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Messages - Ultraxwing

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General / Re: Hello, Long time no see?
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:34:04 AM »
Old picture is old bro...

i only wanted to see how things were going. i know being "friendly" won't change shit, but i'm fucking bored and need a good laugh.

what has everyone been up to lately? besides i look terrible with blonde hair, or ginger.

General / Hello, Long time no see?
« on: April 19, 2012, 08:37:20 AM »
You know, I thought this account would be deleted by now; you know, the lack of hours it has logged on it.

I turned 19 two days ago, i know you guys really couldn't give a super shit. In retrospect i moved on and got over all the stupid newfag shit I performed on this site. i believe the last time i visited was when I actually owned a computer before i got kicked out and moved in with my friend.

I forgot all about this crazy place full of the first Trolls i ever encountered. I only remembered it on this day. I was looking through my old box of stupid juvenile shit. I happened to come across an old CD pouch. Besides it having a whole bunch of Real Time Strategies and other Indie Games I decided to burn on CD. I saw the whole collection in the back of my pouch. I went through a nostalgia moment and forgot how retarded I was when I was fourteen.

To be honest I tried in all of my power to be a big “bad ass” like you guys, but it just wasn’t meant to be. I took the Internet and trolls to seriously. I’m not here to apologize like some little bitch that has “guilt.” So I just wanted to see the rage that of which I spurned over the past years and want to see how people would respond to an old butt hurt faggot today.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 21, 2011, 05:29:17 PM »
I'm guessing we wont have to deal with this kid much longer because it seems he is on the path to suicide.

And Tampax, don't do something boring like hanging yourself. Add some creativity to it... Try jumping off the roof of a popular super market with a thin wire around your neck and your hand super glued to your head. That way when the wire cuts your head off it will be glued to your hand! Genius...

Disclaimer: I in no way take responsibility for your actions after you or anyone else reads this post.

Sorry couldn't help my self to post. BUT LMFAO!!!

i would do this if i was suicidal. the image is fucking hilarious. 9/10 for just originality.

Also everyone is different on the internet. it's been noted that Hellraiser is a decent dude in real life. online he well, raises hell... so on the internet i'm the biggest emo faggot. i can't say much for my self in real life. cause well, no onehhear would beliveve. it.

so long. peace, fuck you moms/your uncles. especially your dead great grandmother.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:22:13 PM »
Last post:

well, i'm off to hang out with old friends. (pretending to be EMO really is a theraputic, i should do this once every year.) so me and my old friends are going to hang out. i'm going to wear my Fedora, get my Duster, Grab My half Glove. and go and Play some Roleplays with my old best friends.

peace, good-bye. troll hard and good. and i gotta fuck my mom before i go.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 20, 2011, 11:51:57 PM »
Interesting... You speak to defend yourself by agreeing?

This is something I have never seen before. We must study this behavior.

I still find it incredibly amusing to read your comments. It's as if you are a product of your own destruction. You act like you don't care, but if that were the case you wouldn't come back and try to defend yourself. Personally, you look like a douche bag, but hey, who am I to judge? There is much more to life than trying to explain yourself to the rest of your little known world. So what, you are pathetic? Using your newly learned grammar here isn't getting you anywhere.

And by the way, I don't speak as if I claim to know any more than you do. I only speak on behalf of my own opinion. Take it as you will.

Defending my self by agreeing? no actually, i'm admitting i'm a failure, and thus if i know what i am no need to defend what is already true. you only Defend a lie. not what is true. i only comehere cuase i get a kick out of being trolled. don't ask me, you guys started this fetish 3 years ago. but in the end i started it by not reading the rule and putting a *MAFIA* tag beside my name. and thus chewing you guys all out for having been banned for 15 minutes. oh and saying stupid shit like "my computer is a modified Commodore 64) blah blah blah.

i'm only on this site right now becuase of the simple fact, i have nothing else better to do on my Spring Break. i would go on 4chan but tnothing new is going on. besiceds Japan boards. and i say Japan deserved it.

besides i like the abuse, i lov ethe attentino. i never get enough of it.

i mean on my free time (or freeish time) i modify Super Smash Bros Brawl (like that is a magnificent achievment) but i suck at it. i can barely make a character Hhave a bigger hit range.

all that said and done. rip me more ass holes. i'm desperate for the attention.


I AM A DOUCHE BAG!!! i dumped all my friends for 1 hip friend. those friends were bad asses with imagination. now i'm part of some boring lets get this new clothes line. blah blah blah. lets do druge. i'm tempted to take a serious drug. and really fuck my self over. but i'm a pussy. and i know it.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:27:53 PM »
Frankly, I find this a bit insulting...

This kid wouldn't have the slightest idea of what true insanity is.

This child poses online as a faggot who likes to write little quips (most of the inspiration taken from \b\ and reddit) and pass them off as his own. He is still concerned with his own popularity and the jaded nature that is his high school experience. In all reality he is longing to be accepted by his peers and live his 'ideal life' with everybody recognizing how 'special' and 'unique' he is.

Unfortunately it is all for not because there is nothing special or unique about him.

Congratulation s, you caught on to my whole gimmick (which probably was as see through as clear water)

i only came here to troll. and i don't go to reddit and yes /B/ is a place i go avidly. but theres no trolls there like they are here.

and your completely correct about me having nothing special in my whole life. i was born a failure, and i see no point in being a success. i was offered junior college this year. but ididn't go. because wel simply put, i know i will fail. so just follow the path of failure.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 19, 2011, 09:39:00 AM »
  Isn't your real name Ramone????


if you did, than i congratulate you, and i'll be waiting at the next glory hole you'll be visiting.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 18, 2011, 08:45:58 PM »
can't wait for that Beetle Penis...

i'll be waiting...

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 18, 2011, 05:03:40 PM »
The hormone shots have helped allot.     :ky:

Yeah they helped alot, and gave me a bigger penis. but i have a strange attraction to little boys, and singing now.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 18, 2011, 03:36:34 PM »
what you said
ladies will be all over you.

what you should've said (This is mafia after all, full of sarcastic people)
MEN will be all over you.

this "story" was a way to troll on the false accusations and some small akward (non sexual still virgin) situations in my life. then it went from trolling trolls, to trolls trolling on a wanna be troll... And i was trolling the mirror for having an ugly guy in front of it.

How can you say this story isn't true? It's in the News section, it's gotta be true. Oh wait I see, you're just trolling yourself by pretending it never happened. Trolling yourself isn't healthy, you should probably stop.
Why so serious, smile next time, or are you practicing trolling yourself with the mirror.

and you put it in the news sextion, i originally wanted it in spam, cause that's exactly waht it is....

Huge change from your last photos. Now get a decent haircut and turn that frown upside down, walk with confidence everywhere you go and the ladies will be all over you.

no point in walking in confidence, the world is full of sad fucks, i am being one of them. i see the world in the negative sense. i was never a happy child. but i can play an awesome gay guy in my Drama plays. :imacarrot:

Media / Re: What do you look like?
« on: March 18, 2011, 12:41:53 PM »
I will in a minute,

if i can get my phone to email me... or my service my be blocking me. i sold off my camera too.


News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 18, 2011, 12:05:10 PM »
Thanks for sharing UltraX.  When are you going to be joining us on ventrilo?

Good to see you too, "too bad" that i'm only here for a while seeing how it's spring break, and my CD to Bf1942 got all scratched to death. andi refuse to play.

It seems like you are taking the internet too seriously (probably why you still won't fit in here after all the months you've been around); you should probably go write a book about us.

I don't take the internet seriously at all. dudes, when i was like what 15 when i came here, i was the easiest thing to troll. right now i'm trolling on the nick names and false accusations, or hilarious.

and if someone really knew me that story would be BEYOND false, not on the face of teh gayness. (i'll admit i am a little Bisexual, but not into all this) but the fact is that i wouldn't even have the balls to ask either gender out on a date. and i don't live any where near a city, so how could i be around alleys? and really, a dick in my own ass? (the past events do not count, though the second one does help shit out the bigger shit) i bet that would be painful.

and Hellraiser, you've won a long time ago =P i could really care less any how anyway.

say what you will, photoshop what you will. do as you wish, i don't care, what you say or do does not reflect who i am.

besides, how can you take anything serious on the internet?

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 18, 2011, 06:43:34 AM »
(fuck you and your double post rules)

oh AND F.Y.I: I do owe alot of my shit (not the above "true" story) to Hellraiser, when he was on a more force to be friendly forum. He suggested i change my outlook. Burn my Trench Coat. Get rid of the Glasses. dump all nerdy friends. get some hip friends that i've only got one of(who of which bore me, but if i need to be successful) he as well told me to get designer clothes (damn, i had to sell off all my rare Japanese models, and transformers) to buy a whole new wardrobe. and people aren't scared to talk to me.

so i better stop talking, the more i post about actuall successes. the more fake and gay it is.

News / Re: My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 18, 2011, 06:31:13 AM »
No Words...
Should have sent... a poet.

Yea Yea, much like anons on 4chan, gotta post a picture to represent your facial exspression (fuck how its spelled) funny in most respects. but i now know how Mafia came to be.

Since I believe this to be true I'm moving it to the News Section, it's not spam if it's true; but I guess one could argue that your life story is spam, oh well, already moved.

Of course everyone is going to believe it's true, the name "Ultraxwing" represents "Tampaxwing" which translates to, "Nigger cock loving faggot who want's big cock so deep in his ass, the Mariana Trench would be proud.

i only came here on March, is because i think that was the month i was banned. Meh, if i posted something positive about my "life" you'd all go FAKE AND GAY. but  post something that seems true to the Mafia clan, well then it's better than true, its the discovery of the century.

if you want to troll me besides on your lovely board of kind and generious people. just look up my name on Google. and troll me on the websites i am most active. if you need some help finding them

here they are. (forums.kc-mm.com) (smashboards.co m)

News / My Boyfriend Ramone...
« on: March 17, 2011, 04:05:40 PM »
yes, it was a Saturday night, i was with one of my best friends, Chris. we were being silly little nerds talking about girls and looking at Anime Porn (or hentai for you advanced few) so before i turned on my PSP "pocket sized penis" and was going to play pac a man. then this Beautiful Hunk of a Nigger man pops up in my friends room. of course i just thought it was a scary ass black man coming in to kill all white crackers. but no, he sounded like Micheal jackson, so i was not ready to jump out the window screaming "run bitch run"

So he sounded normal, and i showed no interest in him, until he sniffed my hair, i thought he was going to be repulsed because i haven't showered since 2007 (which it still stands today) and i got a boner of the gods, of course i showed repulsion, for my friend Chris thinks i am straight (and still trying to get his skinny ass) and so, pushed him off. it was around 11 o'clock, and i decided to go for a clock around the suburbia.

This man, Ramone followed me out, and we were just talking until i entered an empty part of the street. then he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, he some how knew i had my pants unzipped, and just unbuttoned and started sucking away at my penis. it was the most awesome and vigorous feeling i have ever felt. he sucked so hard, it only took 10 whole minutes for me to cum. the cum was pouring outside of his nose...

So i offered to return the favor. and the Black Man's PENIS was so humongous i had to shove it down my throat. and it took him a mere 4 minutes to come, and the hot spunk went directly into my stomach, it felt like hot cocoa you drink when it's still hot. so he presumtiosly bends me over and pulls of my boxers (which were hello kitty boxers) and presumed to shove his Nuclear Missile in my ass without any lube except for the saliva and jizz. it took a few minutes for it to lube my man hole, but once it did, it was the best 5 minutes of gay man sex i have ever felt.

then after he came 4 times in my ass, and pulled out my ass was sore and pouring with jizz. i don't do anal, i don't want shit on my penis, and so we were done and went back to my friends house. and i never saw that lovely man meat ever again.

true story

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