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Messages - Snake Pliskin

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Flame / we all got banned again
« on: October 17, 2006, 08:19:43 AM »
Some things never change, as far as 3v0 coming in here and bitching, you all know you thrive on the negative responses you get from people bitching. (Game Wreckers at Large) This is a public forum as I can not be responsible for what 3v0 members do or say on any other forum, other then ours. As far as 3v0 playing on your server thank you for letting us play there, it is a fun server to play on.

Pat maybe next time you want to know more about my personal life just ask I have nothing to hide. The phone was never disconnected I just got a notice that was suppose to take effect on the 24. My job takes me to remote areas and sometimes I can't get access to the Internet to look after some things. To add to that not all my bills are coming to my new place, but to the other house. This whole thing with pay pal is kinda funny. See the way my pay pal is set up is when I deposit money into it it takes 6-8 business days to clear. I could use my credit card, but personally I don't like to use it online(personal choice). The information you so seem to be getting is  not totally accurate. Maybe you need a more reliable source.

Yes you Pat are banned from our server forum and anything else we have, because quite frankly we do not want the negativity that you bring to the game, hence the reason I and a few others left Mafia. Yes Pat you can own and you are one of the best, I just don't like your style. Boemann is not banned from anything, same as Brick, at one time yes they were and that was something Ins4n3 did solely on his own. I have not heard from Ins4n3 in awhile, what is going on in his life I couldn't tell you, nor do I care, that is his business. Ins4n3 really hasn't been  apart of 3v0 in quite sometime he has been busy doing other things. We will be getting a new server up and running shortly which will be managed by 3vo members and 3v0 as a clan. I have never once said i was the leader of 3v0 nor do I want to be..... as Bonehead knows it takes allot of work and time which I don't have. I like to let the clan make the decisions as a whole. Yes on occasion I have made a few decisions on my own, mainly a few members joining or being removed.

To everyone else I apologies for the drama, and once we get everything up and running you are all more then welcome to come over and play. Thx again Daddy and the other admin that have been responsible for unbanning 3v0 and letting us play on your server while it is down.


General / Happy Birthday
« on: July 17, 2006, 12:55:49 AM »
Happy birthday, brother....... .......... enjoy it, diapers are getting closer and closer every year. ;) :21:


General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 23, 2006, 09:42:43 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* |LAAZT1K|03
Damn u people are taking this a bit to far and personal. RELAX
Where the fuck did u come from.......... . Just here for your entertainment brother....... .... you know me ..... i hate fucktards
Still love your ass though bitch. :p

BTW: If it comes out a beaner I'm shipping the both of them off to you..... :)

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 23, 2006, 08:54:48 PM »
Quote from: mulletike
Pliskon I can tell from your attitude towards Lightning that you have probably gotten busted numerous times because you are too fucking stupid to keep it at home and hide it.  You make me ashamed to call myself a pothead, because from my experience with cops if you are cordial with them and don't act like a jackass they will be alot more leniant and in turn nice towards you.  That isn't true with all cops, but it is with most.  And if you are the pothead that you say you are, why are you being such a douche?  You are giving potheads like me a bad name which is saying something so fuck off already

STFU ALREADY!!! Maybe go back and do some reading there fucktard and if you pull your head out of your ass long enough, you"ll see how many times I have been busted. I don't give you a bad name, you do that well enough on your own. Nice name to there Mr. 12 post Boy,

Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
What are you some kinda long haul heifer.  Yeah and im sure you have a 90% retirement at 50 to.  Ohh im sorry its SSI.

No accually I work in the oilfield, and I said truck not semi or 18 wheeler.....  well ok I lied my truck will only make about 40-50 K and I should make around 80 or 90 this year seeing how I just got back to work last month. As far as retiring ......... who knows, I like my job. I could semi retire now if I wanted to; but why? Fuck the price of oil is too high to stop now. Shit in another couple of years I'll be making 1/4 to half a mill. a year. But hey I'm sure your pension plan will keep you going, but then again a dickhead cop like yourself is probably going to get shot in the head just for being the ass pirate wannabe hero.

BTW: Kraut....... I love you.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:56:39 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
Well there jackass I make in the neighborhood of 80-90 K a year.  I am sure you make more... NOT.

Go have another donut, there ass pirate. So what you get on the take is what,like 40-50 k of that .......... is that what your trying to say. My truck makes what you make in a year clown. Green rough necks make more then you do and you know what they all smoke pot to. LMAO... Keep on saving the world ass pirate.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 22, 2006, 02:31:18 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
Duhh Stop smoking long enough to read the post.  I went to the funeral.  I dont wanna join the Socialist republic of Canada.  And I am Canadian!!  
Ohh they dont care about Marijuana. Here is the article..

This is a whole new subject.
I guess the death rate is not a serious crime to you.  Here it is!!!   The leading Killer in California among youth is traffic accidents.  One of which is directly related to driving under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs.  I know that Assault Robbery and Murder aren't very big crimes in Canada we think they are here.  In most of the drug arrests that I habe lead to other crimes.  Lets see the last guy was a gang member typical homicide and Assault candidate.  The one before that was wanted in a string of Robberies.  Had stolen property and numerious master keys for cars and buildings.  The one before that was a Meth dealer.  Ohh yeah all smoked POT..  Don't tell me that I have better things to do then get criminals off the streets.  Obviousley you have no idea what you are talking about.  I am not worried you will be into harder drugs before long.  Just give it some time.

Maybe pull your head out of your fat donut eatin ass there Mr. Piggy..... and read what I wrote. I said people that smoke it, not grow it or sell it; didn't even mention anything about meth, coc; car thief or gangs. It really comes down to choices people want to make for themselves. I think you are way off base with thinking everyone that smokes pot is going to end up a meth dealer coc head ........ or career criminals. Where I live you get a fine .... sometimes. Closest I ever came to a fine was the cop took the joint out of my mouth and stomped it out and carried on his way.
BTW you don't know me, you know nothing about me ....... after 20 some years of smoking pot .........yeah maybe tomorrow I'll go try some meth. Lighten up there donut boy and go catch those bad pot smoking kids. LOL so what do they pay you these days to be a cop 30 - 40 k a year. Thats a fucking joke, and you wonder why there are so many dirty cops. I bet 90% of the cops smoke up on the side and the only reason they bust someone is so they can get more without having to buy it. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK THERE MR. PEACE OFFICER you can save the world yet.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 21, 2006, 11:50:06 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning

You never know Rubin.  Was up there for the funeral for the 4 RCMP officers that were killed last year

You would have to change your thinking on pot  before they would let you in the RCMP.......... ... they really don't give a fuck about people that smoke up here.......... . they have more important things to do............ . maybe if you and your cop buddies  concentrated on the the more serious crimes, the states might be a half decent place to live.........
BTW: if pot is the gate way to other drugs i guess i should have been a herion addict by 14........ give your head a shake MR. Peace officer.

General / Terrorism
« on: April 24, 2006, 10:42:13 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Swifty
  You are a nurse...Yet your husband is the bigest pothead I've ever seen.

Thats funny fucktard cause I don't smoke, like I said before it is for recreational purposes only. Now that I am back at work it is pretty simple ......  hmmmmmmm let me see 6 figures or pot??  Maybe when you grow up and get out of mommy and daddy's house you might understand life; that is if u can pull your head out of your ass.The funny thing is 99% of your clan thinks your an assclown to begin with cause you seem to be an expert on everything anybody has an opinion about. I think your new title for the clan should be "Clan Drama Queen" you fit the description very well. Why Daddy puts up with your shit i have no idea, must be his cousins kid or something (no offence Daddy), cause you sure as hell do nothing for this clan but stir up shit. I guess there has to be a fucktard in every group may as well be you, cause you sure have mastered it.
BTW: Hi everyone else, except the fucktards 1,2 and 3. :)
-=3v0=- Sn4k3

« on: March 14, 2006, 08:28:31 PM »
Happy birthday big boy........ :002:

Media / hahaha
« on: March 07, 2006, 02:58:48 PM »
Quote from: Billy Rubin
ROFLMAO! You said that you were built like Vin Diesel...okay maybe when he was like 8! HA! My frickin arms are bigger than yours!
Fuck!!!  ............. u could use him as a dildo. :) :002:

General / Happy birthday Tibbles
« on: March 05, 2006, 12:14:33 AM »
look out TO........... happy birthday brother....... . :002:

« on: February 24, 2006, 01:07:42 AM »
May the light sabers of a 1000 Jedi’s ass rape you on this special day ……. Happy Birthday brother…… BTW: I think  saw that special present of Balths last night…………… well worth a look indeed. :D


BF 2 / New PATCH!
« on: February 17, 2006, 05:06:11 AM »
Quote from: Vasha
Nooooooooooo dang it I will have to wait for new bf2hacks.com update.

Yeah thats gay ......... all new hacks....... again.........


Help / fuck my life... seriously
« on: February 17, 2006, 05:00:47 AM »
Blow it the fuck up and just get a hole new one ............. it will be the only way you will feel better brother.


« on: February 17, 2006, 04:58:33 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
you, masebot and a pack of wolves should hook up one day.

..... and have kids.


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