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Messages - -=GGSF=- Adolf_1938

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
BF 1942 / Maybe???
« on: June 01, 2006, 11:51:26 AM »
I was thinking, could I get un-banned from the *MAFIA* servers? If im sooo bad, y am I still banned?

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 25, 2006, 10:16:16 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* HaVoK
I'm not going to come on there with my name and tags however...... you guys do kick if you wear them.

Alrt, the BAN list has been cleared, and we've been told not to BAN ANY1, only if they are breaking the rules or disrespecting the admins.

Come in and we'll see whos the noob u ass.

And yes, I WAS in *MAFIA*, so if I'm a noob, then your 1 too.

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 25, 2006, 10:02:00 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Boemann (nl)
*Yawn* Shut up noob

First of all, ur new 2 *MAFIA* so I wont be 2 harsh.
# 1 You dont know my skill level cause u've never played me.
# 2 I challenge you to come on our server, [DOA]'s, and see whos the noob. *MAFIA* is allowed in our servers so there shouldn't be a problem. Only some members are BANNED 4ever, but ur not 1 of them.
# 3 I am currently BANNED from ur server, *MAFIA*'s, so I cant come play you.


We play DC maps, so be ready. P.B. is off so you can hack if you want. And, we dont have any advantages over anybody in our server. Feel free to come in w/ ur *MAFIA* tags, just so's I know who u are. I'll be on today at around 3:00 pm pacific standard time (GMT-8). See if you have what it takes to call me a noob.

OH, my name in the game is: [DOA]Adolf_1938-Admin, just so you know who 2 TRY 2 pwn.

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 24, 2006, 10:08:21 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
wtf are you talking about faggot, i dont even talk to you.

O.K. I spelled it BLACK in my last post, NOT BLAK!!!! SO BACK OFF!!!

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 23, 2006, 12:03:54 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Milky Way
rootban me baby!

I'll make sure to if you register!!

BF 1942 / [DOA] v. *MAFIA*
« on: May 23, 2006, 10:20:51 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Partyboy
Hahah blacksheep and whoever else is a bitch. He blames me for everything that happens. and he bans us from vent becuase he knows where right. I think he is scared becuase i got some Flying tips from Balthy and Titties ;) which Pwn all of you. And the second he gets killed he says we have something modded to our advantage. Adolf get a life, I pwn you, Even when you where in *MAFIA*.

O.K. First of all PartyBoy. Wasnt it you and alot of other *MAFIA* members that were BITCHING because I was always killing you? Thats half the reason I got kicked outta *MAFIA* and the reason I decided I wouldnt fight it. Ur so full of shit you cant see ur own ass 2 wipe it. Come on DOA server Party, I wont BAN you. See how good you are now!!

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 22, 2006, 12:06:26 PM »
O.K. let me explain this so you might understand it. Beetlejuice & Bonehead are buddies w/Blacksheep and Programmer 1. Bonehead requested Modding rights and so has Beetlejuice. They are more than likely recieving it.

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 22, 2006, 12:00:44 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rat-Man USN
The majority of the jobs taken are those that are not wanted by americans but still need to be done. As far as anyone thinking they are better they one else. I thought it says "all men are created equal". I am against illegal immigration, but believe there should be a more stream line way of immigrating to this country.

Thank you Rat-Man. If you would, please feel free to post your opinions on proud and legal.

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 22, 2006, 11:51:29 AM »
Quote from: Scytheist
If mexicans came here illegaly i think they need to leave. Not that im races or any thing, Im just tired of them taking others jobs, money, and They think they are better than americans.

Thank You Scytheist. At least you take this seriously.

Bone, Black said you would be a mod in Proud and Legal forums. You and Beetle.

BF 1942 / [DOA] v. *MAFIA*
« on: May 22, 2006, 11:43:13 AM »
Oh, and Phantom, u ever heard of different routers?? theres ways around alot of the stuuf you can BAN. U BAN my hard-drive, I switch 2 another; U BAN my IP, I switch routers; You BAN my network card, I switch to AOL, instead of MSN (They use different network cards). U see, I'm not the dumbass u assume I am. Everything you guys can possibly BAN, I have a solution for. Plus I have access to bout 200 other computers where I work.

BF 1942 / [DOA] v. *MAFIA*
« on: May 22, 2006, 11:35:50 AM »
If u'all cant be serious then nevermind. Its funny how when I joined *MAFIA* they asked for MATURE members. I've never seen maturity from alot of you *MAFIA* members. U call maturity putting some1 down because they dont understand game files. Well let me tell you, I dont set in front of my fucking computer all day and play games. I actually have a full time job building the damn things. I came here to be mature and ask you ppl 4 a challenge and all u do is bitch and be immature.
By the way, last time [DOA] and *MAFIA* battled, u guys played all *MAFIA* modded maps. Thats why I said in my first post that we should play maps modded from both clans (2 ensure fiarness).

[DOA] Adolf_1938-Admin

P.S. Hallander, stay the fuck outta this, ur not in eiether clan.

P.S.S. Rat-Man, I have nothing wrong with you man, and that wasnt a threat. Just a request.

News / Proud and Legal
« on: May 22, 2006, 10:15:33 AM »
Now, this is a site for those of you that are against Illegal Immigration. You DONT have to be AMERICAN to be against it, so I encourage you foreigners to visit it. Heres the link: http://proudandlegal.com

If you would like to visit our forums, heres the link: http://www.proudandlegal.com/forums/

I have respected *MAFIA*'s rules on your forums, so please respect the rules on proud and legal. Bonehead and Beetlejuice will be becoming Moderators soon so respect the site. NO avatars or signatures please. I am also a moderator and my Forum name is: Amerikan Hero.

   [DOA] Adolf_1938-Admin

BF 1942 / [DOA] v. *MAFIA*
« on: May 22, 2006, 10:08:33 AM »
I would like to challenge *MAFIA* to a Clan match. Now, in this match, we will play both [DOA] modded DC maps and *MAFIA* modded maps. An even # of maps from both clans should be played to ensure fairness. Now, IDK if my clan mates are up to this challenge or not, so i'll have 2 ask them. They are pretty upset about the last match. Its not a sure thing yet so we'll just leave it as an open challenge for now.

                                                [DOA] Adolf_1938-Admin

P.S. pls dont BAN me from ur forum, I have a hundred diff ways 2 get in or around ur silly BANS.

P.S.S. the only person that would be excluded from the clan match would be *MAFIA* Partyboy

General / IDK if u noticed:
« on: March 08, 2006, 01:46:04 PM »
Im sorry that you feel the way you do about my Avatar Swampfox, but I did post the ? if every1 liked it or not and even oppligized if it was offensive, and if it was, I would immediatly take it off and request a new one. I'm really sorry that you feel that way man. I didnt mean to piss u off or anything. Adolf OUST!!=)

General / Never Quit!!!
« on: March 08, 2006, 09:21:17 AM »
Dudes, I never quit *MAFIA* or said I wanted 2! I have the exact post I sent to Bone, and all it does is ask if we could possibly expand into CS. I said and I quote:

"I was just wondering if we, *MAFIA*, could expand our clan into a Counter Strike Clan? I play counter strike and I think a lot of *MAFIA* members do. I was just wondering. If not, ill just join a Counter Strike only clan and stay in *MAFIA* 4 BF. Adolf OUST!!!;=)"

IDK if Bone mis-interpreted this or not, but I was told that we could be in *MAFIA* & a CS clan, just as long as the CS clan didnt have a BF 1942 branch. Beetle Told me tht. Never said I wanted 2 quit though. I plan 2 have this sorted out though.

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