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Messages - Evil Moose of Doom

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 10:25:42 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
Alright well since you obviously are just making crap up I'm done with you.

Any time you need something to complain about again just let me know and I will gladly get on the server and hand you te beating of a lifetime.

Also all of your statements are quite hypocritical since I remember a time when there were DOA only things in many of your maps. To my knowledge those have been removed but still, every point you make is based around the fact that we have special "kill areas" I guess you call them, while your clan had the same exact things. Quite humorous actually.

DOA-only things? Special kill perches? Nah, we toyed with the idea of doa-only things...too greasy, and not worth the trouble, and invincibility gets a little boring after 30 seconds, unless you are a prison guard.......sp ecial kill perches? Nope, unless there was something I hadn't seen...and I would have been told about it.
No, the Mafia clan server is the only server where I have seen an ongoing prepackaged win setup...

Insane...your name suits you. I show you where you threatened to delete what I had posted...and then your response is total diversion by means of humiliation(failed), and accusing me of being paranoid(paraphrasing), saying that I am seeing things that aren't there. I point it out, you change the subject. I once again point it out, you once again change the subject.

Anyone see a pattern here?

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 10:17:17 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
Run along, tired fawn.  Run home to the river's bank and take a nap next to mother, under the willow.

By the way, Moose of Doom:  No offense, but because I don't actually care about anything you say, I don't really take this argument too seriously.  So, I hope you don't take it seriously either.  I'm the type of debater who much prefers the hunt over the kill; so, win, lose or draw, it's just a stupid argument for the sake of arguing (as far as I'm concerned).  So, carry on - but not in this fashion.  (I'm bored of it.)

Wow, so he runs away...What, can't find any other creative way of expressing support for degenerates? Don't give me that B.S. about being too noble to continue to engage me in a verbal sparring match. The fact is, is that I exposed what it is that Mafia is all about...plain and simple: Prepackaged wins, and the prison guards who win them. Any attempt to derail this fact....falls on it's face.

As I foretold...I won.

I walked in, I verbally kicked you in the nuts, slapped your face, and screwed your girlfriend, and in your own forum.
What happened exactly, for this to occur?

I will explain.

Prison Guards don't like having their personality disorders exposed to the public. Their only means for personal gratification is to control their environment, hence through excessive abuse of admin powers(Insane, Pro Helo Monkey, Titties, for example), or deletion of threads/posts(what Insane threatened to do)...and you really can't control a public forum....The prison guards here can't filter out what I say, or they basically confirm everything that I have said. A sort of indefeatable moebius loop....

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 09:58:57 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
Theres a difference between deleting posts and merging 6 consecutive posts into one there genius.

Wow, deletion powers at work again...lol...
You "deleted" the quote in which I PROVED you were suggesting you could delete everything I typed...lol..

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 09:57:43 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
First, you're right; I did admit to delighting in the easy path to victory.  I do use hacks in lieu of exhibiting skill.  Why?  Because I can, I want to, and I don't give a FUCK about whether or not you approve of it.  However, I did not admit to "not having" skills.  After all, does a carpenter who uses a power tool not have the ability to turn a screwdriver?  Perhaps, but you could not know simply by watching him use a powertool.  Don't let your anger stifle your capacity for rational thought.

Second, the bicycle analogy was not only NOT a diversion, but it took your windy, jittery train and put it on a smooth, straight track - the opposite of diversion.  

Third, I can't help but mention I study psychology.  By no stretch of the imagination do I know what it's all about, but I know enough to know you are spouting presumptions rather than fact or supported theory.  There are very few absolutes in psychology, so to blanketedly stating that ALL actions in cyberspace transcend into real life is just silly - and that, sir, is why I know your rants hold no water.  Although I have to admit I am a little hazy on what you mean by the rigidity of the server.  You seem to imply there are many rules, constraints and various other forms controling your impulses or desires.  If you do imply that, you're really wasting my time.  I can't be having arguments with people who don't think things through before they say them.  I came here to say something, and I said it.  As far as I see it, I can sit here and poke holes in your derailed diatribe all day, but I'd rather not.  But if you need a lesson in logic and coherence, I'm your go-to guy.

Thanks, so much.

First of all, I could really give a load of Dingo's Kidneys about what you think of me, and whether or not I "approve" of your tactics. You admitted you have no skill, great, at least you were being honest.....Som ething the rest of the Mafia clan could learn from.

What is this, by the way?
 "After all, does a carpenter who uses a power tool not have the ability to turn a screwdriver?  Perhaps, but you could not know simply by watching him use a powertool. Perhaps, but you could not know simply by watching him use a powertool"...........
Carpentry and video games? Yeah, those two go together, kind of like Mafia and Punkbuster.... oil and water....tooth paste and steak sauce. My assessment is this: A carpenter uses power tools to save time and effort. In addition, since I am in the repair business, and use BOTH kinds of tools on a daily basis...I only get precision out of a screwdriver..a nd use the power tools to get out of doing hard work. Quit trying to attach pointless metaphors to this, as you guys die just as easily as any noob out there when you get away from your hack/Secret Area cocoons...and also, quit trying to assume that I am angry. I am actually rationally laughing my ass off watching you come up with new and inventive ways of supporting degenerates. This is the reason why I got out of psychology...n o one really wants to call a spade a spade, but instead spends hours trying to come up with creative ways to describe their support for said degenerates.

And this?
"Third, I can't help but mention I study psychology.  By no stretch of the imagination do I know what it's all about, but I know enough to know you are spouting presumptions rather than fact or supported theory.  There are very few absolutes in psychology, so to blanketedly stating that ALL actions in cyberspace transcend into real life is just silly - and that, sir, is why I know your rants hold no water."

I didn't say that ALL actions in cyberspace transcend into real life. Looks like Elliott the Chump is making more Grade-AAA ASSumptions. Step away from the liberally-enlightened GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY textbook kool-aide for 20 minutes, and spend some time doing actual research on criminal behavior.....s omething you are not going to find in your required General Psych classes at your local community college. What you SAY, SAYS alot  about your character, and personality traits...espec ially when you exhibit the same behavior....re peatedly....ma p after map....

Yes, apparently, you are finished. What you essentially have accomplished, in such a long-winded manner, is this: You have told us the following...
1. You don't care who you play with, even if some of them act like greaseball child molestors...ju st don't interfere with your play time
2.  In order to remain a member of Mafia's elite "club", one must ignore obviously glaring personality disorders of the admins
3. Mafia servers are pre-packaged wins for those same admins..and cannot tolerate losing...even if it means abuse of admin priviledges

Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 08:36:14 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
Holy unnecessary posts batman.

Oh and by the way, I can end all this in one sentence and no matter what you say or how many large words you decide to use, I'm still right.

This is our server and we run it as we see fit, if you don't like it, take yourself elsewhere.

Uh, Gee...there is your "deletion" you spoke of....

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 08:35:04 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Loaded
LOL go to this post Insane... Evil Moose of Doom is a DOA Member.

Just think I could find out what we need soon Insane, I am sure you know what I am talking about. Man I feel like a old women with to much time on HER hands.

With that said... Beetle I would think you could had seen...

[DOA] Pirate
[DOA] Evil Barney 007
[DOA] EvilBarney 007

...kicked from the server and not the name I gave at the start of this thread. I have more if you want them, but I think the DOA names are the funning part of this.

What exactly is supposed to be funny? That I didn't spend 7 months begging and groveling to join Mafia? Well, consider it funny, then.

« on: May 11, 2005, 06:44:29 AM »
Quote from: masebot1
Thx death. I am not gay. Gay is sickening gay. Im am sorry for my nonsense on this website sorry bonehead. on trip, I had a lot of sugar. supreme bean mocha cofee 5 paks of surgar sugar cearela and sugar. Some cereal taste gd with sugar. yes im was a little hyper im am hpyeractive. :). Wat the f# hell im AM not gay damnit

Might I recommend "Hooked On Phonics"? You would at least be a Gay man who sounded literate afterward...

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 06:40:21 AM »
Quote from: masebot1
here u Evil :'( crying cause mafia owned u and ur there servant. now bow down to them your new masters. I will own you on BF1942. Hay evil I no human I am a wolf.

Well, I do admit that you have the bumbling typing style of a wolf trying to peck away at a keyboard...and that you smell like a wolf....

Could you go away, please? You are disrupting an engaging conversation between two educated individuals, and your butchered grammar is sounding far more illiterate that what might be accepted as normal in this place...

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 06:32:29 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
Nobody deleted anything and you're just making yourself look like a fool with your baseless accusations. I suggest you stop now before you make yourself out to be more of an idiot than you actually are.

No, insane...let me blow your current argument out of the water...

1. You hide my thread in the SPAM room. Bonehead moved it back.
2. You mention your Godlike abilities in being able to delete anything I say,

Now, are my accusations entirely baseless? Why, I couldn't see ANY reason for stating that you might delete this....try again, or better yet, just let Elliott continue to hammer away at me in a futile manner...he at least provokes more laughter.

Oh, and by the way, Masebot....go back and do the third grade all over again.....

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 11, 2005, 06:24:24 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
First of all, please spare me the ass-kissing, and don't say I use lofty words.  Lofty to you may not be lofty to me, and so you are admitting inferiority.  Then again, I do like these forfeitures (you're the king).

Secondly, look.  Your analogy of the prison guards is m'okay, but it's not really that good.  A better way to describe our server is like a bicycle race.  We, Mafians, have bicycles, and you non-Mafians have bicycles.  Ours have motors.  Yours are man-powered.  At the moment.  See, you can go out and buy a motor and race us on a level playing field, but you choose to enter a race you cannot win.  In other words, we are not playing battlefield in an unethical way, just an unorthodox way - a different way.  We are racing motorbikes, not chain-geared bikes.  Do you want to race with us?  If so, get a motor.  Get the public hacks.  Glitch into a wall.  The gun goes off at the same time for us as for you, so beat us to the destination by all attainable means.  Or go race the foot-pedalers.  Or fuck off.

Thirdly, it's perfectly human to enjoy winning.  It's human to want to win, and it's perfectly human to not regret doing so.  However, I know what you're saying.  Using a pistol in a boxing match might guarantee a win, but it sure seems sleazy.  But you're making an assumption.  You assume we care to win fairly.  We don't.  Does that make us sleazy?  Perhaps.  But our demeanor in a computer game environment you should not assume reflects our demeanor in any other realm.  However, despite my request that you give us this benefit of the doubt, you don't have to.  I cannot defend my clan-mates.  I can defend myself.  I am not sleazy.  I go to a good school; I work hard; I was class president; I volunteer by teaching 3rd graders to read and do mathematics; etc.  Now, one thing I do to relax is play computer games.  I don't do it too often, just as you don't, but I do it enough to call it a "hobby."  I go to a school which assigns a workload that ranks #10 in the nation.  When I pursue a hobby, or if I am enjoying "down time," I don't want stress.  I don't want to lose.  So, I cheat.  I ensure that I win and that I have a good time.  You can crucify me or berate me for this, but I'd rather you let me peacefully go about my business.

p.s. If you think you have any rebuttal of value, you're mistaken.  To follow your impulse is to waste your time...and potentially mine/ours.  Do us a favor:  Instead of working hard to convince us we are depraved per A) our actions or B) the insipid environment you say we create, make a simple choice.  A) Play with us; or B) Play without us.  S-I-M-P-L-E.

Wow, that was quite possibly the most stirring pile of poop I have read in quite some time.
First of all, I really don't care what you do in your spare time. I only mentioned it to show that I don't have a personal stake in your stupidity.
Next, to assume I don't have a rebuttal of value? You just shot yourself in the foot, and basically (in a wannabe liberally enlightened way) admitted you don't have the game-playing skills to compete in a NORMAL BF envrionment. You also state that you enjoy the pre-packaged wins that the Mafia server gives you, since you are too busy with your 'enlightened' social life to learn how to play without hacks...once again confirming what I said, that you have ZERO skills to play without the Howdy Doody bullshit.
Bicycle analogies? Wow, how primitive, and how diverting. I gave you a basic summary of why Mafia is in existence...an d you again confirm it. You ARE sleazy. That WAS confirmed. You guys DO behave like prison guards. And try as you might to state that one's behavior on the gaming battlefield does not transcend into real life? You are quite possibly the biggest enlightened idiot I have ever met, if you don't believe that. Pro Monkey, titties, and Insane, by your unqualified estimation, are pillars of the community away from your server? RIGHT. That psychologicall y holds  about as much water as a spaghetti strainer, Elliott. Actually, in the psychological world, one's behavior in such a setting as a "rigged" game server is quite valuable in assessing one's off-screen behavior...wha t you say has a strong background in defining the kind of character you possess. You have players giggling like child molestors when they kill from rigged perches.....Go spend some time watching films of prison guards doing various psychological testing....and how they giggle when someone is being hurt...and then get back to me. Your continued justification for your involvement with these losers falls more and more into question....

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:46:55 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
Holy unnecessary posts batman.

Oh and by the way, I can end all this in one sentence and no matter what you say or how many large words you decide to use, I'm still right.

This is our server and we run it as we see fit, if you don't like it, take yourself elsewhere.

You are still right? Coming from one of the head prison guards...I take that as a complimentary verification of what I have been saying. Yes, you go right ahead and delete all of this. Confirm exactly what I have said...that you can't handle losing. You invite people in...and when things don't go your way....

Spam / Elliott Smith & Evil Moose of Doom Forum Fight!!!
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:26:56 PM »
SO, are we fighting now in both the spam AND Flame rooms?

Spam / Elliott Smith & Evil Moose of Doom Forum Fight!!!
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:09:58 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Loaded
We are here for the “Word” fight of the century between OUR own “I’ll Spank Your Bum” Elliott Smith and our once every 6 week visitor “I’ll Let You Spank My Bum” Evil Moose of Doom.

There are no rules in this fight you may give what you have to “SPANK” your opponent to the ground and keep him there. ALL members of the forum are welcome to “JUMP” in and help any fighter you wish. There is no time limit to this fight, the fight will be over when one of the fighters is down and wont get up.

Good luck and start fighting!!!

Yes...please let someone else do your dirty work...lol...

Flame / It is time.
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:08:50 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
Please.  Don't try to psychoanalyze us, you pretentious malcontent.  Whatever it is that is irking you, get over it.  You get pissed off at a computer game?  Trust me dude, we're not the problem.  If we've robbed you of some sort of satisfaction that you get out of a computer game, the satisfaction you can find in no other facet of life we can't influence, then you, buddy, are the one with a problem.  I'm sorry your parents are never around, and I'm sorry your friends abandoned you.  If I knew you, I'd maybe help you out.  But I don't.  So don't come in here blathering about the state of things, ignoring how obvious it is that yours is the train wreck, not ours.  

God I rule.  I can't stop being awesome.  One day I will though.  I'll have to, right?

(Rubbing hands gleefully....)Well, hello, Elliott.
Amazing who will pick up the gaunlet, once it is thrown down...

Quite a display of big words, there, sir. First of all, the only thing that is "irking" me, initially,  is watching immature people with prison guard behavior scream out the word "ownage" while hiding behind invisible force fields....and then abusing admin powers (just like prison guards do) if someone displays even the slightest bit of skill. If you can't play without the force fields, perches, radar, or indestructible planes, then shut the fuck up. If you also can't handle someone else killing you, then shut the fuck up. Immediately following that "irkage" is idiots like yourself who lack any sense of self-identity, and join up with the loser socioeconomic group displayed during my telling of "Irkage" #1. The only reason I 'joined' a clan, was to have a little easier access to the dwindling number of BF servers...so I don't have to sit there and stroll through dozens of empty BF servers on Quickmatch. I can head straight there first, and if it's empty, then I can go looking. I don't give a tinker's damn about the politics, the Top Secret Howdy Doody Decoder Ring patches, or the self-absorbed egos that follow most clans...such as Mafia. Your pointless self-absorption knows no bounds.

Satisfaction denied? Nah, I really don't give a shit, Smelliott. I can just load up another game, go ride one of my motorcycles, drive one of my cars...or take my kids to a movie. I hardly play BF nowadays...I have only shown up on the Mafia server recently, to follow a fellow clan member in. That's pretty much it. However, I don't care about the glitches, or cheats....it's the people, the attitudes. Fine, set up your super secret death perches. I could really give a shit. But don't sit there and run your mouth as if you actually have SKILL, and then try to threaten people if they happen to kill you back. Once again, following the mental disciplines of Prison Guards. Harass  and attack the inmates from behind "safe" walls, where the inmates can't attack them back, your admins giggling like child molestors. It's pretty fucking sick, actually.

And you support these greaseballs?

Quote from: *MAFIA* Ins4n3
While this is quite amusing, please continue it in this thread.


Wow, look at that...a mafia member changing the rules because he is getting owned...where have I seen that before?

Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
Yeah I recognize ButtSlappingPi rate.  I know the reason he got kicked now, it is because he's gay.

Woo-Hoo! And here comes the lowest-common denominator strike of the evening!!!

Really, please get some new material. I think the word GAY has only been used about 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times in as many attempts at a weak comeback.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Loaded
LOL I think that day is soon to come. See with Moose he loves using the BIG smarty guy words as well. So when he sees your post I think you and him are going to have a bit of fun.

I can't wait to see who comes out the winner of this one.

The outcome is already predetermined. I won the moment I got banned (again, lol) from the Mafia server...kind of like watching the first three Star Wars Episodes...we already know what happens to the Jedi....what you are seeing is simply how I won.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Vanillathrilla
ya i agree with you d. i mean that is along post up there. i mean if i was getting owned by mafia guys i would either try really hard to get them or i woudl not come into the server. but then again that is me.

The key word is "try".
What you may have noticed, is that Mafia does not allow for "trying", hence the secret patches, perches, blah blah blah. Just like a prison guard to force control of his own environment... ..if this was only about who had what skill or talent, we wouldn't be talking. What are Mafia servers really about? An easy win...for Mafia players......k ind of like marrying pregnant women, isn't it? They don't, or can't expend the effort to try to get big kill counts/get the woman pregnant, so you instead marry a pregnant woman, or create a server where the mafia guys always win. Pretty ingenious, actually. You can then claim better rankings, better bragging rights, etc...what you guys are pissed off about, is that I simply brought all of this to the surface. It's not about cheating to win, it's all about creating an environment where there is simply no chance of a non-mafia member to win. This is why Mafia admins get so pissed off when someone kills them.

Next victim....

Spam / It is time.
« on: May 09, 2005, 11:29:09 PM »
Well guys, it's time.

Time for what...you might ask....
Well, it's time to take on any of you pussies who dare to engage me in a verbal battle...my last straw was this evening and one of the mafia prison guards you guys call an admin...pro Loser Monkey.

First of all....while you guys might think in all of your long-gone glory that you mean something to everyone...tak e a look around you. BF servers are drying up..disappeari ng. Jesus, I think the maximum amount of people at ANY given time, since you fixed the server....10 players? Woo-fucking-hoo. Your admins who have control issues (the two prison guards Pro and Insane for example..these two have some serious psychological problems...but you guys think it is funny) have pretty much ran everyone off. To make matters even more interesting, you establish "Mafia-Only" zones in certain maps, where no one without the "Mafia Top-Secret Howdy-Doody Decoder Ring" can get in...where chickenshit Mafia members can hide and shoot without fear of being shot at...why? Let me take you back a month or so...when Mafia Titties was on your server, running off at the mouth..threate ning to kick/ban anyone who might kill him. The only way he could kill someone...is by falling back on hacks to protect him. The first time he steps away from a plane(while he was trying to kill me, no pussy sniper shot)...the easiest kill I have ever scored...and you know what happened? Titties shut the fuck up for at least 10 minutes...and then the banishment threats again ran on and on, until I finally got bored and left the server.
This is pretty much indicative of any Mafia member that runs their mouth while engaging in "secret" kill zone killing...kind of like listening to child molestors giggle while they torture children. Pretty fucking sick. And the moment you actually kill them, or call them off of their perches? Well, then the pussy threats begin...just like Pro Loser monkey this evening...he couldn't kill anyone, other than to TK other players on his own team....until he jumped onto a "perch".

Wow, Real Manly....and again reminds me of the mindset of prison guards.

Now, your first response will be this:
"Go play somewhere else!"
I already do. I joined up with another clan, and they occasionally go into your server. Why? Because there is no one playing BF anymore. And what I see, time and time again, is people taking their ball and going home, after listening to the drivel your admins put out. Your loudmouths exhibit no skill, and then expect visiting players to sit there and get killed 5000 times in a row so they can come up with 30 different ways to say the word "ownage"..giggling all the way.

Why do I bother posting this? Because there are some really nice guys who are in Mafia, at least the ones who haven't been kicked out for various cheeseball pussy reasons.....an d maybe it will take some guy bitching at them to make them realize that they have some seriously sick people in their midst....Other than that, I could really give a shit. Most of what I have seen could take up 4/5th's of a thesis paper in Abnormal Psychology...k ind of like watching a bad train wreck. You know the people inside are lost...but you can't quit watching.

Who wants to go first?

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