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Messages - Hard Target

Pages: [1]
Flame / LOL @ Maxter
« on: December 01, 2006, 11:07:19 AM »
Quote from: chrisrecon
chris all u mexcans are fucking freaks all niggers and sell drugs and u are a fat gook,at least max is white so u cant even talk.your kind are still liveing in the wild west,so as i say white race rules.

 lol damb you mister chrisrecon... if your going to be a racist at least use the correct terminology... a gook is a korean person...and a nigger is an african american person also known as black.... last i checked mexicans arent black or oriental.... lol you dumb shit....

Spam / Test
« on: November 26, 2006, 08:34:17 AM »
thanks for that your right rat man....  im part of the root not the cure by replying like that and your right some mebers of 3v0 did agg him on a bit(Mathy) me not being one of them just so everyone knows...insult to insult is low indeed, sorry for that.
Long live *MAFIA* Long live -=3v0=-

Spam / Test
« on: November 26, 2006, 04:16:07 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Hellraiser
Snop you are a cunt just like Mathy.  Stop sucking Mathy's little pecker.  It is worthless, his balls have not dropped yet so you will not get any of that Man Gravey you are looking for.  Go back to hooking on the streets.

 here again insults.... it is finished, over, crossed out... so stop being a cum guzzling little whore and let it go!

Close this thread

Flame / we all got banned again
« on: October 17, 2006, 08:53:59 PM »
Dun, ur unbanned, but just in case I'll keep ur keyhash ready by my side, this will be the last time, so if you decide to screw this one up, or when your server goes up and you want to tell us off again, remember ur server might just go down again so watch what u say in time you might have burnt a bridge, OR have a home to come play in; so watch it hun bun ok? Welcome Back ! ! !  SEE I'm not the ass that some noob's think I am;   I am the dick that goes in thier ass's ! ! !ROFL :)

OMFG ha ha ha....
Thank ya much pro heli... i'll try hard to be a good guy i want no problems. and when our server is back up, it wont mean i will go off talkin shit or sumthin...than x for lettin us play on your server while ours is down...appreci ate it....thanx again pro...see you there bud.

Flame / we all got banned again
« on: October 17, 2006, 04:43:28 PM »
Maxter, you say "That are server has been up for a long while. Ummm, i wonder why, just incase you didn't know I *MAFIA* PRO HELI M@NKIE have been here since the dark ages of MAFIA (the start) have done nuthing to hurt my clan or clan mates, and yes it is our Clan so quit worrying on how we operate it!!! We've been fine for quite awhile now and all we r trying to do is enforce a clean and fun playing arena for both the players and mainly our Clan.

You also said that i was making fun of Hard target, but in all; i'm trying to show him that this is the way i'd like to see him talking in the server instead of getting kicked or banned!!! maybe it isn't the best way to comunicate with him but with the mouth he's had lately, and the way he was acting and treating our members in our server lately he has been up and down with his additude!!! being good then bad now he wants to be good again and i'm having a hard time beliving him , so do i take him seriously? i'm not quite sure yet!!!! Ratman and me tried one night to become freinds again with him after his first ban, to find out he was the same, then he comes to us again in the forums trying to say once agian he's sorry, you tell me if i'm an idiot!!! not !!! and for the record i have not yet heard him apolygize to me!!! but i'm not sure i would want one as of now!!!

You also noted:
 "It just seems that 1 or 2 people are making the dicision alone.
It is strange that your not a head of the MAFIA clan, yet you do MOST (Not All) the banning? Why is that?"

First of all, 1 or 2  of us are banning 1 or 2 of you, and that is worth all this shit!!! in the ban list i see only 3 total 2 evo, You make us out to look like we banned the whole entire bf1942 players, when in all 3 players banned is a small dent in 4yrs of playing here!!! We will make it fun for 99.9% of the playing cummunity because some want to fuck it up for others!!! Sry if you think we r being hard on some of you guys, but they will learn here or somewhere else that certian admins out there won't tollerate their shit eigher.
When u get ur server up and running i want you to see your ban list after a week, and if the way i seen ur admin members play and act inside ur ventrilo the other day kicking each other and asking each other if they could kick each other, they will turn out to be some ban happy admin's!!!  i'll bet your ban list will be full, if not i'll say sry, but i highly doubt that!!!

Peace out my nigga's

i agree with you pro heli. there are members in our clan who i dont think should have admin...youth and power can sometimes be a bad mix. as for you I am sorry for mouthing off... but put yourself in my shoes...wouldn t you mouth off too...anyways, again im sorry. if you ever decide to unbann my ass i will prove to you i am sorry, i know now that you like to test me when unbanned from your server.. so if you so decide to remove me from your ban list, feel free to test me... just trying to make amends...

Flame / we all got banned again
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:42:17 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
If someone is causing people to leave the server, or a majority of the people want that person kicked, and an admin is on, then its possible they might get kicked, depending on the admin.  Maybe they won't.  If there's no admin there, obviously there'll be no kicking.  Instead of just flaming, calling out "hyposcrisy" (you are one too, we all are at some point), just play, seriously.  Theres' no point in trying to dissect what rules are and aren't and blah blah blah.  Just play the video game, its not that hard.

I don't remember you ever talking trash or "disrupting" the server, before, during, or after being in *MAFIA*, so I don't understand why all of a sudden it is a big deal now.  Unless of course you're trying to join 3v0, in which case I guess these posts make you look good.  I guess school/girlfriend aren't as busy as they use to be or else you wouldn't be wasting your time with these posts.  Do I smell a future 3v0lution member?  I think so.

beetlejuice (jesusjuice) i like you. you put alot of thought and consideration in what you post i appreciate what you have to say...as for havok joining 3v0, he hasnt made mention of it. but i agree his post do make him look good to 3v0...

Flame / we all got banned again
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:19:51 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rat-Man USN
Sonny,  I was there for one of the times, probably the first.  The way I remember it was 3V0 who started the trouble and I made mention of it.(no arguement or anything) That's when you promptly  left.  I don't know how he was playing but Jackal really wasn't running is mouth like you and Rock.  
I never hear Dicer speak up too much unless it's a valid point.

P/S.....  I tried real hard to make friends with Hard Target last night.

i like you rat man i know you are an old member of mafia i would like to make frinds with you too... sorry for trying to kill you i know it was useless i couldnt anyways.... and by the way dicer thanks for the easy kill quote lol....you know, getting to know you guys you arent all that bad.... you just like to use admin...
Dont hate me cuz im 3v0...

Flame / I Give Up :(
« on: October 11, 2006, 04:18:06 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rat-Man USN
Most of it was distorted lies. Gear was there and knows what really went on. You  play so innocent but he can't keep his big mouth shut. He always comes in looking for trouble. Ask Pat.  I'm getting sick and tired of playing in a server that I'm member of  and having a non-member and come in and cause trouble and come running back here to complain. If I did half the things he does in our server in his, I would have been banned a long time ago.

you guys are so full of shit i cant even believe it. your admin powers have corrupted your minds. no wonder so many people fuckin HATE YOU. and no dont unbann me i dont wanna play on you fucked up shit hole of a server anyways. you can all go to hell. thats the last you'll hear from me.... Fuckers!!!!!
oh,and dont even try to come on our server when its back up to start shit cuz you'll be banned on sight( except for a select few)  no fucking warnings.

Flame / Hmm...
« on: October 09, 2006, 07:51:58 PM »
Quote from: Twisted

i think you need to learn when to shut your fuckin' mouth  fucktard no one asked you...

Flame / Hmm...
« on: October 09, 2006, 07:43:52 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Balthazar
Somebody needs to be taken out and beaten with a rusty shovel and left bleeding in the moonlight... but since I don't want to go to california (that's right, I checked your IP) why don't you just do it yourself... but if that's too much for you may I suggest...

wow little harsh but funny....lol

Flame / Somethings never change
« on: October 09, 2006, 11:52:11 AM »
Correcto Mundo ! ! !  He was banned alright for a reason, untill RATMAN and Me feel it's ok too unban his ass it will remain a ban !!!  for now ask him too think real hard if he can; right before he got his ban what he did wrong while playing in our server, that little fucker? and he sit's there  "what did i do wrong" he know's the prob's he gives too the *MAFIA* MEMBERS!!! PEACE OUT MY NIGGA

okay...here it is...i appologize if i caused you trouble. i was on the MAFIA server gettin owned as usual.... Gear had posted a thread in 3v0 talking about showing more respect to mafia members...ok i humbly agree with that... and i'll agree to disagree, why should i show respect to those who do not return the favor. i was lipping off a while ago and since gears thread i laid off a bit and tried to show comradery with the symbols dude( Taker) (pro heli) or whoever the hell you are and still he showed no respect so fuck that. i was getting owned by a couple members with hacks and glitches. Dont get me wrong i have no problem with that... its when you relentlessly spawn camp.... like look at the fuckin log i was killed like 15 times before i could take 5 steps from spawning. Believe me it wasnt fun. i kept my mouth shut for the most part untill i was like 3 kills and 33 deaths.
 I simply said "fuck this im out of here...im going to a server where they appreciate skill, not fucking hacks and mods." then i got banned.....
ok, so maybe i shouldnt have said that. im sorry if i hurt your feelings please take me off the bann list so i can play.... dont you guys like owning me anyways....
i have no problem taking a good owning but for fuck sakes show some god damb respect if you expect me to show you any...
and laaz, fuck You dude. i wont not bitche here i know it's not 3v0 but you do have a forum to bitch in
so piss on you

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