« on: March 14, 2018, 08:57:36 PM »
I can recall getting my first desktop computer and playing BF1942. Logged in and the *MAFIA* server stood out to me. Was blown away by how "good" everyone was when I first connected to the server. Came to realize all the hacking and mods. Couldn't have gone back to playing it normally. Time went on, less players joined the servers and people transitioned to different games. I ended up moving to Xbox360 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Halo 3. Played with Maggot and Masebot quite a bit. Between BF1942 with the *MAFIA* crew, and Xbox360 with Maggot and Masebot, those were the best of times I had gaming. Almost got lost from the real world because of how much fun it was.
Came to realize I had to figure out what I wanted to do for college, a career, etc. Had to focus on other responsibiliti es and really cut back on the gaming. Thankfully got to where I am today. Very good memories. I built a new PC two years ago and still play a little here and there. Mostly BF1 now when I can. Seems like a few on here play it as well.