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Author Topic: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future  (Read 24669 times)


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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2017, 11:47:05 AM »

<.< I would leave it open but not my say. *MAFIA* is possibly the longest living battlefield clan. I been playing a lot of bf1 as of late.
I personally would hate to see *MAFIA* fade away. I got to know a great many of you and made some awesome memories. Like hoping on to Ventrilo hearing "lama sperm" again blackjax what you do on your own time...... LOL

Any ways, its hard to find clans like this any more out there, I got one or two old members on face book like Missa.
all the good memories, good times. most of the time playing though was like :shoot: and noobs  :zomg: and we be like  :danceroll:

Side note hope you all are doing well. been trying pop on a bit more lol


*MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2017, 07:39:52 PM »

I'd personally love to see the site keep going. I like checking in every now and then and there's a lot of memories here.  I don't have the time or desire to be in a full-time hardcore gaming clan, but I do like knowing I'm a part of a group of dudes who've played battlefield from the very beginning.  I'd happily contribute a few bucks a month to keep it up.  I wouldn't mind a facebook group to keep in closer touch with ya'll and I'd also be in favor of a move to discord over ventrilo if its free and better.

Like most of the rest of you, I've been pretty busy lately with work and side projects.  I recently moved to LA and I'm working in the music industry and doing sound design for films.

I do play BF1 whenever I get a chance and I wear the MAFIA tags. I also just bought an oculus rift and it's pretty fucking sick.

*MAFIA* MisfiT

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2017, 10:58:57 AM »

Just let me know what kind of $ we're looking at...I'll buy this site and keep it going. Hellraiser and I will be HEAD, And we'll finally ban Ricardo for life.

*MAFIA* Ricardo

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2017, 02:37:41 PM »

Just let me know what kind of $ we're looking at...I'll buy this site and keep it going. Hellraiser and I will be HEAD, And we'll finally ban Ricardo for life.

Seems legit  ;D

*MAFIA* Spitz

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2017, 12:19:41 AM »

Well this seems like the perfect time to login! Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!!! So after reading all the posts and catching myself up I would have to say the nostalgia behind the site and the vent is just too much for me to imagine it just going away. There are a lot of good ideas but as Misfit said if you get me an annual payment estimate I would gladly chip in. Just to catch you all up I am now an NCO (SSgt) in the Air Force for what just hit six years. I'm currently deployed in Jordan and since I am not involved in more than one class at a time do to tempo i have had a bit more time out here to play battlefield 1 and more games overall on certain days of the week.

I have been with this clan since I was 12 years old, and being that I'll be 28 in February that's a pretty darn long time and a lot of memories I would hate to part with. My oh my I still wonder what happened to my first crush *MAFIA* Missa... lol man the days of no worries for sure back then. I remember being told I had to wait until i was almost 14 to even wear our beloved tags!

What ever happened to Swampfox......    Anyway keep me posted!
Boo Yah

*MAFIA* Hellraiser

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2017, 02:47:25 PM »

Yeah I have no problem putting some cash in the pot as well.


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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2018, 08:24:04 AM »

Hell, even I come in once in awhile... If you close down I wont be able to get my fix. Keep it going.


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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2018, 11:13:08 PM »

Hell, even I come in once in awhile... If you close down I wont be able to get my fix. Keep it going.


"At some point in their lives, 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the dutch." ~The fact core, Portal 2.

*MAFIA* Manowar

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2018, 02:50:02 PM »

If only someone could write a book of our adventures and donate the proceeds the Mafia.  If only.....  :coolie:

Ultimate embarrassment, running into a wall with a boner and breaking your nose first.

*MAFIA* Beatlejuice

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2018, 05:30:26 PM »

We need Bonehead to remove her root ban...and "someone" to draw her back in...


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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2018, 11:14:49 AM »

I check the site every week. Not logged into my *MAFIA* account because I don't know my email to an old as fuck email address.

    I remember finding the mafia server. Just stood out to my lil boy eyes. That magical portal to modded bf42. Playing on that server only and talking trash. Then I did horrible mistake by going to the forum and making me look like a idoit 😢. Haha.
    I remember buying the hacks from you guys and never being to use them because Norton antivirus kept saying they are a virus.

    So I had to delete them. Not active on social media except instagram https://www.instagram.com/masebot/


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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2018, 11:27:49 AM »

The most fun I ever had playing games I had here.
Even tho wasn't in the clan for long I need to say I would hate to see all this go away
From the fear of thinking I'd get my computer hacked the second I visited this site to actually joining the clan being the youngest(?) clan member at the age of 12.
Good memories!
Long live *MAFIA*!  O0


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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2018, 08:57:36 PM »

I can recall getting my first desktop computer and playing BF1942. Logged in and the *MAFIA* server stood out to me. Was blown away by how "good" everyone was when I first connected to the server. Came to realize all the hacking and mods. Couldn't have gone back to playing it normally. Time went on, less players joined the servers and people transitioned to different games. I ended up moving to Xbox360 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Halo 3. Played with Maggot and Masebot quite a bit. Between BF1942 with the *MAFIA* crew, and Xbox360 with Maggot and Masebot, those were the best of times I had gaming. Almost got lost from the real world because of how much fun it was.

Came to realize I had to figure out what I wanted to do for college, a career, etc. Had to focus on other responsibiliti es and really cut back on the gaming. Thankfully got to where I am today. Very good memories. I built a new PC two years ago and still play a little here and there. Mostly BF1 now when I can. Seems like a few on here play it as well.

*MAFIA* Dune Surfer

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2018, 05:46:13 PM »

I think I played Battlefield since day one. I can't remember ever really getting involved on the Mafia Server or hearing of it for years. When I played hard! For the first time It was for a DC combat clan in 2001 when I was at college. I was studying media and writing a generic paper about the Columbine Massacre. My sexy tutor from New York at 9/11 disappeared all of a sudden. Everyone in my class got passes for just turning up and no-one asked any questions. So I had allot of time on my hands. I remember her being very provocative with leather knee high boots, red lip-stick and she made me feel like a child. To this day I do not know if shes alive or dead.

*MAFIA* Malbert

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Re: The State of *MAFIA*, and the Future
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2018, 05:53:39 PM »

I think I played Battlefield since day one. I can't remember ever really getting involved on the Mafia Server or hearing of it for years. When I played hard! For the first time It was for a DC combat clan in 2003 when I was at college. I was studying media and writing a generic paper about the Columbine Massacre. My sexy tutor from New York at 9/11 disappeared all of a sudden. Everyone in my class got passes for just turning up and no-one asked any questions. So I had allot of time on my hands. I remember her being very provocative with leather knee high boots, red lip-stick and she made me feel like a child. To this day I do not know if shes alive or dead.
sounds like a reddit.com/r/nosleep story

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