*MAFIA* Forums

*MAFIA* => Flame => Topic started by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on November 21, 2007, 04:18:10 PM

Title: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on November 21, 2007, 04:18:10 PM
These last few days got me thinking. I understand why you took my posting rights away Loaded. I mean it's obvious... I would have done the same thing in your position. You finally started to realize Ricardo was going to be taking over and there was nothing you could do about it.. you thought taking away my positing rights would somehow stop him from being put in a position of power.(how silly of you) Well i have news for you.. it did not stop anything. Ricardo is still moving along as planned and we are in the final stages of completing our goal. If you want to continue to be in *MAFIA* when Ricardo takes over you better pray that he will forgive you.

Be wise in your decision, for those that oppose me, oppose Ricardo... and therefore will be banished from the kingdom of *MAFIA*. His power grows stronger every moment.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: Loaded on November 21, 2007, 04:39:07 PM
Well let me start of with...

1... I did not take your posting rights away and if I did, you still wouldn't be able to make this thread.

2... This thread has sealed your fate with MAFIA... But I guess you don't care about MAFIA or you would have never started this thread so in your eyes no big deal.

Your done here Milky. This thread will stay open so other members will know why you have been removed.

The joke is done and ANYONE that carries on with this "Ricardo taking over" subject will also be removed, no matter if they are rookie, member, manager, admin or head.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx on November 21, 2007, 06:36:55 PM
I'm sure he doesn't give a shit. No loss.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on November 22, 2007, 12:17:17 AM
Well let me start of with...

1... I did not take your posting rights away and if I did, you still wouldn't be able to make this thread.

2... This thread has sealed your fate with MAFIA... But I guess you don't care about MAFIA or you would have never started this thread so in your eyes no big deal.

Your done here Milky. This thread will stay open so other members will know why you have been removed.

The joke is done and ANYONE that carries on with this "Ricardo taking over" subject will also be removed, no matter if they are rookie, member, manager, admin or head.

Well let me respond with...

1... My last post before getting my posting rights was edited to "Paw Paw made me see pink" by Bonehead. So if it wasn't you it was Bonehead blaming you.

2... Your response sealed YOUR fate with *MAFIA*. I guess the person that really doesn't care about *MAFIA* is you because if you did you wouldn't go against me and go against Ricardo.

You are the one done here Loaded.. and the only reason this thread will be left open is so other members will know why Ricardo removed you from your head position and member position here at *MAFIA*.

For the last time this is no "joke" and there is nothing you can do to stop the true power of Ricardo. With or without me Ricardo will be put in the head position where he belongs.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on November 22, 2007, 12:54:02 AM
Well good luck Milky.  I am sorry to see you go, but apparently you can't take warnings.  Sorry that you couldn't pull your head out of your ass with this whole Ricardo bullshit.  It may have been funny at first, but then it just became disrespectful, not only to the creator  of the Clan but to everyone.  Dumbass. 
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 22, 2007, 01:53:03 AM
I hope all you guys who voted the frenchy into MAFIA are happy now, looks like we're gonna lose about 4 members if this keeps up. Hope he was worth the trade to you guys.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Milky Way on November 22, 2007, 02:41:29 AM
I hope all you guys who voted the frenchy into MAFIA are happy now, looks like we're gonna lose about 4 members if this keeps up. Hope he was worth the trade to you guys.

Whose the 4? Bonehead, Swampfox, Loaded, and Hellraiser?
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* [StimPH] on November 22, 2007, 04:43:16 AM
well, finally this shit comes to an end. I dont care that you got kicked out of the clan since u and phantom cant stop with the ricardo crap. At least i hope u feel sorry for ratman, yes you made him leave, thanks!  Why just dont leave and never post anymore instead of staying here and only making drama, is that all that we get from you for the good time you had here.

At least feel free to say sorry. And dont come up with another crap post.

cya, had some good times with you, but you just went to far.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 22, 2007, 05:28:04 AM
If people don't like the idea of any new members, then see ya later. He was voted in by some of you, and soon he will be voted fully in or gone by you. So stop with this "I hope it was worth it" or "see what you have done". You vote people in or out, not just some or a few but all of mafia.

Like I said before nothing anyone seems to try and do around here to better the clan in any, way, shape, or form. Seems to not please some people in any way. And to be honest, if you get pissed off because mafia is trying to get new members, or changes a way we do things. To stay alive. Then you can leave if you don't like it, we don't need or want to hear your drama bullshit.

So when you get your ass cut from mafia and you wonder why, just look in the mirror and blame the person you see. We are all getting tired of this childish shit, if you enjoy drama go elsewhere and make it. We sure as hell don't want it here. So with that when your mouth gets your ass cut, I will not say one damn thing!
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Capsloc on November 22, 2007, 09:08:26 AM
ahahaha this thread is awesome....... funny how all of you take the internet so seriously....
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 22, 2007, 08:24:54 PM

 nothing anyone seems to try and do around here to better the clan in any, way, shape, or form. Seems to not please some people in any way. And to be honest

f you get pissed off because... we get new members, or changes our ways
That's a complete contradiction. First you say, "Don't get mad about something and bitch about it DO SOMETHING!"

Then you say, "If you don't like the way we do things, get the FUCK OUT!"

I'd love to change some things around here, but EVERY TIME we speak up about it, you tell us get the fuck out. It's not productive at all.

And don't try to pretend that this has nothing to do with "a certain someone," honestly, if this "certain person" hadn't joined, would milky/phantom/laaz every have piped up about him becoming the new leader? Would Rat have gotten pissed about them cracking jokes about this person? Nope.

I agree with stimph, hopefully it will all end when "someone" gets the boot.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on November 22, 2007, 09:04:52 PM
I agree.  I don't have problems with new members, but come on.  We need new members that are going to bring something, I am not talking about "someone", I don't know how he plays or anything like that.  I am just saying out of the last 3 new members the only one really I see that is worth something is Outlaw.  He seems like a good kid and can handle a little harassing.  Not saying that is what we are about, but we do fuck with each other a bit.  "Someone" gets a little butt hurt about it, granted they are young.  I don't have a problem with him, contrary to what people believe.  But what really does he have to offer the clan.  We need to start expanding to other games or something.  Battlefield is a great game, but like someone said before, it is an older game.  I think if we concentrate hard we can get new, good, recruits that are worth something to the Clan.  I am just saying.  We don't need to take and Tom, Dick, or Hairy.  Once again, I have no problem with new members, let's just make sure that they are good for the clan and will fit into our family.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 22, 2007, 09:33:26 PM
Wasser, I am not talking about mafia having a voice I am talking about the drama that people start. Lets see if they don't like the idea of ricardo in mafia then make a post and be done. But when you make it a point to piss off every damn member to try and make your point that is just dumb. And gets shit started, and we are gonna weed out shit starters. "the ones that like to run it in the ground" got something to say, say. But don't start shit over it.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller on November 22, 2007, 10:13:31 PM
how did i just piss off every member? I tried to make a point, but once again you inferred that i'm a shit starter, and shit starters have to be "weeded out." Guess nothing can be discussed logically without a "get the fuck out" being throw around.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on November 22, 2007, 10:33:28 PM
Wasser, he wasn't referring to you when he said that.  The only sentence in his thread directed at you personally is the first one.  The rest of it is directed towards a collective or plural "you."  Its just a general statement.  I think its time we just let all of this stuff go and get back to being simple, which is playing video games.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on November 22, 2007, 10:39:14 PM
I agree with Beatle.  This whole shit is fucking crazy.  People have taken it to far with this certain "someone", just to start drama.  Now they are sitting back and laughing because how everyone is acting.  Let's just forget this shit and move on.  Start looking for good players and people that will fit into our group, with out drama. 
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Phantom on November 23, 2007, 05:07:25 PM
thought I would bring this to attention...

wasn't milky a "rookie"? just because I thought the intention of the "rookie" thing was to see if he/she is capable of being in mafia once a month passes and we vote on him/her.  So according to the way the system works...he has to stay a rookie until his voting day, in which then people will vote "no" and then we can say bye bye. And technically he wasn't in mafia, he was kicked out by head and put as a rookie for voting purposes I would assume. That means we would have to reinstate him as a rookie and vote when his time comes.

if anyone has any evidence that my statement is wrong then plz do share.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: Loaded on November 23, 2007, 05:29:29 PM
No... He was reinstated as a full member (edit yes he was a rookie, but again as I say below) when he got his posting rights back. There will be no vote on him, he is removed from MAFIA and in any case see my quote below, no vote on removing anyone over this subject, to many chances have been given to stop. So let him know your (his) thought didn't work.

We are done playing games here, if members must be removed to clean house of disrespecting members then so be it.

And I know you have been told before Phantom, but I will ask you one last time to remove the sig, with your sig as is, you are posting the "Ricardo taking over" subject on every post. There will be no idle threats, I mean what I posted above.

The joke is done and ANYONE that carries on with this "Ricardo taking over" subject will also be removed, no matter if they are rookie, member, manager, admin or head.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Phantom on November 23, 2007, 06:49:55 PM
My post above wasn't to get him back in, I was brining attention to a flaw in the new system, it isn't worded accordingly.  It makes it seem like rookies have an "immunity" somewhat during their 1 month waiting period.  As in... they get their referrals, and depending how they act during the month depicts a pretty good view of how the outcome of their vote is going to be, not "oh he's acting like an ass during his trial period so lets boot him out early." get it?

and I was never warned for my sig, my sig mentions nothing about ricardo taking over, and since the forums allow me to have a signature of my choice (besides porn) I have no intentions of changing it nor is there any reason for me to change it besides the fact that some people just "want" it to be changed.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 23, 2007, 07:52:19 PM
I hate to say it but fuckpoo is right on the sig. And I moved milky to rookie in hopes he would chill out, I hoped he would get the big picture but it seems. He didn't give a shit. So he was removed, no a fact of being a rookie but a fact, of him being moved to such.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Beatlejuice on November 23, 2007, 10:23:38 PM
My post above wasn't to get him back in, I was brining attention to a flaw in the new system, it isn't worded accordingly.  It makes it seem like rookies have an "immunity" somewhat during their 1 month waiting period...

and I was never warned for my sig, my sig mentions nothing about ricardo taking over, and since the forums allow me to have a signature of my choice (besides porn) I have no intentions of changing it nor is there any reason for me to change it besides the fact that some people just "want" it to be changed.

You could look at it as a flaw, but the system was basically designed to make everyone happy while making it "easier" to get into *MAFIA*.  We had to change it back to 2 referrals to get new members, because nobody was referring anyone and *MAFIA* was almost impossible to join.  But then after setting it to just 2 and they're in, we decided to make it 2 referrals and they're a Rookie, because people were complaining that we were "lowering standards."  I think our standards are being a small group of friends who play video games (and respect one another). 

With the new system, the entire clan will get to decide on new member additions, not just 2 people or however we set the # of referrers to be.  During the month of waiting, they are not under immunity.  Basically, this time is given to all those who say "who is this person?" - its for the *MAFIA* members who've never heard of them to look for the Rookie's posts, talk to them on ventrilo, or play with them in the server.  If we decide they are not *MAFIA* material then they will simply be voted out.

Milky Way's case was different.  We weren't going to wait until his month was up and vote him in or out.  He's been in for quite a while, he knows the ways things work.  Bonehead saw the whole posting of his "love" thread and the Ricardo taking over thing as a game, so in order to play back he set Milky Way to Rookie and reset his rep/post...in other words having him start all over.  Clifford didn't take the hint and continued his disrespect of not stopping what he was asked to stop, so next he lost his posting rights.  The day of being re-instated to a *MAFIA* Member he does it again, so at that time the Head decided it was time to remove him.  Rookie/Member/Manager/Admin/Head, it didn't matter, he wasn't going to stop and so now he's gone.

As far as Phantom's signature goes, I personally don't have a problem with it.  The only thing I'd ask (not tell) is that the font be made a little smaller.  He's had that on there for a while now and I don't think its caused any problems.  I've spoken with him in PM and I think he's agreed to stop the Ricardo posts, so I think we can agree to let him have the sig - just my opinion.  All this stuff will boil over in no time, and its started to fade away now already.  This thread was started by Milky Way and is titled "Updates," I guess referring to him updating us since he lost posting rights for a week.  I don't think its relevant anymore so look for it to be closed shortly.  I'm not directed this reply to just Phantom, its to the general population of whoever reads it.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Phantom on November 23, 2007, 11:04:04 PM
sure beatle i'll make my font smaller in my sig :)

also thx for the clarification on the new system, you should put that in one of the "joining" threads so people get to know about the system a little more.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 23, 2007, 11:29:32 PM
You smart ass son of a bitch! I want to line you all up and sink an axe into your worthless skulls...
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on November 23, 2007, 11:35:27 PM
You smart ass son of a bitch! I want to line you all up and sink an axe into your worthless skulls...
  A little drastic don't you think.  How about just castration?
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 24, 2007, 12:25:39 AM
Don't fuck with me right now... maybe later lover ;)
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Hellraiser on November 24, 2007, 12:40:17 AM
Don't fuck with me right now... maybe later lover ;)
  Sorry I didn't know that you were in a bad mood.  Got it.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: Loaded on November 24, 2007, 05:09:33 AM
Phantom... I see I stand corrected about your sig. But I have to say I know I seen words somewhere on this forum about it being removed, when I have 12 hours free, maybe I'll search for what I am talking about.

Let it be known I was asking about it being removed because of the words I think I have seen in the forums (asking you to remove it) and because of "I" feel the sig is still playing the "game". But if no one else has a problem with it, so be it, keep it.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Bonehead on November 25, 2007, 05:17:48 AM
pawpaw ur head, you don't like it remove it :)
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: *MAFIA* Ricardo on November 25, 2007, 12:44:35 PM
Why you are all against phantom or milky...  I do not understand why just cause they very much like me that you have the annoyed ones.. I entered into the clan thanks to them.  I m very happy with them.  And if you want the removed.  I no longer will be nothing without them.  I have all my confidence in them.  I already lost milky,je does not want to lose Phantom.. Phantom is my master in the mafia, it guides me, explains me things and I have need of it.  I know that I am 14 years old that I am French that my English is bad but why to insult me.  I do not think that all the world in mafia is as that. Phantom is a kind man. Milky also.  I do more and more the knowledge of all the world..  And I am some to trust.
Title: Re: Updates.
Post by: Loaded on November 25, 2007, 02:16:40 PM
I really think you have no clue what is going on... With that this will be CLOSED.