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Messages - Billy Rubin

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Help / Split ends?
« on: June 20, 2006, 11:00:52 PM »
I think you need to trim it first then use the protective shampoos to keep them away.

Flame / Represent
« on: June 09, 2006, 04:33:55 AM »
West side is the best side!

Spam / Pretty Fucking Good Advice From LAAZ
« on: June 08, 2006, 10:15:03 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
you think that dick is big, you should see mine! My dick is so big it can satisfy the biggest creature known to man *cough*billyrubin*cough* haha

I just told you it was satisfying so you would stop crying.

General / Happy Birthday Krauty Kraut
« on: June 07, 2006, 11:16:38 AM »
WOOT! Happy Birthday to you!

General / ACC Copyright
« on: June 02, 2006, 11:58:29 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* KrautKiller
Ill give a example:  Shes cutting out 4 ft by 4 ft of this stirofoam, and then paints mascots from all the collage basketball teams, and then sells em for 20-40 dollars profit.  might have a 1-2 day grounding if i can get by my parents when they get home.

...sounds like he's refering to his teacher, could be a little pay back maybe?

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 28, 2006, 11:34:08 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
 Don't be offended if I say I don't believe you.  Its kinda like the guy that tells me he has had two beers and his BAC is .18%.

Saying you don't believe me, to me is just like calling me a liar, because obviously the fella you're refering to with two beers was in fact lying to you. But no need for you to apologize for how I reacted, I do get defensive when someone implies I am not telling the truth, especially when I am, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I will apologize however for reacting in a negative way, but I am gonna blame it on my hormones, because really, what pregnant chick isn't hostile (especially when someone tells her she's wrong)? ;)

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 24, 2006, 09:05:49 AM »
I'm 100% sure you need to start taking some type of psych meds for all these delusions your having :p

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 23, 2006, 09:12:55 PM »
Quote from: mulletike
Pliskon I can tell from your attitude towards Lightning that you have probably gotten busted numerous times because you are too fucking stupid to keep it at home and hide it.  You make me ashamed to call myself a pothead, because from my experience with cops if you are cordial with them and don't act like a jackass they will be alot more leniant and in turn nice towards you.  That isn't true with all cops, but it is with most.  And if you are the pothead that you say you are, why are you being such a douche?  You are giving potheads like me a bad name which is saying something so fuck off already

You're damn right it's not true with all cops...take our buddy lightning here for example, I was nice to him simply stating that in my experience things weren't exactly as he said they were, and he comes back being a jackass calling me a liar. I agree, you need to pull your head out of your ass, who the fuck are you anyways? Some kid thats been around for a few weeks, trying to kiss mafia's ass in hopes of a referral? Good luck little man.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 21, 2006, 10:24:50 AM »
FYI: I don't actually smoke the ganj anymore, my career is much more important to me. But if it makes you feel better, you can keep hoping someday you'll run into me, but unless you transfer to Canada, that ain't gonna happen.
BTW: anytime you ever wanna have a 'discussion' having to do with human anatomy and physiology again...I'll be here :)

BF 1942 / Was on the =3v0=server yesterday
« on: May 21, 2006, 10:18:36 AM »
I don't think it would have actually been any of the -=3v0=- members, because I'm pretty sure that the ones that still play bf42 don't have a problem with you. ;)

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 20, 2006, 08:29:53 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
Nice article, though a little old.  I really like the part about marijuana being a precurser to homosexuality.

Quote "Regular cannabis use had a small association with premature mortality (RR 1·33), which was wholly explained by increased deaths from AIDS in men, probably because marijuana use was a marker for male homosexual behaviour."

Ill try and be more careful.

Lets see these articles claim 50%.  I guess you can find what you want depending on the publisher.


Here is an interesting article on THC content.

your article was dated 1988
1988 Average THC 3.18
2004 Average THC 5.81

Its almost doubled since the article. I am sure the tests were done prior to the writing and theis article is 2 yrs behind. :)

I just try and speak from experience.  Had another last night. Pulse was 144.
 I guess if what you were using Marijuana which had a THC content well below the average it may not of effected you adversley.  Maybe it was ditchweed :)  Like I said earlier your claim just doesn't fit in with the norm.  Ohh an by the way most of my experience comes from Berkeley and San Francisco.  Its pretty prevelent out here.

Ditch weed? Have you ever been to Canada?
Nice try....
Article #1 says, and I quote "Marijuana use increases the heart rate as much as 50 percent"----As much as does not mean it increase 50% in every case...we all have the same biology, but we all react different ways to different things!

Article #2 says "During the time when the
user is high they will have an increased heart rate up to 50% above
normal."---Once again this article uses the phrase 'up to' which could mean anywhere between 1% and 50%!

Article #3 says "Marijuana use increases the heart rate as much as 50 percent, depending on the amount of THC. "----Do you see a pattern here?

Article #4 "During the time when the user is high they will have an increased heart rate up to 50% above normal."---Up to...need I say more? I also found this very interesting from this same article... "Different people will get different results, and certain types of cannabis can cause different effects."

I don't think I need to add any of my own articles at this point, yours seem to be sufficient. I'm pretty done with this anyways, my point has been proven by both of us, even though you still appear to be in denial. Have fun catchin the bad guys. Peace out.

P.S. Lazz, you're just upset because I rejected you, you stinky beaner! :p

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 19, 2006, 09:13:46 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
It has nothing to do with what I have or haven't been taught it's scientific!  I use Clinical Scientific guidelines.  Don't be offended if I say I don't believe you.  Its kinda like the guy that tells me he has had two beers and his BAC is .18%.  I hear it all the time :)  A little tachy?  The arobic heart rate for a 30 yr old male is around 120.  He was 50 and 20 above that. Hmm?  When the new testers come out things will certianly change.

Seriously, what reason do I have to lie to you? I'm not some criminal that's trying to lie my way out of going to jail. Really. Think about it.
I am aware that you are basing your ideas around scientific information, where do you think I got the idea to take my pulse while high in the first place. However, you are taking the scientific information and letting your own experiences influence your ideas about it all. It took me less than 2 minutes to search google and find this: http://www.ukcia.org/research/AdverseEffectsOfCannabis.pdf
The second page second paragraph is where I'm coming from...it states that the effects of THC can increase a person's HR 20- 50%... SO...if my resting HR is 65, that means the least effect THC can have on my pulse is taking it up to 78...Like I said why the hell would I lie to you. Pwned. By a girl. :p

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 18, 2006, 09:21:06 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
I guess the scientific studies dont apply to you.  You are one of a kind.  Maybe if you are a marithon runner and your resting HR is 50.  Anywayl last night I took a 1/4 pound of MJ off of a driver and his Pulse was 140.  A Daily user.  Ohh he went to jail.

Oh please don't patronize me. Just because it doesn't fit in with what you've been taught doesn't mean it ain't so. I suppose though if I had 1/4 lb of pot on me and I got pullled over, I might get a little tachy.

General / Legalizing marijuana
« on: May 17, 2006, 08:08:13 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
 I can place you under the influence based on you physical appearence, BP and heart rate.  #1 clue Pulse is usually around 110BPM.  At that point you r done.

Not 100% true...the highest my pulse has ever gotten back in the day when I used to do that was 88bpm, still well within normal range. It's totally based on the person

Media / For Ice Ice Baby
« on: May 17, 2006, 10:56:57 AM »
Nobody is asking to see dead bodies, I don't understand why you keep bringing that up, what is being asked for is proof that a plane in fact did hit the pentagon. These two videos that have been released show something heading towards the building whether or not its real. I have read that there were surveillance videos from a building acroos the street, that would have clearly shown the accident, but were confiscated after the event, and their existence is now being denied by the US government.

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