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Messages - [DOA] Programmer_One

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Flame / i got banned
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:16:10 AM »
You know they're not going to unban you. Just whining and whining and begging them to unban you probably isn't going to make them want to remove that ban.

However, I tell you what. Why don't you donate $200 or more to my clan, [DOA], and I'll have a talk with *MAFIA*. However, for this fee, I can not guarantee anything. There might also be a MAFIA service fee that they might want you to pay for unbanning you. Things can get complicated.

News / I think everyone should see this
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:01:16 AM »
Ah. Blatant conservative propaganda at its finest.

God Bless the USA. Our soldiers are clearly Heros.

General / Shout box
« on: April 06, 2006, 01:20:29 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* HaVoK
You're mean to me now so I have to be mean back....... :(.

Dude. I am never mean to anybody. Ok, that is a lie. I am mean to everybody equally. But that isn't the point. The point is that, in regards to DOA, I had nothing to do with you being thrown out. I quote the conversation between me and blacksheep:

Blacksheep: Havok posted porn on the forums.
Me: Oh?
Blacksheep: Yeah.
Me: Ok. Well, ban him like we'd ban everybody else. And take away his leather underware.

PS: You know I could legally sue you for doing that to my copyrighted logo? That logo is actually copyrighted. It isn't even a clan logo f.y.i. - it is the logo to my game I'm (still) working on. I suggest you remove it. Have a nice day. :)
.............. .............. ..............

Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
Programmer, stop being a hypocrite.
I'll give you a chocolate if you know what that word means.

Programmer, you're not allowed to talk to us, blacksheep will rape you in the ass with no lube for this!  Quck, run away!
I wasen't even talking to any of you (unlike now). I was busy trying to insult the original poster in this thread.

Programmer, if DOA is so nice and friendly, then why do you have your forums blocked from non-members, and all the channels in your ventrilo passworded, not to mention I'm still banned for playing Why Can't We Be Friends.  I mean, getting banned for wanting to be friends, that's really gay dude.

Um. Lets see. Tough question. Ok. I think I got it...

...I hardly run DOA anymore. I'm like a figurehead that gets to romp around being all important. If I were to actually care how the clan is run, we'd probably have all that which you listed AND death-hungry guard dogs (the kind that you could fire a cannon at and it would still keep coming right after you kind-of-dog).

Programmer, if you have good answers, my uber-admin abilities won't ban your ass.

You know, it really wouldn't bother me even if you were to go right ahead and stick those uber-admin abilities right up your ass. And when I mean stick, I actually mean a nice vigorous and powerful eye-popping shove. Kind of a move-it-around-using-your-fingers-so-you-get-it-up-there-nice-and-tight shove.

General / Shout box
« on: April 05, 2006, 11:42:06 AM »
I'm sure your opinion really matters.

« on: April 03, 2006, 12:36:18 AM »
What is wrong with you, anyway?

Flame / ladies...
« on: March 29, 2006, 10:42:53 AM »
Quote from: Susie
You banned me after I left the ventrillo saying I wanted to quit you twisted piece of shit.

Twisted piece of shit? Why Susie. I'm honored.

And no, I didn't ban you after you did anything in paticular. In fact I have no idea what you said in vent. I hardly go on vent so I would not have know if you said anything at all. It was obviously a coincidience. I banned you myself when I got really tired of you pretending to be a girl and causing trouble with [DOA] Towelie.

However, my timing was obviously impeccable. As for what your opinion is about the whole matter - well, I don't care.

Media / Susie is a guy.
« on: March 29, 2006, 01:34:47 AM »
Look. I was just wondering around your forums like I generally never do but I am doing for some reason I am not too sure of...

Anyway. Before any of you guys really start to try and hit on Susie, you greasy slimeballs you, I would just like to point out that Susie is a dude who likes to pretend to be a girl On The Internets! Am I getting through to any of you?

I'll say it slower. Susie is a guy. His name is Tom. Yeah.

I know this because when he first registered as Tomdj on our forums, he submitted his application (as a guy) and even talked with a few of our members late at night on our vent server. These guys confirmed that "Tomdj" sounded like a guy.

Then one day Tomdj, I'm assuming, woke up to find that his penis had fallen off so he decided to become a she. He requested DOA administration to change his name to [DOA] Susie. We did and that officially turned a guy into a bonified girl. Since then, he had never ever said a single word in vent.

Now, I don't care why he did this I just know it is really god damn fucking funny.

Ok, I'm going to log off these forums now because that greasy monkey smell is starting to stick to my clothing. ;)

Flame / ladies...
« on: March 29, 2006, 01:23:15 AM »
Quote from: Susie
I was kicked? Thats what they are saying? Wow. They should get a life.

Yes. Yes you were kicked. I know because I was the one that set your account status to "banned". I know this because I saw myself do it with my own eyes.

They should get a life, you say? Talk about the negro calling the kettle black. I have more life in my chipped finger nail than you have in your whole body. You're just this dude that likes to pretend he is a girl online...

Its not like I want to start any argument, but I just like to come out of nowhere and smack people around a bit with my Awesome Internet Pwnage Machine.

Nuff said, ya know?

As for what Beetlejuice is saying. I agree. I agree because everytime somebody from either side that causes any drama is time I have to waste doing administrative shit like banning people, banning IPs and melting iron (for some reason).

Flame / Who are these people?
« on: March 20, 2006, 12:59:00 AM »
Right. I was just looking over the applications section of our forum and found several spam posts made by these two posters who have these IPs:

Why am I posting here? Well, lets just say that MAFIA is just about the only clan I can think of that would have people that would waste their time with stupid crap like that.

So, if my assumption is correct, you guys should be able to tell me who those people are according to their IP. I doubt they would have known how to use a proxy so if it is anybody, it should come up with their account name.

For those of you that know me should know by now that I am the most easy-going person in DOA as far as administration is concerned. But god damn guys - if one of you here really did make those posts...get a fucking job and stay the fuck off our forums. Took me less than 3 seconds to delete all that crap that probably took you quite a nice chunk of time.

Fuck you gently,
-- P1

News / MAFIA Forum permissions on DOA.
« on: February 04, 2006, 03:22:27 AM »
I'm just doing whatever takes the least amount of work. Steve said, "lets put all of MAFIA into this one forum" I took the path of least resistance and said "ok". I quickly did it so that I could go along my merry way and play with female anatomy.

Don't look at me. I'm just doing this stuff because I no longer care that much. As long as we don't have people posting fucking horse and dog porn on our forums and other nasty shit...its fine.

Oh and Swampfox and Chris...why did you bother posting in this thread then? I mean, it said in the message body "for those MAFIA members that visit our forums"...I mean, ok...thank you for telling us that you won't be visiting our forums. I don't care nor do I want to care. You know who else isn't going to visit our forums? Yeah. I don't care. Plenty of people. Not having you there will make as much difference as...well...no thing.

News / MAFIA Forum permissions on DOA.
« on: February 03, 2006, 06:28:06 PM »
I am posting here to let you guys know that, for those MAFIA members that visit our forums, I have resumed your Member Plus permission mask...

...for only a select few of you. The rest of you are just going to have to wait longer.

General / The Retarded History of Crumpet's Name
« on: January 03, 2006, 02:25:04 AM »
I'd like to make a correction to that history...Crum p3t was indeed called Will at first...

When DOA decided to switch from DC-Final to BF1942, Will (crump3t) came on our server. Back when our member acceptance policy was very loose (aka non-existant) we accepted him into DOA.

After a few days [DOA] Will simply vanished for a while, only to return to our server with *MAFIA* tags on. Seeing this, we simply kicked him out of DOA since we thought he joined another clan. We then later found out that Will had never been accepted into *MAFIA*.

Only after all this did he change his name from Will to Crumpet.

BF 1942 / there a way
« on: December 22, 2005, 10:01:43 PM »
You can edit the resources in it and it should change its signature enough to thow off norton. But you wouldn't know how to do this...so nevermind.

Help / help
« on: December 21, 2005, 02:20:43 AM »
Quote from: Loaded
Ok happy you got it working.

Thanks to a DOA member. I bet that gets your blood boiling.

BF 1942 / Lets Get One Thing Straight
« on: December 20, 2005, 12:51:40 PM »
Quote from: Flip1989
lol, doess it really matter who he hates? This is the internet lol..

There is a real person sitting at the other end, you know. This is why I try everything in my power to try and make them feel terrible about themselves.

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