Forum > BF 4

Buggy BF4? Get a lawyer


*MAFIA* Beatlejuice:
handle it!

*MAFIA* Panchosrf:

That's why BF1 will always be number 1 and best out of the series... We didn't sue, we/they (modders) just changed it to the way we wanted it. The newer BFs all look like DC to me, just a bit (a little bit) better here and there.

...Just in case for you potheads.. BF1=BF1942.

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller:

--- Quote from: Loaded on December 27, 2013, 07:53:54 PM ---...Just in case for you potheads.. BF1=BF1942.

--- End quote ---
Thank you for the clarification Loaded. I, a pothead, would not have understood otherwise!


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