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Messages - iLLUSi0N

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Help / Is this possible? [HELP]
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:04:52 PM »
I don't get it. Why would your mom be upset about hearing white supremicist banter coming from her son's computer? :?

Flame / assholes
« on: July 26, 2006, 07:55:27 AM »
Quote from: General Patton
you guys suspended hallys posting because he called of the match right? well that happened because u bastards posted porn on our site, god gives you the fucking finger and the muslums will eat you, may you burn in hell as slow as the amish nascar and as painful as all heck, bastards.


Oh man I miss this kind of shit right here! :D

General / Terrorism
« on: May 05, 2006, 10:34:20 AM »
marine. Seriously. I'm going to stop arguing with you because you don't know what you're talking about.

1) You can get AIDs through contact with the blood from an HIV positive person. You don't have to have sex with them to get it.

2) Choosing 1 partner for life does not make AIDs go away. Sure, it protects you and your children, and that's good. But what about the 40 million people who already have AIDs? Are you going to be the one to tell them that they're not allowed to have sex and have children? Your way of solving things does not work globally... and your public school system's teaching of sex-education is a joke if they say it does.

Media / Saved by the Bell Fight!
« on: May 05, 2006, 04:42:27 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Balthazar
Saved by the Bell is an evil mistress of a show that corrupted the actors.. case in point.

                Before------------------- --------------------- After



At least they turned out better than the original Red Power Ranger. He's doing gay porn now. Ooo... it's morrrrphin tiiime..

Media / Saved by the Bell Fight!
« on: May 04, 2006, 08:29:49 PM »
Saved by the Bell's on Adult Swim nowadays =] My wildest fantasies have come true!!

General / Terrorism
« on: May 04, 2006, 08:23:27 PM »
-marine13: It's not just black people getting arrested for that stuff. It's the people who live in that economic class. It includes white people, too. White people who are just as poor and disadvantaged as the black people who are getting arrested. It's not about color. It's about class. And about the whole virus thing: viruses don't choose to kill people. Sudan's genocide is taking place between the arabs/Sudanese gov't and the non-Arabs. Viruses don't say, "hey, you're a non-Arab. I'm going to infect you but not that Arab guy." People do. There's a major difference.

-Havok: Good to see someone concerned about Sudan =) Did you see my post where I put those Frontline articles? If you're interested, it's worth checking out. So much for "Never again..." after WWII, eh? What's the death toll up to now? 180,000?

-AIDs is a HUGE problem in Africa. UN member nations have pledged millions of dollars to HIV/AIDs research. Denying them help because they're African is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. They're humans. Let's hope they find something, quick.

-Recent news: Zacarias Moussoui just got life in prison. That should give him some time to think about how smart it was to fuck America over. =] I'm taking bets on how many weeks he lasts.

General / Terrorism
« on: May 04, 2006, 12:11:51 PM »
Quote from: marine13
wow illusion all that stuff that has been happening in africa has been happening for a while it kind of like the ebola virus and AIDS just its people killing people not viruses.

I don't see how people killing people is the same as viruses killing people.

Media / Saved by the Bell Fight!
« on: May 04, 2006, 07:58:28 AM »
Haha, c'mon, Preppy. You know better than to fuck with the captain of the football and wrestling team.

General / Terrorism
« on: May 03, 2006, 11:50:03 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
If memory serves me correct Darfur and Sudan haven't been attacking us or our allies.  We will be in Afganistan and Iran soon.

The conflict in Sudan isn't about America's war on terrorism. It's about the genocide that's taking place there. Here's an AWESOME Frontline edition about it. It's definitely worth watching.


This is a very serious problem and if it's left untouched, it's bound to become another Rwanda. If you don't know what happened in Rwanda...


General / Terrorism
« on: May 03, 2006, 08:06:33 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
Muslim is not the correct religion, any religion that calls for you to kill people is satans religion.

There are several references to religious violence in the Qu'ran, you're right. But again, it's all open to personal interpretation . To call a religion incorrect because of this rather blind. Let me give you an example.

Timothy McVeigh was a Christian militant who strongly identified with right wing extremist groups with the Christian faith. The bombing in Oklahoma is just another in a string of Christian militant bombings of abortion clinics. It was a highly religious attack carried out by a Christian group, a group that is similar to several others in the US.

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." ~Jesus (Matthew 10:34)

There are lots of endorsements for war in the Christian faith and they are cited as justification for war by militant groups. Does that make the religion wrong? Of course not. There's more to the faith than this, just as there's more to the Muslim faith than that.

General / Terrorism
« on: May 03, 2006, 01:23:05 PM »
The Qur'an (or Koran as you guys are using it) is not Jewish. It's Muslim.


You must be thinking of the Torah.

« on: May 03, 2006, 02:17:49 AM »
:toothy11: :bunny: :toothy9: :5grouphug :new_spira  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :toothy11: :bunny: :toothy9: :5grouphug :new_spira

General / The Story of Saudi Arabian Oil
« on: May 02, 2006, 05:58:35 PM »
First of all, changing your name to marine454 doesn't change the fact that you're still 13. You're better off keeping it the way it was.
Secondly, if you're here to "leanr [sic]", then I think you've come to the wrong place. This thread is for people who already have a firm understanding of what terrorism is, who Osama is, and the current history of Iraq. If you think that the US has trouble "finding iraqis that trust us and believe we want peace," then you need to watch a few documentaries or turn on the news. Now, onto the story.

After WWII, many countries realized the importance of oil as a great necessity in keeping dominance over enemies. On a battleship in the Red Sea, President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with the leader of the Saud Family (and ruler of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Ibn Saud. What is said to have taken place there is a pact between the US and Saudi Arabia. The Sauds would supply with United States with secure oil and the US would make sure that the Saud family stays in power.

The years progressed, and the Saud family prospered. Eventually, their rediculous amount of wealth began to make them lose touch with the people they ruled. When revolts began, they were put down by the US as their part of the deal. When Osama bin Laden surfaced, he saw, as his countrymen saw, the effects US involvement in the Saudi government. Many of bin Laden's followers are, in fact, Saudi. In order to bring balance to the power in Saudi Arabia, they had to get rid of the power that was backing it up: the US.

This is all, of course, a dolled up version of patron-clientelle relationships, but it gets the point across.

marine13, you won't get many places if you don't understand who your enemy is, where they came from, and why they believe what they believe. This is an example of US imperialism in the world and this is one of the major reasons why Osama bin Laden doesn't care for the United States. So, now you know that he isn't just a crazy towel head who blows things up for fun, maybe you might see some reasoning behind his actions, no matter how disgusting those actions may be.

General / Terrorism
« on: May 02, 2006, 05:12:13 PM »
marine13, do you want to hear the story of Saudi Arabia? It's a heartwarming tale of power politics, oil, and Osama bin Laden. Just let me know if you want to hear it and I'll post it. I don't want to if I don't have to because I have better things to do than explain world politics to a 13 year old whose teacher is a marine so he thinks he has the answer to everything.

Media / If you're Dutch, read this.
« on: May 02, 2006, 01:02:26 PM »
I want an apology from Holland for this video. This is completely unacceptable and uncalled for. I don't care which Dutch person delivers the apology, just as long as someone takes responsibility .


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