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Flame / Good One !!!
« on: October 17, 2006, 12:49:35 PM »
Quote from: -dicer 02-
its a no rules server......th at means theres no rules on who gets kicked or banned
....no rules means admin can ban your ass for lookin ugly, not that any good admin would, but it is their server.
lmfao !!!

General / Finally yes !!!
« on: October 17, 2006, 10:26:17 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Rat-Man USN
I have to say I had a good time this morning playing with 3V0. Thanks for the game fellas.  I hope it can be like that from now on.

Flame / Awww!!!
« on: October 17, 2006, 10:19:09 AM »
Quote from: Hard Target
beetlejuice (jesusjuice) i like you. you put alot of thought and consideration in what you post i appreciate what you have to say...as for havok joining 3v0, he hasnt made mention of it. but i agree his post do make him look good to 3v0...
#2 Awwww........ thats another sweet one, you get reps hardtarget, keep it up, and i'll make you a member, and that way you'll never be banned ! ! !  ROFL

Flame / Awwww!!!! I"m banned from 3vo plz someone HELP ME!!! :(
« on: October 17, 2006, 10:12:13 AM »
Quote from: Snake Pliskin
Some things never change, as far as 3v0 coming in here and bitching, you all know you thrive on the negative responses you get from people bitching. (Game Wreckers at Large) This is a public forum as I can not be responsible for what 3v0 members do or say on any other forum, other then ours. As far as 3v0 playing on your server thank you for letting us play there, it is a fun server to play on.

Pat maybe next time you want to know more about my personal life just ask I have nothing to hide. The phone was never disconnected I just got a notice that was suppose to take effect on the 24. My job takes me to remote areas and sometimes I can't get access to the Internet to look after some things. To add to that not all my bills are coming to my new place, but to the other house. This whole thing with pay pal is kinda funny. See the way my pay pal is set up is when I deposit money into it it takes 6-8 business days to clear. I could use my credit card, but personally I don't like to use it online(personal choice). The information you so seem to be getting is  not totally accurate. Maybe you need a more reliable source.

Yes you Pat are banned from our server forum and anything else we have, because quite frankly we do not want the negativity that you bring to the game, hence the reason I and a few others left Mafia. Yes Pat you can own and you are one of the best, I just don't like your style. Boemann is not banned from anything, same as Brick, at one time yes they were and that was something Ins4n3 did solely on his own. I have not heard from Ins4n3 in awhile, what is going on in his life I couldn't tell you, nor do I care, that is his business. Ins4n3 really hasn't been  apart of 3v0 in quite sometime he has been busy doing other things. We will be getting a new server up and running shortly which will be managed by 3vo members and 3v0 as a clan. I have never once said i was the leader of 3v0 nor do I want to be..... as Bonehead knows it takes allot of work and time which I don't have. I like to let the clan make the decisions as a whole. Yes on occasion I have made a few decisions on my own, mainly a few members joining or being removed.

To everyone else I apologies for the drama, and once we get everything up and running you are all more then welcome to come over and play. Thx again Daddy and the other admin that have been responsible for unbanning 3v0 and letting us play on your server while it is down.


No Insane? and managed by 3vo members and 3v0 as a clan. You said "I have never once said i was the leader of 3v0 nor do I want to be.........!!!              
  NO... Wonder.... the kiddies r outta control, theres no head, theres gotta be someone that will take the throne and call the shots, Thats probably where i got the term      
" M I S M A N A G E D " from in the past!!!! Sry you feel the way you do about my style, but maybe you saw the negativity ur clan bring's to our server STOP.... LOOK.......LIS TEN......AND.. ...... LEARN......... .............!!!

As far as your forums my IP is look it up i never registered with your forums nor do i care too!!! I'm not the one too cry over spilled MILK,Kicked,Banned all the time, and cry too momma everytime daddy gave a spanking, so just tell the majority of your clan too do what i had too do,  learn to growing up!!! STOP.......LOO K......LISTEN. ......AND..... .LEARN........ ..........!!!!!     gear, jackal, fizzer, the whole *MAFIA*clan and I like you guys!!! UR always welcomed in our server.

Flame / Awwww !!!!
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:23:50 AM »
Quote from: Hard Target
i like you rat man i know you are an old member of mafia i would like to make frinds with you too... sorry for trying to kill you i know it was useless i couldnt anyways.... and by the way dicer thanks for the easy kill quote lol....you know, getting to know you guys you arent all that bad.... you just like to use admin...
Dont hate me cuz im 3v0...
Awwwwwwwwwww!!! that was sweet!!! Keep that kinda talk and we'll see what we can do too make you a member!!!

« on: October 16, 2006, 11:33:30 PM »
Quote from: Milky Way
this one is for you patty cakes~ good times

Thank Milkyway, and Chris ! ! ! FINALLY, You see the master rise outta his crib, and annouce he owns, muhhahahahaha, and Billy Rubin S T F U  You Lesbian FAT BODY  Bitch from Hell, know wonder Snake can't pay the phone bill on time, you obviously don't understand your own rules if you didn't read what Beetle said earlier, I came into your server about 5-7 months ago, it read in begining, du not say the word OWNED or you will be banned; I will not forget  that day as for me i got banned with no reason, with another MAFIA member, caz a fucker in ur server called ( Snake ) ur fucked up half a piece of shit LEADER, I saw ur rules and they said no saying the word OWNED or you will be BANNED from server,(must have been worried about me) so I proceeded and went in and never said a f-ing word But just raped ur sorry ass's never saying a word in game, and guess what happened, SNAKE stopped respawning caz if I get it right looked up the guy (ME) that was owning him, when he discovered it was me , I banned very quickly in an instant!!!! stupid ass's so fuck you when u come to our server don't forget what you did too our members u canadian fucks!!! We Rule you don't so eat on it for awhile Fucktard's!!!! And check this out not ( once = 1 ) did I ever come into ur forums and bitch, or whine like  little girls, u pussies, think about it and quit being hypocrites, W e  will  allways  OWN, so admit that we do, and take one for the team, stick it up ur ass's!!!      low life's!!!

Flame / 3VO PIZZA PIE ! ! !
« on: October 16, 2006, 01:57:48 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* LAAZ
LMFAO, hey pro heli chango send me a pizza plz ty:| im hungry

LAAZ, I'll make you the prefect PIZZA PIE I'll make you a EVO PIZZA, and for toppings I'll put a great big pussy on it, with some cherries,berries,some clams,with some fishy snails, and a clit of cunt on it!!! how's that ? my freind? :)

Flame / we all got banned again
« on: October 16, 2006, 01:41:44 PM »

The way it looks you have a pretty good KDR there also 42 kills and 44 deaths!!! so thats how you get ur pts. you silly rabbitt!!!  I'll own u let's go to the server right now and i'll make ur KDR a better rating like   0  kills  255  deaths or something close to that effect, just as long as you don't hide in buildings like the rest of your clan does!!!

Flame / IT'S TRUE ! ! !
« on: October 16, 2006, 01:33:58 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Balthazar
From what I remember 3v0 was started because a few former *MAFIA* members didn't like the way things were being run around here. This is why they left, created they're own clan and got they're own server.

Now what I can't understand is why SOME of the newer 3v0 members feel that it is necessary to bitch about the way we run OUR server and how some of OUR members  conduct themselves during gameplay. Yes, there are some of our admins that might cross the line now and then but they will be dealt with within *MAFIA*. Also, don't try to make it seem as if we don't know such things are going on. We have known about such issues long before some of you all started playing the damn game. None of you are bringing anything to *MAFIA*'s attention, you are just straight out stirring shit.

To the bitching players: There is a very simple solution to your problem. If you don't like it, LEAVE! Don't play on the server, don't come on our vent. Several of 3v0's original members made if very apparent that they don't want anything to do with *MAFIA* anymore so I would figure that you newer 3v0 members would follow they're lead, lord knows you've been influenced by them anyway.
Well put BALTH reps for you!!!

« on: October 16, 2006, 12:50:40 PM »
Quote from: Sonny
okay guys,
it's startin to piss me off..
Rocks, hard target, me and Snake got banned again..
Started with a gay pussy called "dicer" who got owned ( what was your score again? 14Kills and more than 108 Deaths? [ if you dont believe me i can post the screenshot] ) by me rocks and another 3v0 guy because he said that 3v0lution clan is the worest clan he ever saw..and then he tried to kill us, too..
Some hours after it we were in mafia server again, enjoyed the nice game till dicer pissed us off again..he tried to own me, rocks, hard target and snake again
till a freaky pussy wrote by the console: "OKAY DICER; SHOULD I BAN THEM OR KICK THEM?" .. of course he answered with ban..So at first Hard Target got banned, then I called him gay pussy ( and got banned, too) then snake and then rocks... So should I think that 3v0 guys arent allowed to play on mafia anymore?
I dont want to hide under a different name, other guys, too... we want to present that we're in that clan and shit, why cant you only just shut up and only play and not to provoke with this fuckin sentences like " 3v0 sucks " .. So you can see, if we have the new server we may bann you like this act, too..
I dont want to say that mafia is a fuckin shit.. No, I would not play on your server..
and I like some leaders/members of mafia like misfits, boeman, lightning, rat man and some other guys but at some people of your clan I only can shake my head..
See you guy's just don't get it!!!! you guy's say that u owned dicer? But lets see here 1 2 3 4 noob's from evo come in and like you said owned 1 member dicer, you people are nuthing but big pussies you needed 4 of you to take out one member, then you sit there and say owned, thats not like me when i come in the server and it has three of you trying to pound me, i just own you all one bye one until one of you leaves then another and then its down to one of you and sure enough leaves too caz u all break down, your not good at all without one or the other, u come in wolf packs but once u start to fall apart you guys run like little pussies with your tails between ur legs and leave the sever wounded!!! rofl
Second you or two of you got banned today caz you still don't get it!!! picture this i come to your house i sit down at ur table and eat, and then i whine and rave and call you all names, think about it and then respond, i think if it was the other way around i would smack the shit outta you and then send you on your way.
NOW, if i'm not right!!! YOUR BIGGEST PUSSY LEADER  ( S N A K E ) was in the server today, He see's the thing's you guy's are saying and doing but just sit's there watching and laughing, as you guy's say the word "(owned)" But yet his rules in his server are if you say the word "OWNED" you get a BAN instantly isn't that right SNAKE? but yet you guy's cry when u get banned or kicked !!! Look at your sorry ass leader and ask him the ?'s why did we get banned or kicked!!! and quit bitchin about the same shit you guys do in your  opp's downed server!!! I also heard that insane skipped town with you all's money for the server? I f i didn't see that one coming, lmfao.  
    So SNAKE what was it that you said to everybody in ventrilo today? " You don't know where he was, he's been missing since your server and website went down serveral weeks ago, and you think he's somewhere maybe moving or having some problems or something like that, muhahhahhaha what ever you like to belive, your smart guy you'll figure it out!!! so now ur waiting for 250.00 dollars to go threw in your pass due paypal, so you can turn back on the server, and ur bills were getting behind, and you had to take care of them quickly today!!!! You'll be surprized what else i know!!!  theirs alot of birdies that talk so remember that!!! SNAKYPOO, and also tell   Mr. Evo by the wind   that I'll be waiting for his asS by my front door incase he's thinking about leaving a poopee, lol that'll be the day he wants to come and see me all the way from the Queensland (cost about 1500- 2000 just to come here and take a shit tell em!!! and then get his face put in it!!! then i'll make him a ShitFace Topped PIZZA!!!! take care of your own kiddies, get em under control, tell them wanta play that they came to the right place!!!
STOP THE SHIT AND I"LL STOP THE BANNING OK !!! very simple  QUIT TALKING SHIT!!! on the server fag's. and quit fucking with our members!!!!

                                                                                    sincerly your MASTER,

                                                                             *MAFIA* PRO HELI M@NKIE

« on: October 13, 2006, 03:23:10 AM »
Misfit if you guys are making sig's i def. need a new one, so MISFIT or anyone try and make one for me include a kickass KING KONG PIZZA MONKIE  killing off the enemey, or something  towards that
 fact and i'll use it for my sig, don't forget my name is *MAFIA* PRO HELI M@NKIE SO I'LL NEED A HELI IN THEIR SOMEWHERE WITH A KING KONG FLYING IT OR SOMETHING OR MAYBE KING KONK THROWING  INSTEAD OF MINES HE'S THROWING MINI PIZZAS AT THE ENEMY FROM THE TOP OF ONE OF THE HANGERS IN THE SKY ROFL !!! plz plz plz i'll suck ur dick JK but plz!!! phantom thanks for the old one (2006 BC) but it's time i proceed!!!

Flame / ON TODAY!!!
« on: October 12, 2006, 08:53:40 PM »
Quote from: ¿Dark?
Well, you all know that our server over at 3v0 has been down and that a lot of us have been playing over here with you guys. The reason I'm sure you know this is that half uf came over here to bitch about being banned. I'm just typing this to let you all know that I haven't seen any of this and the members of your server haven't done jack shit to bother me. I'm not sure if I've just lucked out, but either way, I'd like to thank ya'll for letting me play on your server.
Ya i saw u on today, no prob's with you, no prob with us!!!You should show the others from ur clan how u do it over here!!!

Graphics / new sig.
« on: October 12, 2006, 04:23:11 PM »
Misfit if you guys are making sig's i def. need a new one, so MISFIT or anyone try and make one for me include a kickass PIZZA dude killing off the enemy or something towards that fact and i'll use it for my sig, don't forget my name is *MAFIA* PRO HELI M@NKIE  SO I'LL NEED A HELI IN THEIR SOMEWHERE WITH A MONKIE FLYING IT OR SOMETHING !!! plz plz plz i'll suck ur dick  JK but plz!!! phantom thanks for the old one (2006 BC) but it's time i proceed!!!
Umm any takers???

Flame / FUCKED UP !!!
« on: October 12, 2006, 11:10:04 AM »
Quote from: jackal
hey man am thinking nothing,dont no whats the problem all it is a fucking game i think pat banned me but he then un banned me later on there was no reson for the bann.and i never said nothing today to get kicket think it was phamtom who did it.any ways i think that is admin buse?just say if u dont want to talk i would leave pluss u guys brought me in to your memebrs room and try give me some gay shit.and rat man i have no probs with u m8 or u pat as u are qite funny guy.
Wasn't me!!! I was sleeping from a complete drinking feista last night!!! Probably made a total ass outta myself in ventrilo when i got home, BALTH if i'm right and phantom and chris was all on; SRY if i sounded ripped guy's!!! my head doesn't feel as well today, but my bone feels great!!! rofl:2: :iconsex-poundit: :violent1: :5578: :beerchug:

Graphics / I need a new one !!!
« on: October 12, 2006, 10:52:49 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* --
I thought this wasnt a personal sig' contest.I thought it was A *MAFIA* sig contest.....I must be crazy

or is it you?
Misfit if you guys are making sig's i def. need a new one, so MISFIT or anyone try and make one for me include a kickass PIZZA dude killing off the enemy or something towards that fact and i'll use it for my sig, don't forget my name is *MAFIA* PRO HELI M@NKIE  SO I'LL NEED A HELI IN THEIR SOMEWHERE WITH A MONKIE FLYING IT OR SOMETHING !!! plz plz plz i'll suck ur dick  JK but plz!!! phantom thanks for the old one (2006 BC) but it's time i proceed!!!

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