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*MAFIA* => Help => Topic started by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 04:25:30 PM

Title: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 04:25:30 PM
Okay, I think I have posted about this like last year or something, and I wasn't successful in doing it.

I want to install Windows XP over my Windows Vista Ultimate OS. I had success in erasing the harddrive, then installing XP, and the OS worked fine. But, the problem I ran into, was my internet, I couldn't connect to the internet, it wouldn't detect my router or any of that stuff. I think it had something to do with the network drivers or something.

A Geek Squad nigger couldn't even fix it, he just said XP couldn't be installed on my Vista machine, and something about the drivers. I don't beleive that, because another BestBuy faggot said they could do it in the store.

So, I have the Windows XP "CD" and it's ready to go. I just want your guy's help on this before I do this shit. Maybe someone can find a link to step-by-step help to make a successful install, or the reason why my internet wouldn't work. I know the same thing is going to happen if I do like last time. There has to be a FIX to the internet issue I had.

Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 04:29:45 PM
System name and hardware details might help.

I would tell you to install the drivers but I think you're a little smarter then that.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 04:32:42 PM
How do I view them on Vista?

Where can I get the drivers from then? I think I have like a motherboard CD or something that came with my comp, and I installed the drivers from that, but it didn't work...
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 04:40:37 PM
You can't view it on XP?  I don't know Vista that well but I'd assume you could change the looks of it to be like Windows 2000 or XP and then easily be able to find it.

What is your PC model?  If it is an HP or a Dell, you can look up that specific PC name and download all of the hardware device drivers that you would need for XP.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 04:43:30 PM
Okay I found the properties of my computer:

Manufacturer: Velocity Micro
Model: Custom PC
System Type: 32-bit

That's all it says. Need any other info?
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 04:46:42 PM
I think we're going to need to see your Network Adapters.

Can you manage your PC or do anything that would allow you to see network devices (right-click on My Computer for XP > Manage).

Looks like this:
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 04:52:17 PM
Here is mine currently:

Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 04:57:50 PM
Hmmmm....... few questions.

Does that device show up when you're running XP?  Are you trying to connect to the router via wireless or what exactly?

Did you partition your hard-drive so that you can run multiple operating systems or do you just have Vista on there now?
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 05:03:01 PM
When I installed XP, I don't recall seeing that deivce, but I can't really remember. I think it showed like 3 different things, but like I said, blurred memory on that.

I connect to the router via hardwire.

I only have Vista right now, my purpose is to have XP instead, only. Last time, I partitioned the whole drive, to install XP. I can do a dual boot, but I don't want Vista at all.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on July 07, 2008, 05:04:38 PM
You have nForce network controller card. Go to the nVidia website and download the motherboard drivers that pertain to your motherboard. You most likely have a nVidia made motherboard. In their driver package, they include networking drivers and it should work right after that.


Product Type = nForce

go on from there. If you don't know what mobo you have, download CPU-Z and it will tell you.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 05:15:02 PM
So if I get those drivers, and install them after I have XP installed, it should work? I have a disk with drivers and updates, think that is something different? Because I think that's what the guy used and it didn't work. The CD has a folder called chipset, and stuff inside it, including a folder called ethernet... What's that shit?

Here's pics of the CD:


Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2008, 05:20:05 PM
Just to jump in... That is your problem right there, they/you are trying to install Vista drivers (I am assuming this is the disk that came with the computer/Vista install) on XP os, not going to work. After installing XP, take that vista driver disk and put it away, no good for XP.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: *MAFIA* Scooby on July 07, 2008, 05:22:15 PM
It will only work if you have an nVidia motherboard. You should check that fact first.  For example, I have the nforce 4 SLI Intel motherboard by nVidia. So whenever I format my comp and reinstall everything, the Internet never works. So I download the nForce drivers which is a 4-part drive installation I think, and it takes care of motherboard, harddrive, and ethernet. After that, the Internet starts working.

Yea and what Loaded said.  Your drivers from Vista will not work with XP.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 05:23:06 PM

Just make sure you download the right model and what not for the driver and theoretically everything should work fine.  You should be able to see versions/other info in that same device manager.

Should be fine: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131232

At least find out what the motherboard's name is and see if you can download drivers specifically for that.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 05:28:34 PM
I know I am a noob, obviously showing, but how exactly do I find out what drivers to get, like version and whatnot?
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 05:40:22 PM
You should just be able to Google what ever your motherboard name is and search "'Motherboard name' drivers for XP" or something like that.

You can do this Paul.... or if you want us to look for them post what the motherboard's name is/nforce series it is.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 05:42:47 PM
I know I can! I think I found it, is this it?


Here is my info for the nvidia stuff:

Chipset: nForce 650i SLI SSP
Southbridge: nForce 650i SLI MCP
Model: P5N-E SLI
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 05:45:06 PM
Get on MSN.

That's what it appears to be.  I guess you can see if anything shows up or not when you install the drivers.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 05:47:56 PM
Yeah, it's pretty much shoot or miss for me. Once XP is installed, all of my stuff will be gone, not that I have anything important. I just hope that that will do the job, because it's a hassle to waste time install XP, finding out it failed, then reinstalling Vista.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Loaded on July 07, 2008, 05:54:01 PM
I know I can! I think I found it, is this it?


Here is my info for the nvidia stuff:

Chipset: nForce 650i SLI SSP
Southbridge: nForce 650i SLI MCP
Model: P5N-E SLI

Yep that is what you need, this http://www.nvidia.com/object/nf_650i_winxp32_8.43.html confirms your choice (look at "8.43"). Down load that file, save it (on cd?) and install when you have xp up and running.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: HaVoK on July 07, 2008, 05:56:42 PM
Give feedback when you install if you have any other problems.

Oh wait you won't be able to connect to the internet then anyways....... . hahahahah
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 07, 2008, 06:13:51 PM
Thank you guys for all of the help, I seem real confident this time. I hope it works. If it doesn't, then fuck! I think I will start doing this stuff in a few, so yeah, I'll see you guys maybe tomarrow or even tonight.
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Pr0d1gY on July 08, 2008, 11:33:22 AM
Title: Re: Windows XP Install
Post by: Loaded on July 08, 2008, 03:20:18 PM
Not that I helped much, but great that you go it going... IMO XP is still the OS to use.