Forum > BF 4

Who Ordered and what did you Order?

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*MAFIA* Malbert:
Not sure which one to order if any.
Regular, Digital or Premium? If you get Regular or digital you need to get Premium too? Premium is like an expansion?

*MAFIA* Beatlejuice:
I didn't order it or else I would tell you...  It seems like a mix of BF2 and BF3, not bad, but nothing special.

*MAFIA* TheSidneyGunman:
just bought digital and premium.... downloading now, no idea whether ill be able to play or not... also on that note, im moving to north carolina within the next month and a half, so i'll have decent internet again and can play with you guys....

*MAFIA* Beatlejuice:
Looking forward to it...

So is this game worth buying or not?


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