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Messages - HaVoK

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Flame / Re: Banned
« on: March 27, 2008, 07:43:23 AM »
MOFIA being in glitches?  NO WAY.

I don't know the last time I didn't see him glitch.

Congrats Masse Killer on being made fun of.  Dutch.

Media / Re: GI Joe
« on: March 27, 2008, 07:40:22 AM »
I think those resemble Barbie's a little too closely.

I prefer these.

(This is part of MY collection also)

General / Re: .45, what one do you like?
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:03:47 PM »
I think I would prefer a 6 shooter.  Just because it would make me feel like a cowboy.

But I agree with Dune, I would go with the wood handle.

Help / Re: 2 monitors
« on: March 26, 2008, 03:24:20 PM »

You could also see about a 2nd monitor by looking at display properties and then Settings.

Media / Re: LOL poor Vista
« on: March 26, 2008, 03:21:19 PM »
I never had problems with vista.

Do you want to accept this comment?  Yes or no.

Vista asks you stuff like that every 20 seconds.

This program is trying to run after you clicked run.  Are you sure you want it to run?  YES ALREADY.

Flame / Re: noobs
« on: March 20, 2008, 08:37:34 PM »
You're a fat lazy retarded monkey on steroids with the intelligence of a stoned rock.  Furthermore, your Mom is dead due to HIV and your Dad died of smoking weed.  You're also about as fat as Jupiter but then again maybe even fatter.  Sorry, did I insult your retarded feelings?

Stay in school.

Join / Re: HaVoK
« on: March 17, 2008, 05:14:36 PM »
For one, I didnt get fired from the security job 2 years ago,I quit.

Oh yeah I forgot, you quit when she caught you sleeping and said she was going to fire you.

2.Can you airbrush,play the piano,surf 10+ft waves with ease...I didnt think so face it,you are just a waste of space and should of been spit out in the ally way you were concieved in .

I can play any saxophone, clarinet, some piano, and percussion.  I have also worked as a grade-3 machinist in a shop before.  I can write different programs in multiple languages as well as do different graphic design work on a computer.  I also know how to ski and snowboard.  Can you say all that and more?

I am resting today for I've been working lots ( in the Hawiian mountains on ATV's ) 3. Higher education and money doesnt bring happiness. Happiness is what you make of your life not how much you make. I am completely happy making 11$ an hour (plus a min of 40$ a day in tips)  because I love my job. I love this place,  love to surf, those things dont cost money. If you think that going to college and getting a "higher education" and working after that in some great paying job is going to make you happy then so be it. I will be right here in paradise barley getting by but loving my life.

I never said money brought happiness.  I’m a student and am happy and I don’t have any money right now at all.  I do know however that having a family and friends is something that brings joy to me and being there for them physically and financially will be something that I will do.  Can you say that?

pwnt, and once again...Fuck you we dont want fags like you in the clan so you and Wasser can go hug trees.

Never said I wanted to join…. I just feel sorry for your son.  It’s sad that his dad is such a pathetic loser.  Why don't you just go and run away.  I mean, you're sure good at doing that.  Have a nice night, I’m going to enjoy it.

Hi Laaz.

Join / Re: HaVoK
« on: March 17, 2008, 10:29:59 AM »

You think I hate my life. I live In Hawaii, Surf all day, ride ATV's in the mountains and am free of my fucking wife and kids. This is the life for me. I dont feel guilty about leaving them at all. I'm actually quite happy and comfortable with my life.
If anyone here has "Low self esteem" is has it has to be you. I know you've seen pictures of what I look like and they must make you sick because your a pastey white scrawney ugly little boy that will never have even half the talent I have.

We didnt want you in the clan anyway you cockin quitter so this is pretty much pointless.

Fuck you.

This is probably the saddest thing I have ever seen.  I do wish I had as much talent as you....  it has to have been pretty hard to get fired from a security guard job because you can't even get into any sort of higher education and to have never done anything important in your life besides have a kid, who you basically have disowned in your last statement.

You know what though, I'll be having fun the rest of my life like I am now.  Happy with a family, friends, and money that comes with going to college and not having to work after the age of 60.

If your life is so great and awesome in Hawaii, then why are you even inside on your computer?  I would be out in the sun spending time with friends and everyone else..... oh wait I'm sure your friends in class at high school aren't they.

Join / Re: HaVoK
« on: March 16, 2008, 04:46:32 AM »
What the hell did I do this time? You remind me of this guy in my government class who used to be really ripped and muscley, but he acted like a total douche because he took steroids. He stopped, and now he's overweight and has a shrivelled penis, so I'm told.

Actually, it also reminds me of a menstruating woman, only your period seems to last longer.

Pretty much why I'm not going to join.  I'm not going to listen to a half-wit who can't even do something easy like raise his kid properly.  Damn, if my dad moved away from my mom and myself and went off to another island where he can act like he's 15 again and hang out with those young people, I'd disown that dumb motherfucker.  He doesn't do shit around here and still is here which is very odd.  Then again when you have low self-esteem and hate your life (which is more then obvious) you have to take out your frustrations somewhere.  Oh well, I guess I'll just wait until he bites the dust.

Thanks anyways Maggot, Hell, and others........ .

Help / Re: WTF Battlefield
« on: March 11, 2008, 06:12:24 PM »
Bocage does that to everyone because something is screwed up on it..... hope you didn't have to reinstall to find that out.

Join / Re: I "peppper," would like to join *MAFIA*
« on: March 08, 2008, 10:54:28 AM »
hmmm, you can go fuck yourself you nigger fucking cunt.  I hope you choke on a fat babies cock you dumb nigger.  Man you are such a piece of shit.  I tell you this, I really hope that when you finally find the man you are looking for that he has a huge cock and totally ripes your asshole apart that you won't be able to shit right for months you dumb nigger. So lisen up you cock face wanna be bitch fuck ur self and die in some fucking gangbang with a shot to the ass becasue u couldent provide.

Lisen up becasue u couldent take this if you try.  I totally ripes your asshole apart.

BTW.... did I mention that I OWN you?

Sit down son.  This are screenshots of times that you actually stayed the whole time also and didn't leave.  Does your butt hurt?


Spam / Re: NekosForever + IISFRIIKnight
« on: March 06, 2008, 05:43:28 PM »
ROOT BAN both.

Haven't seen that in forever.

General / Re: Happy Birthday Ransom !!
« on: March 06, 2008, 02:59:24 PM »
Happy Birthday Ransom!  I'm going to eat all of your cake.  :)

Media / Re: LOL so OWNED
« on: March 06, 2008, 09:07:02 AM »
That is definitely a good one.  I like how her body twitches at the end.

Spam / Re: NekosForever + IISFRIIKnight
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:04:24 PM »
i mean like 100ish score in total sometimes 300 never looked at kills...

Dude, you're so good.  You got my vote.  You're in.

Congratulation s and welcome to *MAFIA*.  Please change your name and tell everyone on the server to respect your authorita (yes, I spelled it like Cartman says).

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