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Messages - HaVoK

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51
Help / aim hacks
« on: October 25, 2005, 02:48:02 PM »
Laaz I'm the one who told you.  The program is called CrashFX by Cino.  You can't just google it to find it and you can go ahead and do that if you care to, it's a waste I believe.  It doesn't work if you're trying to use it against a person with Trillian, and it's stubborn sometimes and you need to be patient.  At times you can repeatedly keep booting someone off AIM where it will show that someone is sending you a file that looks like ".>" or something similar, and then your name.  You just need to make another fake AIM name and then use this.  The only way you can stop someone from using it against you if you have AIM is to block the person who's sending you this..... it's not that easy however, you only see who's sending the file to you for a second and then your screen freezes and AIM closes.  Have fun with the program.

BF 1942 / Match Results vs. D-R
« on: October 23, 2005, 08:39:23 PM »
All I can say is I had fun with that little for fun scrim against you guys before.  If you want to kind of check it out go here: http://s10.invisionfree.com/Atheria/index.php?showtopic=2049&st=0 (It's after all the bullshit talk).  I thought that was pretty fun and we got our asses handed to us.  Thanks to some DOA leaving before it ended, and you guys also had more people then us.  oh well, it was fun.

Join / Umm........Umm....Just read if you want!
« on: October 23, 2005, 11:45:50 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* g00deye
I thought Desert Combat is a free download?

It is, he's dumb.

General / Im having a GIRL $$$
« on: October 17, 2005, 02:45:06 PM »
I like the name Veronica or Tessa.


Join / Zeppelin
« on: October 14, 2005, 02:27:28 PM »
Just go ahead and look at the posts.... most of them consist of "lol".  What ever.  I just figured Mafia wouldn't want a person who seems this immature.... I'm surprised he didn't try to join DOA... lol.  God I hate those little kids.

Join / Zeppelin
« on: October 14, 2005, 03:47:07 AM »
Isn't this the annoying guy from -=USAF=-?  I've gone on their site a few times when I was bored.... and look at this:

From what I can see that would be annoying.... Oh well it's your clan, have fun.

Flame / Question on banning
« on: October 13, 2005, 05:21:06 PM »
No.... I just think that if you have the capability to present yourself as being smart, do it.  You however, used to sound like you were talking out of your ass and are an annoying little fuck that shouldn't even be in DOA.  Why you're still and how you got in, I have no idea.  I hardly play anymore because I have a life and don't have the time to deal with 12 year old kids like you who do nothing but cry and moan how they suck at Battlefield.  Get over your obsession with me and find some friends..... because in DOA you have very few.

Flame / Where do I get patch!
« on: October 12, 2005, 04:47:58 AM »
Oh dear God.......  Just ignore this moron.  People in DOA don't even like him and he's an idiot for even thinking that you guys are just going to give him the secret patch.  I say torment him until he cries to make him learn his lesson.

General / Anyone play instruments?
« on: October 10, 2005, 07:31:39 PM »
Any type of saxophone, drums, little guitar, and some trumpet.  That's about it.

Join / Wondering if i can join
« on: September 11, 2005, 02:11:48 PM »
I seriously don't know why you guys let .50 cal king into your clan, but we support Typo, and hell he's my brother.  Happy trails to him.

Media / Lol, dont look at this when your eating
« on: September 09, 2005, 12:44:06 PM »
Omfg...... that looks like one of those crappy puppets that they used to use in movies during the '80's like E.T. and the old Yoda..... except he's scary as hell.

Join / Wondering if i can join
« on: September 07, 2005, 08:26:55 PM »
Hmmm..... This is my brother and I'm pissed that he's leaving DOA, but I really think that he would have joined you guys if DOA didn't ask him beforehand.  He's been kind of unhappy with things for awhile, and I'm sure that he will be a great asset to you guys.  It kind of makes me sad that he's leaving, but I think it will be fun to play my brother and I think you guys should really let him in.  He's been playing on your server for a long time as well as DOA's, and I know that he is probably as good as many of you.  Please take this into consideration, and I only hope for the best for my brother.  Good luck Typo and have fun, remember that most importantly.

Flame / WTF DID I DO
« on: August 30, 2005, 01:52:42 PM »
You guys are right about them complaining and being annoying a lot.........

Graphics / check out my sig!
« on: August 30, 2005, 10:20:23 AM »
So Iceman is the one cowering behind his friend?  That was nice to say that about Ice Ice Baby.........

I like the sig also.  I would maybe just change the hue of the background so it would be blue..... but purple is cool in a Purple People Eater kind of way.

Flame / LAAZT1K420 has been banned from DOA.
« on: August 29, 2005, 09:55:55 AM »

Balthazar you are so sexy..... in a non-gay way of course.

I'm sure he was banned for much larger reasons, having to deal with his new found prominence of a member in your clan, but still, I'm glad to hear it.

What do you mean by that Iceman?

BTW..... I had nothing to do with it.  *Whistles innocently*

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