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Topics - *MAFIA* Jim2102

Pages: [1]
Media / 1942 *MAFIA* vid
« on: March 07, 2017, 06:55:34 PM »
Since the 1942 server is back up, I made a vid showcasing the server sided mods on *MAFIA*, as well as some kills and random stuff I recorded. Tell me what you guys think! Btw, sorry if the quality looks bad in some parts on the vid (especially Berlin & Bocage), I actually recorded and rendered the vid in lossless quality, but when you upload to YouTube, it compresses the vid, not much I can do about it :/

But hope you guys enjoy it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NFeqiyjRJA

BF 1942 / I want to pay for the MAFIA BF1942 server
« on: February 12, 2017, 09:10:51 PM »
Hi all! Since the forums went down again sadly, I decided just to make a new topic. I am willing to pay you guys via PayPal to host the *MAFIA* Battlefield 1942 server, just like Azurdos did a year ago. I really enjoyed playing on it at the time, and the server sided mods were the best. Ok, some info and a few questions:

I've decided to go with 15 server slots, that should be a good price, and if it gets popular, I will bump it up to say 20 slots

If I pay for it, will I get admin support? For example: Kick/ban players, change maps, etc?...

Thanks guys! I really look forward to playing on BF1942 MAFIA again!  :shoot:D

BF 1942 / Is the MAFIA server coming back?
« on: February 06, 2017, 04:04:34 PM »
Hi all! Was just wondering if the MAFIA No Rules Modded server was going to launch up again. I know that Azurdos payed to host it for a while in Dec 2015, and was very fun while it lasted, but it shutdown 1 month later :( Was just wondering because it's one of the best modded servers for Battlefield 1942, with no other servers like it

Help / Can someone delete this forum topic plz?
« on: February 18, 2016, 04:34:16 PM »
Can someone delete this forum topic?: http://www.mafiaowns.com/index.php?topic=16584.msg145223#new

It's getting annoying how Hellrasier keeps bullying me over the forum and I would really like to see it get deleted. If someone could do that, that would be great, thanks! :D

P.S. Hellraiser, if your reading this, then why are you saying all that mean stuff to me? I just wanted to know if MAFIA was still active and to see if I could join. I mean, if you didn't want me joining, you could have at least been nice about it

- Jim

Join / 2015 Can I join mafia?
« on: December 16, 2015, 08:17:33 PM »
Hello, can I join mafia? I have tried to join other Clans already and I haven't got in. So I was wondering if I could join here. I have played on your server with all the awesome mods, and its one of my fav servers.

- Jimmy

In game name: Jim2102
Location: Utah USA
Age: 15

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