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Messages - Koekiemonster

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Media / the german kid
« on: July 31, 2006, 06:41:07 AM »
Holy shit indead, What a retard!! If I were there, I probably would have bashed his face in right after he opened his mouth for the first time like ... BLAMMM, take that you god damn motherfucking retard :)

Media / Music I like! SoaD.
« on: July 31, 2006, 05:15:54 AM »
I don't like this kinda crazy hardrock stuff much at all. But some songs are "infact" pretty good haha, one of SOAD that I like is called "chop suey" I think.

Spam / Test
« on: July 31, 2006, 04:50:42 AM »
Quote from: masse killer(NL)
it begins whit DoD modified or some,, but if you search for DoD, is that enought.

Okey thanks massie, then I quess his "server" wasn't up when I tried to find it, because I was looking for DoD but there was nothing.

Spam / Test
« on: July 31, 2006, 04:39:37 AM »
Quote from: masse killer(NL)
lol. u can find it on the same way as misfits server and -=3v0=- and all that other servers.
but the server is only online when his computer is on i think so.

I have already tried that masse killer, but I do not know the name of his server. So if you do tell me plz :)

Quote from: * Mafia* Partyboy
True hahaha ;)

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 31, 2006, 04:20:05 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
So to get everyones mind of this fighting subject i will start another one... someone who believes in evolution, explain to me why if we were once monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
Well I couldn't figure that one out for a long time myself. But the idea is, that ones there was this ape like creature (the first of his kind) who was very succesfull and therefor rapidly grew in numbers and spread all over the world. And in due time different groups of this ape like creature evolved differently because they were living in different parts of the world, and hade to adiust to that inviroment. And one of these groups eventually evolved into us humans. That's about it.

Quote from:  *Mafia* Phantom
Listen koekie, I told you a thousand times. All the facts I stated ARE NOT THEORIES! The facts I stated are on post #15. You think that I am explaining theories, but I am only trying to state that the facts from post #15 are actually facts.
No they are not FACTS, they are THEORIES. A few examples of theories and facts are:

Theory: There maybe huge black holes in our Universe.
Fact: You have a huge black hole in your underpants.

Theory: You might be sucking my dick one day.
Fact: You are a faggot ... hahaha

Spam / Test
« on: July 31, 2006, 03:36:58 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Boemann (nl)
Are you the Mathy from DoD?

Mathy, when are you going to give me/us the IP of your server man?? I would like to check it out man.

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 30, 2006, 07:19:04 AM »
Quote from:  *Mafia* Phantom
139? in netherlands probably but over here in america your IQ is 2. We don't teach our kids how to cook dutch baked goods all day in school.

The whole point of this conversation is to get into your head that there is proof, that is why they are facts. Because they have been proven! Take a fucking class about astronomy and then you will know what you are talking about and they will show you how to prove what astronomers have discovered already. I did my part, I took my classes and read my books...you haven't done shit, you just look up in the sky and say "I DON'T BELIEVE IT BECAUSE MOMMA TOLD ME IT WASN'T TRUE!"

I know you don't want to accept it Phantom, but you are wrong and I am right, simple as that. Bringing up irrelevant stuff and closing the thread isn't going to get you out of this one!!

You say that I need to take a class. If you would have paid attention in your class, you would know that in science, when you have scientific "proof" of something, you have a solid and convincing theory about something. But that may NEVER be mistaken for a FACT, because it is science. It is rule nr. 1 when you are dealing with science stuff. This means that the scientific proof you came up with are not and will NEVER be FACTS, got that?? If you don't believe me, look it up, google for science and proof, do whatever and just take your losses!!

Quote from:  *Mafia* Phantom

I know you're not trying to outsmart me cuz that will never happen (another fact) haha jk

Guess I did outsmart you here boy, so that probably wasn't a fact either ehy hahaha ... Pwned. I am done here.

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 29, 2006, 08:47:47 PM »
Quote from:  *Mafia* Phantom
So you're saying everything is not made of atoms? What is everything made of then? It is a FACT. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A FACT IS LOOK UP THE DEFINITION. IT IS NOT AN OPINION YOU DUMB FUCK.

There is no point in going on about this Phantom. You obvious take the scientific "proof" that you learn either at school or get from scientists (witch aren't really facts btw) for a fact and I don't. I don't care if a hundred wise and educated scientists think up something. As long as they don't have any proof (hard evidence) I am not buying it!!
I have a mind of my own, unlike you!!

Just for the record: The "facts" that you presented are infact not at all proven by scientists. I never said you made this stuff up. I am not, nore will I ever be, thinking of your "all scientists LIE theory". And in the links you placed, there is no real proof what so ever to be found (only scientific "proof"), and therefore they are not facts!! Scientific "proof" can never be a fact, or it wouln't be science, capishe??

Quote from:  *Mafia* Phantom
all you have to do is read and you can be smart too
Are you kidding,   I have an IQ of 139!!

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 29, 2006, 07:43:33 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* giothermal
The way the earth is made is to precise everything is so perfect to have been created by fortuitousness or haphazardness.  Take the way the earth is able to have a perfect and balance ecosphere. Why is everything so perfect for our needs to survive, just to hard to believe to be just out of nothing.

This would be a very good reason why there isn't a planet like ours nearby!! But that doesn't nesseserely (or something like that) mean there aren't any other planets that can support live as we know it, or maybe that earth was created by God or aliens!!

And I don't think everything is so perfect for us to survive, we just adabted to our given infirement in a very good way!! It seems logical to me.

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 29, 2006, 07:36:26 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
You said that everything is NOT made of atoms? You said it is made of protons, electrons and neutrons...wha t do you think an atom is?  It is a proton, electron and neutron! THAT IS AN ATOM! And just cuz you "bet" that atoms might be made of smaller things does not make it a fact. It has not been proven.  Therefore EVERYTHING IS MADE OF ATOMS.
I never said that this was infact a "FACT". I was just explaning that your statement that everything is made of atoms is not a "FACT" because you do not know this for sure, you only think that!!

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
Now you stated, "I am aware of all of this (about the big bang theory)" Yet you ask questions like "WHAT THE FUCK did exacly blew up if there wasn't anything in the first place" meaning you obvioulsy didn't know about singularity described in the theory, cuz anyone that knows the details of the big bang theory knows exactly what blew up.

It does not at all mean that I didn't know, it means that I think it is a load of bullshit (as I said earlier). The tiny partical you talk about is just something that was thought up to counter my kind of critisism as they where developing the theory, this way it does make more sence, but it still is about something expanding into a space that wasn't there before and I am not buying it.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
I haven't mentioned anything I believe btw...I have only stated proven facts.  And if you want to question a fact then you have to prove it wrong.

No you are wrong, you are the one that is stating facts, I am not!! So therefore you have to have proof and I haven't seen any!! And again you say the Universe is expanding and it was hotter before, you have absolutely no proof of this. We cannot see the outer bounderies of the Universe, and we sure aren't able to messure them. As for the temperture thing, anything is possible, but you still don't have proof of it, so they are not infact "FACTS"

I'm not trying to start something here, I just like to have a mind of my own. Again, I am not saying your statements are faulse, I just saying they MIGHT be.

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 29, 2006, 05:59:49 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
Well let's see what blew up. The big bang is about a single point of highly condensed mass that holds all matter that makes up the universe today.  This point of singularity becomes so compact and hot that when it reaches a certain intensity it blows up and all the matter within it is spread out, creating our universe.  Which follows along with the "BIG CRUNCH" theory, which is that some day the universe will start contracting back into a single grain of matter and the big bang will start all over again.

I'm aware of all this Phantom. I just think it's a load off bullshit. It's just thought up by people trying to find an explenation for something we cannot comprehend. And the worsed part of it is when they try to pass it off as a FACT. That way you're not open to any other ideas and will maybe never find out what really happened, if something happened at all that is.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
Some FACTS that support this theory are:
Well I already stated that the universe was once hot (from the big bang) and now it's cold.
The universe is actually expanding (FACT) and motion is created by force (from the big bang).

Maybe parts of the Universe where once hotter and some parts colder, doesn't proof it has anything to do with the "big bang theory". And maybe there is some kind of motion going on in the Universe, again, it does not proof the Universe is expanding or even if it has to do with the big bang!! You see Phantom, the "FACTS" you posted are not infact "FACTS" at all.

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
A scientific fact would be that everything is made of atoms.

Same goes here, this is not a "FACT", because you have molecules witch are made of atoms witch in there turn are made of protons, neutrons and electrons (witch cirkel around the induvidual atom of a molecule, kinda like a small Universe). And i bet these in turn are made up of even smaller particals, and so on ...

I'm not trying to outsmart you here Phantom, but you should realise that not everything you have chosen to believe in is indead the truth.

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 29, 2006, 05:13:39 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rahl
For more info, check out "A Brief History of Time" by Professor Stephen Hawking.

I don't need to read a whole book to tel me the "big bang theory" is bull. It's very simple, they say the Universe was created by a big bang, like when a star implodes (not explodes) and creates a new solar system in the process. But to that I say, WHAT THE FUCK did exacly blew up if there wasn't anything in the first place??

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 28, 2006, 10:17:51 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
Well cookie monster, the post I made (post #15) contain FACTS, they are not debatable...so you're just being ingnorant.  I took astronomy classes in college and I still have all my material sitting in my room.  To even think that black holes don't exist is beyond stupidity.

So it says in your school books they are FACTS. I don't care. You can be a highly educated sientist and I still wouldn't take your word for it, no hard feelings :)

Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
but yes there are many theories, such as the big bang theory.

Don't believe in that one either haha

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 28, 2006, 11:49:33 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ChrisDaKilla
haha, i saw this video one day that was asking or commenting, maybe the universe is like a very huge and i mean huge globe.  i dont know, i guess only god knows.

That's also a good example of how the Universe could be endless. I always think of the Universe as a globe turned inside out. Imagine, that way it would also be endless.

General / Re: The universe
« on: July 28, 2006, 11:15:19 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Carnage
I wonder if there's a end in space... There needs to be a end... Oh well, we will never know how large space is. Or if it ever ends or not.
That's my BIG question.

I don't think it ends somewhere Carny, why does there has to be a beginning or end to it?? It is there and it is endless ...

The only way there can be an end to it, is if there are more than 3 dimensions or example: In 2 dimesional earth you can go every way you want without ever thinking there is an end to it somewhere. But with the 3rd dimension (hight) added you suddenly see a way out!!

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