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Messages - Wisma ~Atria

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Media / vechicle drops
« on: June 04, 2006, 09:26:38 PM »

BF 1942 / Midway
« on: May 31, 2006, 04:01:25 PM »
could it be possible to server side it so u cant beach things?

BF 1942 / Midway
« on: May 31, 2006, 02:50:44 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* --
I think thats because your an Idiot.


BF 1942 / Midway
« on: May 30, 2006, 09:13:38 PM »
its gunna be even worse if u make it not able to move

i vote for instant resapawning turbo ships, that'll add some fun, or have like 5 turbo carriers per side

BF 1942 / rocket pack
« on: May 30, 2006, 02:49:10 PM »
go to ur tool shed
pick up sledge hammer
go to wal mart
smash it in front of the onlooking crowd
head to computer area repeat sledge hammer smashing
swipe bf1942 copy
throw it as far as u can
then u have jet pack

Spam / Ham or cheese?
« on: May 19, 2006, 06:27:21 PM »
first of all,...test

2ndly cheese is no good without ham, but ham is good by itself

Media / For Ice Ice Baby
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:34:31 PM »
omfg, conspiricy, go look at live video footage with real resolution (instead of crappy google res) its a commerical arliner u dumb shiites (yes shiites)

News / this is an outrage
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:32:54 PM »
on the wire tapping subject its quite funny

now they have phone calls from before 9/11, but back then they couldnt connect the dots

now they are trying to connect the dots, but i guess everyone is upset, i really dont care if the NSA is listening to me tell people on the phone to pick up milk, idk why u would

use VOip for ur activites, which u dont want anyone knowing about (supcious), the gov't doesnt have a way to track it (or didnt before)

News / this is an outrage
« on: May 17, 2006, 05:03:21 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
Who gives a shit the world is gonna end sooner or later *cough*6/6/06*cough* lol

why not 6/6/(20)66?

Media / My Trip to DC
« on: May 16, 2006, 06:44:13 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Partyboy
Pennsylvania Avenue was by where i stayed. We where at the watergate hotel. Where president reagan was forced to resign because he tapped in on the democratic meeting.

thats like the time that columbus sailed the ocean in 1942, but was sunk by a German U-boat huh?

BF 1942 / saW's New Clan
« on: May 14, 2006, 09:33:00 PM »

Glitches / RPG Glitch
« on: May 09, 2006, 06:13:19 PM »
i can make it work in 42, everyone sees it, seen people do it, shoot bazooka or panzershriek semi auto, but with unlimited ammo and no reload time

(mostly in a futile atemp to shoot people out of the sky hangar)

News / New World Trade Center
« on: April 28, 2006, 05:40:55 PM »
its a memorial park and has enough offices for all the former businuesses (oops) from WTC1

News / New World Trade Center
« on: April 27, 2006, 05:13:55 PM »
where do the offices go?

General / Terrorism
« on: April 25, 2006, 08:46:15 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
It's a lost cause on this forum.  I'm speaking to those who relay information, such as yourself Snyper.  You're like a French soldier in WWI.  Practically a sheep in the heard.  Your general tells you to jump up into no man's land, and run towards the enemy attempting attrition, and you say "ok."  The machine guns manned by 10-15 people then mow down hundreds of soldiers.  If the government told you to jump, you'd say "how high".

Nope... it makes SENSE.  Since is usually an association with a distance from (since)... a point in time.

Contradicts, and yes, when in a debate, spelling and punctuation are important as a way of showing your level of profession.

What did I contradict myself on?  When did I say he was a good actor?  Why wouldn't you question his intentions.  The first thing you are supposed to do is ask questions.  The only way you can find facts out are by asking questions.

And yet, you support my "one-sided" theory yet again.  Thank you for all the help on this, but really, I got it handled.  If you have looked into the "conspirators" theory, and if you were a good researcher, you would always check the source.  A large chunk of "conspirators," are college kids, or tend to be in the upper-class of education.  Basically, what you told me, is that college will help bring thoughts together.  So, congrats, thanks for proving to me that the general conspirator is an educated person who has solid evidence because of their education, allowing them to make a clean arguement.:)

College is a tool that will start the general analysis process if you aren't putting your brain to use already.  I am not the average child...  I've matured much quicker by being forced to take on higher responsibiliti es at earlier ages.  The fact that one of your arguements against me, is my age, is rediculous.  I'm one of the only 16 year old kids who even looks into politics.  The age of "conspirators" tend to be in there 20's and up, and the education level as higher college graduates.  Who is argueing for your side?  Many of those who don't support conspiratorist theories and argue against it have a lower education.  Many of them, went straight to the military after highschool, probably not able to get a damn good education in college.  The people who run your arguement, are the ones who you should be questioning the validity of.

Want some background knowledge on my thought process?  Here's some of my reading material that I've covered on my own:
Aristotle: On Dreams, On Generation and Corruption, On Interpretation, On Sense and Sensible, On the Heavens, On Physics, On Politics
Plato: Laws and Statesman
Thomas Hobbes -  Leviathan
George  Berkeley - Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
If I'm correct, a lot of that is read in college, and helps to form a basis of your thought process, analyzing, and concluding.  Now, I realize that what I think now will change.  I used to think that girls had cuties and I'd never change!  Change is imminent, and unavoidable.  My friends who bitch about their parents not letting them stay out past 1:00 in the morning... there thoughts will change.  They'll have kids, and then they'll think of the safety they want for them, and do the same as their parents did, despite there feelings of when they were taught.  At least I acknowledge it.


Yes, please, post them up on the forums!  I'm considering this a debate right now, and the only way any of us can learn anything, is to post what we got.  Hopefully what I say will rub off on some of you, and hopefully you can show me something that will rub off on me.  What I've been saying this WHOLE time, is SHOW ME.  Show me a plane hitting the Pentagon.  Show me plane parts at the Pentagon.  Show me a plane at Shanksville.  Hell, show me body parts from Shanksville, considering the fact that the corener had nothing to inspect.

And, if you do have pictures of wreckage from the Pentagon, or wreckage at Shanksville, then the government contradicted themselves.  Congrats!  There's wreckage!  Then why the hell did they tell us that BOTH planes were incinerated upon impact?  When we can clearly see that there is wreckage to be examined.  The wreckage would have been destroyed if it were to be incinerated, so why would they say that?

WTF ARE U TALKING ABOUT?! French soldiers on the front lines? I always thought the front line was always behind the french's full retreat. which I have a hard time finding on my tv

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