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Messages - Blacksheep_1

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
News / Stop illegal immigration
« on: June 01, 2006, 08:17:07 PM »
The past is not the past.  I remember the problems those dopes caused and the problems in the past still are there.  So, for those who caused problems please don't even consider asking to be a moderator on the new website... the answer is NO.  This is a serious matter and children with warped minds cannot be in a position where maturity needs to be present.  I am not starting shit but your past behaviors speak volumns on your maturity.  This is not romper room anymore.

Beetlejuice has given me some reliable and mature people to get involved with this project.  They most likely will have moderator status on the Proud and Legal forum.  

A new dedicated server was just donated to this project today with a tarabyte of bandwith per month.  Access to the forum and website should be alot smoother when we switch DNS.

I encourage everyone (even those who have problems with me personally) to express your points of view.  As a registered member of Proud and Legal you still can get involved and do something positive, however, only the few adult members of mafia will be moderators.

News / Stop illegal immigration
« on: June 01, 2006, 05:49:51 PM »
Some of you dopes are going to just rip on this thread because it's me and I don't usually post on this forum, however, some mafia members (the adults) are helping out with a new website which is an online protest against illegal immigration.

The website is ProudandLegal.com.  Many have worked long hours on it and there are alot of moderators to watch over the stupid people who may post there.  As you most likely know ...  hallender has tried to spam it but we have put a stop to its childish antics.

You are welcome to post your ideas on the Proud and Legal forum.  Proud and Legal goes beyond a game clan and many have said that this side could have an influence on the next election because we are providing a much needed service for everyone.

Currently, we have 3 moderators in the proud and legal forum from mafia. swifty, bonehead and beetlejuice and a few more mafa members have been suggested to be moderators as well from your group.  If you are seriously interested in what we are doing and in this cause please contact  the above and we will see what we can do.

Those obviously who we know not to be taken seriously need not ask.  If you have any questions please visit the new site at your leisure.  


Flame / ladies...
« on: March 23, 2006, 10:22:41 AM »
To whom it may concern:

This post is for those people (diablo, havik, milkbone, monkey boy, laazy girl) and anyone else who wishes to know what Federal Law says about posting unwanted pornographic material on other peoples websites.  It is against the law.  I have made a few threads in the "JOIN DOA" area of our forum for your viewing pleasure.

I have unbanned a few mafia members on the DOA forum to view the post and others can re-register if you are banned.  Point being this...  if you or anyone from this clan posts pics like this again then actions will be taken.  This is stopping now!.

Many Mafia and DOA staff have had this talk already and for the most part things have calmed down alot which is good, however, people like your water boy (milky toast) still are acting like fucktards and posting.

I am not posting here to start shit but to clarify what I will do if these actions continue.  I am sure they won't.  If any DOA member causes problems on your ventrilo or forum please contact me,P1, Blue Dun, Crybaby, or Pirate and swift actions will be taken towards them.  

Several mafia members will be allowed back in our ventrilo and forums when the dusts settle.  Some will be forever banned on site.  (you know who you are)

Thank you... Good night and good luck!

BF 1942 / Lets Get One Thing Straight
« on: December 21, 2005, 04:10:30 PM »
yes but lazzy needs to take his head out of his asshole to smell what fresh really is...  otherwise he cant tell the difference.

BF 1942 / New Match with DOA
« on: December 20, 2005, 11:32:39 PM »
if you guys want.. we can password our server for a while and we can show you all the mods we have done to the maps.  let you guys get used to it and so forth.

Flame / I hope you are not unhappy!!!
« on: December 14, 2005, 10:06:34 PM »
i have posted the entire PM (thread) on the DOA forum in the public lounge.  The title of my thread is "for mafia" and It is pinned.  

The part in question is highlighted in yellow.  Only DOA member plus ppl can view it...  which most of *mafia is.  so if you want to view what was PM'd to me .. check it out for yourself.  Then after you view it.. you will know why i started this thread with that quote.

enough said... i am done on this matter.

Flame / I hope you are not unhappy!!!
« on: December 14, 2005, 09:40:23 PM »

i like swifty, bonehead and pro... I dont really know titties yet but if he still is in mafia then thats pretty cool.  I was asked to post this in the mafia forum. I did.

I think these guys should read what is being said about them.  I have respect for these guys... not the person who wrote it.  if you have a problem with that why dont you PM, Email me or contact me via msn.

the choice is yours.
thank you.

Flame / I hope you are not unhappy!!!
« on: December 14, 2005, 08:50:06 PM »
[COLOR="Blue"]I think we are off to a good start; for 1 thing we don't have the 4 fucktards (Swifty, Titties, Bone and Pro) and never will.......... ........ as long as we can all respect each other; which we do, we will go a long ways. We all have our own reasons for joining this clan, lets just remeber why we did and learn from that. There are alot of good people in this clan already with more to come. Its simple people will come because they are unhappy.

This was sent to me via PM.  It was a thread posted by snake from their forum.  I just hope none of you are unhappy.  lmao.  

Look who's talking about respecting each other... lol

BF 1942 / New Match with DOA
« on: December 10, 2005, 10:51:27 PM »
yes the racetrack and some other stuff like in battle of the buldge...
but no one will use them... and they really are open patches.   None of our stuff is secret.

if you guys need a link to download DC... i can get it for you.

BF 1942 / New Match with DOA
« on: December 10, 2005, 05:09:10 PM »
hey guys...

just wondering if you are up to another scrim match with us on our server.  I checked with bonehead first about it.  I know some of you need to get DC and need to get your skills up.

I am thinking either the week between Christmas and New Year's.  How about you?

News / New website and forum!
« on: December 07, 2005, 05:28:56 PM »
Looks good Bone...  
keep up the good work.

Flame / Just Wanted to get something clear...
« on: December 05, 2005, 07:28:39 AM »
Hey lazzy dont you know the first rule to an arguement is ...   "if you loose your temper... you lost!".   Guess what? you lost.

Snake...  sure if you want to have a bet... no problem.  To have a good clan is simple and you need a few things which I know you guys don't have.

    • Honor
    • Integrity
    • Loyalty

    It is just a matter of time before you start to piss off each other and start crying again.  Anyone who follows a little leader that shuts down websites and send viruses to other members computers is doomed for failure.  I guess he has Napolean's disease.

    Flame / Just Wanted to get something clear...
    « on: December 04, 2005, 08:21:23 PM »
    Got a bet for you guys...
    how long will that stupid ass clan last.  I already know of a few people who have left it and are really pissed at them.

    I give it less than a month before it starts to crumble and they come begging to rejoin mafia again.   Three months and people will say "what was the name of that clan again?[/color]

    BF 1942 / RESULTS - [DOA] vs. *MAFIA*
    « on: December 02, 2005, 09:06:28 PM »
    Yes...  it was one of the best matches ever.  I had lots of fun.  I bow down to mafia on that match.   But..  there will be a rematch in DC so you better get your skills up.  

    Again..  thanks for the great / fun match.  it was cool.

    ps.  on the last map your picture was in error.  most of your guys left when we had the last flag.  that is why there was a differece in numbers.

    Flame / hey insane
    « on: July 23, 2005, 10:00:48 PM »
    1. you get kicked for a negative score because the server is set up that way..
    2.  Paw paw...  dont act so old and negative...   (need some viagra?)

    3.  like i said before...  i am not here to start shit...  I just noticed that you were mentioning DOA in a few of your threads...  and laughed.

    this is no big deal to me at all....   I dont play on your server and i am rarely in this forum.  so put on the chill big guy.  relax and enjoy life.

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