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Messages - Billy Rubin

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 21
Spam / Who's down for some...
« on: November 10, 2006, 02:05:49 PM »
Wait....let me grab some gloves :p

Spam / Who's down for some...
« on: November 09, 2006, 11:35:13 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
I like girls big and chunky!

SWEET! Looks like I'm in business :8

BF 1942 / New server
« on: November 03, 2006, 11:10:18 AM »
Name: -=3v0=- Modded No Rules 1.6
Port: 14567

Flame / we all got banned again
« on: October 16, 2006, 04:46:32 PM »
Wow. There's been a lot of posts like this lately. But what I don't understand, is that Mafia is supposed to be no rules...so why is everyone getting kicked and banned?

Flame / I'm in DEEP SHIT!
« on: October 16, 2006, 04:40:15 PM »
Root canals are nuthin. I had one...wasn't too bad. Never had my wisdom teeth out, but by the sounds of things your mouth is gonna be so swollen it will be out of service for a while, better stock up on the anal lube ;) lol love ya.

Flame / I Give Up :(
« on: October 11, 2006, 04:29:24 PM »
Rat man I'm surprised this has happened because I have never had a problem with you. I know Maxter, and I know he is a God-fearing Christian (he actually reminds me of Beetle in a lot of ways) and I really can't see him talking shit to you guys since he was the one who posted here wanting to make sure that he was on good terms with you all. I am truly surprised...I figured he would be one of the last 3v0 to be banned from you server.

Flame / Somethings never change
« on: October 10, 2006, 10:47:31 AM »
ZOMG this thread is still going? I only have one more thing to say...

Quote from: *MAFIA* |LÁÁZ|
ROFL good sex and great BLOWJOBS btw.......

Only in your dreams beaner boy, I choke on small bones!

Flame / Weird
« on: October 04, 2006, 12:17:58 PM »
You guys can close this one too if you want. I'm through trying to communicate with this meat head.

General / Greetings Mafia
« on: October 04, 2006, 09:36:42 AM »
Yes i do i've knowin him for quite some time since the begining of MAFIA, but he's not FAT, now answer my ?'s u pillsbury puffer!!!

OMG! This is worse than talking to a fuckin wall. Titties is over 40 and still lives with his parents and smokes meth. I know he's not fat...theres no such thing as a fat meth head. FFS.

General / Greetings Mafia
« on: October 03, 2006, 08:22:05 PM »
Why oh why do you use the term "move outta mommy's house all the time?and smoke the meth pipe" u use those lines on everybody you really bore people when you say that all the time, get some new one's biotch, fat filth and have snake exam that pussy, caz i think you did do the wetbacks, just wondering why you didn't do chris the killa? he's still waiting he say's.
Back too moving outta, and meth pipe, you talk so much about, i was wondering did ur momma feed you a meth pipe when u were a youngin?, does she still have you moved in? like my daddy always told me never ever have a fat person work in my pizza shop caz they'll eat you outta house,home, and business guess your momma hasn't been taught that yet :(  YOU DISGUSTING FAT BODY  :)

Do you even know titties? Apparently not otherwise you wouldn't ask these stupid questions.

General / Greetings Mafia
« on: October 03, 2006, 07:27:36 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ( . )Y( . )
Snakes woman coming in here and passing onto me some love! I know all the right people heard about my post bless your heart and clowned your old man all in one effort!But gee snake if I were you I would be feeling more like a bitch than a snake! I mean it is cute and all her coming in here to tell me off, but from where I grew up at... That move made you out to be a BIG OLD FAT BITCH OF BITCHES!(not to mention the fact that your also a nigger!!!) Oh and hey Billy there is a pretty viscious rumor floating around that while u and snake were kinda seperated that you were a lil unfaithful and he may not be the daddy...HaHa well if there is any truth behind it you don't have to worry about ways to tell him now will you... You should keep a lil tighter leash on your balls snake and not let them leave ya looking like a bitch... ROFL
                                             All my blessings, Titties

I came here on my own and made that post because I really can't stand you. I'm not even sure Snake has heard about it...nor would he care.
And about my baby...who in the world would I have told if I had been with anyone while Snake and I were separated...un less you heard that I flew down to LA to be with a greasy beaner...all I have to say to that is LMAO! If Laaz wants to play that game then let him bring it. But as for you titties, I'm not wasting my time, you come back and talk to me once you've put the meth pipe down long enough to move out of mommy and daddy's house. And once you've learned enough respect to stop refering your teenage daughter as a whore. You disgust me.

Flame / Weird
« on: October 03, 2006, 06:16:10 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom

ROFLMFAO! Ya, that's Sanke alright LOL! I wonder if that pic of me is still kickin around here somewhere hahaha! Contrary to popular belief Snake doesn't have a mullet, and I've never wieghed close to 500lbs (sorry Phantom I know you had dreams about my fat ass). Balth, Rahl, and maybe Beetle could all vouch for that thanks to webcams.
And as for the living with mommy and daddy...well I wasn't talking about you. And I'm still waiting to hear how 3v0 is dysfunctional.

Flame / Weird
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:16:22 PM »
See thats the difference between you and me I've been around and "behaved " like you put it, just like this for more then 3 1/2  yrs. but as you see i have been loved by my Fellow Mafians and nuircherd, we are closer then you think, we have loads of fun like for instance last night Ratman and me were pwning noob's and Ratman had a few differences with this particular noob, he asked me too own his ass and i did we help out each other and work as a team, and several of my clan members ask me too do some of the dirty work in kicking other noob's "like when noob's get into their jubba's and try taking off with it while they r owning at a hanger and they were asked many times or a couple to get out and they don't respond so i more than willing help them out by kicking them, that's what a family is all about unlike ur disfuntional clan. I know it must hurt billy but hang in there, you'll be ok, there's always tommorrow!!! as for your ? why did i kick EDDY I just don't like EDDY"S, come in with another name like 'EVO FUCKTARD' i'm sure their was a reason i'll have to look threw the log, umm  maybe it was ur keyhash like snake looked up that day i was banned from ur server when I owned him!!! lmfao

I don't understand how any of this is relevent to what we were talking about but anyways. I think you forget that at one time I was mafia and I know about the inner workings, and I know most of your clan mates, most of whom I still consider friends. I also know how many of them don't like you and agree that your admin abuse is out of control.
What I don't understand is why you keep refering to 3v0 as 'dysfunctional' (which btw is the correct spellng). When you have a 45+ meth head who still lives with mommy and daddy, and you yourself are a drug addicted pizza boy...whatever your drug of choice is...I heared it was X. We simply have potheads.
If you did check my keyhash while I was playing as Eddy, then why did you kick me? You said you don't kick 3v0 because you prefer to own us...and your calling me a hypocrite? Yes please check the logs you'll see how true my original post was.

Flame / Weird
« on: October 03, 2006, 01:59:58 PM »
Dam, I think you just proved something too yourself there, you said QUOTE "If I ever see you in our server even If you haven't killed me, that i would be banned and with my constant caps lock and typing "O W N E D" and you also said you were this player called EDDY and you said Quote "give you a good reason why EDDY was kicked...was because I killed you and typed O W N E D you just can't deal with that." END QUOTE
 I have just the word's  for people like you, YOUR A FUCKING   = H Y P O C R I T E =  My momma and papa and GOD above always told me too "do unto other's as they do unto you" so I guess the next time you come in to our server you be banned just because I like taking other people's advice and you do have a good point there so I'll take yours.  PWNED  IDIOT'S  This is why our clan is the best becsuse of members like yourself fall threw the cracks of our ass's and try too start another you are dismissed you silly rabbit !!!  Deal with that BIOTCH !!!

Wrong again little man. I said you would be banned because none of us like you related to your disrespectfuln ess and chauvanism AS WELL AS your annoying caps lock 'OWNING'. And frankly if I was to behave that way in my server I sure as hell would expect it back from the pubbers. So what was the good reason for kicking Eddy? I'm still waiting.

Flame / Weird
« on: October 03, 2006, 11:16:43 AM »
A little advice Billy if you wear your name tags like you first did when you met dark union cpt. taker, when you didn't know him,you know the night you got totally taken advantage of (owned) if you recall i never ever kicked you, i rather you stay in caz its fun owning 3v0 members and if you think i'm B.S.ing  ask any of your nigger clan mates if i ever abused them, like i said before, i love it when you come to our server while your server is allways up and down and your mismanged clan comes to ours (pwned) is the word.
 Me and a few, or all MAFIANS love Owning niggers and like they say " All Nigger's Must Die"  
Come In With Your Name Tag's = Free Passage
 And I would also like to say your clan has enough problems with admin powers like serveral of our fellow Mafians have said they been banned or kicked, I just had a look at our ban list and what do you know not one 3vo member in there!
 I'll never forget the time i stopped coming too your server when it is up and running for a few weeks and i came in and owned your better half, he instanly banned me for killing him, so I think you have some issues to take care of first before you try pushing your weight around in our forums.                                                                                                                         Let me also remind you I have been around for quite some time and our server has always been full if not fuller now then when we first started it. and i feel that i would never put our clan in ruins, sure i kick many noob's before and some times i help out the regulars that come in all the time by kicking some other noob's they wanted kicked for continously spamming up the server with cussing and B.S. ect.
 FOOD FOR THOUGHT I think if i have ever abused my admin powers I would have been gone a long time ago, sure some times i get a little carried away, but for the most part our server is fuller then it has ever been and some times we get a couple niggers coming in like yourselfs and somebody's has to bring order to the fucktards!!! lmfao  [ S E E Y A   in the SERVER ]

Wow. I don't know what to say. No caps? I think I'm in shock.
First of all, the first time Capt taker typed anything in game I knew it was you. Its not hard to figure out. No one else I have ever seen types OWNED BITCHES constantly after killing someone. I do admit for the most part you kill me more than I kill you, but its usually because you manage to get your plane right above my flak where I can't hit you.
Second, none of your members have been banned from our server (except you but I'll get to that). The majority of your members that come play on our server are respectful...i f you would have read that whole thread I linked you to, you might have seen that.
Third...your ban. I don't know the details of what happened, and of course I'm gonna take Snake's word over yours but if I ever see you in our server even if you haven't killed me, you will be banned, and I'm not the only 3v0 that feels this way. You have pissed off enough of us, not by 'owning' us but by being disrespectful and chauvanistic, and just plain annoying with you constant caps lock and typing OWNED that you are not welcome in our server. I think the pubbers that play on our server appreciate this too.
And in response to your food for though: I am surprised you still have your admin. Even when I was a mafia member this baffled me. I have heard that it is because you contribute a lot of money to clan. And if you don't think you abuse your admin, then give me a good reason why Eddy was kicked...it was because I killed you and typed 'OWNED' you just can't deal with that.

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