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Help / New Graphics Card
« on: June 03, 2012, 01:38:18 AM »
So, my video card is dying in my secondary gaming computer and I feel like replacing it since it either has no onboard or I have no idea how to activate it. My question: What is the highest video card (including SLi) that I could install that wouldn't bottle neck my CPU too badly? CPU = Intel Core Duo E8300 @ 2.83. Was thinking GTX 550/560 or one of the newer 6xxx AMDs.

Help / Microphone problems
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:34:55 PM »
I have the weirdest problem. Whenever I plug in my microphone, it works great; that is, until I plug in my headset/speakers. It then "overrides" the microphone port(?) and basically disables it until I take out the audio jack. I assume it has something to do with the mobo or the drivers as the headset/mic works on 4 other computers.

Games / Tribes: Ascend
« on: April 16, 2012, 10:44:13 PM »
Any of you play Tribes: Ascend, or am I the only faggot?

Help / headphone
« on: September 02, 2011, 07:24:25 PM »
If a laptop's speakers are faulty ( I guess they are ) can they short out headphones? My speakers work great without a headset in but if I put in the headset, an hour or two later I can't hear out of the left ear.

Games / Crysis 2 Demo
« on: March 02, 2011, 08:13:21 PM »
Anyone download it?
Quite frankly, I was horribly disappointed by it. I mean, I want my Dx10, not this crappy Dx9 that its apparently shipping with. Doesn't feel like the ass rape that Crysis 1 handed to my computer. Got a flat 60 Fps on every setting (Have no clue what the hell high is) @ 1680x1050. Also, "Press Start to Begin"/Aim Assistance/Simplified graphical options; I was offended.

Help / Military...
« on: November 22, 2010, 07:44:23 PM »
I was thinking about joining the military when I can so I figured its best to sort things out now...

1. Does the military actually pay your college, and if so, what parts of it, if all?
2. Are their language schools any good and what are the requirements to get in?
3. Is it worth it? Judging by the way of the economy, I'd figure recruitment rates to be high..

I've been told by a lot of my family that the military is all bullshit, but yet half of them hate America anyway. Also, I'm pretty proficient in Chinese, so would there be any chance of being stationed in, say, Taiwan, or Hong Kong, if stationed at all?

Help / Windows problem?
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:59:48 PM »
Not sure what to call this one..... Anyhow, whenever I start my computer, it automatically selects the first option on my dual boot, which pissed me off. When that windows finishes loading, it automatically selects (again) the first user, which further pisses me off. Upon start up everything seems fine, that is, until I attempt to open taskmanager via ctrl-alt-delete, which just logs me off and then back on. So then, I attempt to open it via the taskbar, and only get the window thing to close again, thus making me suspect a virus. So I decided to take the easy way out and reformat my harddrive, but instead find out I can't do this either. I then precede to restart and access the boot menu only to find out this picks what one it wants to (and no, this isn't my keyboard or some shit). So, this being said, does anyone have a clue to what this is, or a way to fix this? I went over this with my brothers (Computer Engineer/Server supervisor for some bank and codes software) and they had no clue. Might just buy a new harddrive and install there.

Help / Dual boot problem
« on: June 09, 2010, 01:47:07 PM »
I recently obtained a second hard drive, so I decided to put a back up copy of windows on it. When I installed it, it seemed to *over ride* my windows 7 install, so now I cant start the computer with windows 7. Weird part is, I do not have that boot up screen asking to select the OS you wish to run....

Help / New laptop
« on: May 19, 2010, 08:00:13 PM »
I was wondering what laptop I should get seeing as I need it for school. I thought maybe this could be a buy for me, but I only have $400 USD. Would it be worth it to get an extra $200 USD for it, or should I look elsewhere?

Help / DNS not responding
« on: April 23, 2010, 03:43:47 PM »
Anyone know how to fix "Device or resource (DNS Server) is not responding." from Troubleshooter on Windows 7? I keep getting a 2Mbp/s download rate when I'm supposed to have 20Mbp/s, and when I troubleshoot, I get that. Even did ipconfig and all other things of sort.

Join / Join
« on: November 15, 2009, 03:46:27 PM »
Hey, I'm wishing to join *MAFIA* as some of you may know.

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