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Messages - Koekiemonster

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Help / Building a Computer
« on: October 20, 2006, 07:49:21 AM »
$ 4000 US Dollars?? You must be crazy Kraut. Over here in Holland, if you where to buy the best stuff available on the market in parts and put it together yourself. You wouldn't need anywhere near that amount of money man.

Spam / Test
« on: August 19, 2006, 06:41:55 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Balthazar
Script Kiddie's piss me off, this little niblet needs to be beaten with a rusty shovel and left bleeding in the moonlight.
Nice one

Flame / assholes
« on: August 17, 2006, 11:52:03 PM »
Quote from: Tha Westside
OK koekie u dont think im 18+ ha??

i wasn't sure if you wher talking to me thou=P
But if you wher im 26,"N" i am sorry if u didn't talk to me didn't read the firstpage=)
My computer is a son of a

Fucking retard!!

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 17, 2006, 11:05:46 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
I think you are mistaken here Koekie. I never mentioned Hell in any post. And to make a statement about aliens and monkies creating our race seems moronic to me. I can't help that I am direct when I hear/read something that seems totaly obsurd to me. Thats where that statment came from. I thought we were talking about the universe. That is where my post came from. Its not all about religion, just my point of view on the creation of the Universe. I am trying to stay at least close to on topic. And you are right you don't know me. I have reserved my coments as to my religious beliefs on the afterlife and how to live your life.

First of all, yes you did mentioned me going to hell and you are not, and thereby saying you are better than me right here:
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
Lets just say that if me, beete, gio and Chris are wrong then we all end up in the same place after we die.  In the grave.  But by our account if we are right then we end up in heaven and well non-believers end up not so happy.  :)

Further more, you believe stuff because of the way you interped things that happen around you. That doesn't mean you are right and I am wrong, or vise versa for that matter, it is just the way you experience this. And i really don't like this respectles additude you have against non believers. I do not respect you any less because you are a believer, but you don't seem to have any respect for what non believers believe, since you say they all will perish and go to hell. Explain to me how this behaviour makes you a better man then me Lightning :|

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 16, 2006, 11:18:05 PM »
Beetle, I agree that I don't know Lightning well enough to be absolutely sure, but I see no posts by him that proove me otherwise, and him telling me I am a moron, and that I will perish and go to hell, like he did in post 130, isn't really helping to convice me he is living his life like a real Christian. Anyways, I don't realy care either, no hard feelings. And yes I also have said what I wanted to say, so I have nothing further at this point.

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:00:51 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* ChrisDaKilla
yeah that means that if you believe in jesus, (meaning that you have faith in him and do god's will, not just say oh i believe and jesus and there) then you will get eternal life.
That's exactly what I ment, it's not just believing. It's about doing God's will, and believing that it is the right way to live, to take his examples and if you need to, you sacrifice your son for the greater cause like he did etc ... How many of todays Christan's can say they are treuly the followers of God, and that their one and only goal in live is to serve his will, I bett not even 5%. Most people these days just say they believe, so they can be sure of an afterlive, they think. They don't even go to church on sundays anymore. This is not the way it was ment to be. You either treuly "believe" like Chris was saying, or you just don't believe at all.

Quote from: *Mafia*Lightning
Well my bible says it was all created in 6 days. If you want a bible debate just ask I can help. I spent many years in school refining what I believe instead of the propoganda that the Govt. told me I needed to learn. You may wanna break out a Bible, I think you should try KJV very easy to read and read the first book its called Genesis. It explains a lot. There are many forshadows of the trinity, the idea of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Verse 1 creation of the universe and man. Verse 7 tells about how the flood and how this created the first rains. Before this there was no storms or rain. Just dew in the morning. Verse 11 tells about the seperation and how god eventually created numerious races as a punishment to man. Even Verse 16 talks about the creation of the crazy Muslim sect that we refer to as Al-Quida. And I can go on and on. But hey this was written thousands of years ago how can they predict the rise of Christian haters.

I know these verses about the creation of everything, it is just that I don't believe one word of them. There is nothing special about them, I myself could have come up with something like that for people to believe in. There is no sence in debating the Bible with me Lightning, you believe it and I don't. Also, the stuff you are referring to are just some events that presumably happened by the one who wrote them down, it has totally nothing to do with the essence of being a true Christian. As I said before, I don't think you understand what is ment by "BELIEVING" in God. It is not about reading up on stuff from the Bible, it is about accually executing these believes in your live. You are making a big mistake, thinking you will end up in heaven by just saying that you believe and that the Bible is right. It is not ment to be that easy.

Now then Beetle, do you still wanna tell me that I don't understand?? :)

Quote from: *Mafia* Wasserfaller
that's a subtlety that's often overlooked i think...whenev er i see a picture of jesus, he's always white. If he came from the middle east, i bet he'd be a hairy dark-skinned man, not some aryan blonde that he is often depicted to be. Just something that's bothered me for a while...
Don't forget that it says in the Bible, he is the son of God, so he is not really from the middle-east!!

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 15, 2006, 02:44:17 AM »
Quote from:  Koekiemonster
Or maybe these aliens where just very horny as they flew by our planet and desided to come down to fuck a few monkeys and created our rass in the process :D ...

Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
Well this makes you sound like a complete moron.  Lets just leave it at this.  Lets just say that if me, beete, gio and Chris are wrong then we all end up in the same place after we die.  In the grave.  But by our account if we are right then we end up in heaven and well non-believers end up not so happy.  :)
Well first of all, I wasn't really being serious when I mentioned the "alien fucking monkeys" thing. That is why I putt the brigging smiley at the end of the sentence. And the fact that you appear not to have known or understand this, makes you pretty much the complete MORON here :D. Anyways, to me it is still a far better explenation as to how the human rass came to be, apposed to that we were created by God in one day.

Quote from:  *Mafia* Lightning
John 3:16 (New International Version)
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Trust me, what is ment here with "believing in Jesus" is a totally and completely different thing than the way YOU believe in Jesus!! How do I know?? Read the above, you are a complete moron and not capable of understanding this haha ...

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 14, 2006, 03:45:13 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* giothermal
I only ask because i want to know what these people think. what is their reasoning. i know what i believe. but those who dont i wonder. With so much proof that their is a god what is it that makes them believe otherwise.
This is easy. I understand that you believe in the existance of a single God and the event written in the Bible about Christ a.o, and I respect that. How can I not, people have been believing this for about 2000 years now. But before this time period, there were a whole lot of other believes and understandings of this world we live in. So I think since we now in the past 2000 years have developed a much better understanding of our place in this Universe, it is time for a change again!!

Quote from:  *Mafia* Beetlejuice
I was once in your shoes so I know exactly what you're saying when you talk about "proof." Its so much easier to be on your side and disprove the Bible than it is to be on mine and try to prove it. But that's the good thing, its not my job to try to prove stories to you - I just tell you the truth and pray for you, and the rest is up to you and God. There are many historical documents that we consider to be "proof," or facts, of real events that happened. How do we know they are real - just because people wrote about them and we read it and believe it to be true. Nobody ever really questions a history book, do they?
Accually, I do question history books, all of them. You see, you have to take in mind that these stories were maybe written down by people who were allready confinced of the existance of God, or maybe people that were trying to promote this believe by blowing up or changing the story, or even making up the whole event. You can never be sure with what intent these stories were written down. This is why I will never take these scriptures for facts.

Quote from:  *Mafia* Krautkiller
What if aliens came to Earth and did gene splicing on the Cro-Magnon, since we can create mutations in other species, maybe another species mutated us, making it so that our skulls and body stances changed? That sounds more reasonable actually.
Or maybe these aliens where just very horny as they flew by our planet and desided to come down to fuck a few monkeys and created our rass in the process :D  ...

Games / Counter-Strike
« on: August 14, 2006, 02:53:49 AM »
Quote from: '[TBD
General Patton']my name on CS is anti campin carl
Smart move General Butthead, now everybody knows who to go after in CS hahaha ...

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 11, 2006, 01:58:25 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
So did you just make that up about what happens when we die or were you inspired by something?  I'm just curious.  Anyway, We do know about God, not everything because we just cannot comprehend it, but we know enough.  Read the Bible and you will learn more.  As far as our universe lying in another place - that doesn't really make sense - our universe lies right where it is, which is here, wherever we are in terms of space.   And no, he's not sitting at a table with "fellow gods."
Well accually I have thought about this stuff alot and I hade long discussions with friends about it, also in the past when I was still going to churh. It is all very simple, no heaven, no hell. When you die, then that's it, you are dead. Only that energie within you, your chi, your soul, that stuff you need your 6st sence for to understand (call it what you want) survives. It also lives on in the lives of the people you leave behind and impressions you made etc ... you changed that Global/Universal energie a little bit. Anyway that is how I like to see it ;)

Quote from:  *MAFIA* KrautKiller
What if our universe is actually the body of someone, and we are the cells of his body? That might explain god
I don't think this is all that stupid haha, think about it. Your body, or anything else for that matter, is made of molecules wich in there turn are made of atoms and there protons, neutrons and electrons, wich circel around an induvidual atom kinda like a "small Gallaxy"!! (And there are even tinier particals for that matter, but we have no proof of that jet). Now think of this "small Gallaxy" as our Gallaxy and look into outerspace and see all the other Gallaxies ... if all these Gallaxies where to be molecules then we indead would be part of something else. And that something else inturn, would also be part of something even bigger etc ... see, it is not at all impossible, it's pretty far fetched but far from impossible!!

Quote from:  *MAFIA* giothermal
i meant it more in a sense of humor than serious. But seriously then i believe people dont believe in god because..... i dont know somebody tell me why not.
I think you are looking at it the wrong way Gio. You ask yourself why some people DO NOT believe in God as if it were the trueth. I say to that, why DO you believe in God or in anything else for that matter. You infact are the one who has chosen to believe in something, therefor you are the one that should be able to explaine why you believe. Not the people that do not believe in God. :|

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 10, 2006, 02:24:34 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Phantom
sorry to barge in but I thought this was kind of a neat-O concept.

What if death and being unborn are the same?  I mean...what do you remember before you were born?  Nothing obviously, you were technically non existent, then you were born and you exist.  Then you die...so do you just go back into being non existent again?  It arises quite a few other questions but I just wanted to type this up to give everyone some ideas.
It is unbelieveable but I agree with you Phanty. The way I see it, is that we are all part of this world and it's energie. The way we live our life influance our induvidual energie in a good or bad way, depending on how we live. Then when we die, this induvidual energie becomes again part of the Global/Unversal energie, witch changes a fraction because of that. Than when someone is born, that someone is born with a part of this Global/Universal energie etc ... so, that kinda is like reincarnation.

Quote from:  *Mafia* Beetlejuice
To answer your "highly evolved Alien species" quesion, I'm assuming that these aliens you speak of live in the universe, and not in heaven with God, no matter how much they are "more of his kind." You see, God created the universe. But before He did that, He was just existing, and time had no meaning, no relation to Him. So, time began when God created the universe.
So, accually we don't know very much about our God. So anything could be true. If he created the Universe, than maybe our Universe lies/existst inside another place. This place is the "World" God lives in. And he is sitting at a table with his friends (fellow Gods: Allah, Arieus, Zeus and a few others), he throws the dice on the table and looks down to make his move, because he is playing a boardgame called "The Rise and Fall of the Universe"... ;)

Oh and again, Kraut you say the Evolution Theory has been rejected, how come??

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 09, 2006, 04:29:35 PM »
Wow Kraut, that's a triple post without accually spamming, nicely done haha ;) Also Kraut, you say the Evolution theory has been rejected, how so??

btw nobody has answered my question jet, somebody who believes in the existance of a God, explaine to me:

If the Earth/Universe was created by a God, where did this God then come from, and could it be that he is a highly evolved Alien spiecies, and that there are more of his kind, and also why not??

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 09, 2006, 03:00:02 PM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Lightning
Maybe these things really did happen but society has watered  them down so much and told you that its not possible that now you believe it.  All I can do is hope one day you get to experience a miracle my friend.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these things couldn't have happened, they could very well have taken place. I just think that maybe it doesn't nesseserely have to do with believing in God, as just in believing in something period. The mind is a powerfull thing you know. And back in the days people lived instinctively and where much more spiritual and in touch with themselves then we are now. And the believe in a God was much more "hardcore" than it is now. That way they were probably capable of miracles that size. I just think that the believe in a God is just one of many ways you could make unbelieveable things happen. I think it is just about setting your mind to it, and believing and wanting it so much that indead it really happends. Anyway that is the way I feel.

If I hade to explaine God, I would say that it is the energie in everything and in all of us, the way we can interact with eachother, the chemical reactions in this energie wich make us feel alive. This energie we can use to make things happen, that is what I would call God. The idea of it being a person just doesn't do it for me, sorry. I wish I hade experienced something like the miracles you talked about, then I could maybe understand it better than I do now.

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 09, 2006, 02:15:07 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
I think Gio was saying was that he agrees with Lightning when he said that the way the world/universe works, how everything interacts, is just too perfect to be "random," and that it must have a creator.  Proof that there really is a God can be seen two ways, but they probably are not the ways that you are looking for:

I do not agree with you guys here, I don't see the World/Universe as too perfect. It only seems that way because it is "perfect" for us, but this seems logical to me, because our existance lies in this World/Universe, so it is logical that we fit in this part of the Universe nicely because we are part of it. Probably some other spiecies (life form) are not able to survive in our conditions but have a "perfect" homeplanet/World for them to live on, in a different part of the Universe.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a God hater, I was raised with the bible, don't remember halve of it anymore but okay, I do know what it is about. It is just that somewhere along the line I got interested for other explenaitions aswell. I now see the bible as tales about morals and valeus or "livelessons" and pretty good ones at that. But I don't see them as real live stories anymore.

The spiritual explenaition you give me Beetle I believe. But does that really have to do with God and Jesus, or with the way our minds work. I mean I believe you can do anything if you set your mind to it. And what these people experience is really incredible, but I believe you can also get these kind of results without a God to believe in, aslong as you do BELIEVE in something enough.

I agree, lets not make this a long debate about whos right, besides there are no rights and wrongs when it comes to this kinda stuff I think. I do however like to share thoughts on this subject. One guestion I have is: If the Earth was created by a God, where did this God then come from, and could it be that he is a highly evolved Alien spiecies, and that there are more of his kind??

General / Re: The universe
« on: August 08, 2006, 04:49:47 AM »
Quote from: *MAFIA* giothermal
I agree with lightning. too perfect.

What are you saying here Gio?? And Lightning, you talk about God haters and that they are trying to prove that their is no God, but what proof do you have that they are wrong and that there really is a God??

Quote from:  KaTaLySt
damn if i said that to a mafia im sure id be banned

Yes you would be banned haha :D

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