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Messages - neocracka

Pages: [1]
General / Goolge Ad's?
« on: June 03, 2006, 10:08:16 AM »
Yes, they can signup for there own google adsense account. But I would help bring alot of profit to mafia with other websites my google ad's are displayed on. I would in return bring more ppl to the mafia site that might play the same games as mafia and help create more registered users for mafia on the forums. This could populate mafia really well. Always having more visitors for a site is a plus. I mean would you rather be making some money thru your own google adsense account or double or tripple what you would make regular thru it? I would rather make more money. And this isnt just a one time thing, like one payment and im done with you guys. This is numerous payments for aslong as you can keep my google ads displayed on your site.

General / Goolge Ad's?
« on: June 03, 2006, 07:10:23 AM »
Mafia could be looking at as much as 100-500/month profit. Anywhere in there. Or as close to maybe 1,000/month. Im just giving numbers off the top of my head. As I had said, I would split 50/50 profit with you guys. So owners or clan leaders of mafia would have access to my google adsense account to check daily or weekly or once a month. The way it would work is, I would have goolge direct deposit into my bank account, transfer the money into my paypal account, the money that mafia would get which would be half. And then transfer the money into who's ever paypal acct, or i could send a secured post office money order, which you can cash at a post office or currency exchange.

General / Goolge Ad's?
« on: June 02, 2006, 05:25:24 PM »
Actually, if you click on google ad's yourself 100 times, they will not credit you if the notice your ip and dns has been clicking on the google ad's mad style. Dude, trust me, I have a google adsense account and I did it once, I watched how many clicks and how much money was coming in. It registered every clicked but blocked my dns from clicking on the ad's and getting paid for them. But the clicks still counted. By letting me display my google ad's on your website+forums I will split the profits I make from you guys 50/50 and help bring in more ppl to your forums to join and make posts. If you goto http://www.icthacks.com and see how many people they have registered there, its well over 9500 people. I can get a good half of them to come on over to mafiaowns.com and register and make your website more popular. Im not a bullshitter and I will share my login access info for my google adsense account with the owners of mafia. You can get our own google adsense account and place your own ad's on the site+forums and have ppl click them like 50-100 times a day and see how much money you guys bring in, before you know it, they will close out your account and not fund you any money, they might also file a class action 1 lawsuit against you for click fraud because they can easily detect when its considered click fraud. They can even know where a user comes from to get to mafiaowns.com, for instance, if Im on another site and someone tells me about mafiaowns.com and tells me to  click on the google ad's and I do, google will know how long I was on your page for to just click on your ad's. If I click on them right away while visiting your site, they will know. They will even know when I get off another site and go straight to mafiaowns.com. If im on google.com or yahoo.com and go directly from there site to your site, they can findout. Dude, your talking about google, they are in the fortune 500 company and pull in more income then microsoft and walmart do. You can google this and findout how big they are before you go and repost something you think there tos says but doesnt.

General / Goolge Ad's?
« on: June 02, 2006, 01:41:40 PM »
Thanks man.

General / Goolge Ad's?
« on: June 02, 2006, 12:59:48 PM »
They could easily get all the money, and get away with clicking alot, with the excuse, "well we have a lot of members..." So there is no point with them doing it.

Are you talking about mafia getting away with clicking google ad's alot? Goolge wont fall for anything with the same ppl just clicking everyday on the ad's. Read there tos and you will understand everything before you go and open your mouth up with such a stupid reply.

General / Google Ad's
« on: June 02, 2006, 11:12:30 AM »
Look, you can all sign up and get a google adsense account for free yourselves. But they monitor by your dns not by ip. The only way you make so much is where the location of the person is at and who the company is your clicking on. If you have 500 ppl click on the ad like 100 times/month or even week, they will quickly shut down your acct and not even pay you. The key trick is, maybe 8-10 clicks a month per person, but space them out. So like 2 clicks a week and then your set. See, but I run google ad's on a major hacking website myself http://www.icthacks.com and http://www.chasebadkids.net which is a myspace tutorial website. We litterally make 2,000/week in google ad's money and I split my profit 50/50 with the owner, same as icthacks.com. By letting me place my google ad's on your website+forums, I will have all 9,586 members from icthacks.com and the 86,000 ppl or more that visit chasebadkids.n et daily come to your site and click the google ad's. This in return will make alot of profit. Now, for whoever owns mafia and wants to be apart of this money making project, please reply back with a serious answer or shoot a email over to fragtech@gmail.com about it. Now, im not saying that any of the members in mafia cant open up there own google ad's acct's, but if google catches you having users fraudently clicking on these ad's just to make profit in which they will catch you because they have alot of technology based on these ad's to detect click fraud. They will remove your acct and not even pay you and might file a class action 1 lawsuit against you. But if you wanna test it out, please read there tos. And btw, im not trying to bullshit any of you guys or rip you guys out of anything. Im simply asking you if you want to make some more money. Back in december with my friend who owns chasebadkids.n et, we had 126,000 ppl on his website and myspace all at once, how did we know this. We had a stat counter and it told us how many were on at one time. We made 11,000 dollars in one day on google ad's money before they removed my acct and then let me sign back up. I was able to retrieve that money because what I was doing was legal, myspace was pissed at how we were doing it and sent in a notification into google adsense development project team and someone from google adsense made the mistake of closing my account out, I didnt violate there tos and I had proof and I emailed google adsense to file a class action 1 lawsuit against them in my state and they quickly reopened my account and reinstated me with everything I had in there. I will give the owner of mafiaowns.com my email + password to access my google ad's acct whenever he/she wants to, to check out how much is in there.

General / Goolge Ad's?
« on: June 01, 2006, 10:27:04 PM »
hey, I was wondering if perhaps the "admins" + "owners" of mafiaowns.com would like to intergrate google ad's onto the site+forums and like to make a 50/50 profit from them. I dont know if you know but you can make anywhere from 0.10 - 5.00 a click per person. Let's just say you have 1,000 ppl click on them in a week or month, You could seriously probally make anywhere from 500-2000 dollars depending on the users location and the ad displayed! Im willing to give up 50/50 on this because I need some new sites to host goolge ads on to make more profit. And also because i think mafia would like some more money for other stuff. For instance, maybe to help pay a server bill off or 2 or to get your very own dedicated server and run servers from it or get a better web hosting package yourself or various other things. If anyone at mafia is interested, maybe you could make a poll system, let it run for a few days and see what votes come up or if your really into this. Disperse a email to fragtech@gmail.com stating what you like and want out of this to make it work!

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