not sure, but now NERO 8 is out so you could get get the free deal like I did.

I wanted to post some links for you to look at, but I forgot...

http://www.cdfreaks.com (very big forums) 


http://www.videohelp.com/dvd (allot about different media that you can use)

Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 15, 2007, 12:14:35 AM
i checked those sites, and Pioneer seems to be a pretty reputable brand, CDfreaks.com mention them a bit. They have one, but as i was reading the customer comments on newegg.com, someone mentioned the same problem i had, they said...

"Couldn't get windows to burn CD's and DVD's for some reason. So bought Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 for cheap and works fine."

They also couldn't get windows to burn a disc, but then they installed some software and it worked. Maybe i should get the trial software of nero and test it out on my machine to see if my burner isn't as fucked up as i thought it was.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 15, 2007, 04:48:59 AM
This is what I have been telling from the start, you need a program to burn. I have NEVER been able to use Windows to burn to a "DVD", maybe it would work for CDs, but I don't use CD to save files.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 15, 2007, 04:12:22 PM
I've tried using both CD's and DVD's with the windows burning on my other computer and it works great, it's how i saved a hard copy of Forgotten Hope (1.7gigs) so i wouldn't have to re-download it later.

What would be a good free program to test this out then? Nero only has bullshit trial stuff, Roxio seems to leave spamware on your comp after you un-install...are there any good ones out there that happen to be freeware?
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 15, 2007, 04:22:38 PM
Have you taken a good look at http://www.burnworld.com that I posted above for something free?

I'll take a look at a few things and if I find something that will work well for you I will post it over at our other site...

Never mind check for a PM.

EDIT... On 2nd thought I think it would be best for you to go to our other site for info, I did send you a PM pointing to the thread.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 16, 2007, 03:14:58 AM

I now have nero 7, and it burned a data DVD perfectly! No flaws at all, and now i have all of my Forgotten Hope files backed up, just in case my comp crashes, god forbid!

Now just to test if it will successfully burn "movies that i have purchased and am making a back-up copy." I'll let you know how that turns out soon...waiting for next netflix.

Now got to kick down some bucks for a dual layer disc and see if i can cram 9 gigs or however much data can be stored on one of those bad boys.

Thanks so much loaded, seriously no one ever lasts this long when giving me tech advice, not even the dell support guys. Oh yeah, and that "link" that you sent worked fine, the download speed dropped down to 0.9 kb/sec at one point, but then at around 2 am it crept up to 182 kb/sec, so had it done in no time.
Title: Re: new problem with my computer!
Post by: Loaded on November 16, 2007, 04:54:51 AM
Happy to help. See that is what is nice about dealing with a old man with nothing to do... I have nothing but time, or what is left of it  :P