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Messages - Tim_@916

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News / Veterans Day
« on: November 11, 2010, 06:12:56 AM »
Thank you to all those military veterans who served. Stay Safe to those currently serving. And my condolences to the survivors of those that will not be returning.  My flag will fly proudly for you all !!!

News / Re: Anyone in LA see it?
« on: November 11, 2010, 05:44:42 AM »
I didn't see the item from Sacramento but got the same news burps you have here and the news said what Loaded said. The Pentagon (head of US NAVY & US Air Force) is saying they have no knowledge of missile testing or otherwise & claim no threat... yet.  But news stations confirm Loaded's three options of what happened.

I think North Korea needs a guidance system to be effective... remember their last missile test was little more than a SCUD.

I think Loaded's list # 2 or 3 are most likely. I also think US NAVY bases in San Diego and Hawaii are patrolling, and will prevent US homeland invasion so close to our shore.  The item had to come from Travis AFB or from the Catalina Islands and I hope US news reports will come out in a few days. That or some international incident/scandal will cover it up within the next few days.

California has the capability to sustain itself as it's own country, has more GNP than most US states and even more countries on the planet, but Manowar, Cali will not succeed from the union. We're not communist... you can tell by the unemployment rate.

SF Giants RULE!!!

Time will tell...

General / Re: Happy Bday Beatle
« on: September 23, 2010, 03:20:08 AM »
Happy Birhtday  Beatlejuice,
Be seein' ya in GOOD music later

News / Re: plane crash
« on: July 29, 2010, 10:54:52 PM »
The saddest part, I think, was watching parents, shown on the BBC, identify body parts of loved ones that were left after the crash.  Further on that side note, Job Opp ... Afgahani Airlines liability insurance claims reps needed ... 

News / Re: Collateral Murder
« on: July 29, 2010, 10:43:16 PM »
Because this things not over yet,  he should have had ethical personal conflict. I mean in Monowar's report, on page 3, the reporter sent out a blurb "there may have arms in the area" and I think he should have realized that he didn't have all the facts. Do you think many countries, including the US, have exit plans for this public opinion:
From Beatle's CNN -US report 
"The person alleged to be Manning wrote to Lamo: "i don't believe in good guys versus bad guys anymore... i only a plethora of states acting in self interest... with varying ethics and moral standards of course, but self-interest nonetheless ".
 Where can I pitch to give more candy for the soldiers to bond with the kids and families? I know three three guys in Afghanistan now and all are in the US Air force. Mabey send it to them and let them give it out as needed huh? I hope everyone you know and I know comes home safe.

General / Happy FATHER'S DAY to all the Dad's.
« on: June 20, 2010, 01:15:20 AM »
Happy FATHER'S DAY to all the Dad's.  I hope you all get the FATHER'S DAY that you hope for!

News / Re: The Afghanistan Coalition are rich.
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:09:46 PM »
Hopefully the newly discovered ore will replace the opium export & better the Afghani people. ARABS for joy program? - is this it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrczI9R7tJY&feature=related

News / Re: Taliban hang spy...
« on: June 14, 2010, 10:06:17 PM »
Nah its commitment. If we(U.S. , England, etc.) commit to chase the Taliban out of Afghanistan, Pakistan & everywhere else they run, then I think shit like this will happen less.

General / Re: Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
« on: June 06, 2010, 12:12:09 AM »
Easy to say Hellraiser if you got nothing' to lose. Leave the big decisions to the adults. Five years after The Tower bombings, tampon teabaggers like you said, "they" should do something. We found Saddam in a fucking hole and he was hanged in the Baghdad town square in 2006. Why sooooooo long?  Gazelle nut suckers like you wasted eight yrs on Clinton. Seventeen years later from The Tower bombings , Pakistan tries to bomb Times Square. You, or I, are not you in country, and you have forgotten, and you are worried about your girlfriends STDs. It is on my 18 year old son's generation that are going to say Fuck 'em, not your vote for Obama or your picketing for peace. 9/11 is now my son's issue... what have you got to lose? Happy B-Day H.

General / Memorial Day... fuck yes we should we be there ...
« on: May 29, 2010, 04:46:40 AM »
Americans have been hit. Fuck the world opinion. Who says we should get out?


General / Re: happy b-day titties
« on: May 23, 2010, 04:37:21 AM »
Happy B-Day Bro,
Always check their faverite tune first. You're my only living bro.
See ya tomorrow
Ya one eyed, purple speckled, goat fuck in', sheep preferin', 5 mile CA Turnpike walkin' ever forgiven' me....
See ya later G

Media / Re: Guess Who?
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:46:13 AM »
Naw that's a brandy not Coors he's belly balancing.... mabey Dune?

General / Any CA DMV cheats?
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:25:22 AM »
My son is taking the written test and I was looking for any CA "written test" answers/cheats.  He is going to test on Monday 1/25. I got a couple web sites that offer test questions but I was looking for that MAFIA advantage for him.

General / Re: Car Insurance Shit
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:18:49 AM »
Dune DA DA Fukin Dune,
 Haven't seen ya around fer awhile. I'll be in around 11:30 Cali time Sunday.  American football PLAYOFFs are on. Winner goes to the Superbowl. Big food spread & beers and all.  See ya then & we'll talk more if your in. Good Luck if not!

General / Re: Car Insurance Shit
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:54:09 PM »
The insurance Co is only liable to you for the value of the car.  In the US,  most companies use "Kelly Blue Book" to determine the value of a vehicle( web site is "kbb.com"). If the damage to the vehicle exceeds the value of the car, then your only legal recourse is to sue the driver for the difference.  To her Ins Co include ALL custom parts including stereo, speakers, seat covers, rims, tires, chrome engine parts, etc. Also include your physical pain on a scale of 1-10(1 being minimal pain). Without a lawyer, they should offer additional physical damage.  Then go to after the driver. These are US rules and suing for value exceeding the KBB + Custom Parts And Equipment value is rough. In every wreck there is a value for physical damage. In the US the ceiling to physical damage is the value listed on HER policy.  Often if you threaten to Lawyer-up the physical damage offer will increase. How good a friend is the gal?
She should offer you the excess!

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