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Messages - [DOA] Programmer_One

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 12
News / Forum data loss
« on: October 31, 2006, 05:13:42 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
He is the kiddie realm master

What is the difference between a Cadillac and a dozen 11 year-old boys?

...you don't have a Cadillac in your garage.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Balthazar
My avatar says it all...

Shush you. You used to be one of the fairies.

Don't you remember your old sig?

News / Forum data loss
« on: October 31, 2006, 01:46:51 PM »
Quote from: Milky Way
why didint you use your magically wizard spells to get all the accounts back?


News / Forum data loss
« on: October 31, 2006, 01:36:06 PM »
DOA only lost all user accounts going back to May 11th. Everything else, including all posts, were not lost.

We could back up our database more often...it is just that...well... I don't care. In fact, it should be a crime just how much I don't care.

BF 1942 / [DOA] v. *MAFIA*
« on: May 23, 2006, 10:24:52 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rat-Man USN
There were 116,000 American soldiers killed in WW I.

The US declaired war against Germany in 1917, and there was some participation but polling of citizens found that nobody really wanted the US to get that involved. WWII was much different.

BF 1942 / [DOA] v. *MAFIA*
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:16:34 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
DAMN, that sounds like pwnage to me!  Kinda reminds me of how the Americans WON ww1 and ww2.

Err. The United States didn't take part militarily in WWI. As for WWII, the US dropped two atomic bombs on the Japs - basically ending the war.

So...I don't really see how banning somebody is like, even fucking near the realm of dropping two atomic bombs...but hey...close enough. ;)

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 22, 2006, 12:24:49 PM »
Hey now. Let me just make one thing very clear (to your liking or not).

I am not at all associated with Proud and Legal. I do not agree with Proud and Legal and what it is about. I am not invested in Proud and Legal and, furthermore, I do not wish to be. I do not have any administrative duties on the forum nor the website.

The only way I may be known to be associated with Proud and Legal was that I sold the content management system to them. I, however, do not operate the site nor do I have any sort of ability to shut it down.

I am not apart of the company, I am not apart of the website, I am not apart of the forum and I am not apart of the site development. I do not recieve any commission or profit from the company. I sold the license to the CMS and it was a one-time charge. I do not have any further business dealings with the company.

So please do not associate me with them.

News / I think everyone should see this
« on: April 13, 2006, 12:21:05 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* iLLUSi0N
I'm student at Miami University of Ohio. I'm double majoring in Political Science and Comparative Religion. I'm planning to go onto graduate school after I finish my undergraduate studies. This summer I've secured an internship at the Ohio House of Representative s. I'm not bragging about myself, I'm just letting you know that I'm not a 13 year old who only reads blogs and repeats what he hears on the television. As a moderate Republican, I keep up with both sides of world and domestic politics and I have a fairly firm grasp on what I'm talking about. Please don't treat me like I don't.

Let me first start off by saying that I am glad to see that MAFIA isn't totally composed of people like...well, ICEMAN. I am also glad to see that you do display some level of intelligence and thus I will change my tone of voice with you to synchronize with your level of dialect (in other words, I won't be calling you a fucking idiot as much). Let me also take some time to make fun of you for double majoring in Political Science and Comparative Religion - two very useless majors. Might as well have majored in Ballroom Dancing.

Okay, we're splitting hairs here, don't you think? I realize that Osama bin Laden is not the embodiment of terrorism on earth. I realize that if he were vanquished, terrorism would not magically disappear forever. Terrorism has been around for ages (Hitler, Stalin, IRA, PLO, and many, many more) and if history has taught us anything, it's that there will always be a challenge to power.

But you said in your previous post that indeed Osama Bin Laden = Terrorism. I commented back telling you, in essence, that at one point we were his ally and the US was supporting "terrorism" against the Russians. I am saying here that depending on whose side you look at it from - you're either a terrorist or your a freedom fighter.

Since we're on the end of the beating stick we're the ones whining about it rather than looking at it from Bin Laden's perspective.

However, Osama bin Laden is not just a person, he represents the organization he started back in the early '90s (al Qaeda). Just as we casually refer to American forces as "Bush" (allow me to cite this here) we can surely refer to the terrorist group al Qaeda as bin Laden, can't we?

Ok. We can make that association that Bin Laden = Terrorism. Alright. So using this association, what the fuck are were we doing in Iraq hunting down Saddam?

Let me begin by explaining to you what terrorism is. Terrorism is defined as "a particular kind of asymmetric warfare" which invloves four major elements:
1) Premeditation, the decision by a perpetrator to commit an act to instill terror or fear in others.
2) Motivation or a cause, whether it be political, religious or economic.
3) Targets, usually noncombatants, such as political figures, bureaucrats, or innocent bystanders.
4) Secretiveness, where perpetrators belong to clandestine groups or are secretly sponsored by states.

Thanks. You just described any pharmaceutical company, life insurance company, car company, etc.

1) "You're going to die because you have a disease/you're not insured/you're not driving a Chevy.
2) Economic.
3) The General Public.
4) Do you know what any of these companies are doing on the inside? No.

As for warfare, well Capitalism is warfare. So yeah. Like I was saying. That must mean we're all a bunch of terrorists in one way or another.

This is exponentially different than your paranoid delusions of corporations being war machines that dispose of customers that complain too much about how their shampoo made their eyes sting. I'm not saying that corporations don't make people "disappear." I'm well aware of this. The difference is that what they're doing does not fall into the category of terrorism. Their tactics are completely different, despite what you say. Corporations are in the limelight of the government, constantly monitored and altered to remove monopolies and busted for embezzlement, etc. Terrorist groups operate below the radar. They do use different tactics. Never will a corporation be accused of terrorism by the judicial system, I guarentee it.

Who said terrorism needs some paticular tactic to work? The only reason companies get away with it is because they commit warfare on the system itself by using money as their WMD. Money talks. Everywhere. Just because it is legal doesn't mean its morally correct. I'm sure if there is a large company that sold 16 oz. boxes of terrorism, it would not only be made legal but all states would be forced to sell it in school vending machines as part of some after school jihad training.

"Most of the prisoners, however—by the fall there were several thousand, including women and teen-agers—were civilians, many of whom had been picked up in random military sweeps and at highway checkpoints."

These prisoners are Iraqis, in Iraq, from Iraq. Why would the military waste money on prisoner transport halfway around the world when they could get the same results from Guantanamo Bay, just a short flight from Florida? Even if they decided to take him to Iraq, it his highly doubtful that it was because he "looked at a woman the wrong way."

Because the military has a budget of ~400 billion dollars. They're not exactly pinching pennies. As for the reason behind taking them to Iraq - the farther away you are the more you can get away with. Why the hell do you suppose we're using Guantanamo Bay in Cuba as a jail? Far from most prying eyes.

You're not serious, are you? They don't care? .... Or maybe I just misinterpreted what you meant by that quote.

I worded it incorrectly - they wouldn't care who you are or what you say to cut your head off. They'd just cut your head off for simply being there.

Bullshit also means "unacceptable" .... meaning that what they did was wrong and should not have happened. Once more: he doesn't think that this was fabricated. Stag, step in and prove me right will ya?

From the audiance here at these forums, I highly believe that Stag was implying that it never happened and that it was all make-believe - in other words, fabricated. I really don't think from how he put it that he was in any sort of disbelief.

Bullshit, in his context, clearly didn't imply "unacceptable" since we're talking to a person that feels the need to write in colorful text. I can't imagine he would know the difference between acceptable and unacceptable.

However, Stag will probably step in and then subsequently drool on the floor.

Seriously programmer, your arguments are undersupported, lack cohesion, and at some instances you sounded like a paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of persecution.

I don't generally feel like I need to take the time to support anything I say on these paticular forums since the majority of the clan and the other forum members only have enough brain cells to respond with something like owned.

As for being a paranoid schzophrenic - I can assure you I'm perfectly fine. I however don't believe everything my government tells me.

As for your avatar, it is verrry interesting... but stupid.

Its a fucking avatar. It has bush in it with a Hitler moustache. What more do you need for a game forum?

You should stick to spineless conspiracy theories.

It is better than taking everything at face value as you seem to enjoy doing quite a lot.

And to think, I could have been throwing a frisbee or something instead of explaining things that could have been gathered from my first post and a little independent online research.

But why waste my own time when I can just as easily waste yours?

P.S. I live for this shit. I very well know that neither of us are going to change our positions on terrorism. I mean, this is a topic on a Battlefield 1942 website... seriously... it's not like either of us are published. All in all, I welcome any other input from Programmer whether it is in agreement or otherwise.

I find this shit something interesting to talk about but not something I live for.  

I do however have to admit that I am glad to see there are MAFIA members on these boards that have the ability to respond back with more than owned. I was quite suprised actually to find somebody that puts up a decent argument. If I would have know what I was up against - I would have orginized my thought a bit better. But seeing that I was responding to some MAFIA member the only thing I was prepared for was an argument with a half-wit moron. I was proven wrong.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Milky Way
holy shit illusion thats long as fuck but i still read it and you owned him again 2 for illusion 0 for programmer good stuff

Emphasis mine.

News / I think everyone should see this
« on: April 12, 2006, 07:37:58 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Milky Way
illusion owned you programmer dont even try to get out of the hole now
No he didn't I owned him right back + 4.

Quote from: Loaded
What are you all doing? He only is doing what he is because he feeds off of your post to him. He is a shit starter and always will be.

Do you always have to ruin my fun? You're a bad man. BAD MAN.

Alright. I do admit I was just posting that to see what would happen. :P I didn't actually have any problem with that video. I thought it was quite well done.

News / I think everyone should see this
« on: April 12, 2006, 06:10:37 PM »
Quote from: Unregistered
Here an equation for you programmer, programmer1=Fucking idiot.


News / I think everyone should see this
« on: April 12, 2006, 05:52:53 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* iLLUSi0N
I knew this thread was going to come to this
Osama Bin Laden = Terrorism. Yeah, that's pretty accurate. Are you suggesting that he is not a terrorist?

Terrorism isn't embodied into one fucking person you jackass. If Osama Bin Laden were to be killed right NOW then guess what - terrorism won't just up and die.

Does anybody ever question WHY they are being a "terrorist?" Apparantly not. It just seemed to slip everybody's mind that we HELPED Osama Bin Laden at one point when there were Russians in Afghanistan. Yet, he could still be considered very much a terrorist - but at that time, not to us. He was a terrorist against the Russians and to us - a freedom fighter. Now that we're fucking around in the Middle East, he is now doing the same thing he did the the Russians - fighting back.

Yes, Osama Bin Laden is a terrorist now to us because he is attacking us. Yet, when he wasen't attacking us - he was a freedom fighter. Funny how that works, huh?

Look at his organization, jackass. They target non combatants for economic and/or political gains through the use of intimidation.

Target non combatants for economic and/or political gains huh? Well that would mean that almost every corporation in the United States is a terrorist. Because if you think they don't use the same tactics - you're wrong. The only exception is that large corporations don't kill people - they make them "disappear".

He's a NY taxi driver? Holy shit!!! He must have gotten pretty lost if those pictures are from Abu Ghraib since that's twenty miles west of Baghdad. I'd really like to see how you know that he's not part of the paramilitary or part of a terrorist organization.

You do realize they have these large flying machines that can carry people over long distances. Maybe he was a political activist and a NY taxi driver. You could never know because believe it or not governments are ran by people - and people have the ability to lie. I'd like to see how you know that he IS part of the paramilitary or part of a terrorist orginization. Please, feel free to cite your assertions.

(And try telling that "raghead" that he's not a soldier. He'd probably cut your fucking head off.)

Take a stroll down any street in Bagdad and report back whether ot not your head is still attached. You don't have to tell them anything - just be there. You'd find out pretty quickly they don't care what you say or do.

I'm pretty sure he was saying that it was bullshit that the soldiers did that to their prisoners, not that the thing was fabricated. Moron.

Holy shit you're an idiot. Then what do you suppose he was saying? Lets say if the moon landing was bullshit - that would imply that I am saying it was fabricated. If it is bullshit that US soldiers did that to POWs - that would imply what asshole? Fabrication.

Why don't you go back to painting mustaches on pictures of Bush while thinking you're being clever and edgy?

Clever and edgy? You moron. Do you even know what my avatar means? Do you know what that symbol on that hat is and where it came from? No because you are an uneducated moron. Go watch a few Charlie Chaplin movies you dumbshit.

"The Great Dictator". I'm not trying to be clever and edgy - I am making a statement about the administration .

And next time you want to make a post about terrorism and/or international world politics, read a book first instead of watching the Daily Show while jerking off to Stephen Colbert.

I do read books. I just probably don't read the books you do (like Green Eggs and Ham). And unlike you, I form my own opinions based on what I'm reading, be it from a conservative author or a liberal one, unlike you where you probably fall for every god damn word you read and start waving whatever flag your told to wave.

Hell, I don't even watch the Daily Show nor Colbert Report. But, maybe you should stop sucking on Bill O'Reilly dick for a few minutes and read some books from the other side of the spectrum.

Misfit and Twisted - I do believe you have some shit on the tip of your nose.

Flame / programmer_1 is a perverted sick fuck
« on: April 12, 2006, 11:21:28 AM »
The only problem with your claim is that the last time I ever connected to your ventrilo server was like a month ago. In fact, the last time I even went on our ventrilo was more than a week ago.

The odd thing is that we never get such weird fuckers in our vent. This just means that for some reason, *MAFIA* seems to attract gay dudes...I wonder why. Probably because ICEMAN is some kind of gay code name for "Glory Hole Operator."

So, in conclusion,


News / I think everyone should see this
« on: April 12, 2006, 02:20:52 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
you are a dumb ass


You must be your mama's "smart boy."

Flame / programmer_1 is a perverted sick fuck
« on: April 12, 2006, 02:16:38 AM »
You have really got to stop blaming your father's internet fetishes on me.

News / I think everyone should see this
« on: April 12, 2006, 01:54:58 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* HaVoK
Why don't you just go away.  You insist on us leaving you alone with your DOA kiddies and yet you still keep coming back to these forums.

And why don't you just swallow your face? I never insisted on 'leaving us alone'. Hell, I just want to keep people out that keep breaking my rules. Just because I banned you from the DOA forums you're throwing a constant hissy-fit about me posting here.

If my posts bother you so much you could:
A) Be a little pussy and get one of the MAFIA admins to ban me.
B) Not read my posts. I don't exacly put huge annoying pictures in them making them hard to ignore like...some people.

Hell, I've been dicking around for a longer time in the MAFIA forums than you have been alive.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Swifty
There was no need for that at all, I would have thought you more intelligent then that programmer.  Because  about 5 people and an ugly chick represent the entire armed forces.  You think somone didnt do that to the nazis in world war two, but it was okay then when they were nazis?  This is the act of a few morons.  
If this was my forum I'd ban your ass.

Five people don't represent the entire armed forces? Ok then explain to me how a bunch of fucking muslims that fly planes into our buildings represent every single terrorist because that is exactly the association our president is making. Osama Bin Laden = Terrorism, apparantly.

And yes there was a need for what I said. I think that flash video was the most slimy and revolting thing I have ever seen in association with the military. What a bunch of bullshit. I don't want to see some pussy movie about our "sensitive" soldiers praying and licking each other's assholes. I want to see a video of where the fuck our ~400 billion military spending is going. Fuck that. I want to see a video of a soldier mashing a fucking bullet through Bin Laden's head with his bare hands - that is, afterall, the reason we send them to the fucking middle east.

And don't bring the god damn Nazis into this. In World War II we were fighting soldiers. Who the fuck is that guy in that picture? Some NY taxi driver that looked at some white bitch funny and suddenly became a "terrorist". Fuck that. That guy isn't any sort of fucking soldier. He is just some raghead that we just don't like for whatever fucking reason.

And if this were your forums, I probably wouldn't want to be posting in it because I'd probably drown in your stupidity. Besides, you could never run a forum while having one hand in your pants like you probably always do.

Quote from: ))) STAG (((
[SIZE="3"]it's bullshit that they did that
Yeah, I bet they made it up just like the moon landing. Moron.

Media / Pic Update
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:22:52 AM »
Lol. And to think you actually had some real gangster shit going on. Mexican gangster my ass...

Laaz, I think I found a picture of your mom:

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