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Messages - GWAR 3:16

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Media / Desktop!
« on: July 09, 2006, 06:30:18 PM »

General / Tight pants...
« on: June 23, 2006, 07:43:42 AM »
Tight pants can cause yeast infections, so be careful.

Help / Split ends?
« on: June 21, 2006, 01:19:50 PM »
Get some cow shit and twist it up into some dreadlocks.  The smell will be so overpowering that no one will even care about your split ends.  Rasta 4 life.

Also one time at the orphanage I splooged in a guy's shampoo, and he had really nice hair, so maybe that is an option.

Help / Privacy Laws?
« on: June 18, 2006, 05:44:27 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* --
My DOG was panting,and yes he is one hot Tamale!!!!!!!!!

Gwar, I like your style although it is in-effective in the real worl.

Come ask the 4 whiggers that live next door to me how effective it is.  My neighborhood is quiet and respectful now, and they don't make eye contact with me.

Help / Privacy Laws?
« on: June 18, 2006, 05:40:13 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* --
Uh mulletike, that is not gonna happen.I agree Violence is not going to pay the bills but neither will "getting him so high he forgets". I have this video for the soul porpous of either blackmail or revenge.

The ban on shooting BB guns in the city is probably just some type of municipal ordinance, which means its probably not even a criminal offense.  The fine is probably 50 bucks or so.  So really you don't have much to blackmail him with.  I say provoke a physical confrontation.

Some large cities have ordinances on how many people can occupy a dwelling.  If he has a bunch of cars in his yard, find out how many junk cars you can have in the city.  Find out if he's legal.  Buy some coke and throw it as far as you can in his yard and call the cops anonymously and say you think you know where some coke dealers live.  Call the cops and say he has pot growing in his yard, a stupid cop will look over the fence and see whatever plant that was in the video and think its pot and they'll raid them.  

This is all pussy shit to do though, I mean the guy is a fucking tub of lard and is probably 5'5".

Help / Privacy Laws?
« on: June 18, 2006, 05:26:42 PM »
Quote from: mulletike
Now now.... Violence is NOT the answer:(  Misfit, you said you smoke weed occasionally, if I were you I would try to be nice to him, then get him so high he won't even remember:D
(BWT Misfit, why were you panting so much?  He isn't THAT good looking lol.

Shut up you little bourgeois faggot.  I would like to use your stupid trendy fake blue collar 70's hair as a fucking handle to destroy your face with my knee.

Yeah, kiss his ass.  That will get you some respect.  Thats brilliant advice.  Perhaps there is a language barrier too?  Hire a translater and tell him you love him, and just want to get along.  See how well that works.

Help / Privacy Laws?
« on: June 18, 2006, 05:16:31 PM »
Nothing settles problems with neighbors like physical violence.  He's wearing a muscle shirt, but in this case it just highlights his lack of muscle.  So grab a bat and beat him till his eyes roll back and he shits himself.

Flame / Well I had enough ;)
« on: June 17, 2006, 03:50:17 PM »
You're a fucking faggot, mallander.

Flame / ban!!
« on: June 13, 2006, 12:04:52 PM »
Looks like you're another brown 'refugee' who fled the mess his own kind have made of his nation to beg to be allowed to live in a White man's nation.  Funny how that happens so often.  I wonder why Whites aren't screaming to be let into whatever third world country it is you came from?

You should cut back on the starch on your shirts, too.

Flame / ban!!
« on: June 12, 2006, 01:15:17 PM »
Have you ever just sat and really looked at the two nigs in your avatar?  Do it for 10 minutes and see if they don't start to look like two posing apes wearing clown clothes.  I like how the one has his thoughtful pose going on, I wonder what insurmountable problem he is pondering?

General / ACC Copyright
« on: June 03, 2006, 09:01:18 PM »
Find an adult and tell them that the teacher tried to get you to pose nude for one of her styrofoam art masterpieces.

General / ACC Copyright
« on: June 03, 2006, 04:08:46 PM »
Did you shake off like a dog?

General / Terrorism
« on: May 06, 2006, 10:39:49 AM »
Its hilarious to see so many kids here who were raised by TV.  You're all retarded and lost.

If African niggers would stop fucking each other, they'd stop spreading AIDS, wouldn't they?  

We're not all the same.  Equality is a lie.  And most of you are confused little boys who've been raised on Nickelodeon and MTV and have no idea what the real world is like.


Name one, just one, majority black country, city, or civilization that was successful.  One.  And not some pie in the sky 'african-american studies' pipe dream historical revisionism.  Niggers are prone to crime, it is genetic just like their simian features.  Whites, and Orientals, on the other hand, are able to take a more abstract view, and are able to work together to create a society.  

Did you know that the average IQ of a black African is 80?

General / Terrorism
« on: May 01, 2006, 06:31:51 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
even so, the big corperations still have american workers, of course they use third world parties to make their products, its comparable from $6.50 to $.05 and hour, which would you rather pay? If your saying that the corperations are soley making the money, well obviously id have to disagree, but i do agree that they are making the most of of what they do, obviously... but thats what makes America competitive. And the ones who are getting screwed are the lower American workers, but its their own fault fro not finishing high school, or not going to college, but someone i guess has to do their jobs.

If you think importing cheap, throwaway goods, moving jobs and operations overseas, and undercutting the middle class is what makes America competitive, you have a really poor understanding of economics, and what makes a country economically strong.

You obviously haven't spent much time in the real world if you think that the middle class is comprised of 'lower American workers,' and that its 'their fault' for not completing high school or going to college.  Some people enjoy working with their hands.  You yourself might give it some consideration, because I'm not sure what type of white collar job you envision for yourself at your literacy level.   I also see that you have blue collar confused with fast food workers, its a common problem among children of afluent parents.  It comes from thinking of people who labor for a living as 'those people.'

You seem to think that each class exists in a vacuum, when in reality they're all dependent on each other.  Destroy one, and the rest will follow.  In 25 years America will be a country much like Brazil, where the small rich minority gets richer and the huge mass of 'lower workers' learns to live with their lot in life.  

Paying third worlders to make goods doesn't decrease their cost, it simply increases the profit margin for the corporation.  If you had bothered to check inflation statistics for 50 years ago, when far, far fewer goods were imported and there were no supergiantmega stores with their super cool mind control advertising, and nearly all manufactured goods were manufactured domestically, you would see that buying power was far higher, and while people appeared to make less, they also had much more purchasing power for each given dollar.  So I would rather buy goods that are made by Americans, at American living wages, for apparently higher prices, because when taken as a whole it strengthens the economy and our standard of living.  In 1950 the average annual income was nearly 10,000, and you could buy a car that was made of steel, and would last 50 years for 2000 dollars.  In 2000 the average income was 42,000, and today you're hard pressed to find a car that will last 15 years, and contains large amounts of plastic and other cheap materials for 20,000 grand.  That means in 1950, you could buy a durable car for 1/5 your annual income.  Today, you can buy a piece of shit for 1/2 your annual income, which barely anyone can afford outright and end up financing it(usury), and unless its a ricer it probably won't go 15 years without a major mechanical malfunction(tranny/engine/diff).  

None of this even matters because in 50 years America will have Balkanized, I will be known as the Atomic Fuhrer of Alaska, China will be the dominant World power, and Europe will be largely Islamic.

General / Terrorism
« on: April 25, 2006, 01:23:10 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
that is all true but those things, all of that which people want, but dont need, its what makes America, America. which is why the USA is the #1 superpower in the world. Those things that people want give others jobs, which is why most people can buy what they want. and the circle just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

If you think so.  Where do you think your buying power is going to come from in 25 years when America manufactures hardly anything?  Perhaps you can get some table scraps from the rich elites who sold out the middle class in favor of cheap third world labor.

Most people can't 'buy' what they want.  Most people can finance what they want.  That isn't the same thing.

"Those things that people want" are largely manufactured overseas now.  So certainly, your 80 dollar shoes that cost 50 cents to make provided a job for an 11 year old Chinese kid that makes 5 cents an hour.  Is the circle of wealth getting huge or what?

By the way, your version of America has existed for about 35 years, and really gained its foothold in the last 25, and is largely a by product of our TV culture.  Prior to roughly the 1960's most people preferred durable goods that had some intrinsic value other than the arbitrary value assigned to it by hip marketing campaigns, and didn't place as much value on a person's possessions.  People didn't buy poorly made garbage in an attempt to appear as cool as the gyrating(and carefully scripted) negro with various consumer goods in his hand that you see in commercials.

If you think this 'circle' you describe will keep increasing ad infinitum, you're wrong.

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