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Media / Re: My Barn Building Project.
« on: October 06, 2008, 09:58:21 AM »
Just made it up as I went along, nothing was pre made, nothing was in writing. The stall bars are nothing but cut Elec. tubing (that you put wire in) and they are held in place by 2x2s that I drilled 1" holes in to hold the bars, then all that is just screwed onto the front of the stall/doors.

Media / Re: Awesome fight vids on youtube
« on: October 06, 2008, 04:05:47 AM »
I hope Kimbo was wearing a cup, because when that guy went down on him he gave him a full force knee right to the balls...


Media / Re: My Barn Building Project.
« on: October 06, 2008, 02:51:11 AM »
I have no reason to bullshit that I did the barn alone. You thinking I did have help can only make me think I did a hell of a job and it looks good, with that I will thank you for the the comment.

Media / Re: My Barn Building Project.
« on: October 05, 2008, 06:56:18 PM »
Well one side all done, the floor is level (dirt, 20 DAMN yards of dirt I should add), outlets and full power is hooked upped. Also take notice that the top header has been cleaned (bleached), that is what happens when it take so long to finish a wood project down here in Florida.



EDIT... here is another, just somewhat of a close up of one of the stalls.


BF 1942 / Re: Stat's
« on: October 05, 2008, 06:29:05 PM »
I don't care about them. It all started back when just to challenge other MAFIA to beat my stats (to get them playing the server again). And for some reason 50 likes to keep track of mine.

BF 1942 / Re: Stat's
« on: October 05, 2008, 03:06:28 PM »

And it only took 6 weeks after I stopped using my old name ;)

General / Re: Dying
« on: October 05, 2008, 03:48:14 AM »
The part of bleeding doesn't hurt, it is what made you bleed in the 1st place that is what gives you the pain. But after the cut, that pain is somewhat gone... Nerve endings are destroyed at the cut site and have to repair themselves.

Bleeding out would be the easiest way of death, you would just go to sleep because your brain would not be getting the O2 (somewhat of a Brain Stroke with out the block of a Artery) needed to stay active.

Ever give a pint of blood and feel dizzy or maybe even faint? Well same thing, you faint, but just wont wake up when bleeding out.

Lack of blood would be the easiest way to die.

But I think you all are forgetting one major thing about the "pain"... Everyone talks about the "Hurt" that death of one way or the other could give. Isn't the feeling of pain nothing but remembering that pain? Well, who knows if you would ever remember the pain you "had" at the time of death.

Dieing happens, it happens to everyone and is part of our life cycle, I do believe we all (all living things) have a natural defense programmed into us to deal with that time of death when the time comes. OUR biggest problem of death, is the unknown, what happens, is it all over, do we go somewhere else, are we born again, do we see our Maker and so on.

Live your life the best you can, follow the rules of life that are giving (by who ever you believe has given them) and enjoy your time on this Earth the best you can. You WILL die, we all do and when that time comes only then will YOU know how it feels and what happens after. Life is just to short to worry about death it will come sooner or later and only then will YOU know what happens after.

I have more on this subject, but I think I have given my part for now.

EDIT... Let me add, you will have to take my word on this or maybe the older people will post. The older you get the easier it is to except the Death of yourself. I can remember being a teenager/in my 20s fearing Death (how many of you can think before 10 years old of fearing death? Didn't happen for me, maybe again part of the life cycle), but the older I get the the easier it is to except that one day it will happen. Don't get me wrong, I do not want to Die, but for some reason the older I get my curiosity of "what is next" takes over for the fear of dieing... Maybe part of the life process of death itself? Who knows.

BF 1942 / Re: Stat's
« on: October 04, 2008, 03:49:04 PM »
only 300 more and my e-cock will be half an inch longer.

Maybe I'll wear The tag for a few games ;)

yes I am joking.

Spam / Re: awampfox!
« on: October 03, 2008, 04:11:11 PM »
I guess I wasn't to far off, you know him... Like I said when I seen the show Big! he made me think of you. Who knows maybe the photo I seen wasn't even you.

Spam / Re: awampfox!
« on: October 03, 2008, 04:35:07 AM »
I was watching the show "Big!" and they were building the worlds largest Electric Guitar and Seymour Duncan was on the show, I couldn't help from thinking "Is that Swamp?" (from the only photo I have seen of Swamp)

Seymour Duncan

Games / Re: Grid
« on: October 01, 2008, 10:13:42 AM »

BF 1942 / Re: I'm down 4 now !!!
« on: October 01, 2008, 09:59:38 AM »
Submerge it into a bath of soapy water over night.  Make sure it's plugged is as the electrons attract the anionic surfactants to facilitate the separation process.

You are almost right, soak in Salt water for 24hrs, that will "facilitate the separation process"

BF 1942 / Re: I'm down 4 now !!!
« on: October 01, 2008, 06:54:39 AM »
??? Pull up on the little handle, see pic...

Or if no handle, push down on the center of the strap and release from the holding tab, see pic.

NOTE... If you have done one or the other to remove and it still doesn't come off (because it wont separate from the CPU), it is because of the thermal compound sticking to the cpu and or the heat sink. You will need to get something very thin (razor blade) and slowly work it under the heat sink to try and break the bond from the cpu.

Flame / Re: cp is a faggot
« on: September 30, 2008, 07:35:07 PM »
what? me? uh ok...

Now where in the hell did you get that from, from what I typed above? I was talking about the kids out there that think they are putting something over on others because they are looking at computer screen and not in person.

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