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Messages - Waffleboy

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 13
Games / Re: Portal 2
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:02:53 AM »
Was fun until the Moon part. Don't understand how that is possible.

I don't think realism is the focus  ::)

Games / Re: Portal 2
« on: April 20, 2011, 05:49:56 PM »
I think I'll wait until it gets much cheaper on Steam, which will probably take atleast a couple months. If not that, then I'll obtain it somehow....... .............. ......

It's definitely worth borrowing from your Swedish friends.  Really though, I would buy it for the co-op (I assume you can't do it with a cracked version).

Games / Portal 2
« on: April 20, 2011, 03:16:03 PM »
Anyone else have it?

BF 3 / Re: Battlefield 3
« on: April 18, 2011, 04:37:17 PM »
What's the reasoning for the Singleplayer? Really wish they didn't make one for a "true" battlefield.

I think it's there just to be ignored as people click the multiplayer button.

Games / Re: Xbox Gamertag
« on: April 07, 2011, 04:15:27 PM »
xbox is gay.

Mine is Orion11235.

Help / Re: shopping list
« on: April 06, 2011, 05:36:30 PM »
Good build Scooby.  The only thing I might do would be to bump up the GPU to something more like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102921  It's not much more expensive and should give him a decent boost in performance.  AMD did something really weird and shifted all their numbers up, so the *850/*870 are now the lower end enthusiast cards (equivalent to the 5770) and the 6950 is now around equivalent to what the 5870 was (if I recall correctly).  He could always go xfire later, but single cards are a lot easier to deal with (I don't know about the 6000 series, but I know ATI/AMD had a lot of trouble with drivers and microstutterin g with multiple GPUs in the 5000 series).

Help / Re: shopping list
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:31:55 PM »


I've had an SSD for around 6 months and haven't seen any degradation.  You do need to make some tweaks though to prevent extraneous writes.  For example, limiting page file, changing where certain files are stored, disabling defragmentatio n, etc.  You also probably will have to change the default location of your library (which isn't hard) and change the bios setting (I don't even have any clue what the setting is called, I just know you have to change it) from SATA to AHCI.  Oh and you'll want Windows 7 so you can use TRIM, which helps prevent performance degradation.

I don't want to put you off from a SSD, it takes maybe an hour of extra work to set up an is definitely worth it. My windows load times were reduced by about 50% and core programs I installed on the SSD (firefox, office, etc) load MUCH MUCH faster.  You can look at the read/write speeds and see they're much better than traditional HDDs, and this is true, but the real advantage is the virtually non-existent access times.


You should get eight of these in RAID 0: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227517

By the way, see if you can snag this case:

Help / Re: College laptop
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:12:05 PM »
I think you'll be happy with that.  I've never owned a Lenovo personally, but I've heard great things about them.

Help / Re: shopping list
« on: April 05, 2011, 03:01:41 PM »
I wouldn't blow 5K on a PC, spend about 2 grand and put the rest in savings for your next computer/upgrade.  The marginal utility of spending the extra 3000 is virtually nill and won't get you much better performance, just save it for later when it will actually make a difference :)

Help / Re: shopping list
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:58:27 PM »
Haha I prefer this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146067&cm_re=nzxt_phantom-_-11-146-067-_-Product

It's cheap and I love the aesthetics of it :)

The only unfortunate thing about Sandy Bridge is, last time I checked, though it gets crazy clocks on air, there's quickly a wall after about 5GHz (I know, only 5 Ghz lol), so there's almost no point in more advanced cooling.  This could be a good or bad thing depending on your perspective, but I don't think you can do much more even with DICE or LN2 suicide runs.

Help / Re: College laptop
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:20:38 PM »

Help / Re: College laptop
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:04:44 PM »
I'm in pretty much the same boat as you.  I'm bringing up my desktop but need a netbook or laptop for school.  If you're going to GT, I was there this weekend and they recommend a laptop over a netbook (depending on your major).  From past experience, I would stay away from a 17 inch laptop though to be honest.  I had one and it was cool but was really a big pain to carry around.  It just ended up staying on my desk most of the time.  For myself, I'm either getting a netbook or (more probably) a moderately sized laptop (15.4 inches).

Help / Re: shopping list
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:02:11 PM »
This is what I would do:

GPU: For 200 bucks, grab an AMD 6870, or for about 250 buy an Nvidia gtx 470, or for 350 get an Nvidia gtx 570.
CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz (only 30 bucks more, better architecture, faster clock speed, and more OCing headroom) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115070&cm_re=i7_2600k-_-19-115-070-_-Product
Motherboard: Something along these lines: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131667  only about 115.
RAM: 8GB of ddr3 1600 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145345 a bit over 100 bucks.
Case: Doesn't really matter, whatever appeals to you, but you can get a nice one for 100 bucks.
Soundcard: I wouldn't bother honestly, but if you have a really good speaker setup, then just get whatever card has good reviews.
Op Drive: Yours is fine, doesn't matter much.
HDD: Depending on how much you have to store, I would bump that down to 1-1.5 TB and grab a 60 or 128 GB SSD.  Get a Sandforce controlled drive or a Crucial C3000 if you can.

General / Re: Happy B-Day EasyCompany
« on: March 21, 2011, 12:10:24 PM »
Happy Birthday easy!

BF 3 / Re: Battlefield 3
« on: March 17, 2011, 02:34:15 PM »
It is, nothing is pre-rendered.

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