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Topics - [DOA] Programmer_One

Pages: [1]
Flame / Who are these people?
« on: March 20, 2006, 12:59:00 AM »
Right. I was just looking over the applications section of our forum and found several spam posts made by these two posters who have these IPs:

Why am I posting here? Well, lets just say that MAFIA is just about the only clan I can think of that would have people that would waste their time with stupid crap like that.

So, if my assumption is correct, you guys should be able to tell me who those people are according to their IP. I doubt they would have known how to use a proxy so if it is anybody, it should come up with their account name.

For those of you that know me should know by now that I am the most easy-going person in DOA as far as administration is concerned. But god damn guys - if one of you here really did make those posts...get a fucking job and stay the fuck off our forums. Took me less than 3 seconds to delete all that crap that probably took you quite a nice chunk of time.

Fuck you gently,
-- P1

News / MAFIA Forum permissions on DOA.
« on: February 03, 2006, 06:28:06 PM »
I am posting here to let you guys know that, for those MAFIA members that visit our forums, I have resumed your Member Plus permission mask...

...for only a select few of you. The rest of you are just going to have to wait longer.

Flame / Who the fuck stole my Hitler avatar?
« on: December 15, 2005, 02:37:06 PM »
GOD DAMMIT!! :angry:

Flame / To MAFIA
« on: November 21, 2005, 12:59:46 AM »
I just wanted to pop by and say to all of you that I am no longer going to come and visit the MAFIA forums anymore because most people in *MAFIA* are worse than the people we originally had in DOA. There are exceptions, of course, like Bonehead, Rahl, Missa, Toblerone, Beetlejuice (e.g. people who have powers in the clan) - you guys won't be slain in the 3rd Revolution (Hint: hide in the forest until the Death-Lords leave).

But the rest of you fucks, like whats his name and who the fuck are you - man, you guys can go suck a cock or two. Preferably catch a venereal disease. Maybe even fall off a cliff when you're done. :234:
(You know who you are).

And besides, any forum that doesn't have crump3t banned from it is not a place worth visiting.

Goodbye forever. :2:


*MAFIA* Swifty. :monkeypee:

General / Hello MAFIA
« on: November 13, 2005, 04:34:58 PM »
What the fuck happened?

News / Escaped Turkey is gay.
« on: September 29, 2005, 11:17:39 PM »

So uh, basically I have come to the conclusion that our current hosting company, Escaped Turkey is very homosexual. Basically, they recently decided to upgrade their servers and move over to some magicfoshizzle server pwning lollercaust company that runs better servers - or something.

The point is that our current server is going to be shutdown on Oct 1st and Escaped Turds doesn't have a new IP for us and the guy that runs the company isn't being very responsive. The plan was that everybody who has a server right now will be moved over to the new server and will be given a new IP address, while the server with the old IP will be shut down. It is already Sept. 30 and we don't have the new IP address.

So uh, what I wanted to ask is what are some other hosts we could possibly rent from for BF1942/DC.7 and BF2? As you may or may not know, we're a dirt cheap clan at the moment. Cheap server, free forum...living off the crumbs of donations...we're not very liberal with the cash-money. We are currently paying $25 a month and we'd like to stay at that figure within a $5 increase.

Flame / LAAZT1K420 has been banned from DOA.
« on: August 28, 2005, 11:46:34 PM »
Alright. So here is the deal.

I know some of you here at MAFIA really hated LAAZT1K420 for saying some things on this forum about somebody and that you guys wanted us to take action against him (which we didn't end up doing for several reasons). Hell, you guys banned him so I don't think I need to mention how much you hated him.

So then, I thought some of you may be glad to hear what DOA has done reguarding LAAZT1K420...w ell, we banned him from DOA for all eternity. If you are wondering why we did this, well it is a very simple reason: treason.

I am not going to go into the details of his ban because I know you guys don't give a shit but just rest assured that he is no longer in DOA. (including ventrilo and the game server).


Flame / Please root ban Mustang aka Crump3t
« on: August 23, 2005, 01:05:42 AM »
I know that I have no say in what you MAFIA guys do but for the fucking sake of all humanity will you smack a root ban on this crump3t dude? We banned him quite a while ago and it is just so nice.

I mean god damn will somebody just stick a burning cross in his lawn already?

General / *MAFIA* Carnage
« on: April 26, 2005, 09:42:00 PM »
I'm just wondering, does anybody know what type of aircraft Carnage has in his sig? It looks like something Fairchild would make.

Flame / Crumpet
« on: April 23, 2005, 06:02:33 PM »
I would just like to let you MAFIA guys know that Mr. Crumpet here spammed our forums with about 11 new topics. All hand-crafted ala "I have no life" style, he made a few posts saying how DOA SUCK !!! just a little while after being owned on our server. A lot. Constantly.

I know how much he want to join your clan (He even came into our server with *MAFIA* on his name) but you might be interested to know that he has mental challanges affecting his *everything*, so you may not want to aquire this fine piece of human body soil into your clan.

Thanks for all the fish.

BF 1942 / DOA El Alamein Flying Fortress
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:16:10 PM »
I'd just thought I would show you all how to make a proper Flying Fortress. It is in our map right now, and we decided to make a public patch for it which you can download at our website and look at yourself (even take from the RFA file if you want).

Features Include:
- Pwn
- Awesome
- Church for worship services
- MLRS spawns
- Truck spawns
- Mirage Jet for escaping
- OH-6 Littlebird for quick transport

The Fortress has three levels. A roof area is for getting access to the top MLRS, Truck or Mirage. A tunnel for getting access to the East or West end. And then finally, a hangar 'level' for shooting the 2nd MLRS out. Bridge access is provided to all areas (except main entry) so you can drive to any location inside (walking would take too long).

I could have added a whole lot more security and lowered it down to a better height, but since its public...I had to make it all fair.

BF 1942 / Modify Vehicle Damage
« on: April 09, 2005, 09:45:37 AM »
I remember when I last played on *MAFIA*, you had these super fast planes that wouldn't take any damage from hitting the ground/houses/pants. I'm modding El Alamein on the DOA server and I am trying to do the same with the Desert Patrol Vehicle.

So, I'm wondering. What is it that does this? I tried speedMod like some forums suggested...it doesn't work very well.

objectTemplate .hasCollisionP hysics?
ObjectTemplate .speedMod?
ObjectTemplate .material?

Flame / DOA Website & Forums == Not
« on: April 07, 2005, 12:28:52 AM »
Now, I know you don't care about anything related to DOA because of all the glue you people snort, but I'd like to mention that we kicked out the guy who has set up a website and forums for us. This means we no longer have a website or forum. Why did we kick this person out? Well my dear laddy, he was a retarded monkey testicle.

This dude...is almost as retarded as somebody who is really retarded. He says things left and right about how he can h4x the gibson. He told us he is writing a game hack that will break into remote manager and disable punk buster by stealing the password to it *magically*. He was telling us how he hacked YOUR server and got a hold of Bonehead's password and he was able to download all the hacks you guys use. However, this is all probably a hefty helping of bullshit. He said that it is EASY for him to hack up your 128bit SSL encryption that you all apparantly use. Finally I just wanted to prove how stupid he is and asked him what header file would somebody include in a simple networking application if you were coding it in C or C++ in Win32...well, thats where he simply went dead silent (winsock.h or winsock2.h btw)

Anyway, I suggest you ban this fucker from your forums BEFORE HE HACKS YOUR MOTHER'S UNDERPANTS OMG! :P

(Oh, he also sucks at Battlefield)

General / Pwnd
« on: April 02, 2005, 01:50:35 PM »
insert random rambling, yet witty, insult here

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