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Messages - ICEMAN

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BF 2 / LAAZT1K420 Vs GS clan lolol
« on: April 29, 2006, 02:47:10 PM »
kick ass job laaz!

General / Terrorism
« on: April 26, 2006, 09:52:34 PM »
Anyone care for a religious debate?

I'll take the side of athiesm.  It doesn't even need to be about wether you believe in god or not, but more or so the fact of the affect of religion.

General / Happy B-day ThaSnyper!
« on: April 26, 2006, 02:02:53 PM »
happy birthday!:)

General / Terrorism
« on: April 26, 2006, 02:02:16 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
I still love you Icepoo. The reason why I didnt reply to yours is becuase Ive heard that side already before. Id already looked into it but there is just too much supporting evidence for the other. Im not talking just from a political stance either. Im talking from a economic and socioeconomic stance as well. Just too many items in your theory don't add up.

Same to you.  I've heard your stance time and time again when I invade republican forums, or just engage in a debate with someone who believes what you do.  Does that mean that I'm still not going to read, listen, and reply to what you say?

I should have just said from the get-go, I've heard your argument time and time again before, so I'm not going to read what you write.:)   That way I wouldn't have wasted quite a bit of time writing out responses.

My side doesn't add up?  I believe it does... the inconsistencie s in the side your taking are blatently obvious.  If you go as general as the WTT were the economic center... then of course your side will make perfect sense.

Love you too Snyper:)

General / Terrorism
« on: April 26, 2006, 07:55:20 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
Is anybody going to back up ICEMAN, it seems most of you like George Bush and support the war over there.  I think its good that we back our president and his decision, but I also think its ok to disagree at times as long as we are civilized and just with it.  Anyway, like I said I don't really have a say on this, but it seems like its everyone vs. him.  
Yeah, I kind of expected that.  I quit simply because I thoroughly responed and read every bit of information that some people put out, quoted, and answered questions, but from the replies I got back, nobody read what I had to say.  I must have answered the same questions multiple times in there.  As I've said the whole time, many people on here only take into account one-side.  Not reading what I post and sticking to your own is... one-sided just to let you all know.  I read your side, I got your argument.

As far as the 2008 elections go, I'm really pushing for a Democratic candidate.

BF 1942 / Party's MOD!!!
« on: April 25, 2006, 10:06:20 PM »
damn that looks awesome:)  great work partyboy, and I can't wait to play it:)

General / Terrorism
« on: April 25, 2006, 10:02:52 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
so you're saying the adult Hobo's i see when i go to LA all over the Santa Monica pier aren't poor? They look grown up to me, and i think they lack money....and a house. Chris and  laaz will know what i'm talking about, it's a crappy neigborhood.

Yeah, I haven't had a chance to go there yet, but according to what I've been able to do as a kid, and I've seen others achieve as kids/adults, I can't think of any other reason than bad choices or lazyness to be poor.  I work my ass off not to be, and none of them should get a free ride either.:)

Wisma --- World War I... that I was referring to there.

General / Terrorism
« on: April 25, 2006, 08:04:42 PM »
Yes, I just got owned.

And Kraut, where do you suppose the poor kids who show no credit line, no knowledge or experience of the work force... etc... get $100,000?  It's not like they can just go out and get a loan.

That's why I say there are no poor adults... only poor children.

General / Terrorism
« on: April 25, 2006, 04:20:33 PM »
You are a dumb ass.

End of story.  If you're not going to even read, or look, at anything I put up, I won't bother showing it.

I clearly have read your stuff, showing how I've answered what you've wanted to see multiple times, and I've quoted everything you've said, and replied.  Wish you would do the same, but you don't have 1/2 the intellectual capacity that it takes.

General / Terrorism
« on: April 25, 2006, 03:02:51 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
I still find it hilarious that i have relatives who don't even live in the US and have better grammer/english than Bush does. Total BS that he graduated from Harvard or Yale or wherever he went.

Agreed.  Also, why is that the current governor of Texas is STILL trying to pull Texas' education out of the whole... when our "literate" president who has such a higher class education ran it before becoming president?

Quote from: Kraut
No ones poor, they are just to lazy to do anything with their lives....

Wrong.  I've been poor.  Children who are born into an area where they have nothing, and are helpless, are poor.  I believe that there are no poor adults, only bad decisions.

General / Terrorism
« on: April 25, 2006, 02:58:41 PM »
It's a lost cause on this forum.  I'm speaking to those who relay information, such as yourself Snyper.  You're like a French soldier in WWI.  Practically a sheep in the heard.  Your general tells you to jump up into no man's land, and run towards the enemy attempting attrition, and you say "ok."  The machine guns manned by 10-15 people then mow down hundreds of soldiers.  If the government told you to jump, you'd say "how high".

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
It makes since.
Nope... it makes SENSE.  Since is usually an association with a distance from (since)... a point in time.

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
Also what you are saying contradics what you are accusing. You are saying that Bush is just going after oil and trying to use 9/11 as a cover to go to war. You've said Bush is a retard...but are you saying he's a really good actor? Come on....his laugh has got to be proof enough that hes not faking. He has had good intentions the whole way though. Now as far as the plan and execution of the plan is under par in my belief. I would never question his intentions though.
Contradicts, and yes, when in a debate, spelling and punctuation are important as a way of showing your level of profession.

What did I contradict myself on?  When did I say he was a good actor?  Why wouldn't you question his intentions.  The first thing you are supposed to do is ask questions.  The only way you can find facts out are by asking questions.

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
Iceman you need to go to college first before you support these ideas. Trust me you'll learn a lot more than you think you know now.
And yet, you support my "one-sided" theory yet again.  Thank you for all the help on this, but really, I got it handled.  If you have looked into the "conspirators" theory, and if you were a good researcher, you would always check the source.  A large chunk of "conspirators," are college kids, or tend to be in the upper-class of education.  Basically, what you told me, is that college will help bring thoughts together.  So, congrats, thanks for proving to me that the general conspirator is an educated person who has solid evidence because of their education, allowing them to make a clean arguement.:)

College is a tool that will start the general analysis process if you aren't putting your brain to use already.  I am not the average child...  I've matured much quicker by being forced to take on higher responsibiliti es at earlier ages.  The fact that one of your arguements against me, is my age, is rediculous.  I'm one of the only 16 year old kids who even looks into politics.  The age of "conspirators" tend to be in there 20's and up, and the education level as higher college graduates.  Who is argueing for your side?  Many of those who don't support conspiratorist theories and argue against it have a lower education.  Many of them, went straight to the military after highschool, probably not able to get a damn good education in college.  The people who run your arguement, are the ones who you should be questioning the validity of.

Want some background knowledge on my thought process?  Here's some of my reading material that I've covered on my own:
Aristotle: On Dreams, On Generation and Corruption, On Interpretation, On Sense and Sensible, On the Heavens, On Physics, On Politics
Plato: Laws and Statesman
Thomas Hobbes -  Leviathan
George  Berkeley - Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
If I'm correct, a lot of that is read in college, and helps to form a basis of your thought process, analyzing, and concluding.  Now, I realize that what I think now will change.  I used to think that girls had cuties and I'd never change!  Change is imminent, and unavoidable.  My friends who bitch about their parents not letting them stay out past 1:00 in the morning... there thoughts will change.  They'll have kids, and then they'll think of the safety they want for them, and do the same as their parents did, despite there feelings of when they were taught.  At least I acknowledge it.

Quote from: Ratman
I still can't believe that you think that those planes didn't crash. There are hundreds on photos of plane wreckage of plane parts, luggage and pieces of human remains including eye witnesses of the crashes. If you want the web sites I can send then to you, as long as you send an apology back.
Yes, please, post them up on the forums!  I'm considering this a debate right now, and the only way any of us can learn anything, is to post what we got.  Hopefully what I say will rub off on some of you, and hopefully you can show me something that will rub off on me.  What I've been saying this WHOLE time, is SHOW ME.  Show me a plane hitting the Pentagon.  Show me plane parts at the Pentagon.  Show me a plane at Shanksville.  Hell, show me body parts from Shanksville, considering the fact that the corener had nothing to inspect.

And, if you do have pictures of wreckage from the Pentagon, or wreckage at Shanksville, then the government contradicted themselves.  Congrats!  There's wreckage!  Then why the hell did they tell us that BOTH planes were incinerated upon impact?  When we can clearly see that there is wreckage to be examined.  The wreckage would have been destroyed if it were to be incinerated, so why would they say that?

General / Terrorism
« on: April 24, 2006, 09:39:09 PM »
Quote from: the all(-mighty Billy
Bush absolutely needed a big reason to attack...look how many people are still opposed to the war despite what terrorists have done to the US. And whats a couple people here and there when one is considering billions of dollars worth of natural resources.
Actually, in Loose Change, there's a section that they took from http://www.uspoliticsonline.com/forums/, which someone posted the articles and documents that Donald Rumsfeld and the PNAC stated:
A “core mission” for the transformed U.S. military is to “fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars,” according to the PNAC.

The strategic “transformation” of the U.S. military into an imperialistic force of global domination would require a huge increase in defense spending to “a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total defense spending annually,” the PNAC plan said.

“The process of transformation,” the plan said, “is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.”

Quote from: the all-mighty Billy
Well my say on this is based on the fact this has been posted on a public forum. And you know nothing about my life so maybe YOU should sit the fuck down, because I never actually personally attacked you in the first place I simply stated that I was in agreement with Iceman. And even if I liked you, I still wouldn't care whether you wanted me here or not...I'm staying!
DAMN RIGHT.  Stay!:)  I love getting banned from Republican political forums, who's soul purpose is to "retain the liberties of American's and other countries, as well as allowing the free flow of opinions."  Nothing better than getting banned by a bunch of un-educated hypocrites violating my first amendment right.  hahhahaha

Calling our country a terrorist organization was not out of line, considering that by definition, it is.  I never said anything about the intentions of soldiers, or anyone else in it.  Just stated a definition, and used "we" as a country.  Therefore, not an insult, because that's stating a FACT (swifty).

And I'll add to what Bush is working towards helping:

General / Terrorism
« on: April 24, 2006, 06:30:44 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
That explains a lot...
You are so fucking retarded.  What my parents background happens to be, has nothing to do with my own speculation, and I am in no way like them.  I strive to be the exact opposite, and love to LEARN.  Some of you stupid ass motherfuckers believe that once a poor dumb bastard... always a poor dumb bastard... well I've got news for you, my 3.98 and honors classes say otherwise.  Not to mention the fact that many of you, haven't analyzed a thing.  SERIOUSLY, take my advice! try it!  Don't just read off a paper.  I didn't just read off videos, considering that when I started with this, the videos weren't even made.

Shove it.

And... talk about personal cheap shots.  Swifty, are you going to bitch about ThaSnypers comments?  Or is it just like your views on (researching) government?  completely one sided?

Wasser --- great insight into it!:)  I read it, I just somehow didn't quote you.. sorry about that:)

General / Terrorism
« on: April 24, 2006, 04:45:48 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
You know so many people hate Bush, I dont blame them. But heres the tricky part, do you believe that Kerry would have been a better president than Bush? The guys best defense of why he should win the fucking election is because he won a purple heart in the vietnam war. He won the purple heart, no not from doing brave and heroic acts, but only because he didnt die. And about our country doing terrorism acts?

I already answered this:
Quote from: myself
Bush was better than Kerry? Kerry could only point out Bush's obvious flaws, that's it. John Edwards, had the plans to fix everything. Either way with that election, we were going to get royally fucked in the ass, because Kerry wouldn't have done a thing... and Edwards would push to shut down every major corporation in this country. BUT, in November of last year, I constantly said, that if Bush get's re-elected, I expected that we would be on the brink of nuclear war. GUESS WHAT, cha-CHING. We are. Nothing > nukes. It's better to do nothing, then to start a war of M.A.D.

Which brings me to this:
Quote from: Illusion
Do you really believe that "John Edwards had the plans to fix everything?" I hope you were being sarcastic when you said that because that's giving him wayyy too much credit.

Ahh... stupid sayings in English, not everything.  No one will have the key to everything, and that's why I put "Either way with that election, we were going to get royally fucked in the ass."  Kerry didn't have a plan, what I meant by everything, was that everything they planned to do, John Edwards was the one who proposed it.  THat didn't mean all problems, but all problems that were meantioned during the campaigning and debates of the 2004 elections, were done by Edwards.  Hope I cleared that up.:)

Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
WTF are you talking about, you wanna know the real definition of terrorism? Its destroying the lives of the innocent. We are trying to destroy the lives of the ones killing the innocent.

We don't even know that we went out after the people who did this FOR SURE.  It was all "speculation."  Read the small font, and the small statements.  Skimming articles doesn't show you specifics.

Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
People are dying so that you can sit on your ass all day playing video games, and you dare to call them terrorists? fuck you.

OH yes Blackjax, I sit on my ass and play video games all day.  I'm 16, my parents are lovely people who make $250,000 a year.  MAN, how bout you go fuck yourself.  My dad is supposedly dead of a heroin OD and my mom's in jail, and will be till I have kids.  I've been working my ass off since I was 10 so that I could EAt.  I just came back after living in my car for 4 months.  YES, I AM SO LUCKY.  YOU KNOW WHAT KEEPS ME GOING, KNOWING THAT THERE ARE OTHERS WHO HAVE IT WORSE THAN ME.  I have a roof over my head, food, water, that's all I need, but by no means, am I sitting on my ass.  I maintain good grades, taking advantage of the fruits that I can take in, such as education, so I can have a good life.  I work, I strive, and achieve, and on top of that, I have a drive to analyze and look into instances like this, while all you fuckers just watch the news, and consider that fact.  FUCK YOU blackjax.

General / Terrorism
« on: April 24, 2006, 04:31:18 PM »
Quote from: Rat-Man
Just let me say that watching a movie that has no bases in reality is not research. No plane crash in PA or the Pentagon? Are you for real? Come on now your smarter than that.

(directly copied from the other thread... sorry if it's got a bit of an attitude on it;))
Show me a picture of a 757 that hit the pentagon, and one in Shanksville.  Unless you photoshop one, I doubt I'm gonna see any pics here.;)

[SIZE="5"]We'll play a game with it, spot the big jumbo jet plane!;)[/SIZE]
not to mention... there's no marking of wings hitting the pentagon:

and before it's collapse:

Loose Change used a lot of material from various websites, just search Pentagon attack on Google, and you'll see the notes about the windows are in-tact, theres only a 16 foot wide hole before it collapsed, the spools in the front are untouched... etc:

(I've been editing this a lot as a find pics...)

Shanksville time!

This is like where is Waldo;)

I don't see one.  Do you?  That's the most blatantly obvious evidence I can show you.  It's impossible for jet fuel which burnt at 2000 degrees, to "incinerate" a jumbo jet, when the metals that the plane are made of, have a melting point of 3000...  Not only that... but like I said before... first time ever... would this have been the occurance of a plane "incinerating."  Do you actually think that both occurances of this, the only ones in existence, happened on 9/11 when physics show it's impossible?

Even if a plane did hit the pentagon, it hit an area that underwent reconstruction, and basically had few people in it.  It was the only area that could with-stand this attack.  It "ripped lightpoles out of the ground," where as other flights have hit a lightpole, ripping off the wing, and crashing into many pieces (from Loose Change).  That screams something is going on that the government knew.


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